"use strict"; const { AddonTestUtils } = ChromeUtils.import( "resource://testing-common/AddonTestUtils.jsm" ); AddonTestUtils.init(this); add_task(async function() { let scriptUrl = Services.io.newFileURI(do_get_file("file_simple_script.js")).spec; let script1 = await ChromeUtils.compileScript(scriptUrl, {hasReturnValue: true}); let script2 = await ChromeUtils.compileScript(scriptUrl, {hasReturnValue: false}); equal(script1.url, scriptUrl, "Script URL is correct") equal(script2.url, scriptUrl, "Script URL is correct") equal(script1.hasReturnValue, true, "Script hasReturnValue property is correct") equal(script2.hasReturnValue, false, "Script hasReturnValue property is correct") // Test return-value version. let sandbox1 = Cu.Sandbox("http://example.com"); let sandbox2 = Cu.Sandbox("http://example.org"); let obj = script1.executeInGlobal(sandbox1); equal(Cu.getObjectPrincipal(obj).origin, "http://example.com", "Return value origin is correct"); equal(obj.foo, "\u00ae", "Return value has the correct charset"); obj = script1.executeInGlobal(sandbox2); equal(Cu.getObjectPrincipal(obj).origin, "http://example.org", "Return value origin is correct"); equal(obj.foo, "\u00ae", "Return value has the correct charset"); // Test no-return-value version. sandbox1.bar = null; equal(sandbox1.bar, null); obj = script2.executeInGlobal(sandbox1); equal(obj, undefined, "No-return script has no return value"); equal(Cu.getObjectPrincipal(sandbox1.bar).origin, "http://example.com", "Object value origin is correct"); equal(sandbox1.bar.foo, "\u00ae", "Object value has the correct charset"); sandbox2.bar = null; equal(sandbox2.bar, null); obj = script2.executeInGlobal(sandbox2); equal(obj, undefined, "No-return script has no return value"); equal(Cu.getObjectPrincipal(sandbox2.bar).origin, "http://example.org", "Object value origin is correct"); equal(sandbox2.bar.foo, "\u00ae", "Object value has the correct charset"); }); add_task(async function test_syntaxError() { // Generate an artificially large script to force off-main-thread // compilation. let scriptUrl = `data:,${";".repeat(1024 * 1024)}(`; await Assert.rejects( ChromeUtils.compileScript(scriptUrl), SyntaxError); // Generate a small script to force main thread compilation. scriptUrl = `data:,;(`; await Assert.rejects( ChromeUtils.compileScript(scriptUrl), SyntaxError); }); /** * Assert that executeInGlobal throws a special exception when the content script throws. * And the content script exception is notified to the console. */ add_task(async function test_exceptions_in_webconsole() { const scriptUrl = `data:,throw new Error("foo")`; const script = await ChromeUtils.compileScript(scriptUrl); const sandbox = Cu.Sandbox("http://example.com"); Assert.throws(() => script.executeInGlobal(sandbox), /Error: foo/, "Without reportException set to true, executeInGlobal throws an exception"); info("With reportException, executeInGlobal doesn't throw, but notifies the console"); const { messages } = await AddonTestUtils.promiseConsoleOutput(() => { script.executeInGlobal(sandbox, { reportExceptions: true }); }); info("Wait for the console message related to the content script exception"); equal(messages.length, 1, "Got one console message"); messages[0].QueryInterface(Ci.nsIScriptError); equal(messages[0].errorMessage, "Error: foo", "We are notified about the plain content script exception via the console"); ok(messages[0].stack, "The message has a stack"); });