# This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public # License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this # file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. # The following are used by the Mailing list dialog. # LOCALIZATION NOTE (mailingListTitleEdit): %S will be replaced by the Mailing List's display name. emptyListName=U moet 'n lysnaam intik. lastFirstFormat=%S, %S firstLastFormat=%S %S newContactTitle=Nuwe kennis # %S will be the contact's display name newContactTitleWithDisplayName=Nuwe kennis vir %S editContactTitle=Redigeer kennis # %S will be the contact's display name editContactTitleWithDisplayName=Redigeer inskrywing vir %S # don't translate vCard editVCardTitle=Redigeer vCard # %S will be the card's display name, don't translate vCard editVCardTitleWithDisplayName=Redigeer vCard vir %S ## LOCALIZATION NOTE (cardRequiredDataMissingMessage): do not localize \n cardRequiredDataMissingMessage=U moet ten minste een van die volgende items intik:\nE-posadres, voornaam, van, vertoonnaam, organisasie. cardRequiredDataMissingTitle=Vereiste inligting word vermis incorrectEmailAddressFormatMessage=Die primêre e-posadres moet in die vorm gebruiker@gasheer wees. incorrectEmailAddressFormatTitle=Verkeerde e-posadresformaat viewListTitle=Poslys: %S mailListNameExistsTitle=Poslys bestaan reeds mailListNameExistsMessage='n Poslys met daardie naam bestaan reeds. Gebruik asseblief 'n ander naam. # LOCALIZATION NOTE (confirmDeleteThisContact): # #1 The name of the selected contact # Don't localize "\n• #1" unless your local layout comes out wrong. # Example: Are you sure you want to delete this contact? # • John Doe # LOCALIZATION NOTE (confirmDelete2orMoreContacts): # Semicolon list of plural forms. # See: http://developer.mozilla.org/docs/Localization_and_Plurals # #1 The number of selected contacts, always more than 1. # Example: Are you sure you want to delete these 3 contacts? # LOCALIZATION NOTE (confirmRemoveThisContact): # #1 The name of the selected contact # #2 The name of the containing mailing list # This title is about a contact in a mailing list, so it will not be deleted, # but only removed from the list. # Don't localize "\n• #1" unless your local layout comes out wrong. # Example: Are you sure you want to remove this contact from the mailing list 'Customers List'? # • John Doe # LOCALIZATION NOTE (confirmRemove2orMoreContacts): # Semicolon list of singular and plural forms. # See: http://developer.mozilla.org/docs/Localization_and_Plurals # #1 The number of selected contacts, always more than 1. # #2 The name of the containing mailing list # Example: Are you sure you want to remove these 3 contacts from the mailing list 'Customers List'? # LOCALIZATION NOTE (confirmDeleteThisMailingList): # #1 The name of the selected mailing list # Don't localize "\n• #1" unless your local layout comes out wrong. # Example: Are you sure you want to delete this mailing list? # • Customers List # LOCALIZATION NOTE (confirmDelete2orMoreMailingLists): # Semicolon list of plural forms. # See: http://developer.mozilla.org/docs/Localization_and_Plurals # #1 The number of selected mailing lists, always more than 1 # Example: Are you sure you want to delete these 3 mailing lists? # LOCALIZATION NOTE (confirmDelete2orMoreContactsAndLists): # Semicolon list of and plural forms. # See: http://developer.mozilla.org/docs/Localization_and_Plurals # #1 The number of selected contacts and mailing lists, always more than 1 # Example: Are you sure you want to delete these 3 contacts and mailing lists? # LOCALIZATION NOTE (confirmDeleteThisAddressbookTitle): # #1 The name of the selected address book # Don't localize "\n• #1" unless your local layout comes out wrong. # Example: Are you sure you want to delete this address book and all of its contacts? # • Friends and Family Address Book # LOCALIZATION NOTE (confirmDeleteThisLDAPDir): # #1 The name of the selected LDAP directory # Don't localize "\n• #1" unless your local layout comes out wrong. # Example: Are you sure you want to delete the local copy of this LDAP directory and all of its offline contacts? # • Mozilla LDAP Directory # LOCALIZATION NOTE (confirmDeleteThisCollectionAddressbook): # #1 The name of the selected collection address book # #2 The name of the application (Thunderbird) # Don't localize "\n• #1" unless your local layout comes out wrong. # Example: If this address book is deleted, Thunderbird will no longer collect addresses. # Are you sure you want to delete this address book and all of its contacts? # • My Collecting Addressbook propertyPrimaryEmail=E-pos propertyListName=Lysnaam propertySecondaryEmail=Bykomende e-pos propertyNickname=Bynaam propertyDisplayName=Vertoonnaam propertyWork=Werk propertyHome=Huis propertyFax=Faks propertyCellular=Selfoon propertyPager=Roeper propertyBirthday=Verjaardag propertyCustom1=Doelmaak 1 propertyCustom2=Doelmaak 2 propertyCustom3=Doelmaak 3 propertyCustom4=Doelmaak 4 ## LOCALIZATION NOTE (cityAndStateAndZip): ## %1$S is city, %2$S is state, %3$S is zip cityAndStateAndZip=%1$S, %2$S %3$S ## LOCALIZATION NOTE (cityAndStateNoZip): ## %1$S is city, %2$S is state cityAndStateNoZip=%1$S, %2$S ## LOCALIZATION NOTE (cityOrStateAndZip): ## %1$S is city or state, %2$S is zip cityOrStateAndZip=%1$S %2$S stateZipSeparator= prefixTo=Aan prefixCc=CC prefixBcc=BCC addressBook=Adresboek browsePhoto=Kennisfoto # mailnews.js ldap_2.servers.pab.description=Persoonlike adresboek ldap_2.servers.history.description=Versamelde adresse ## LOCALIZATION NOTE (ldap_2.servers.osx.description is only used on Mac OS X) ldap_2.servers.osx.description=Mac OS X-adresboek # status bar stuff ## LOCALIZATION NOTE (totalContactStatus): ## %1$S is address book name, %2$S is contact count totalContactStatus=Totale kennisse in %1$S: %2$S noMatchFound=Geen resultate gevind nie ## LOCALIZATION NOTE (matchesFound1): ## Semicolon-separated list of singular and plural forms. ## See: https://developer.mozilla.org/docs/Mozilla/Localization/Localization_and_Plurals ## #1 is the number of matching contacts found ## LOCALIZATION NOTE (contactsCopied): Semi-colon list of plural forms ## %1$S is the number of contacts that were copied. This should be used multiple ## times wherever you need it. Do not replace by %S. contactsCopied=%1$S kennis gekopieer;%1$S kennisse gekopieer ## LOCALIZATION NOTE (contactsMoved): Semi-colon list of plural forms ## %1$S is the number of contacts that were moved. This should be used multiple ## times wherever you need it. Do not replace by %S. contactsMoved=%1$S kennis geskuif;%1$S kennisse geskuif # LDAP directory stuff invalidName=Tik 'n geldige naam in. invalidHostname=Tik 'n geldige gasheernaam in. invalidPortNumber=Tik 'n geldige poortnommer in. invalidResults=Tik 'n geldige getal in die resultateveld in. abReplicationOfflineWarning=U moet aanlyn werk om 'n LDAP te repliseer. abReplicationSaveSettings=Die opstelling moet gestoor word voor u 'n gids kan aflaai. # For importing / exporting ## LOCALIZATION NOTE (ExportAddressBookNameTitle): %S is the name of exported addressbook LDIFFiles=LDIF CSVFiles=Kommageskei TABFiles=Keepgeskei failedToExportTitle=Kon nie uitvoer nie failedToExportMessageNoDeviceSpace=Kon nie adresboek uitvoer nie, geen spasie oor nie. failedToExportMessageFileAccessDenied=Kon nie adresboek uitvoer nie, toegang geweier. # For getting authDN for replication using dlg box AuthDlgTitle=Adresboek-LDAP-replikasie AuthDlgDesc=Tik u gebruikernaam en wagwoord in om die gidsbediener te gebruik. # LOCALIZATION NOTE(joinMeInThisChat) # use + for spaces joinMeInThisChat=Sluit+by+my+aan+in+hierdie+kletskamer. # For printing headingHome=Huis headingWork=Werk headingOther=Ander headingPhone=Telefoon headingDescription=Beskrywing headingAddresses=Adresse # For address books addressBookTitleNew=Nuwe adresboek ## LOCALIZATION NOTE (addressBookTitleEdit): %S will be replaced by the the Address Book's name # For corrupt .mab files corruptMabFileTitle=Korrupte adresboeklêer corruptMabFileAlert=Kon een van u adresboeklêers (%1$S-lêer) nie lees nie. 'n Nuwe %2$S-lêer sal geskep word en 'n dekkopie van die ou lêer, genaamd %3$S, sal in dieselfde subgids geskep word. # For locked .mab files lockedMabFileTitle=Kon nie adresboeklêer laai nie lockedMabFileAlert=Kon nie adresboeklêer %S laai nie. Dalk is dit 'n leesalleenlêer, of dalk word dit deur 'n ander program beset. Probeer later weer.