# This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public # License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this # file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. locale.authors = Ian Neal # Misc unknown= none= na= # util.js msg.alert = Alert msg.prompt = Prompt msg.confirm = Confirm # command.js ### Notes for localizers ### # # ChatZilla uses cmd..* to construct the command's help, # parameters and any UI labels. For the command to continue to function, the # *.params entries MUST NOT BE CHANGED. Hopefully in the future you will be # able to localize these items as well. # ### DO NOT LOCALIZE THE *.params STRINGS ### # # Note also that, for every command, an accesskey may be specified: # EITHER by prefixing the desired accesskey with "&" in the .label string, # OR by specifying a .accesskey string, which is useful if the desired # accesskey does not occur in the label. # # The following are therefore equivalent: # cmd.foo.label = &Foo # and # cmd.foo.label = Foo # cmd.foo.accesskey = F # # # All localised strings may contain certain entities for branding purposes. # The three standard brand entities (brandShortName, brandFullName, vendorName) # can all be used like this: # foo.bar = Some text used in &brandFullName;! # ### End of notes ### ### Notes for localizers ### # # ChatZilla uses cmd..* to construct the command's help, # help usage and any UI labels. # # Note also that, for every command, an accesskey may be specified: # EITHER by prefixing the desired accesskey with "&" in the .label string, # OR by specifying a .accesskey string, which is useful if the desired # accesskey does not occur in the label. # # The following are therefore equivalent: # cmd.foo.label = &Foo # and # cmd.foo.label = Foo # cmd.foo.accesskey = F # # # All localised strings may contain certain entities for branding purposes. # The three standard brand entities (brandShortName, brandFullName, vendorName) # can all be used like this: # foo.bar = Some text used in &brandFullName;! # ### End of notes ### cmd.about.label = About ChatZilla cmd.about.help = Display information about this version of ChatZilla. cmd.alias.helpUsage = [ []] cmd.alias.help = Defines as an alias for the semicolon (';') delimited list of commands specified by . If is a minus ('-') character, the alias will be removed; if omitted, the alias will be displayed. If is not provided, all aliases will be listed. cmd.attach.helpUsage = cmd.attach.help = Attaches to the IRC URL specified by . If you are already attached, the view for is made current. If that view has been deleted, it is recreated. You may omit the irc:// portion of the . Examples are; /attach moznet, /attach moznet/chatzilla, and /attach irc.mozilla.org/mozbot,isnick. cmd.away.label = Away (default) # LOCALIZATION NOTE (cmd.away.format): # Do not localize $reason cmd.away.format = Away ($reason) cmd.away.helpUsage = [] cmd.away.help = If is specified, sets you away with that message. Used without , you are marked away with a default message. cmd.back.label = Back cmd.back.help = Marks you as no longer away. cmd.ban.label = Ban # LOCALIZATION NOTE (cmd.ban.format): # Do not localize $channelName cmd.ban.format = Ban from $channelName cmd.ban.helpUsage = [] cmd.ban.help = Bans a single user, or mask of users, from the current channel. A user's nickname may be specified, or a proper host mask can be used. Used without a nickname or mask, shows the list of bans currently in effect. cmd.cancel.help = Cancels an /attach or /server command, or a file transfer. Use /cancel on a network view when ChatZilla is repeatedly trying to attach to a network that is not responding, to tell ChatZilla to give up before the normal number of retries. Use /cancel on a file transfer view to stop the transfer. cmd.charset.helpUsage = [] cmd.charset.help = Sets the character encoding mode for the current view to , or displays the current character encoding mode if is not provided. cmd.channel-motif.helpUsage = [ []] cmd.channel-motif.help = Sets the CSS file used for the message tab for this specific channel. can be a URL to a .css file, or the shortcut "dark" or "light". If is a minus ('-') character, the motif will revert to the network motif. If is not provided, the current channel will be assumed. See the ChatZilla homepage at for more information on how to style ChatZilla. See also |motif|. cmd.channel-pref.helpUsage = [ []] cmd.channel-pref.help = Sets the value of the preference named to the value of on the current channel. If is not provided, the current value of will be displayed. If both and are omitted, all preferences will be displayed. If is a minus ('-') character, then the preference will revert back to its default value. cmd.clear-view.label = Cl&ear Tab cmd.clear-view.helpUsage = [] cmd.clear-view.help = Clear the current view, discarding *all* content. cmd.clear-view.key = accel L cmd.client.help = Make the ``*client*'' view current. If the ``*client*'' view has been deleted, it will be recreated. cmd.cmd-undo.label = &Undo cmd.cmd-undo.key = accel Z cmd.cmd-redo.label = &Redo cmd.cmd-redo.key = accel Y cmd.cmd-cut.label = Cu&t cmd.cmd-cut.key = accel X cmd.cmd-copy.label = &Copy cmd.cmd-copy.key = accel C cmd.cmd-paste.label = &Paste cmd.cmd-paste.key = accel V cmd.cmd-delete.label = &Delete cmd.cmd-delete.key = VK_DELETE cmd.cmd-selectall.label = Select &All cmd.cmd-selectall.key = accel A cmd.cmd-copy-link-url.label = Copy Link Location cmd.cmd-mozilla-prefs.label = &&brandShortName; Preferences… cmd.cmd-prefs.label = Pr&eferences… cmd.cmd-chatzilla-prefs.label = ChatZilla Pr&eferences… cmd.cmd-chatzilla-opts.label = &Options… cmd.commands.helpUsage = [] cmd.commands.help = Lists all command names matching , or all command names if pattern is not specified. cmd.custom-away.label = Away (custom)… cmd.ctcp.helpUsage = [] cmd.ctcp.help = Sends the CTCP code to the target (user or channel) . If are specified they are sent along as well. cmd.default-charset.helpUsage = [] cmd.default-charset.help = Sets the global default character encoding mode to , or displays the current global default character encoding mode if is not provided. cmd.delayed.helpUsage = cmd.delayed.help = After |delay| seconds, run the command specified in |rest|. cmd.describe.helpUsage = cmd.describe.help = Performs an 'action' at the |target|, either a channel or a user. cmd.dcc-accept.helpUsage = [ [ []]] cmd.dcc-accept.help = Accepts an incoming DCC Chat or Send offer. If a |nickname| is not specified, the last offer that arrived will be accepted (for security reasons, this will not work in the first 10 seconds after an offer is received). You can also use a regular expression for either or . cmd.dcc-accept-list.help = Displays the DCC auto-accept list for the current network. cmd.dcc-accept-list-add.helpUsage = cmd.dcc-accept-list-add.help = Add someone to your DCC auto-accept list for the current network. cmd.dcc-accept-list-remove.helpUsage = cmd.dcc-accept-list-remove.help = Remove someone from your DCC auto-accept list for the current network. cmd.dcc-chat.helpUsage = [] cmd.dcc-chat.help = Sends a DCC Chat offer to |nickname| on the current server. On a query view, |nickname| may be omitted to send the offer to the query view's user. cmd.dcc-chat.label = Direct Chat # LOCALIZATION NOTE (cmd.dcc-close.format): # Do not localize $userName cmd.dcc-close.format = Disconnect From $userName cmd.dcc-close.label = &Disconnect cmd.dcc-close.helpUsage = [ [ []]] cmd.dcc-close.help = Closes an existing DCC connection. |nickname| may be omitted if run from a DCC view, in which case the DCC connection for that view will be closed. |type| and |file| may be needed to identify the connection. You can also use a regular expression for either or . cmd.dcc-decline.helpUsage = [] cmd.dcc-decline.help = Declines an incoming DCC Chat or Send offer. If a |nickname| is not specified, the last offer that arrived will be declined. You can also use a regular expression for . cmd.dcc-list.helpUsage = [] cmd.dcc-list.help = Lists the currently known about DCC offers and connections. This may be limited to just "chat" or "send" using the |type| parameter. cmd.dcc-send.helpUsage = [ []] cmd.dcc-send.help = Offers a file to |nickname|. On a query view, |nickname| may be omitted to send the offer to the query view's user. A file may be specified directly by passing |file| or, if omitted, selected from a browse dialogue. cmd.dcc-send.label = Send File… cmd.dcc-show-file.helpUsage = cmd.dcc-show-file.help = Opens the folder containing the file you downloaded. cmd.delete-view.key = accel W cmd.delete-view.label = &Close Tab cmd.delete-view.helpUsage = [] cmd.delete-view.help = Clear the current view, discarding *all* content, and drop its icon from the tab strip. If a channel view is deleted this way, you also leave the channel. cmd.dehop.label = Remove Half-operator Status cmd.dehop.helpUsage = [<...>] cmd.dehop.help = Removes half-operator status from on current channel. Requires operator status. cmd.deop.label = Remove Operator Status cmd.deop.helpUsage = [<...>] cmd.deop.help = Removes operator status from on current channel. Requires operator status. cmd.desc.helpUsage = [] cmd.desc.help = Changes the 'ircname' line returned when someone performs a /whois on you. You must specify this *before* connecting to the network. If you omit , the current description is shown. cmd.devoice.label = Remove Voice Status cmd.devoice.helpUsage = [<...>] cmd.devoice.help = Removes voice status from on current channel. Requires operator (or half-operator) status. # LOCALIZATION NOTE (cmd.disconnect.format): # Do not localize $networkName cmd.disconnect.format = Disconnect From $networkName cmd.disconnect.label = &Disconnect cmd.disconnect.helpUsage = [] cmd.disconnect.help = Disconnects from the server represented by the active view when the command is executed providing the reason or the default reason if is not specified. cmd.disconnect-all.label = &Disconnect From All Networks cmd.disconnect-all.helpUsage = [] cmd.disconnect-all.key = accel D cmd.disconnect-all.help = Disconnects from all networks providing the reason or the default reason if is not specified. cmd.echo.helpUsage = cmd.echo.help = Displays in the current view, but does not send it to the server. cmd.edit-networks.label = &Networks… cmd.edit-networks.help = Opens the network editor, where you can edit the list of available networks and servers. cmd.enable-plugin.helpUsage = cmd.enable-plugin.help = Meant to be used to re-enable a plugin after calling |disable-plugin|, this command calls the plugin's enablePlugin function. There are no guarantees that the plugin will properly enable itself. cmd.eval.helpUsage = cmd.eval.help = Evaluates as JavaScript code. Not for the faint of heart. cmd.evalsilent.helpUsage = cmd.evalsilent.help = Identical to the /eval command, except the [EVAL-IN] and [EVAL-OUT] lines are not displayed. cmd.except.helpUsage = [] cmd.except.help = Excepts a user from channel bans. A user's nickname may be specified, or a proper host mask can be used. Used without a nickname or mask, shows the list of exceptions currently in effect. cmd.exit.label = E&xit ChatZilla cmd.exit.helpUsage = [] cmd.exit.help = Disconnects from all active servers and networks, providing the reason , or the default reason if is not specified. Exits ChatZilla after disconnecting. cmd.faq.label = ChatZilla FAQ cmd.find.label = &Find… cmd.find.key = accel F cmd.find-again.label = Find A&gain cmd.find-again.key = accel G cmd.focus-input.key = VK_ESCAPE cmd.font-family.helpUsage = [] cmd.font-family.help = Sets or views the font family being used on the current view. Omit to see the current font family. The value |default| will use your global font family, |serif|, |sans-serif| and |monospace| will use your global font settings, other values will set a font directly. cmd.font-family-default.label = Default &Font cmd.font-family-serif.label = Se&rif cmd.font-family-sans-serif.label = S&ans Serif cmd.font-family-monospace.label = Mo&nospace # LOCALIZATION NOTE (cmd.font-family.format): # Do not localize $fontFamily cmd.font-family-other.format = Other ($fontFamily)… cmd.font-family-other.label = O&ther… cmd.font-size.helpUsage = [] cmd.font-size.help = Sets or views the font size being used on the current view. Omit to see the current font size. The size value is specified in points (pt). The value |default| will use your global font size, and the values |bigger| and |smaller| increase or reduce the size by a fixed amount each time. cmd.font-size-bigger.label = Make Text &Bigger cmd.font-size-bigger.key = accel + cmd.font-size-bigger2.key = accel = cmd.font-size-smaller.label = Make Text &Smaller cmd.font-size-smaller.key = accel - cmd.font-size-default.label = Default Si&ze cmd.font-size-small.label = Sma&ll cmd.font-size-medium.label = &Medium cmd.font-size-large.label = Lar&ge # LOCALIZATION NOTE (cmd.font-size-other.format): # Do not localize $fontSize cmd.font-size-other.format = Other ($fontSize pt)… cmd.font-size-other.label = &Other… cmd.goto-startup.label = Open Auto-connect cmd.goto-startup.help = Open all of your configured auto-connect URLs. cmd.goto-url.label = Open Link # LOCALIZATION NOTE (cmd.goto-url.format): # Do not localize $label cmd.goto-url.format = $label cmd.goto-url-newwin.label = Open Link in New Window cmd.goto-url-newtab.label = Open Link in New Tab cmd.header.label = Header cmd.header.key = accel shift H cmd.header.help = Toggles visibility of the header bar. cmd.help.helpUsage = [] cmd.help.help = Displays help on all commands matching , if is not given, displays help on all commands. cmd.hide-view.label = &Hide Tab cmd.hide-view.helpUsage = [] cmd.hide-view.help = Drop the current view's icon from the tab strip, but save its contents. The icon will reappear the next time there is activity on the view. cmd.homepage.label = ChatZilla Homepage cmd.hop.label = Give Half-operator Status cmd.hop.helpUsage = [<...>] cmd.hop.help = Gives half-operator status to on current channel. Requires operator status. # LOCALIZATION NOTE (cmd.reconnect.format): # Do not localize $networkName cmd.reconnect.format = Reconnect To $networkName cmd.reconnect.label = &Reconnect cmd.reconnect.helpUsage = [] cmd.reconnect.help = Reconnects to the network represented by the active view when the command is executed providing the reason when disconnecting, or the default reason if is not specified. cmd.reconnect-all.label = &Reconnect To All Networks cmd.reconnect-all.helpUsage = [] cmd.reconnect-all.help = Reconnects to all networks providing the reason when disconnecting, or the default reason if is not specified. cmd.toggle-ui.helpUsage = cmd.toggle-ui.help = Toggles the visibility of various pieces of the user interface. must be one of: tabstrip, userlist, header, status. cmd.rtl.help = Switches text direction to Right-to-Left. cmd.ltr.help = Switches text direction to Left-to-Right. cmd.irtl.help = Switches input area direction to Right-to-Left. cmd.iltr.help = Switches input area direction to Left-to-Right. cmd.toggle-text-dir.label = S&witch Text Direction cmd.toggle-text-dir.key = accel shift X cmd.toggle-usort.label = Sort Users By Mode cmd.toggle-ccm.label = Collapse Co&nsecutive Messages cmd.toggle-copy.label = Copy &Important Messages cmd.toggle-umode.label = Show Mode as Symbol cmd.toggle-timestamps.label = Show &Timestamps cmd.unban.label = Un-ban # LOCALIZATION NOTE (cmd.unban.format): # Do not localize $channelName cmd.unban.format = Un-ban from $channelName cmd.unban.helpUsage = cmd.unban.help = Removes the ban on a single user, or removes a specific ban mask from the channel's ban list. cmd.unexcept.helpUsage = cmd.unexcept.help = Removes a channel ban exception. cmd.user.helpUsage = [ ] cmd.user.help = Sets your username to and your description (``Real Name'') to . Equivalent to using the |name| and |desc| command. The new name and description will be used the next time you connect to the network. You can use this command without parameters to show the current username and description. cmd.userlist.label = User List cmd.userlist.key = accel shift L cmd.userlist.help = Toggles the visibility of the user list. cmd.identify.helpUsage = [] cmd.identify.help = Identify with nickname services on the current server. If is not provided, you will be asked to enter the password in a prompt with a masked textfield (so nobody will be able to read it when you type it). cmd.ignore.helpUsage = [] cmd.ignore.help = Add someone to your ignore list for the current network. A nickname will suffice for , but you can also use a hostmask. With no parameters, it shows a list of all currently ignored users. cmd.install-plugin.helpUsage = [ []] cmd.install-plugin.help = Installs a ChatZilla plugin for you. cmd.install-plugin.label = &Install Plugin… cmd.invite.helpUsage = [] cmd.invite.help = Invites to or current channel if not supplied. Requires operator status if +i is set. cmd.j.helpUsage = [ []] cmd.j.help = This command is an alias for /join. cmd.join.label = &Join Channel… cmd.join.key = accel J cmd.join.helpUsage = [ []] cmd.join.help = Joins the global (name starts with #), local (name starts with &), or modeless (name starts with a +) channel named . If no prefix is given, # is assumed. Provides the key if specified. cmd.join-charset.helpUsage = [ []] cmd.join-charset.help = Joins the global (name starts with #), local (name starts with &), or modeless (name starts with a +) channel named . Messages will be encoded and decoded according to the character encoding specified by . The parameter is independent of the default character encoding, which can be selected with the /charset command. If no prefix is given, # is assumed. Provides the key if specified. # LOCALIZATION NOTE (cmd.kick.format): # Do not localize $channelName cmd.kick.format = Kick from $channelName cmd.kick.label = Kick cmd.kick.helpUsage = [] cmd.kick.help = Kicks off the current channel. Requires operator status. # LOCALIZATION NOTE (cmd.kick-ban.format): # Do not localize $channelName cmd.kick-ban.format = Kickban from $channelName cmd.kick-ban.label = Kickban cmd.kick-ban.helpUsage = [] cmd.kick-ban.help = Bans *!username@hostmask from the current channel, then kicks them off. Requires operator status. cmd.knock.helpUsage = [] cmd.knock.help = Requests an invitation from the specified channel with optional reason. This command is not supported by all servers. # LOCALIZATION NOTE (cmd.label-user.format): # Do not localize $nickname cmd.label-user.format = «$nickname» cmd.label-user.label = # LOCALIZATION NOTE (cmd.label-user-multi.format): # Do not localize $userCount cmd.label-user-multi.format = «$userCount users» cmd.label-user-multi.label = # LOCALIZATION NOTE (cmd.leave.format): # Do not localize $channelName cmd.leave.format = Leave $channelName cmd.leave.label = &Leave cmd.leave.helpUsage = [] [] cmd.leave.help = Leaves the current channel. Use /delete to force the view to go away, losing its contents, or /hide to temporarily hide it, preserving its contents. Many servers do not support the optional parameter. Your preferences are used to determine whether to delete the tab. If you are dispatching this command from a script, you may override this behaviour with the parameter. cmd.marker.help = Scrolls to the last read message marker. If the marker is not visible, this is equivalent to using ``marker-set''. cmd.marker-clear.help = Hides the last read message marker. cmd.marker-set.help = Moves the last read message marker to the last line of the view and scrolls to it. cmd.links.help = Displays the "links" to the current server. This is a list of the other servers in the network which are directly connected to the one you are connected to. cmd.list.helpUsage = [] cmd.list.help = Lists channel name, user count, and topic information for the network/server you are attached to. If you omit the optional channel argument, all channels will be listed. On large networks, the server may disconnect you for asking for a complete list. cmd.list-plugins.helpUsage = [] cmd.list-plugins.help = If is not provided, this command lists information on all loaded plugins. If is provided, only its information will be displayed. If this command is dispatched from the console, you may specify by either the plugin id, or index. cmd.load.helpUsage = cmd.load.help = Executes the contents of the url specified by . See also: The |initialScripts| pref. cmd.reload-plugin.helpUsage = cmd.reload-plugin.help = Reloads the plugin from the same url it was loaded from last time. This will only work if the currently loaded version of the plugin can be disabled. cmd.log.helpUsage = [] cmd.log.help = Turns logging on or off for the current channel. If is provided and is |true|, |on|, |yes|, or |1|, logging will be turned on. Values |false|, |off|, |no| and |0| will turn logging off. Omit to see the current logging state. The state will be saved in prefs, so that if logging is on when you close ChatZilla, it will resume logging the next time you join the channel. cmd.rlist.helpUsage = cmd.rlist.help = Lists channel name, user count, and topic information for the network/server you are attached to, filtered by the regular expression. cmd.map.help = Similar to /links, but provides a graphical "Network Map" of the IRC network. Mainly used for routing purposes. cmd.match-users.helpUsage = cmd.match-users.help = Shows a list of all users whose hostmask matches . cmd.me.helpUsage = cmd.me.help = Sends the text to the channel as a statement in the third person. Try it and see! cmd.motd.help = Displays the "Message of the Day", which usually contains information about the network and current server, as well as any usage policies. cmd.mode.helpUsage = [] [ [ [<...>]]] cmd.mode.help = Changes the channel or user mode of using and any subsequent if added. When used from a channel view, may be omitted. For a list of modes you may use, see http://irchelp.org. cmd.motif.helpUsage = [] cmd.motif.help = Sets the default CSS file used for the message tabs. can be a URL to a .css file, or the shortcut "dark" or "light". See the ChatZilla homepage at for more information on how to style ChatZilla. See also |network-motif|, |channel-motif|, |user-motif|. cmd.motif-dark.label = Dar&k Motif cmd.motif-light.label = &Light Motif cmd.msg.helpUsage = cmd.msg.help = Sends the private message to . cmd.name.helpUsage = [] cmd.name.help = Changes the username displayed before your hostmask if the server you're connecting to allows it. Some servers will only trust the username reply from the ident service. You must specify this *before* connecting to the network. If you omit , the current username will be shown. cmd.names.helpUsage = [] cmd.names.help = Lists the users in a channel. cmd.network.helpUsage = cmd.network.help = Sets the current network to cmd.networks.help = Lists all available networks as clickable links. cmd.network-motif.helpUsage = [ []] cmd.network-motif.help = Sets the CSS file used for the message tab for the network . can be a URL to a .css file, or the shortcut "dark" or "light". If is a minus ('-') character, the motif will revert to the global motif. If is not provided, the current network is assumed. See the ChatZilla homepage at for more information on how to style ChatZilla. See also |motif|. cmd.network-pref.helpUsage = [ []] cmd.network-pref.help = Sets the value of the preference named to the value of on the current network. If is not provided, the current value of will be displayed. If both and are omitted, all preferences will be displayed. If is a minus ('-') character, then the preference will revert back to its default value. cmd.nick.label = Change nickname… cmd.nick.helpUsage = [] cmd.nick.help = Changes your nickname. If |nickname| is omited, a prompt is shown. cmd.notify.helpUsage = [ [<...>]] cmd.notify.help = With no parameters, /notify shows you the online/offline status of all the users on your notify list. If one or more parameters are supplied, the nickname(s) will be added to your notify list if they are not yet on it, or removed from it if they are. cmd.notice.helpUsage = cmd.notice.help = Sends the notice to . cmd.op.label = Give Operator Status cmd.op.helpUsage = [<...>] cmd.op.help = Gives operator status to on current channel. Requires operator status. cmd.open-at-startup.helpUsage = [] cmd.open-at-startup.help = Used to add the current view to the list of views that will be automatically opened at startup. If is not provided, the status of the current view will be displayed. can be one of: yes, on, true, 1, no, off, false, 0, or toggle, to toggle the current state. cmd.oper.helpUsage = [] cmd.oper.help = Requests IRC Operator status from the current server. If is not provided, you will be asked to enter the password in a prompt with a masked textfield (so nobody will be able to read it when you type it). cmd.print.label = &Print… cmd.print.key = accel P cmd.print.help = Opens the print dialogue for the current view. cmd.save.label = Save View &As… cmd.save.key = accel S cmd.save.helpUsage = [ []] cmd.save.help = Save the current view as file . If is omitted, a Save As… dialogue will be shown. can be either |complete|, |htmlonly| or |text|. If it is omitted, it is deduced from the file extension. Files with the extension .html, .xhtml, .xhtm or .htm will be saved as complete views, .txt files as text files. Any other extensions will throw an error if is not provided. cmd.say.helpUsage = cmd.say.help = Sends a message to the current view. This command is used automatically by ChatZilla when you type text that does not begin with the "/" character. cmd.stats.helpUsage = [] cmd.stats.help = Request server statistics. Use this command with no parameters to get a server-specific list of available parameters for use with this command. cmd.time.helpUsage = [] cmd.time.help = Asks what time it is on their machine. Their IRC client may or may not show them that you've asked for this information. ChatZilla currently does not. If you do not specify , ChatZilla will ask the server for the time it is on the server. cmd.time.label = Get Local Time cmd.timestamps.helpUsage = [] cmd.timestamps.help = Sets the visibility of timestamps in the current view. If is provided and is |true|, |on|, |yes|, or |1|, timestamps will be turned on. Values |false|, |off|, |no| and |0| will turn timestamps off, and |toggle| will toggle the state. Omit to see the current state. # LOCALIZATION NOTE (cmd.toggle-oas.format): # Do not localize $viewType cmd.toggle-oas.format = Open This $viewType at Startup cmd.toggle-oas.label = Open at &Startup cmd.pass.helpUsage = cmd.pass.help = Sends a password to the server for use when connecting to password-protected servers. cmd.ping.helpUsage = cmd.ping.help = Ping takes its name from the technique of measuring distance with sonar. In IRC, it is used to measure the time it takes to send a message to someone, and receive a response. Specify a channel to ping everyone in that channel. Some IRC clients will display ping requests to the user. ChatZilla does not. cmd.ping.label = Ping User cmd.plugin-pref.helpUsage = [ []] cmd.plugin-pref.help = Sets the value of the plugin's preference named to the value of . If is not provided, the current value of will be displayed. If both and are omitted, all preferences for will be displayed. If is a minus ('-') character, then the preference will revert back to its default value. cmd.pref.helpUsage = [ []] cmd.pref.help = Sets the value of the preference named to the value of . If is not provided, the current value of will be displayed. If both and are omitted, all preferences will be displayed. If is a minus ('-') character, then the preference will revert back to its default value. cmd.query.label = Open Private Chat cmd.query.helpUsage = [] cmd.query.help = Opens a one-on-one chat with . If is supplied, it is sent as the initial private message to . cmd.quit.label = &Quit ChatZilla cmd.quit.helpUsage = [] cmd.quit.help = Quit ChatZilla. cmd.quote.helpUsage = cmd.quote.help = Sends a raw command to the IRC server, not a good idea if you don't know what you're doing. see IRC RFC1459 for complete details. cmd.rejoin.helpUsage = [] cmd.rejoin.help = Rejoins the channel displayed in the current view. Only works from a channel view. # LOCALIZATION NOTE (cmd.rejoin.format): # Do not localize $channelName cmd.rejoin.format = Rejoin $channelName cmd.rejoin.label = Rejoin cmd.rename.helpUsage = [