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### Localization for Developer Tools tooltips.
learn-more = Mear ynformaasje
## In the Rule View when a CSS property cannot be successfully applied we display
## an icon. When this icon is hovered this message is displayed to explain why
## the property is not applied.
## Variables:
## $property (string) - A CSS property name e.g. "color".
## $display (string) - A CSS display value e.g. "inline-block".
inactive-css-not-grid-or-flex-container = { $property } hat gjin effekt op dit elemint omdat it gjin flexcontainer of gridcontainer is.
inactive-css-not-grid-or-flex-container-or-multicol-container = { $property } hat gjin effekt op dit elemint, omdat it gjin flex-container, grid-container of in container mei mear kolommen is.
inactive-css-not-grid-or-flex-item = { $property } hat gjin effekt op dit elemint omdat it gjin grid- of flexitem is.
inactive-css-not-grid-item = { $property } hat gjin effekt op dit elemint omdat it gjin griditem is.
inactive-css-not-grid-container = { $property } hat gjin effekt op dit elemint omdat it gjin gridcontainer is.
inactive-css-not-flex-item = { $property } hat gjin effekt op dit elemint omdat it gjin flexitem is.
inactive-css-not-flex-container = { $property } hat gjin effekt op dit elemint omdat it gjin flexcontainer is.
inactive-css-not-inline-or-tablecell = { $property } hat gjin effekt op dit elemint, omdat it gjin inline of table-cell-elemint is.
inactive-css-property-because-of-display = { $property } strong> hat gjin effekt op dit elemint, omdat it in werjefte fan { $display } strong> hat.
inactive-css-not-display-block-on-floated = De wearde display is troch de engine yn block wizige, omdat it elemint floated is.
inactive-css-property-is-impossible-to-override-in-visited = It is net mooglik om { $property } te oerskriuwen fanwegen de beheining :visited.
inactive-css-position-property-on-unpositioned-box = { $property } hat gjin effekt op dit elemint omdat it gjin posisjonearre elemint is.
inactive-text-overflow-when-no-overflow = { $property } hat gjin effekt op dit elemint, omdat overflow:hidden net ynsteld is.
inactive-css-not-for-internal-table-elements = { $property } hat gjin effekt op ynterne tabeleleminten.
inactive-css-not-for-internal-table-elements-except-table-cells = { $property } hat gjin effekt op ynterne tabeleleminten, útsein op tabelsellen.
inactive-css-not-table = { $property } hat gjin effekt op dit elemint omdat it gjin tabel is.
inactive-scroll-padding-when-not-scroll-container = { $property } hat gjin effekt op dit elemint omdat it net skowt.
inactive-css-border-image = { $property } hat gjin effekt op dit elemint, omdat it net tapast wurde kin op ynterne tabeleleminten wêr border-collapse ynsteld is op collapse op it boppelizzende tabelelemint.
inactive-css-ruby-element = { $property } hat gjin effekt op dit elemint, omdat it in ruby-elemint is. De grutte wurdt bepaald troch de lettertypegrutte fan de rubytekst.
## In the Rule View when a CSS property cannot be successfully applied we display
## an icon. When this icon is hovered this message is displayed to explain how
## the problem can be solved.
inactive-css-not-grid-or-flex-container-fix = Probearje display:grid of display:flex ta te foegjen. { learn-more }
inactive-css-not-grid-or-flex-container-or-multicol-container-fix = Probearje display:grid, of display:flex, of colums:2 ta te foegjen. { learn-more }
inactive-css-not-grid-or-flex-item-fix-3 = Probearje display:grid, display:flex, display:inline-grid of display:inline-flex oan it boppelizzende nivo fan it elemint ta te foegjen. { learn-more }
inactive-css-not-grid-item-fix-2 = Probearje display:grid of display:inline-grid oan it boppe lizzende elemint ta te foegjen. { learn-more }
inactive-css-not-grid-container-fix = Probearje display:grid of display:inline-grid ta te foegjen. { learn-more }
inactive-css-not-flex-item-fix-2 = Probearje display:flex of display:inline-flex oan it boppe lizzende elemint ta te foegjen. { learn-more }
inactive-css-not-flex-container-fix = Probearje display:flex of display:inline-flex ta te foegjen. { learn-more }
inactive-css-not-inline-or-tablecell-fix = Probearje display:inline of display:table-cell ta te foegjen. { learn-more }
inactive-css-non-replaced-inline-or-table-row-or-row-group-fix = Probearje display:inline-block strong> of display:block strong> ta te foegjen. { learn-more }
inactive-css-non-replaced-inline-or-table-column-or-column-group-fix = Probearje display:inline-block strong> ta te foegjen. { learn-more }
inactive-css-not-display-block-on-floated-fix = Probearje float fuort te smiten of display:block ta te foegjen. { learn-more }
inactive-css-position-property-on-unpositioned-box-fix = Probearje de eigenskip position op wat oars as static yn te stellen. { learn-more }
inactive-text-overflow-when-no-overflow-fix = Probearje overflow:hidden strong> ta te foegjen. { learn-more }
inactive-css-not-for-internal-table-elements-fix = Probearje de property display op wat oars as table-cell, table-column, table-row, table-column-group, table-row-group of table-footer-group yn te stellen. { learn-more }
inactive-css-not-for-internal-table-elements-except-table-cells-fix = Probearje de property display op wat oars as table-column, table-row, table-column-group, table-row-group of table-footer-group yn te stellen. { learn-more }
inactive-css-not-table-fix = Probearje display:flex of display:inline-table ta te foegjen. { learn-more }
inactive-scroll-padding-when-not-scroll-container-fix = Probearje overflow:auto, overflow:scroll of overflow:hidden ta te foegjen. { learn-more }
inactive-css-border-image-fix = Smyt yn it boppelizzende tabelelemint de eigenskip fuort, of wizigje de wearde fan border-collapse yn in oare wearde as collapse. { learn-more }
inactive-css-ruby-element-fix = Probearje de lettertypegrutte fan de rubytekst te wizigjen. { learn-more }
## In the Rule View when a CSS property may have compatibility issues with other browsers
## we display an icon. When this icon is hovered this message is displayed to explain why
## the property is incompatible and the platforms it is incompatible on.
## Variables:
## $property (string) - A CSS declaration name e.g. "-moz-user-select" that can be a platform specific alias.
## $rootProperty (string) - A raw CSS property name e.g. "user-select" that is not a platform specific alias.
css-compatibility-default-message = { $property } wurdt net stipe yn de folgjende browsers:
css-compatibility-deprecated-experimental-message = { $property } wie in eksperimintele property dy’t neffens de W3C-standerts no ferâldere is. Hy wurdt net stipe yn de folgjende browsers:
css-compatibility-deprecated-experimental-supported-message = { $property } wie in eksperimintele property dy’t neffens de W3C-standerts no ferâldere is.
css-compatibility-deprecated-message = { $property } is ferâldere neffens W3C-standerts. It wurdt net stipe yn de folgjende browsers:
css-compatibility-deprecated-supported-message = { $property } is ferâldere neffens W3C-noarmen.
css-compatibility-experimental-message = { $property } is in eksperimintele property. Hy wurdt net stipe yn de folgjende browsers:
css-compatibility-experimental-supported-message = { $property } is in eksperimintele property.
css-compatibility-learn-more-message = Mear ynfo oer { $rootProperty }