# This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public # License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this # file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. # Task mode title taskModeApplicationTitle=Saothraichean # Tab titles tabTitleCalendar=Mìosachan tabTitleTasks=Saothraichean # Html event display in message imipHtml.header=Cuireadh gu tachartas imipHtml.summary=Tiotal: imipHtml.location=Seòladh: imipHtml.when=Cuin: imipHtml.organizer=Eagraiche: imipHtml.description=Tuairisgeul: # LOCALIZATION_NOTE(imipHtml.attachments): This is a label for one or more (additional) links to # documents or websites attached to this event. imipHtml.attachments=Ceanglachain: imipHtml.comment=Beachd: imipHtml.attendees=Freastalaichean: # LOCALIZATION_NOTE(imipHtml.url): This is a label for a reference to an (alternate) online # representation of the event (either directly human readable or not). imipHtml.url=Ceangal co-cheangailte: imipHtml.canceledOccurrences=Teachdan a sguireadh dhiubh: imipHtml.modifiedOccurrences=Teachdan a chaidh atharrachadh: imipHtml.newLocation=Ionad ùr: %1$S # LOCALIZATION_NOTE(imipHtml.attendeeDelegatedFrom): this is appended behind an attendee name in the # email invitation preview - don't add leading/trailing whitespaces here # %1$S - a single delegator or a comma separated list of delegators imipHtml.attendeeDelegatedFrom=(air iomruineadh o %1$S) # LOCALIZATION_NOTE(imipHtml.attendeeDelegatedTo): this is appended behind an attendee name in the # email invitation preview - don't add leading/trailing whitespaces here # %1$S - a single delegatee or a comma separated list of delegatees imipHtml.attendeeDelegatedTo=(air iomruineadh dha %1$S) # LOCALIZATION_NOTE(imipHtml.attendee.combined): tooltip for itip icon in email invitation preview. # Given an attendee loungeexample.org of type room is a mandatory participant and has accepted the # invitation, the tooltip would be: # lounge@example.org (room) is a required participant. lounge@example.org has confirmed attendance. # %1$S - value of imipHtml.attendeeRole2.* # %2$S - value of imipHtml.attendeePartStat2.* imipHtml.attendee.combined=%1$S %2$S # LOCALIZATION_NOTE(imipHtml.attendeeRole2.CHAIR): used to compose # imipHtml.attendee.combined # %1$S - value of imipHtml.attendeeUserType2.* imipHtml.attendeeRole2.CHAIR=Bidh %1$S sa chathair aig an tachartas # LOCALIZATION_NOTE(imipHtml.attendeeRole2.NON-PARTICIPANT): used to compose # imipHtml.attendee.combined # %1$S - value of imipHtml.attendeeUserType2.* imipHtml.attendeeRole2.NON-PARTICIPANT=Cha ghabh %1$S pàirt. # LOCALIZATION_NOTE(imipHtml.attendeeRole2.OPT-PARTICIPANT): used to compose # imipHtml.attendee.combined # %1$S - value of imipHtml.attendeeUserType2.* imipHtml.attendeeRole2.OPT-PARTICIPANT=Gabhaibh %1$S pàirt ach chan eil an làthaireachd riatanach. # LOCALIZATION_NOTE(imipHtml.attendeeRole2.REQ-PARTICIPANT): used to compose # imipHtml.attendee.combined # %1$S - value of imipHtml.attendeeUserType2.* imipHtml.attendeeRole2.REQ-PARTICIPANT=Gabhaidh %1$S pàirt is tha an làthaireachd riatanach. # LOCALIZATION_NOTE(imipHtml.attendeePartStat2.ACCEPTED): used to compose # imipHtml.attendee.combined # %1$S - common name or email address of the attendee imipHtml.attendeePartStat2.ACCEPTED=Dhearbh %1$S gum bi iad an làthair. # LOCALIZATION_NOTE(imipHtml.attendeePartStat2.DECLINED): used to compose # imipHtml.attendee.combined # %1$S - common name or email address of the attendee imipHtml.attendeePartStat2.DECLINED=Thuirt %1$S nach bi iad an làthair. # LOCALIZATION_NOTE(imipHtml.attendeePartStat2.DELEGATED): used to compose # imipHtml.attendee.combined # %1$S - common name or email address of the attendee # %2$S - single delegatee or comma separated list of delegatees # delegation is different from invitation forwarding - in case of the former the original attendee # is replaced, while on the latter the receiver may take part additionally imipHtml.attendeePartStat2.DELEGATED=Bidh %2$S an làthair as leth %1$S. # LOCALIZATION_NOTE(imipHtml.attendeePartStat2.NEEDS-ACTION): used to compose # imipHtml.attendee.combined # %1$S - common name or email address of the attendee imipHtml.attendeePartStat2.NEEDS-ACTION=Feumaidh %1$S freagairt fhathast. # LOCALIZATION_NOTE(imipHtml.attendeePartStat2.TENTATIVE): used to compose # imipHtml.attendee.combined # %1$S - common name or email address of the attendee imipHtml.attendeePartStat2.TENTATIVE=Dhearbh %1$S gum bi iad an làthair ach gun chinnt. # LOCALIZATION_NOTE(imipHtml.attendeeUserType2.INDIVIDUAL): used to compose # imipHtml.attendeeRole2.* # %1$S - email address or common name representing an individual attendee imipHtml.attendeeUserType2.INDIVIDUAL=%1$S # LOCALIZATION_NOTE(imipHtml.attendeeUserType2.GROUP): used to compose # imipHtml.attendeeRole2.* # %1$S - email address or common name representing a group (e.g. a distribution list) imipHtml.attendeeUserType2.GROUP=%1$S (buidheann) # LOCALIZATION_NOTE(imipHtml.attendeeUserType2.RESOURCE): used to compose # imipHtml.attendeeRole2.* # %1$S - email address or common name representing a resource (e.g. projector) imipHtml.attendeeUserType2.RESOURCE=%1$S (goireas) # LOCALIZATION_NOTE(imipHtml.attendeeUserType2.ROOM): used to compose # imipHtml.attendeeRole2.* # %1$S - email address or common name representing a room imipHtml.attendeeUserType2.ROOM=%1$S (seòmar) # LOCALIZATION_NOTE(imipHtml.attendeeUserType2.UNKNOWN): used to compose # imipHtml.attendeeRole2.* # %1$S - email address or common name representing an attendee of unknown type imipHtml.attendeeUserType2.UNKNOWN=%1$S imipAddedItemToCal2=Chaidh an tachartas a chur ris a’ mhìosachan agad. imipCanceledItem2=Chaidh an tachartas seo a sguabadh às a’ mhìosachan agad. imipUpdatedItem2=Chaidh an tachartas ùrachadh. imipBarCancelText=Tha fios mu thachartas a chaidh a chur dheth san teachdaireachd seo. imipBarCounterErrorText=Tha frith-mholadh san teachdaireachd seo mu thachartas nach urrainn dhuinn làimhseachadh. imipBarCounterPreviousVersionText=Tha frith-mholadh san teachdaireachd seo mu sheann-tionndadh de chuireadh. imipBarCounterText=Tha frith-mholadh eile mu choinneamh cuiridh san teachdaireachd seo. imipBarDisallowedCounterText=Tha frith-mholadh san teachdaireachd seo ged nach do cheadaich thu frith-mholaidhean mu choinneamh an tachartais seo. imipBarDeclineCounterText=Tha freagairt sa teachdaireachd seo mu choinneamh an fhrith-mholaidh a rinn thu. imipBarRefreshText=Tha an teachdaireachd seo ag iarraidh ùrachadh mu thachartas. imipBarPublishText=Tha tachartas san teachdaireachd seo. imipBarRequestText=Tha cuireadh gu tachartas san teachdaireachd seo. imipBarSentText=Tha tachartas a chaidh a chur san teachdaireachd seo. imipBarSentButRemovedText=Tha tachartas a chaidh a chur san teachdaireachd seo ach chan eil e sa mhìosachan agad tuilleadh. imipBarUpdateText=Tha ùrachadh airson tachartas a tha ann mu tràth sa teachdaireachd seo. imipBarUpdateMultipleText=Tha ùrachaidhean airson iomadh tachartas san teachdaireachd seo. imipBarUpdateSeriesText=Tha ùrachadh airson sreath de thachartasan a tha ann mu tràth san teachdaireachd seo. imipBarAlreadyProcessedText=Tha tachartas san teachdaireachd seo a chaidh a làimhseachadh mu thràth. imipBarProcessedNeedsAction=Tha tachartas san teachdaireachd seo nach do dhèilig thu ris fhathast. imipBarProcessedMultipleNeedsAction=Tha iomadh tachartas san teachdaireachd seo nach do fhreagair thu fhathast. imipBarProcessedSeriesNeedsAction=Tha sreath de thachartasan san teachdaireachd seo nach do fhreagair thu fhathast. imipBarReplyText=Tha freagairt gu cuireadh san teachdaireachd seo. imipBarReplyToNotExistingItem=Tha freagairt san teachdaireachd seo a tha a’ toirt iomradh air tachartas nach eil sa mhìosachan agad. # LOCALIZATION_NOTE(imipBarReplyToRecentlyRemovedItem): # %1$S - datetime of deletion imipBarReplyToRecentlyRemovedItem=Tha freagairt san teachdaireachd seo a tha a’ toirt iomradh air tachartas a chaidh a thoirt air falbh on mhìosachan agad %1$S. imipBarUnsupportedText2=Tha tachartas san teachdaireachd seo nach urrainn do %1$S làimhseachadh. imipBarProcessingFailed=Dh'fhàillig pròiseasadh na teachdaireachd. Staid: %1$S. imipBarCalendarDeactivated=Tha fiosrachadh mu thachartas san teachdaireachd seo. Cuir mìosachan an comas airson a làimhseachadh. imipBarNotWritable=Chan eil mìosachan sam bith ann anns an urrainn dhuinn sgrìobhadh 's a chaidh a rèiteachadh airson chuiridhean. Thoir sùil air roghainnean a' mhìosachain. imipSendMail.title=Post-dealain caismeachd imipSendMail.text=A bheil thu airson post-dealain caismeachd a chur an-dràsta? imipNoIdentity=Chan eil gin imipNoCalendarAvailable=Chan eil mìosachain ann as urrainn dhut sgrìobhadh annta. itipReplySubject2=Freagairt ris a’ chuireadh: %1$S itipReplyBodyAccept=Ghabh %1$S ris a' chuireadh agad gun tachartas. itipReplyBodyDecline=Dhiùlt %1$S do chuireadh gun tachartas. itipReplySubjectAccept2=Air gabhail ris: %1$S itipReplySubjectDecline2=Cuireadh air a dhiùltadh: %1$S itipReplySubjectTentative2=Gun chinnt: %1$S itipRequestSubject2=Cuireadh: %1$S itipRequestUpdatedSubject2=Air ùrachadh: %1$S itipRequestBody=Thug %1$S cuireadh dhut gu %2$S itipCancelSubject2=Air a chur gu neoini: %1$S itipCancelBody=Chuir %1$S dheth an tachartas seo: %2$S itipCounterBody=Rinn %1$S frith-mholadh mu choinneamh “%2$S”: itipDeclineCounterBody=Dhiùlt %1$S do fhrith-mholadh mu choinneamh “%2$S”. itipDeclineCounterSubject=Chaidh am frith-mholadh a dhiùltadh: %1$S confirmProcessInvitation=Sguab thu às an rud seo o chionn goirid, a bheil thu cinnteach gu bheil thu airson an cuireadh seo a phròiseasadh? confirmProcessInvitationTitle=Tha, pròiseasaich an cuireadh? invitationsLink.label=Cuiridhean: %1$S # LOCALIZATION NOTE(noIdentitySelectedNotification): noIdentitySelectedNotification=Ma tha thu airson am mìosachan seo a chleachdadh airson cuiridhean o dhaoine eile no gu daoine eile, bu chòir dhut dearbh-aithne puist-d iomruineadh gu h-ìosal.