# This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public # License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this # file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. # LOCALIZATION NOTE (updateAvailableTitle): %S will be replaced with brandShortName updateAvailableTitle=Tha ùrachadh %S ri fhaighinn. # LOCALIZATION NOTE (updateAvailableMessage): %S will be replaced with brandShortName updateAvailableMessage=Nach ùraich thu %S ach am faigh thu na goireasan astair is prìobhaideachd as ùire. updateAvailablePrimaryButtonLabel=Luchdaich a-nuas an t-ùrachadh updateAvailablePrimaryButtonAccessKey=D updateAvailableSecondaryButtonLabel=Chan ann an-dràsta updateAvailableSecondaryButtonAccessKey=N # LOCALIZATION NOTE (updateManualTitle): %S will be replaced with brandShortName updateManualTitle=Cha ghabh %S ùrachadh dhan tionndadh as ùire. # LOCALIZATION NOTE (updateManualMessage): %S will be replaced with brandShortName updateManualMessage=Luchdaich a-nuas lethbhreac ùr de %S agus cuidichidh sinn thu ’ga stàladh. # LOCALIZATION NOTE (updateManualPrimaryButtonLabel): %S will be replaced with brandShortName updateManualPrimaryButtonLabel=Luchdaich a-nuas %S updateManualPrimaryButtonAccessKey=D updateManualSecondaryButtonLabel=Chan ann an-dràsta updateManualSecondaryButtonAccessKey=N # LOCALIZATION NOTE (updateUnsupportedTitle): %S will be replaced with brandShortName updateUnsupportedTitle=Cha ghabh %S ùrachadh dhan tionndadh as ùire. # LOCALIZATION NOTE (updateUnsupportedMessage): %S will be replaced with brandShortName updateUnsupportedMessage=Cha chuir an siostam agad taic ris an tionndadh as ùire dhe %S. updateUnsupportedPrimaryButtonLabel=Barrachd fiosrachaidh updateUnsupportedPrimaryButtonAccessKey=L updateUnsupportedSecondaryButtonLabel=Dùin updateUnsupportedSecondaryButtonAccessKey=C # LOCALIZATION NOTE (updateRestartTitle): %S will be replaced with brandShortName updateRestartTitle=Ath-thòisich airson %S ùrachadh. # LOCALIZATION NOTE (updateRestartMessage): %S will be replaced with brandShortName updateRestartMessage=Aisigidh %S gach taba ’s uinneag fhosgailte dhut an dèidh dha ath-thòiseachadh. updateRestartPrimaryButtonLabel=Ath-thòisich updateRestartPrimaryButtonAccessKey=R updateRestartSecondaryButtonLabel=Chan ann an-dràsta updateRestartSecondaryButtonAccessKey=N