# This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public # License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this # file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. # # The following are used by the imap code to display progress/status/error messages # #LOCALIZATION NOTE(imapAlertDialogTile): Do not translate the word "%S" # below. Place the word %S where the account name should appear. imapAlertDialogTitle=Caismeachd airson a' chunntais %S # Status - opening folder imapStatusSelectingMailbox=A' fosgladh a' phasgain %S… # Status - create folder imapStatusCreatingMailbox=A' cruthachadh a' phasgain… # Status - deleting a folder # LOCALIZATION NOTE (imapStatusDeletingMailbox): The "%S" below should not be translated. # Instead, insert "%S" in your translation where you wish to display the name # of the folder being deleted. imapStatusDeletingMailbox=A' sguabadh às a' phasgain %S… # Status - renaming mailbox # LOCALIZATION NOTE (imapStatusRenamingMailbox): The "%S" below should not be translated. # Instead, insert "%S" in your translation where you wish to display the name # of the folder being renamed. imapStatusRenamingMailbox=A' toirt ainm eile air a' phasgan %S… # Status - looking for mailboxes imapStatusLookingForMailbox=A' lorg nam pasgan… # Status - subscribing to mailbox # LOCALIZATION NOTE (imapStatusSubscribeToMailbox): The "%S" below should not be translated. # Instead, insert "%S" in your translation where you wish to display the name # of the folder being subscribed to. imapStatusSubscribeToMailbox=A' fo-sgrìobhadh gun phasgan %S… # Status - unsubscribing from mailbox # LOCALIZATION NOTE (imapStatusUnsubscribeMailbox): The "%S" below should not be translated. # Instead, insert "%S" in your translation where you wish to display the name # of the folder being unsubscribed from. imapStatusUnsubscribeMailbox=A' sgur dhen fho-sgrìobhadh gun phasgan %S… # Status - searching imap folder imapStatusSearchMailbox=A' rannsachadh a' phasgain… # Status - closing a folder imapStatusCloseMailbox=A' dùnadh a' phasgain… # Status - compacting a folder imapStatusExpungingMailbox=A’ dùmhlachadh a’ phasgain… # Status - logging out imapStatusLoggingOut=A' clàradh a-mach… # Status - checking server capabilities imapStatusCheckCompat=A' sgrùdadh comasan an fhrithealaiche phuist… # Status - logging on imapStatusSendingLogin=A' cur fiosrachadh an logaidh a-steach… # Status - auth logon imapStatusSendingAuthLogin=A' cur fiosrachadh an logaidh a-steach… imapDownloadingMessage=A' luchdadh a-nuas na teachdaireachd… # LOCALIZATION NOTE (imapGettingACLForFolder): Do not translate the word "ACL" below. imapGettingACLForFolder=A' faighinn ACL a' phasgain… imapGettingServerInfo=A' faighinn fiosrachadh rèiteachadh an fhrithealaiche… imapGettingMailboxInfo=A' faighinn fiosrachadh rèiteachadh a' bhogsa-phuist… imapEmptyMimePart=Thèid am ball-bodhaig seo a luchdadh a-nuas nuair a bhios iarrtas ann. # LOCALIZATION NOTE (imapReceivingMessageHeaders3): Do not translate the words "%1$S", "%2$S", and "%3$S" below. # Place the word %1$S in your translation where the number of the header being downloaded should appear. # Place the word %2$S in your translation where the total number of headers to be downloaded should appear. # Place the word %3$S in your translation where the name of the folder being processed should appear. # Note: The account name and separators (e.g. colon, space) are automatically added to the status message. # Example: "Joe's Account: Downloading message header 100 of 1000 in Drafts…" imapReceivingMessageHeaders3=A’ luchdadh a-nuas bann-cinn teachdaireachd %1$S à %2$S dha %3$S… # LOCALIZATION NOTE (imapReceivingMessageFlags3): Do not translate the words "%1$S", "%2$S", and "%3$S" below. # Place the word %1$S in your translation where the number of the flag being downloaded should appear. # Place the word %2$S in your translation where the total number of flags to be downloaded should appear. # Place the word %3$S in your translation where the name of the folder being processed should appear. # Note: The account name and separators (e.g. colon, space) are automatically added to the status message. # Example: "Jim's Account: Downloading message flag 100 of 1000 in INBOX…" imapReceivingMessageFlags3=A’ luchdadh a-nuas bratach teachdaireachd %1$S à %2$S dha %3$S… imapDeletingMessages=A' sguabadh às nan teachdaireachdan… imapDeletingMessage=A' sguabadh às na teachdaireachd… # LOCALIZATION NOTE (imapMovingMessages): Do not translate the word "%S" below. # Place the word %S in your translation where the name of the folder should appear. imapMovingMessages=A’ gluasad nan teachdaireachdan an-seo: %S… # LOCALIZATION NOTE (imapMovingMessage): Do not translate the word "%S" below. # Place the word %S in your translation where the name of the folder should appear. imapMovingMessage=A’ gluasad na teachdaireachd an-seo: %S… # LOCALIZATION NOTE (imapCopyingMessages): Do not translate the word "%S" below. # Place the word %S in your translation where the name of the folder should appear. imapCopyingMessages=A' cur lethbhreac nan teachdaireachdan dha %S… # LOCALIZATION NOTE (imapCopyingMessage): Do not translate the word "%S" below. # Place the word %S in your translation where the name of the folder should appear. imapCopyingMessage=A' cur lethbhreac na teachdaireachd dha %S… # LOCALIZATION NOTE (imapFolderReceivingMessageOf3): Do not translate the words "%1$S", "%2$S", and "%3$S" below. # Place the word %1$S in your translation where the number of the message being downloaded should appear. # Place the word %2$S in your translation where the total number of messages to be downloaded should appear. # Place the word %3$S in your translation where the name of the folder being processed should appear. # Note: The account name and separators (e.g. colon, space) are automatically added to the status message. # Example: "Juan's Account: Downloading message 100 of 1000 in Sent…" imapFolderReceivingMessageOf3=A’ luchdadh a-nuas teachdaireachd %1$S à %2$S dha %3$S… # LOCALIZATION NOTE (imapDiscoveringMailbox): Do not translate the word "%S" below. # Place the word %S in your translation where the name of the folder should appear. imapDiscoveringMailbox=Pasgan air a lorg: %S # LOCALIZATION NOTE (imapEnterServerPasswordPrompt): Do not translate the words %1$S and %2$S below. # Place the word %1$S in your translation where the username should appear. # Place the word %2$S in your translation where the servername should appear. imapEnterServerPasswordPrompt=Cuir a-steach am facal-faire agad airson %1$S air %2$S: # LOCALIZATION NOTE (imapServerNotImap4): Do not translate the word "IMAP4" below. imapServerNotImap4=Chan eil am frithealaiche puist %S 'na fhrithealaiche puist IMAP4. # This is intentionally left blank. imapDone= # LOCALIZATION NOTE (imapEnterPasswordPromptTitleWithUsername): Do not translate the # word %1$S. Place the word %1$S where the user name should appear. imapEnterPasswordPromptTitleWithUsername=Cuir a-steach am facal-faire agad airson %1$S imapUnknownHostError=Dh'fhàillig an ceangal ris an fhrithealaiche %S. imapOAuth2Error=Dh’fhàillig leis an dearbhadh fhad ’s a bha sinn a’ ceangal ris an fhrithealaiche %S. imapConnectionRefusedError=Cha b' urrainn dhuinn ceangal a stèidheachadh ris an fhrithealaiche phuist %S; chaidh an ceangal a dhiùltadh. imapNetTimeoutError=Dh'fhalbh an ùine air a' cheangal ris an fhrithealaiche %S. imapTlsError=Thachair mearachd TLS nach gabh a thar-àithneadh. Tha sinn an dùil gur e mearachd crathadh-làimhe a th’ ann no nach eil an tionndadh dhe TLS no an teisteanais a chleachd am frithealaiche %S co-chòrdail. # Status - no messages to download imapNoNewMessages=Chan eil teachdaireachdan ùra air an fhrithealaiche. imapDefaultAccountName=Post airson %S imapSpecialChar2=Tha an caractar %S cuingichte air an fhrithealaiche IMAP seo. Tagh ainm eile. imapPersonalSharedFolderTypeName=Am pasgan pearsanta imapPublicFolderTypeName=Am pasgan poblach imapOtherUsersFolderTypeName=Pasgan nan cleachdaichean eile imapPersonalFolderTypeDescription='S e pasgan puist pearsanta a tha seo. Chan eil e air a cho-roinneadh. imapPersonalSharedFolderTypeDescription='S e pasgan puist pearsanta a tha seo. Tha e air a cho-roinneadh. imapPublicFolderTypeDescription='S e pasgan poblach a tha seo. imapOtherUsersFolderTypeDescription=Seo pasgan puist a tha air a cho-roinneadh leis a' chleachdaiche '%S'. imapAclFullRights=Làn-smachd imapAclLookupRight=Lorg imapAclReadRight=Air a leughadh imapAclSeenRight=Suidhich "Air a leughadh/Gun leughadh" imapAclWriteRight=Sgrìobh imapAclInsertRight=Cuir ann (Cuir lethbhreac dheth ann) imapAclPostRight=Post imapAclCreateRight=Cruthaich fo-phasgan imapAclDeleteRight=Sguab às teachdaireachdan imapAclAdministerRight=Rianaich am pasgan imapServerDoesntSupportAcl=Chan eil am frithealaiche seo a' cur taic ri co-roinneadh phasgan. imapAclExpungeRight=Lèir-fhalamhaich imapServerDisconnected= Bhris am frithealaiche %S an ceangal. Dh'fhaodadh gu bheil am frithealaiche sìos no gu bheil duilgheadas ann leis an lìonra. # LOCALIZATION NOTE (autoSubscribeText): %1$S is the imap folder. imapSubscribePrompt=A bheil thu airson fo-sgrìobhadh gu %1$S? imapServerDroppedConnection=Cha b' urrainn dhuinn ceangal a stèidheachadh ris an fhrithealaiche IMAP. Dh'fhaodadh gun deach thu thairis air an àireamh as motha de cheanglaichean ris an fhrithealaiche seo a tha ceadaichte. Ma thachair seo, cleachd còmhradh roghainnean adhartach an fhrithealaiche IMAP gus àireamh nan ceanglaichean a thèid a thasgadh a lughdachadh. # This will occur when a folder that has never been imap selected or opened # (left-clicked) is first right-clicked to access quota properties. imapQuotaStatusFolderNotOpen=Chan eil fiosrachadh a' chuota ri fhaighinn a chionn 's nach eil am pasgan fosgailte. # The imap capability response reports that QUOTA is not supported. imapQuotaStatusNotSupported=Chan eil am frithealaiche seo a' cur taic ri cuotannan. # The getqutaroot command succeeded but reported no quota information. imapQuotaStatusNoQuota2=Chan eil am pasgan seo ag aithris fiosrachadh mun chuota aige. # Folder properties were requested by the user (right-click) before the getquotaroot # command was sent. imapQuotaStatusInProgress=Chan eil fiosrachadh mun chuota ri fhaighinn fhathast. # Out of memory imapOutOfMemory=Dh'fhalbh a' chuimhne air a' phrògram. # LOCALIZATION NOTE (imapCopyingMessageOf2): Do not translate the word "%S" below. # Place the word %3$S in your translation where the name of the destination folder should appear. # Place the word %1$S where the currently copying message should appear. # Place the word %2$S where the total number of messages should appear. imapCopyingMessageOf2=A' cur lethbhreac %1$S à %2$S dha %3$S… # LOCALIZATION NOTE (imapMoveFolderToTrash): Do not translate the word %S below. # "%S" is the the name of the folder. imapMoveFolderToTrash=A bheil thu cinnteach gu bheil thu airson am pasgan '%S' a sguabadh às? # LOCALIZATION NOTE (imapDeleteNoTrash): Do not translate the word %S below. # "%S" is the the name of the folder. imapDeleteNoTrash=Cha ghabh am pasgan seo aiseag ma sguabas tu às e 's thèid gach teachdaireachd is fo-phasgan a tha ann a sguabadh às. A bheil thu cinnteach fhathast gu bheil thu airson am pasgan '%S' a sguabadh às? imapDeleteFolderDialogTitle=Sguab às am pasgan imapDeleteFolderButtonLabel=&Sguab às am pasgan # LOCALIZATION NOTE (imapAuthChangeEncryptToPlainSSL): %S is the server hostname imapAuthChangeEncryptToPlainSSL=Tha coltas nach eil am frithealaiche IMAP %S a' cur taic ri faclan-faire crioptaichte. Ma tha thu dìreach air an cunntas seo a chruthachadh, feuch is atharraich na roghainnean gu "Facal-faire àbhaisteach" mar dhòigh dearbhaidh ann an Roghainnean a' chunntais | Roghainnean an fhrithealaiche'. Nam b' àbhaist dha a bhith ag obair ceart gu leòr 's ma dh'fhàillig e gu h-obann, bruidhinn ri rianadair no solaraiche a' phuist agad. # LOCALIZATION NOTE (imapAuthChangePlainToEncrypt): %S is the server hostname imapAuthChangePlainToEncrypt=Chan eil am frithealaiche IMAP %S a' ceadachadh faclan-faire a tha 'nan teacsa lom. Feuch is atharraich an dòigh dearbhaidh gu "Facal-faire crioptaichte" ann an "Roghainnean a' chunntais | Roghainnean an fhrithealaiche". # LOCALIZATION NOTE (imapAuthChangeEncryptToPlainNoSSL): %S is the server hostname imapAuthChangeEncryptToPlainNoSSL=Tha coltas nach eil am frithealaiche %S a' cur taic ri faclan-faire crioptaichte. Ma tha thu dìreach air an cunntas seo a chruthachadh, feuch is atharraich an "Dòigh dearbhaidh" gu "Facal-faire, 'ga thar-aiseag gu mì-thèarainte" ann an "Roghainnean a' chunntais | Roghainnean an fhrithealaiche". Nam b' àbhaist dha a bhith ag obair mar bu chòir is ma dh'fhàillig e gu h-obann, seo suidheachadh cumanta far am b' urrainn do chuideigin am facal-faire agad a ghoid. # LOCALIZATION NOTE (imapAuthMechNotSupported): %S is the server hostname imapAuthMechNotSupported=TChan eil am frithealaiche IMAP %S a' cur taic ris an dòigh dearbhachaidh a thagh thu. Feuch is atharraich an dòigh dearbhaidh ann an "Roghainnean a' chunntais | Roghainnean an fhrithealaiche". # LOCALIZATION NOTE (imapAuthGssapiFailed): %S is the server hostname imapAuthGssapiFailed=Cha b' urrainn dhuinn am frithealaiche IMAP %S ris an tiocaid Kerberos/GSSAPI. Dèan cinnteach gu bheil thu air logadh a-steach do rìoghachd Kerberos/GSSAPI. # LOCALIZATION NOTE (imapServerCommandFailed): # Place the word %1$S in your translation where the name of the account name should appear. # Place the word %2$S in your translation where the server response should appear. imapServerCommandFailed=Cha do shoirbhich leat leis an àithne seo. Dh'fhreagair am frithealaiche puist airson a' chunntais %1$S: %2$S\u0020 # LOCALIZATION NOTE (imapFolderCommandFailed): Do not translate the word %S below. # Place the word %1$S in your translation where the name of the account should appear. # Place the word %2$S in your translation where the name of the folder should appear. # Place the word %3$S in your translation where the server response should appear. imapFolderCommandFailed=Cha do shoirbhich leis a' ghnìomh seo air '%2$S'. Dh'fhreagair am frithealaiche puist airson a' chunntais %1$S: %3$S # LOCALIZATION NOTE (imapServerAlert): # Place the word %1$S in your translation where the name of the account should appear. # Place the word %2$S in your translation where the alert from the server should appear. imapServerAlert=Caismeachd on chunntas %1$S: %2$S