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# $identity (String) - the email address of the currently selected identity
key-wizard-dialog-window =
.title = Adder un clave OpenPGP personal pro { $identity }
key-wizard-button =
.buttonlabelaccept = Continuar
.buttonlabelhelp = Receder
key-wizard-dialog =
.buttonlabelaccept = Continuar
.buttonlabelextra1 = Receder
key-wizard-warning = Si tu ha un clave personal existente pro iste adresse email, tu deberea importar lo. Alteremente tu non habera accesso a tu archivos de emails cryptate, ni potera leger emails in arrivata cryptate de illes qui usa ancora tu clave existente.
key-wizard-learn-more = Saper plus
radio-create-key =
.label = Generar clave OpenPGP
.accesskey = c
radio-import-key =
.label = Importar un existente clave OpenPGP
.accesskey = I
radio-gnupg-key =
.label = Usa tu clave externe per GnuPG (e.g. de un smartcard)
.accesskey = U
## Generate key section
openpgp-generate-key-title = Generar clave OpenPGP
openpgp-generate-key-info = Le generation de clave pote occupar usque plure minutas pro completar. Non exir del application durante que es in curso le generation del clave. Navigar activemente o exequer operationes intensive pro le disco durante le generation del clave replena le 'piscina aleatori' e accelera le procedura. Tu sera alertate quando generation del clave es completate.
openpgp-keygen-expiry-title = Expiration del clave
openpgp-keygen-expiry-description = Defini le expiration tempore de tu clave generate novemente. Tu pote plus tarde controlar le data pro extender lo si necessari.
radio-keygen-expiry =
.label = Le clave expirara in:
.accesskey = x
radio-keygen-no-expiry =
.label = Le clave non expira
.accesskey = n
openpgp-keygen-days-label =
.label = dies
openpgp-keygen-months-label =
.label = menses
openpgp-keygen-years-label =
.label = annos
openpgp-keygen-advanced-title = Parametros avantiate
openpgp-keygen-advanced-description = Controlar le parametros avantiate de tu clave OpenPGP.
openpgp-keygen-keytype =
.value = Typo de clave:
.accesskey = t
openpgp-keygen-keysize =
.value = Dimension del clave:
.accesskey = D
openpgp-keygen-type-rsa =
.label = RSA
openpgp-keygen-type-ecc =
.label = ECC (curva elliptic)
openpgp-keygen-button = Generar clave
openpgp-keygen-progress-title = Generation de tu nove clave OpenPGP…
openpgp-keygen-import-progress-title = Importation de tu claves OpenPGP…
openpgp-import-success = Claves OpenPGP importate con successo!
openpgp-import-success-title = Completar le procedura de importation
openpgp-import-success-description = Pro comenciar a usar tu clave OpenPGP importate pro cryptar e-mail, claude iste dialogo e accede al parametros de tu conto pro seliger le clave.
openpgp-keygen-confirm =
.label = Confirmar
openpgp-keygen-dismiss =
.label = Cancellar
openpgp-keygen-cancel =
.label = Cancellar procedura…
openpgp-keygen-import-complete =
.label = Clauder
.accesskey = C
openpgp-keygen-missing-username = Il ha nulle nomine specific pro le actual conto. Insere un valor in le campo · "Tu nomine" in le parametros del conto.
openpgp-keygen-long-expiry = Tu non pote crea un clave que expira in plus de 100 annos.
openpgp-keygen-short-expiry = Tu clave debe esser valide pro al minus un die.
openpgp-keygen-ongoing = Generation del clave jam in curso!
openpgp-keygen-error-core = Impossibile initialisar le servicio nucleo de OpenPGP
openpgp-keygen-error-failed = Generation del clave OpenPGP fallite inexpectatemente
# $identity (String) - the newly generate OpenPGP Key
openpgp-keygen-error-revocation = Clave OpenPGP create con successo, ma falta a obtener le revocation pro le clave { $key }
openpgp-keygen-abort-title = Abortar le generation del clave?
openpgp-keygen-abort = Generation del clave OpenPGP actualmente in curso, desira tu vermente cancellar lo?
# $identity (String) - the name and email address of the currently selected identity
openpgp-key-confirm = Generar clave public e secrete pro { $identity }?
## Import Key section
openpgp-import-key-title = Importar un clave OpenPGP personal existente
openpgp-import-key-legend = Eliger un file reservate previemente.
openpgp-import-key-description = Tu pote importar claves personal que ha essite create con altere software OpenPGP.
openpgp-import-key-info = Altere software pote describer un clave personal per terminos alternative tal como tu proprie clave, secrete clave, clave private o par de claves.
# $count (Number) - the number of keys found in the selected files
openpgp-import-key-list-amount-2 =
{ $count ->
[one] { -brand-short-name } trovava un clave que pote esser importate.
*[other] { -brand-short-name } trovava { $count } claves que pote esser importate.
openpgp-import-key-list-description = Confirmar que le claves pote esser tractate como tu claves personal. Solo claves que tu mesme ha create e que monstrar tu proprie identitate debe esser usate como claves personal. Tu pote cambiar iste option plus tarde in le fenestra de dialogo Proprietates del clave.
openpgp-import-key-list-caption = Le claves marcate pro esser tractate como claves personal sera presentate in le section Cryptographia end-to-end. Los altere sera disponibile intra le gestor del claves.
openpgp-passphrase-prompt-title = Phrase contrasigno obligatori
# $identity (String) - the id of the key being imported
openpgp-passphrase-prompt = Insere le phrase contrasigno pro disblocar le sequente clave: { $key }
openpgp-import-key-button =
.label = Elige le file a importar…
.accesskey = E
import-key-file = Importar le file clave OpenPGP
import-key-personal-checkbox =
.label = Tractar iste clave como clave personal
gnupg-file = Files GnuPG
import-error-file-size = Error! Files major de 5MB non es supportate.
# $error (String) - the reported error from the failed key import method
import-error-failed = Error! Falta a importar file. { $error }
# $error (String) - the reported error from the failed key import method
openpgp-import-keys-failed = Error! Falta a importar claves. { $error }
openpgp-import-identity-label = Identitate
openpgp-import-fingerprint-label = Dactylogramma
openpgp-import-created-label = Create
openpgp-import-bits-label = Bits
openpgp-import-key-props =
.label = Proprietates del clave
.accesskey = P
## External Key section
openpgp-external-key-title = Clave GnuPG externe
openpgp-external-key-description = Configurar un clave GnuPG externe per le introduction del ID clave
openpgp-external-key-info = In addition, tu debe usar le gestor del claves pro importar e acceptar le clave public correspondente.
openpgp-external-key-warning = Tu pote configurar un singule clave GnuPG externe. Tu previe entrata sera supplantate.
openpgp-save-external-button = Salvar ID del clave
openpgp-external-key-label = ID del clave secrete:
openpgp-external-key-input =
.placeholder = 123456789341298340