# This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public # License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this # file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. # LOCALIZATION NOTE (matrix.usernameHint): # This is displayed inside the accountUsernameInfoWithDescription # string defined in imAccounts.properties when the user is # configuring a Matrix account. # LOCALIZATION NOTE (options.*): # These are the protocol specific options shown in the account manager and # account wizard windows. options.saveToken=Išsaugoti prieigos raktą options.deviceDisplayName=Rodomas įrenginio pavadinimas options.homeserver=Serveris # LOCALIZATION NOTE (options.encryption.*): # These are strings used to build the status information of the encryption # storage, shown in the account manager. %S is one of the statuses and the # strings are combined with a pipe (|) between. # %1$S is the session ID, %2$S is the session display name # LOCALIZATION NOTE (connection.*): # These will be displayed in the account manager in order to show the progress # of the connection. # (These will be displayed in account.connection.progress from # accounts.properties, which adds … at the end, so do not include # periods at the end of these messages.) connection.requestAuth=Laukiama kol bus patvirtinsite tapatybę connection.requestAccess=Užbaigiamas tapatybės patvirtinimas # LOCALIZATION NOTE (connection.error.*): # These will show in the account manager if an error occurs during the # connection attempt. connection.error.noSupportedFlow=Serveris nesiūlo tinkamo prisijungimo būdo. connection.error.authCancelled=Jūs nutraukėte tapatybės patvirtinimą. connection.error.sessionEnded=Seansas atjungtas. # LOCALIZATION NOTE (chatRoomField.*): # These are the name of fields displayed in the 'Join Chat' dialog # for Matrix accounts. # The _ character won't be displayed; it indicates the next # character of the string should be used as the access key for this # field. chatRoomField.room=_Kambarys # LOCALIZATION NOTE (tooltip.*): # These are the descriptions given in a tooltip with information received # from the "User" object. # The human readable name of the user. tooltip.displayName=Rodomas vardas # %S is the timespan elapsed since the last activity. tooltip.timespan=prieš %S tooltip.lastActive=Paskiausia veikla # LOCALIZATION NOTE (powerLevel.*): # These are the string representations of different standard power levels and strings. # %S are one of the power levels, Default/Moderator/Admin/Restricted/Custom. powerLevel.default=Numatytasis powerLevel.moderator=Moderatorius powerLevel.admin=Administratorius powerLevel.restricted=Apribotas powerLevel.custom=Kitoks # %1$S is the power level name # %2$S is the power level number powerLevel.detailed=%1$S (%2$S) powerLevel.defaultRole=Numatytasis vaidmuo: %S powerLevel.inviteUser=Pakviesti vartotojus: %S powerLevel.kickUsers=Išmesti vartotojus: %S powerLevel.ban=Uždrausti vartotojus: %S powerLevel.roomAvatar=Pakeisti kambario ženklelį: %S powerLevel.mainAddress=Pakeisti pagrindinį kambario adresą: %S powerLevel.history=Pakeitimų istorijos matomumą: %S powerLevel.roomName=Pakeisti kambario pavadinimą: %S powerLevel.changePermissions=Keisti teises: %S powerLevel.server_acl=Siųsti „m.room.server_acl“ įvykius: %S powerLevel.upgradeRoom=Atnaujinti kambarį: %S powerLevel.remove=Pašalinti pranešimus: %S powerLevel.events_default=Events default: %S powerLevel.state_default=Keisti nuostatas: %S powerLevel.encryption=Šifruoti kambarį: %S powerLevel.topic=Kambario tema: %S # LOCALIZATION NOTE (detail.*): # These are the string representations of different matrix properties. # %S will typically be strings with the actual values. # Example placeholder: "Foo bar" detail.name=Pavadinimas: %S # Example placeholder: "My first room" detail.topic=Tema: %S # Example placeholder: "5" detail.version=Kambario versija: %S # Example placeholder: "#thunderbird:mozilla.org" detail.roomId=RoomID: %S # %S are all admin users. Example: "@foo:example.com, @bar:example.com" detail.admin=Administratorius: %S # %S are all moderators. Example: "@lorem:mozilla.org, @ipsum:mozilla.org" detail.moderator=Moderatorius: %S # Example placeholder: "#thunderbird:matrix.org" detail.alias=Pseudonimas: %S # Example placeholder: "can_join" detail.guest=Svečio prieiga: %S # This is a heading, followed by the powerLevel.* strings detail.power=Teisės: # LOCALIZATION NOTE (command.*): # These are the help messages for each command, the %S is the command name # Each command first gives the parameter it accepts and then a description of # the command. command.ban=%S < userId > [< priežastis >]: užblokuoti vartotoją „userId“ kambaryje, kartu nurodant blokavimo priežastį. Reikalingas leidimas blokuoti vartotojus. command.invite=%S < userId >: pakviesti vartotoją į kambarį. command.kick=%S < userId > [< priežastis >]: išmesti vartotoją „userId“ iš kambario, kartu nurodant priežastį. Reikalingas leidimas išmesti vartotojus. command.nick=%S < vardas >: pakeisti rodomą vardą. command.op=%S < userId > [< galios_lygis >]: nustatykite vartotojo galios lygį (kaip sveikąjį skaičių): vartotojas: 0, moderatorius: 50, administratorius: 100. Jei argumentas nenurodytas, numatytoji reikšmė yra 50. Reikia leidimo pakeisti nario galios lygius. Neveiks kitiems administratoriams, išskyrus jus pačius. command.deop=%S < userId >: Nustatykite vartotoją į 0 galios lygį (Vartotojas). Reikia leidimo pakeisti nario galios lygius. Neveiks kitiems administratoriams, išskyrus jus pačius. command.leave=%S: išeiti iš šio kambario. command.topic=%S < tema >: nustatyti kambario temą. Reikalingas leidimas pakeisti kambario temą. command.unban=%S < userId >: atblokuoti vartotoją. Reikalingas leidimas blokuoti vartotojus. command.visibility=%S [< matomumas >]: nustatyti kambario matomumą šio serverio kambarių kataloge. Nurodykite sveiką skaičių: privatus: 0 ir viešas: 1. Numatytoji reikšmė yra 0 ( Privatus). Reikia leidimo pakeisti kambario matomumą. command.guest=%S < svečio_prieiga > < istorijos_matomumas >: nustatyti šio kambario prieigą ir istorijos matomumą svečiams. Nurodykite du sveikus skaičius: pirmasis svečio prieigai (neleidžiama: 0 ir leidžiama: 1), o antrasis - istorijos matomumui (nematoma: 0 ir matoma: 1). Norint pakeisti istorijos matomumą, reikalingas leidimas. command.roomname=%S < pavadinimas >: nustatyti kambario pavadinimą. Reikalingas leidimas keisti kambario pavadinimą. command.detail=%S: parodyti išsamią kambario informaciją. command.addalias=%S < pseudonimas >: sukurti kambario pseudonimą. Tikėtina kambario pseudonimo forma yra „#localname: domain“. Reikia leidimo pridėti pseudonimus. command.removealias=%S < pseudonimas >: Pašalinti kambario pseudonimą. Tikėtina kambario pseudonimo forma yra „#localname: domain“. Reikia leidimo pašalinti pseudonimus. command.upgraderoom=%S < versija >: Atnaujinti kambarį į nurodytą versiją. Reikia leidimo atnaujinti kambarį. command.me=%S <komanda>: atlikti komandą. command.msg=%S < userId > < žinutė >: išsiųsti tiesioginį pranešimą nurodytam vartotojui. command.join=%S < roomId >: Prisijungti prie nurodyto kambario. # LOCALIZATION NOTE (message.*): # These are shown as system messages in the conversation. # %S is the reason string for the particular action. # Used within context of ban, kick and withdrew invite. message.reason=Priežastis: %S. # LOCALIZATION NOTE (message.*): # These are shown as system messages in the conversation. # %1$S is the name of the user who banned. # %2$S is the name of the user who got banned. message.banned=%1$S užblokavo %2$S. # Same as message.banned but with a reason. # %3$S is the reason the user was banned. # %1$S is the name of the user who accepted the invitation. # %2$S is the name of the user who sent the invitation. message.acceptedInviteFor=%1$S priėmė %2$S pakvietimą. # %S is the name of the user who accepted an invitation. message.acceptedInvite=$S priėmė kvietimą. # %1$S is the name of the user who invited. # %2$S is the name of the user who got invited. message.invited=%1$S pakvietė %2$S. # %1$S is the name of the user who changed their display name. # %2$S is the old display name. # %3$S is the new display name. message.displayName.changed=%1$S pasikeitė vardą iš %2$S į %3$S. # %1$S is the name of the user who set their display name. # %2$S is the newly set display name. message.displayName.set=%1$S nusistatė vardą %2$S. # %1$S is the name of the user who removed their display name. # %2$S is the old display name which has been removed. message.displayName.remove=%1$S pasišalino vardą %2$S. # %S is the name of the user who has joined the room. message.joined=%S prisijungė prie kambario. # %S is the name of the user who has rejected the invitation. message.rejectedInvite=%S atmetė kvietimą. # %S is the name of the user who has left the room. message.left=%S išėjo iš kambario. # %1$S is the name of the user who unbanned. # %2$S is the name of the user who got unbanned. message.unbanned=%1$S atblokavo %2$S. # %1$S is the name of the user who kicked. # %2$S is the name of the user who got kicked. message.kicked=%1$S išmetė %2$S. # Same as message.kicked but with a third parameter for the reason. # %3$S is the reason for the kick. # %1$S is the name of the user who withdrew invitation. # %2$S is the name of the user whose invitation has been withdrawn. message.withdrewInvite=%1$S atšaukė pakvietimą %2$S. # Same as message.withdrewInvite but with a third paramter for the reason. # %3$S is the reason the invite was withdrawn. # %S is the name of the user who has removed the room name. message.roomName.remove=%S pašalino kambario pavadinimą. # %1$S is the name of the user who changed the room name. # %2$S is the new room name. message.roomName.changed=%1$S pakeitė kambario pavadinimą į %2$S. # %1$S is the name of the user who changed the power level. # %2$S is a list of "message.powerLevel.fromTo" strings representing power level changes separated by commas # power level changes, separated by commas if there are multiple changes. message.powerLevel.changed=%1$S pakeitė %2$S teises. # %1$S is the name of the target user whose power level has been changed. # %2$S is the old power level. # %2$S is the new power level. message.powerLevel.fromTo=%1$S iš %2$S tapo %3$S # %S is the name of the user who has allowed guests to join the room. message.guest.allowed=%S leido svečiams prisijungti prie kambario. # %S is the name of the user who has prevented guests to join the room. message.guest.prevented=%S neleido svečiams prisijungti prie kambario. # %S is the name of the user who has made future room history visible to anyone. message.history.anyone=%S padarė kad būsima kambario pokalbių istoriją būtų matomą visiems. # %S is the name of the user who has made future room history visible to all room members. message.history.shared=%S padarė kad būsima kambario pokalbių istoriją būtų matomą visiems kambario nariams. # %S is the name of the user who has made future room history visible to all room members, from the point they are invited. message.history.invited=%S padarė kad būsima kambario pokalbių istoriją būtų matomą visiems kambario nariams nuo jų pakvietimo momento. # %S is the name of the user who has made future room history visible to all room members, from the point they joined. message.history.joined=%S padarė kad būsima kambario pokalbių istoriją būtų matomą visiems kambario nariams nuo jų prisijungimo momento. # %1$S is the name of the user who changed the address. # %2$S is the old address. # %3$S is the new address. message.alias.main=%1$S pakeitė pagrindinį šio kambario adresą iš %2$S į %3$S. # %1$S is the name of the user who added the address. # %2$S is a comma delimited list of added addresses. message.alias.added=%1$S pridėjo %2$S kaip alternatyvų šio kambario adresą. # %1$S is the name of the user who removed the address. # %2$S is a comma delimited list of removed addresses. message.alias.removed=%1$S pašalino %2$S kaip alternatyvų šio kambario adresą. # %1$S is the name of the user that edited the alias addresses. # %2$S is a comma delimited list of removed addresses. # %3$S is a comma delmited list of added addresses. message.alias.removedAndAdded=%1$S pašalino %2$S ir nustatė %3$S kaip šio kambario adresą. # %1$S is the name of the user who sent the verification request. # %2$S is the name of the user that is receiving the verification request. # %1$S is the name of the user who cancelled the verification request. # %2$S is the reason given why the verification was cancelled.