# This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public # License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this # file, you can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. carddav-window-title = Nov cudeschet d'adressas CardDAV carddav-dialog = .buttonlabelaccept = Cuntinuar .buttonaccesskeyaccept = C carddav-username-label = .value = Num d'utilisader: .accesskey = u carddav-location-label = .value = Lieu: .accesskey = L carddav-location = .default-placeholder = URL u num da host dal server dal cudeschet d'adressas carddav-loading = Tschertgar la configuraziun… carddav-known-incompatible = Igl è enconuschent che { $url } è incumpatibel cun { -brand-short-name }. carddav-connection-error = Connexiun betg reussida. carddav-none-found = Chattà nagins cudeschets d'adressas per agiuntar per il conto inditgà. carddav-already-added = Tut ils cudeschets d'adressas dal conto inditgà èn gia vegnids agiuntads. carddav-available-books = Cudeschets d'adressas disponibels: