# This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public # License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this # file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. # LOCALIZATION NOTE These strings are used inside the Debugger # which is available from the Web Developer sub-menu -> 'Debugger'. # The correct localization of this file might be to keep it in # English, or another language commonly spoken among web developers. # You want to make that choice consistent across the developer tools. # A good criteria is the language in which you'd find the best # documentation on web development on the web. # LOCALIZATION NOTE These strings are used inside the Debugger # which is available from the Browser Tools sub-menu -> 'Debugger'. # The correct localization of this file might be to keep it in # English, or another language commonly spoken among web developers. # You want to make that choice consistent across the developer tools. # A good criteria is the language in which you'd find the best # documentation on web development on the web. # LOCALIZATION NOTE (collapseSources): This is the tooltip for the button # that collapses the Sources and Outlines panes in the debugger UI. collapseSources=Свернуть панели источников и контуров # LOCALIZATION NOTE (collapseBreakpoints): This is the tooltip for the button # that collapses the Breakpoints panes in the debugger UI. collapseBreakpoints=Свернуть панель точек останова # LOCALIZATION NOTE (copyToClipboard.label): This is the text that appears in the # context menu to copy the text that the user selected. copyToClipboard.label=Скопировать в буфер обмена copyToClipboard.accesskey=о # LOCALIZATION NOTE (copySource.label): This is the text that appears in the # context menu to copy all of the text in the open file. copySource.label=Скопировать исходный текст copySource.accesskey=в # LOCALIZATION NOTE (copySourceUri2): This is the text that appears in the # context menu to copy the source URI of file open. copySourceUri2=Скопировать URI исходника copySourceUri2.accesskey=и # LOCALIZATION NOTE (collapseAll.label): This is the text that appears in the # context menu to collapse a directory and all of its subdirectories. collapseAll.label=Свернуть всё # LOCALIZATION NOTE (expandAll.label): This is the text that appears in the # context menu to expand a directory and all of its subdirectories. expandAll.label=Развернуть всё # LOCALIZATION NOTE (setDirectoryRoot.label): This is the text that appears in the # context menu to set a directory as root directory setDirectoryRoot.label=Установить корневой каталог setDirectoryRoot.accesskey=ь # LOCALIZATION NOTE (removeDirectoryRoot.label): This is the text that appears in the # context menu to remove a directory as root directory removeDirectoryRoot.label=Удалить корневой каталог # LOCALIZATION NOTE (ignoreAll.label): Text associated with the ignore context menu item ignoreAll.label=Игнорировать # LOCALIZATION NOTE (ignoreAllInGroup.label): This is the text that appears in the # context submenu to ignore all files inside of the selected group ignoreAllInGroup.label=Игнорировать файлы в этой группе # LOCALIZATION NOTE (unignoreAllInGroup.label): This is the text that appears in the # context submenu to unignore all files inside of the selected group unignoreAllInGroup.label=Перестать игнорировать файлы в этой группе # LOCALIZATION NOTE (ignoreAllOutsideGroup.label): This is the text that appears in the # context submenu to ignore all files outside of the selected group ignoreAllOutsideGroup.label=Игнорировать файлы за пределами этой группы # LOCALIZATION NOTE (unignoreAllOutsideGroup.label): This is the text that appears in the # context submenu to unignore all files outside of the selected group unignoreAllOutsideGroup.label=Перестать игнорировать файлы за пределами этой группы # LOCALIZATION NOTE (ignoreAllInDir.label): This is the text that appears in the # context submenu to ignore all files inside of the selected directory ignoreAllInDir.label=Игнорировать файлы в этом каталоге # LOCALIZATION NOTE (unignoreAllInDir.label): This is the text that appears in the # context submenu to unignore all files inside of the selected directory unignoreAllInDir.label=Перестать игнорировать файлы в этом каталоге # LOCALIZATION NOTE (ignoreAllOutsideDir.label): This is the text that appears in the # context submenu to ignore all files outside of the selected directory ignoreAllOutsideDir.label=Игнорировать файлы за пределами этого каталога # LOCALIZATION NOTE (unignoreAllOutsideDir.label: This is the text that appears in the # context submenu to unignore all files outside of the selected directory unignoreAllOutsideDir.label=Перестать игнорировать файлы за пределами этого каталога # LOCALIZATION NOTE (copyFunction.label): This is the text that appears in the # context menu to copy the function the user selected copyFunction.label=Скопировать функцию copyFunction.accesskey=н # LOCALIZATION NOTE (copyStackTrace): This is the text that appears in the # context menu to copy the stack trace methods, file names and row number. copyStackTrace=Скопировать трассировку стека copyStackTrace.accesskey=п # LOCALIZATION NOTE (restartFrame): This is the text that appears in the # context menu to restart a frame. restartFrame=Перезапустить кадр restartFrame.accesskey=и # LOCALIZATION NOTE (expandSources): This is the tooltip for the button # that expands the Sources and Outlines panes in the debugger UI. expandSources=Развернуть панели источников и контуров # LOCALIZATION NOTE (expandBreakpoints): This is the tooltip for the button # that expands the Breakpoints panes in the debugger UI. expandBreakpoints=Развернуть панель точек останова # LOCALIZATION NOTE (evaluateInConsole.label): Editor right-click menu item # to execute selected text in browser console. evaluateInConsole.label=Выполнить в консоли # LOCALIZATION NOTE (pauseButtonTooltip): The tooltip that is displayed for the pause # button when the debugger is in a running state. pauseButtonTooltip=Приостановить %S # LOCALIZATION NOTE (pausePendingButtonTooltip): The tooltip that is displayed for # the pause button after it's been clicked but before the next JavaScript to run. pausePendingButtonTooltip=Ожидание следующего выполнения # LOCALIZATION NOTE (resumeButtonTooltip): The label that is displayed on the pause # button when the debugger is in a paused state. resumeButtonTooltip=Возобновить %S # LOCALIZATION NOTE (stepOverTooltip): The label that is displayed on the # button that steps over a function call. stepOverTooltip=Перешагнуть через %S # LOCALIZATION NOTE (stepInTooltip): The label that is displayed on the # button that steps into a function call. stepInTooltip=Зайти в %S # LOCALIZATION NOTE (stepOutTooltip): The label that is displayed on the # button that steps out of a function call. stepOutTooltip=Выйти из %S # LOCALIZATION NOTE (skipPausingTooltip.label): The tooltip text for disabling all # breakpoints and pausing triggers skipPausingTooltip.label=Отключить точки останова # LOCALIZATION NOTE (undoSkipPausingTooltip.label): The tooltip text for enabling all # breakpoints and pausing triggers undoSkipPausingTooltip.label=Включить точки останова # LOCALIZATION NOTE (pauseOnExceptionsItem2): The pause on exceptions checkbox description # when the debugger will pause on all exceptions. pauseOnExceptionsItem2=Приостанавливаться на исключениях # LOCALIZATION NOTE (pauseOnCaughtExceptionsItem): The pause on exceptions checkbox description # when the debugger should pause on caught exceptions pauseOnCaughtExceptionsItem=Приостанавливаться на пойманных исключениях # LOCALIZATION NOTE (threadsHeader): The text to describe the threads header threadsHeader=Потоки # LOCALIZATION NOTE (mainThread): The text to describe the thread of the # program as opposed to worker threads. mainThread=Основной поток # LOCALIZATION NOTE (noSourcesText): The text to display in the sources list # when there are no sources. noSourcesText=На этой странице нет исходников. # LOCALIZATION NOTE (eventListenersHeader1): The text to display in the events # header. eventListenersHeader1=Точки останова обработчиков событий # LOCALIZATION NOTE (noDomMutationBreakpoints): The text to # display in the DOM Mutation Breakpoints pane when there are no events. # %S will be replaced by an active link using inspectorTool as text noDomMutationBreakpoints=Щёлкните правой кнопкой мыши по элементу в %S и выберите «Приостанавливаться на…», чтобы добавить точку останова # LOCALIZATION NOTE (inspectorTool): The text to describe the the Inspector tool inspectorTool=Инспектор # LOCALIZATION NOTE (eventListenersHeader1.placeholder): The placeholder text in # the event search input bar eventListenersHeader1.placeholder=Поиск по типу события # LOCALIZATION NOTE (domMutationHeader): The text to display in the # DOM Mutation Breakpoints header domMutationHeader=Точки останова изменения DOM # LOCALIZATION NOTE (domMutationTypes.attribute): The text to display in the # DOM Mutation Breakpoints panel for an attribute change domMutationTypes.attribute=Изменения атрибутов # LOCALIZATION NOTE (domMutationTypes.removal): The text to display in the # DOM Mutation Breakpoints panel for a DOM node removal domMutationTypes.removal=Удаления узлов # LOCALIZATION NOTE (domMutationTypes.subtree): The text to display in the # DOM Mutation Breakpoints panel for a DOM subtree change domMutationTypes.subtree=Изменения поддерева # LOCALIZATION NOTE (sources.search.key2): Key shortcut to open the search for # searching all the source files the debugger has seen. # Do not localize "CmdOrCtrl+P", or change the format of the string. These are # key identifiers, not messages displayed to the user. sources.search.key2=CmdOrCtrl+P # LOCALIZATION NOTE (sources.search.alt.key): A second key shortcut to open the # search for searching all the source files the debugger has seen. # Do not localize "CmdOrCtrl+O", or change the format of the string. These are # key identifiers, not messages displayed to the user. sources.search.alt.key=CmdOrCtrl+O # LOCALIZATION NOTE (projectTextSearch.key): A key shortcut to open the # full project text search for searching all the files the debugger has seen. # Do not localize "CmdOrCtrl+Shift+F", or change the format of the string. These are # key identifiers, not messages displayed to the user. projectTextSearch.key=CmdOrCtrl+Shift+F # LOCALIZATION NOTE (allShortcut.key): A key shortcut to open the # modal of full shortcuts list. # Do not localize "CmdOrCtrl+/", or change the format of the string. These are # key identifiers, not messages displayed to the user. allShortcut.key=CmdOrCtrl+/ # LOCALIZATION NOTE (functionSearch.key): A key shortcut to open the # modal for searching functions in a file. # Do not localize "CmdOrCtrl+Shift+O", or change the format of the string. These are # key identifiers, not messages displayed to the user. functionSearch.key=CmdOrCtrl+Shift+O # LOCALIZATION NOTE (toggleBreakpoint.key): A key shortcut to toggle # breakpoints. # Do not localize "CmdOrCtrl+B", or change the format of the string. These are # key identifiers, not messages displayed to the user. toggleBreakpoint.key=CmdOrCtrl+B # LOCALIZATION NOTE (toggleCondPanel.breakpoint.key): A key shortcut to toggle # the conditional panel for breakpoints. # Do not localize "CmdOrCtrl+Shift+B", or change the format of the string. These are # key identifiers, not messages displayed to the user. toggleCondPanel.breakpoint.key=CmdOrCtrl+Shift+B # LOCALIZATION NOTE (toggleCondPanel.logPoint.key): A key shortcut to toggle # the conditional panel for log points. # Do not localize "CmdOrCtrl+Shift+Y", or change the format of the string. These are # key identifiers, not messages displayed to the user. toggleCondPanel.logPoint.key=CmdOrCtrl+Shift+Y # LOCALIZATION NOTE (stepOut.key): A key shortcut to # step out. stepOut.key=Shift+F11 # LOCALIZATION NOTE (shortcuts.header.editor): Sections header in # the shortcuts modal for keyboard shortcuts related to editing. shortcuts.header.editor=Редактор # LOCALIZATION NOTE (shortcuts.header.stepping): Sections header in # the shortcuts modal for keyboard shortcuts related to stepping. shortcuts.header.stepping=Пошаговые действия # LOCALIZATION NOTE (shortcuts.header.search): Sections header in # the shortcuts modal for keyboard shortcuts related to search. shortcuts.header.search=Поиск # LOCALIZATION NOTE (projectTextSearch.placeholder): A placeholder shown # when searching across all of the files in a project. projectTextSearch.placeholder=Найти в файлах… # LOCALIZATION NOTE (projectTextSearch.noResults): The center pane Text Search # message when the query did not match any text of all files in a project. projectTextSearch.noResults=Результатов не найдено # LOCALIZATION NOTE (sourceSearch.search.key2): Key shortcut to open the search # for searching within a the currently opened files in the editor # Do not localize "CmdOrCtrl+F", or change the format of the string. These are # key identifiers, not messages displayed to the user. sourceSearch.search.key2=CmdOrCtrl+F # LOCALIZATION NOTE (sourceSearch.search.placeholder): placeholder text in # the source search input bar sourceSearch.search.placeholder=Поиск в файле… # LOCALIZATION NOTE (sourceSearch.search.placeholder2): placeholder text in # the source search input bar sourceSearch.search.placeholder2=Найти в файле… # LOCALIZATION NOTE (sourceSearch.resultsSummary2): Semi-colon list of plural forms. # See: http://developer.mozilla.org/en/docs/Localization_and_Plurals # Shows a summary of the number of matches for autocomplete sourceSearch.resultsSummary2=#1 результат;#1 результата;#1 результатов # LOCALIZATION NOTE (breakpointHeadingMenuItem.*): The text for all the elements # that are displayed in the breakpoint headings menu item popup. breakpointHeadingsMenuItem.enableInSource.label=Включить точки останова breakpointHeadingsMenuItem.enableInSource.accesskey=ю breakpointHeadingsMenuItem.disableInSource.label=Отключить точки останова breakpointHeadingsMenuItem.disableInSource.accesskey=к breakpointHeadingsMenuItem.removeInSource.label=Удалить точки останова breakpointHeadingsMenuItem.removeInSource.accesskey=л # LOCALIZATION NOTE (breakpointMenuItem): The text for all the elements that # are displayed in the breakpoints menu item popup. breakpointMenuItem.enableSelf2.label=Включить breakpointMenuItem.enableSelf2.accesskey=ю breakpointMenuItem.disableSelf2.label=Отключить breakpointMenuItem.disableSelf2.accesskey=к breakpointMenuItem.deleteSelf2.label=Удалить breakpointMenuItem.deleteSelf2.accesskey=л breakpointMenuItem.disabledbg.label=Никогда не останавливаться здесь breakpointMenuItem.enabledbg.label=Останавливаться здесь breakpointMenuItem.enableOthers2.label=Включить другие breakpointMenuItem.enableOthers2.accesskey=ч breakpointMenuItem.disableOthers2.label=Отключить другие breakpointMenuItem.disableOthers2.accesskey=г breakpointMenuItem.deleteOthers2.label=Удалить другие breakpointMenuItem.deleteOthers2.accesskey=д breakpointMenuItem.enableAll2.label=Включить все breakpointMenuItem.enableAll2.accesskey=с breakpointMenuItem.disableAll2.label=Отключить все breakpointMenuItem.disableAll2.accesskey=т breakpointMenuItem.deleteAll2.label=Удалить все breakpointMenuItem.deleteAll2.accesskey=в breakpointMenuItem.removeCondition2.label=Удалить условие breakpointMenuItem.removeCondition2.accesskey=л breakpointMenuItem.addCondition2.label=Добавить условие breakpointMenuItem.addCondition2.accesskey=а breakpointMenuItem.editCondition2.label=Изменить условие breakpointMenuItem.editCondition2.accesskey=м breakpointMenuItem.enableSelf=Включить точку останова breakpointMenuItem.disableSelf=Отключить точку останова breakpointMenuItem.deleteSelf=Удалить точку останова breakpointMenuItem.enableOthers=Включить другие breakpointMenuItem.disableOthers=Отключить другие breakpointMenuItem.deleteOthers=Удалить другие breakpointMenuItem.enableAll=Включить все точки останова breakpointMenuItem.disableAll=Отключить все точки останова breakpointMenuItem.deleteAll=Удалить все точки останова breakpointMenuItem.disableAllAtLine.label=Отключить точки останова на этой строке breakpointMenuItem.disableAllAtLine.accesskey=с breakpointMenuItem.enableAllAtLine.label=Включить точки останова на этой строке breakpointMenuItem.enableAllAtLine.accesskey=ч breakpointMenuItem.removeAllAtLine.label=Удалить точки останова на этой строке breakpointMenuItem.removeAllAtLine.accesskey=н # LOCALIZATION NOTE (breakpoints.header): Breakpoints right sidebar pane header. breakpoints.header=Точки останова # LOCALIZATION NOTE (breakpoints.removeBreakpointTooltip): The tooltip that is displayed # for remove breakpoint button in right sidebar breakpoints.removeBreakpointTooltip=Удалить точку останова # LOCALIZATION NOTE (callStack.header): Call Stack right sidebar pane header. callStack.header=Стек вызовов # LOCALIZATION NOTE (callStack.notPaused): Call Stack right sidebar pane # message when not paused. callStack.notPaused=Не приостановлено # LOCALIZATION NOTE (callStack.collapse): Call Stack right sidebar pane # message to hide some of the frames that are shown. callStack.collapse=Свернуть стек # LOCALIZATION NOTE (callStack.expand): Call Stack right sidebar pane # message to show more of the frames. callStack.expand=Развернуть стек # LOCALIZATION NOTE (callStack.group.expandTooltip): The text that will appear # when hovering a collapsed Group of frames in the callStack panel. `frames` is # always plural since a group can only exist if it contain more that 1 frame. # %S is replaced by the name of the library of the frames in the group. # example: `Show React frames`. callStack.group.expandTooltip=Показать %S-фреймы # LOCALIZATION NOTE (callStack.group.collapseTooltip): The text that will appear # when hovering an expanded Group of frames in the callStack panel. `frames` is # always plural since a group can only exist if it contain more that 1 frame. # %S is replaced by the name of the library of the frames in the group. # example: `Collapse React frames`. callStack.group.collapseTooltip=Свернуть %S-фреймы # LOCALIZATION NOTE (editor.searchResults1): Semi-colon list of plural forms. # See: http://developer.mozilla.org/en/docs/Localization_and_Plurals # Editor Search bar message to summarize the selected search result. e.g. 5 of 10 results. editor.searchResults1=%d из #1 результата;%d из #1 результатов;%d из #1 результатов # LOCALIZATION NOTE (editor.noResultsFound): Editor Search bar message # for when no results found. editor.noResultsFound=Результатов не найдено # LOCALIZATION NOTE (editor.searchResults.nextResult): Editor Search bar # tooltip for traversing to the Next Result editor.searchResults.nextResult=Следующий результат # LOCALIZATION NOTE (editor.searchResults.prevResult): Editor Search bar # tooltip for traversing to the Previous Result editor.searchResults.prevResult=Предыдущий результат # LOCALIZATION NOTE (editor.continueToHere.label): Editor gutter context # menu item for jumping to a new paused location editor.continueToHere.label=Продолжить досюда editor.continueToHere.accesskey=ю # LOCALIZATION NOTE (editor.addBreakpoint): Editor gutter context menu item # for adding a breakpoint on a line. editor.addBreakpoint=Добавить точку останова # LOCALIZATION NOTE (editor.disableBreakpoint): Editor gutter context menu item # for disabling a breakpoint on a line. editor.disableBreakpoint=Отключить точку останова editor.disableBreakpoint.accesskey=ч # LOCALIZATION NOTE (editor.enableBreakpoint): Editor gutter context menu item # for enabling a breakpoint on a line. editor.enableBreakpoint=Включить точку останова # LOCALIZATION NOTE (editor.removeBreakpoint): Editor gutter context menu item # for removing a breakpoint on a line. editor.removeBreakpoint=Удалить точку останова # LOCALIZATION NOTE (editor.addConditionBreakpoint): Editor gutter context # menu item for adding a breakpoint condition on a line. editor.addConditionBreakpoint=Добавить условие editor.addConditionBreakpoint.accesskey=в # LOCALIZATION NOTE (editor.editConditionBreakpoint): Editor gutter context menu item # for setting a breakpoint condition on a line. editor.editConditionBreakpoint=Изменить условие # LOCALIZATION NOTE (editor.addLogPoint): Editor gutter context # menu item for adding a log point on a line. editor.addLogPoint=Добавить логирование editor.addLogPoint.accesskey=а # LOCALIZATION NOTE (editor.editLogPoint): Editor gutter context menu item # for editing a log point already set on a line. editor.editLogPoint=Изменить логирование editor.editLogPoint.accesskey=м # LOCALIZATION NOTE (editor.removeLogPoint): Context menu item for removing # a log point on a line. editor.removeLogPoint.label=Убрать логирование editor.removeLogPoint.accesskey=б # LOCALIZATION NOTE (editor.conditionalPanel.placeholder2): Placeholder text for # input element inside ConditionalPanel component editor.conditionalPanel.placeholder2=Условие точки останова, например, items.length > 0 # LOCALIZATION NOTE (editor.conditionalPanel.logPoint.placeholder2): Placeholder text for # input element inside ConditionalPanel component when a log point is set editor.conditionalPanel.logPoint.placeholder2=Сообщение в логе, например, displayName # LOCALIZATION NOTE (editor.jumpToMappedLocation1): Context menu item # for navigating to a source mapped location editor.jumpToMappedLocation1=Прыгнуть в расположение %S editor.jumpToMappedLocation1.accesskey=ы # LOCALIZATION NOTE (downloadFile.label): Context menu item # for downloading a source's content downloadFile.label=Загрузить файл downloadFile.accesskey=и # LOCALIZATION NOTE (inlinePreview.show.label): Context menu item # for showing the inline preview blocks inlinePreview.show.label=Показывать встроенный предпросмотр # LOCALIZATION NOTE (inlinePreview.hide.label): Context menu item # for hiding the inline preview block inlinePreview.hide.label=Скрывать встроенный предпросмотр # LOCALIZATION NOTE (inlinePreview.toggle.label): Context menu item # that will toggle display of inline preview inlinePreview.toggle.label=Предварительный просмотр встроенной переменной # LOCALIZATION NOTE (inlinePreview.toggle.tooltip): Context menu item # tooltip that will describe toggling inline preview inlinePreview.toggle.tooltip=Показывать встроенный предварительный просмотр в редакторе отладчика # LOCALIZATION NOTE (editorWrapping.show.label): Context menu item # for showing the wrap lines block editorWrapping.show.label=Переносить строки # LOCALIZATION NOTE (editorWrapping.hide.label): Context menu item # for showing the wrap lines block editorWrapping.hide.label=Не переносить строки # LOCALIZATION NOTE (editorWrapping.toggle.label): Context menu item # label for toggling the lines wrapping feature editorWrapping.toggle.label=Переносить строки # LOCALIZATION NOTE (editorWrapping.toggle.tooltip): Context menu item # tooltip for toggling the lines wrapping feature editorWrapping.toggle.tooltip=Переносить строки в редакторе отладчика # LOCALIZATION NOTE (settings.button.label): Label for Settings button settings.button.label=Настройки отладчика # LOCALIZATION NOTE (settings.disableJavaScript.label): Context menu item # label for disabling JavaScript settings.disableJavaScript.label=Отключить JavaScript # LOCALIZATION NOTE (settings.disableJavaScript.tooltip): Context menu item # tooltip for disabling JavaScript settings.disableJavaScript.tooltip=Отключает JavaScript (необходимо обновление страницы) # LOCALIZATION NOTE (settings.toggleSourceMaps.tooltip): Context menu item # tooltip for toggling the source maps feature settings.toggleSourceMaps.tooltip=Включить карты исходников, чтобы Инструменты разработчика загружали оригинальные исходники в дополнение к сгенерированным # LOCALIZATION NOTE (settings.toggleSourceMaps.label): Context menu item # label for toggling the source maps feature settings.toggleSourceMaps.label=Карты исходников # LOCALIZATION NOTE (preview.noProperties): Label shown in the preview # popup when there are no properties to show. preview.noProperties=Нет свойств # LOCALIZATION NOTE (framework.disableGrouping): This is the text that appears in the # context menu to disable framework grouping. framework.disableGrouping=Отключить группирование фреймворка framework.disableGrouping.accesskey=ю # LOCALIZATION NOTE (framework.enableGrouping): This is the text that appears in the # context menu to enable framework grouping. framework.enableGrouping=Включить группирование фреймворка framework.enableGrouping.accesskey=ю # LOCALIZATION NOTE (generated): Source Map term for a server source location generated=сгенерировано # LOCALIZATION NOTE (original): Source Map term for a debugger UI source location original=оригинал # LOCALIZATION NOTE (expressions.placeholder): Placeholder text for expression # input element expressions.placeholder=Добавить выражение для отслеживания # LOCALIZATION NOTE (expressions.errorMsg): Error text for expression # input element expressions.errorMsg=Некорректное выражение… expressions.label=Добавить выражение для отслеживания expressions.accesskey=а expressions.remove.tooltip=Удалить выражение для отслеживания # LOCALIZATION NOTE (xhrBreakpoints.header): The pause on any XHR breakpoints headings xhrBreakpoints.header=Точки останова XHR xhrBreakpoints.placeholder=Останавливаться, когда URL содержит xhrBreakpoints.label=Добавить точку останова XHR # LOCALIZATION NOTE (xhrBreakpoints.removeAll.tooltip): For the `Remove all XHR breakpoints' button in the header of the XHR breakpoints panel xhrBreakpoints.removeAll.tooltip=Удалить все точки останова XHR # LOCALIZATION NOTE (xhrBreakpoints.item.label): message displayed when reaching a breakpoint for XHR requests. %S is replaced by the path provided as condition for the breakpoint. xhrBreakpoints.item.label=URL содержит «%S» # LOCALIZATION NOTE (pauseOnAnyXHR): The pause on any XHR checkbox description # when the debugger will pause on any XHR requests. pauseOnAnyXHR=Останавливаться на любом URL # LOCALIZATION NOTE (watchpoints.submenu): This is the text for the watchpoints sub-menu. watchpoints.submenu=Приостанавливаться на… # LOCALIZATION NOTE (watchpoints.getWatchpoint): This is the text that appears in the # watchpoints sub-menu to add a "get" watchpoint on an object property. watchpoints.getWatchpoint=Чтении свойств # LOCALIZATION NOTE (watchpoints.setWatchpoint): This is the text that appears in the # watchpoints submenu to add a "set" watchpoint on an object property. watchpoints.setWatchpoint=Установке свойств # LOCALIZATION NOTE (watchpoints.getOrSetWatchpoint): This is the text that appears in the # watchpoints submenu to add a "set" watchpoint on an object property. watchpoints.getOrSetWatchpoint=Получить или установить свойство # LOCALIZATION NOTE (watchpoints.removeWatchpoint): This is the text that appears in the # context menu to delete a watchpoint on an object property. watchpoints.removeWatchpoint=Убрать точку наблюдения # LOCALIZATION NOTE (watchpoints.removeWatchpointTooltip): This is the text that appears in the # tooltip to delete a watchpoint on an object property. watchpoints.removeWatchpointTooltip=Убрать точку наблюдения # LOCALIZATION NOTE (sourceTabs.closeTab): Editor source tab context menu item # for closing the selected tab below the mouse. sourceTabs.closeTab=Закрыть вкладку sourceTabs.closeTab.accesskey=ы sourceTabs.closeTab.key=CmdOrCtrl+W # LOCALIZATION NOTE (sourceTabs.closeOtherTabs): Editor source tab context menu item # for closing the other tabs. sourceTabs.closeOtherTabs=Закрыть другие sourceTabs.closeOtherTabs.accesskey=к # LOCALIZATION NOTE (sourceTabs.closeTabsToEnd): Editor source tab context menu item # for closing the tabs to the end (the right for LTR languages) of the selected tab. sourceTabs.closeTabsToEnd=Закрыть вкладки справа sourceTabs.closeTabsToEnd.accesskey=п # LOCALIZATION NOTE (sourceTabs.closeAllTabs): Editor source tab context menu item # for closing all tabs. sourceTabs.closeAllTabs=Закрыть все вкладки sourceTabs.closeAllTabs.accesskey=е # LOCALIZATION NOTE (sourceTabs.revealInTree): Editor source tab context menu item # for revealing source in tree. sourceTabs.revealInTree=Показать в дереве sourceTabs.revealInTree.accesskey=а # LOCALIZATION NOTE (sourceTabs.prettyPrint): Editor source tab context menu item # for pretty printing the source. sourceTabs.prettyPrint=«Красивая» печать исходников sourceTabs.prettyPrint.accesskey=я # LOCALIZATION NOTE (sourceFooter.prettyPrint.isPrettyPrintedMessage): Tooltip text for the disabled # pretty print button in editor footer. This displays when the file is already pretty printed. sourceFooter.prettyPrint.isPrettyPrintedMessage=Не могу красиво распечатать, файл уже распечатан # LOCALIZATION NOTE (sourceFooter.prettyPrint.isOriginalMessage): Tooltip text for the disabled # pretty print button in editor footer. This displays when the file is an original source. sourceFooter.prettyPrint.isOriginalMessage=Не могу красиво распечатать оригинальные исходники, файл уже читаем # LOCALIZATION NOTE (sourceFooter.prettyPrint.hasSourceMapMessage): Tooltip text for the disabled # pretty print button in editor footer. This displays when the file has a valid sourcemap with original sources. sourceFooter.prettyPrint.hasSourceMapMessage=Не могу красиво распечатать сгенерированные исходники с действительными картами исходников. Пожалуйста, используйте оригинальные исходники. # LOCALIZATION NOTE (sourceFooter.prettyPrint.noContentMessage): Tooltip text for the disabled # pretty print button in editor footer. This displays when the file has no content. sourceFooter.prettyPrint.noContentMessage=Не могу красиво распечатать, в файле нет содержимого # LOCALIZATION NOTE (sourceFooter.prettyPrint.isNotJavascriptMessage): Tooltip text for the disabled # pretty print button in editor footer. This displays when the file is not JavaScript code. sourceFooter.prettyPrint.isNotJavascriptMessage=Не могу красиво распечатать, файл не является JavaScript # LOCALIZATION NOTE (sourceFooter.ignores): Tooltip text associated # with the ignores button sourceFooter.ignore=Игнорировать исходник # LOCALIZATION NOTE (sourceFooter.unignore): Tooltip text associated # with the ignore button sourceFooter.unignore=Перестать игнорировать исходник # LOCALIZATION NOTE (ignoreContextItem.ignore): Text associated # with the ignore context menu item ignoreContextItem.ignore=Игнорировать исходник ignoreContextItem.ignore.accesskey=н # LOCALIZATION NOTE (ignoreContextItem.unignore): Text associated # with the unignore context menu item ignoreContextItem.unignore=Перестать игнорировать исходник ignoreContextItem.unignore.accesskey=е # LOCALIZATION NOTE (ignoreContextItem.ignoreLine): Text associated # with the ignore line context menu item ignoreContextItem.ignoreLine=Игнорировать строку ignoreContextItem.ignoreLine.accesskey=н # LOCALIZATION NOTE (ignoreContextItem.unignoreLine): Text associated # with the unignore line context menu item ignoreContextItem.unignoreLine=Не игнорировать строку ignoreContextItem.unignoreLine.accesskey=е # LOCALIZATION NOTE (ignoreContextItem.ignoreLines): Text associated # with the ignore lines context menu item ignoreContextItem.ignoreLines=Игнорировать строки ignoreContextItem.ignoreLines.accesskey=н # LOCALIZATION NOTE (ignoreContextItem.unignoreLines): Text associated # with the unignore lines context menu item ignoreContextItem.unignoreLines=Не игнорировать строки ignoreContextItem.unignoreLines.accesskey=е # LOCALIZATION NOTE (sourceFooter.mappedSource): Text associated # with a mapped source. %S is replaced by the source map origin. sourceFooter.mappedSource=(Из %S) # LOCALIZATION NOTE (sourceFooter.mappedSourceTooltip): Tooltip text associated # with a mapped source. %S is replaced by the source map origin. sourceFooter.mappedSourceTooltip=(Источник сопоставлен с %S) # LOCALIZATION NOTE (sourceFooter.mappedSuffix): Text associated # with a mapped source. Displays next to URLs in tree and tabs. sourceFooter.mappedSuffix=(сопоставлен) # LOCALIZATION NOTE (sourceFooter.currentCursorPosition): Text associated # with the current cursor line and column sourceFooter.currentCursorPosition=(%S, %S) # LOCALIZATION NOTE (sourceFooter.currentCursorPosition.tooltip): Text associated # with the current cursor line and column sourceFooter.currentCursorPosition.tooltip=(Строка %1$S, символ %2$S) # LOCALIZATION NOTE (sourceTabs.closeTabButtonTooltip): The tooltip that is displayed # for close tab button in source tabs. sourceTabs.closeTabButtonTooltip=Закрыть вкладку # LOCALIZATION NOTE (scopes.header): Scopes right sidebar pane header. scopes.header=Области видимости # LOCALIZATION NOTE (scopes.notAvailable): Scopes right sidebar pane message # for when the debugger is paused, but there isn't pause data. scopes.notAvailable=Области видимости недоступны # LOCALIZATION NOTE (scopes.notPaused): Scopes right sidebar pane message # for when the debugger is not paused. scopes.notPaused=Не приостановлено # LOCALIZATION NOTE (scopes.mapping.label): Scopes right sidebar pane # tooltip for checkbox and label scopes.mapping.label=Карта имён переменных # LOCALIZATION NOTE (eventlisteners.log.label): Event listeners tooltip for # checkbox and label eventlisteners.log.label=Записывать события в консоль # LOCALIZATION NOTE (eventlisteners.log): Checkbox label for logging events eventlisteners.log=Лог # LOCALIZATION NOTE (scopes.helpTooltip.label): Scopes right sidebar pane # icon tooltip for link to MDN scopes.helpTooltip.label=Узнайте больше о карте областей видимости # LOCALIZATION NOTE (scopes.map.label): Checkbox label to map scopes scopes.map.label=Карта # LOCALIZATION NOTE (scopes.block): Refers to a block of code in # the scopes pane when the debugger is paused. scopes.block=Блок # LOCALIZATION NOTE (sources.header): Sources left sidebar header sources.header=Источники # LOCALIZATION NOTE (outline.header): Outline left sidebar header outline.header=Контур # LOCALIZATION NOTE (outline.placeholder): Placeholder text for the filter input # element outline.placeholder=Поиск функций # LOCALIZATION NOTE (outline.sortLabel): Label for the sort button outline.sortLabel=Сортировать по имени # LOCALIZATION NOTE (outline.noFunctions): Outline text when there are no functions to display outline.noFunctions=Нет функций # LOCALIZATION NOTE (outline.noFileSelected): Outline text when there are no files selected outline.noFileSelected=Файл не выбран # LOCALIZATION NOTE (sources.search): Sources left sidebar prompt # e.g. Cmd+P to search. On a mac, we use the command unicode character. # On windows, it's ctrl. sources.search=%S для поиска # LOCALIZATION NOTE (watchExpressions.header): Watch Expressions right sidebar # pane header. watchExpressions.header=Выражения для отслеживания # LOCALIZATION NOTE (watchExpressions.refreshButton): Watch Expressions header # button for refreshing the expressions. watchExpressions.refreshButton=Обновить # LOCALIZATION NOTE (welcome.search): The center pane welcome panel's # search prompt. e.g. cmd+p to search for files. On windows, it's ctrl, on # a mac we use the unicode character. welcome.search=%S для поиска источников # LOCALIZATION NOTE (welcome.search2): The center pane welcome panel's # search prompt. e.g. cmd+p to search for files. On windows, it's ctrl, on # a mac we use the unicode character. welcome.search2=%S Перейти к файлу # LOCALIZATION NOTE (welcome.findInFiles): The center pane welcome panel's # search prompt. e.g. cmd+f to search for files. On windows, it's ctrl+shift+f, on # a mac we use the unicode character. welcome.findInFiles=%S для поиска в файлах # LOCALIZATION NOTE (welcome.findInFiles2): The center pane welcome panel's # search prompt. e.g. cmd+f to search for files. On windows, it's ctrl+shift+f, on # a mac we use the unicode character. welcome.findInFiles2=%S Найти в файлах # LOCALIZATION NOTE (welcome.allShortcuts): The label to open the modal of # shortcuts, displayed in the welcome panel. welcome.allShortcuts=Показать все горячие клавиши # LOCALIZATION NOTE (sourceSearch.search): The center pane Source Search # prompt for searching for files. sourceSearch.search=Поиск источников… # LOCALIZATION NOTE (sourceSearch.search2): The center pane Source Search # prompt for searching for files. sourceSearch.search2=Перейти к файлу… # LOCALIZATION NOTE (pauseOnExceptions): The pause on exceptions button tooltip # when the debugger will pause on all exceptions. pauseOnExceptions=Приостанавливаться на всех исключениях. Щёлкните, чтобы игнорировать исключения # LOCALIZATION NOTE (loadingText): The text that is displayed in the script # editor when the loading process has started but there is no file to display # yet. loadingText=Загрузка… # LOCALIZATION NOTE (wasmIsNotAvailable): The text that is displayed in the # script editor when the WebAssembly source is not available. wasmIsNotAvailable=Пожалуйста, обновите, чтобы отладить этот модуль # LOCALIZATION NOTE (errorLoadingText3): The text that is displayed in the debugger # viewer when there is an error loading a file errorLoadingText3=Ошибка загрузки этого URI: %S # LOCALIZATION NOTE(gotoLineModal.placeholder): The placeholder # text displayed when the user searches for specific lines in a file gotoLineModal.placeholder=Перейти к строке… # LOCALIZATION NOTE(gotoLineModal.title): The message shown to users # to open the go to line modal gotoLineModal.title=Перейти к номеру строки в файле # LOCALIZATION NOTE(gotoLineModal.key3): The shortcut for opening the # go to line modal # Do not localize "Ctrl+G", or change the format of the string. These are # key identifiers, not messages displayed to the user. gotoLineModal.key3=Ctrl+G # LOCALIZATION NOTE(symbolSearch.search.functionsPlaceholder): The placeholder # text displayed when the user searches for functions in a file symbolSearch.search.functionsPlaceholder=Поиск функций… symbolSearch.search.functionsPlaceholder.title=Поиск функции в файле # LOCALIZATION NOTE(symbolSearch.search.variablesPlaceholder): The placeholder # text displayed when the user searches for variables in a file symbolSearch.search.variablesPlaceholder=Поиск переменных… symbolSearch.search.variablesPlaceholder.title=Поиск переменных в файле # LOCALIZATION NOTE(symbolSearch.search.key2): The Key Shortcut for # searching for a function or variable # Do not localize "CmdOrCtrl+Shift+O", or change the format of the string. These are # key identifiers, not messages displayed to the user. symbolSearch.search.key2=CmdOrCtrl+Shift+O # LOCALIZATION NOTE(symbolSearch.searchModifier.modifiersLabel): A label # preceding the group of modifiers symbolSearch.searchModifier.modifiersLabel=Модификаторы: # LOCALIZATION NOTE(symbolSearch.searchModifier.regex): A search option # when searching text in a file symbolSearch.searchModifier.regex=Regex # LOCALIZATION NOTE(symbolSearch.searchModifier.caseSensitive): A search option # when searching text in a file symbolSearch.searchModifier.caseSensitive=Учитывать регистр # LOCALIZATION NOTE(symbolSearch.searchModifier.wholeWord): A search option # when searching text in a file symbolSearch.searchModifier.wholeWord=Искать целиком experimental=Это экспериментальная функция # LOCALIZATION NOTE (ctrl): The text that is used for documenting # keyboard shortcuts that use the control key ctrl=Ctrl # LOCALIZATION NOTE (anonymousFunction): this string is used to display # JavaScript functions that have no given name - they are said to be # anonymous. anonymousFunction=<анонимный> # LOCALIZATION NOTE (stacktrace.asyncStack): this string is used to # indicate that a given stack frame has an async parent. # %S is the "Async Cause" of the frame. stacktrace.asyncStack=(Асинхронный: %S) # LOCALIZATION NOTE (shortcuts.toggleBreakpoint): text describing # keyboard shortcut action for toggling breakpoint shortcuts.toggleBreakpoint=Включить/выключить точку останова shortcuts.toggleBreakpoint.accesskey=л # LOCALIZATION NOTE (shortcuts.toggleCondPanel.breakpoint): text describing # keyboard shortcut action for toggling conditional panel for breakpoints shortcuts.toggleCondPanel.breakpoint=Изменить условную точку останова # LOCALIZATION NOTE (shortcuts.toggleCondPanel.logPoint): text describing # keyboard shortcut action for toggling conditional panel for log points shortcuts.toggleCondPanel.logPoint=Изменить точку логгирования # LOCALIZATION NOTE (shortcuts.pauseOrResume): text describing # keyboard shortcut action for pause of resume shortcuts.pauseOrResume=Приостановить/возобновить # LOCALIZATION NOTE (shortcuts.stepOver): text describing # keyboard shortcut action for stepping over shortcuts.stepOver=Перешагнуть # LOCALIZATION NOTE (shortcuts.stepIn): text describing # keyboard shortcut action for stepping in shortcuts.stepIn=Зайти # LOCALIZATION NOTE (shortcuts.stepOut): text describing # keyboard shortcut action for stepping out shortcuts.stepOut=Выйти # LOCALIZATION NOTE (shortcuts.fileSearch): text describing # keyboard shortcut action for source file search shortcuts.fileSearch=Поиск файла исходников # LOCALIZATION NOTE (shortcuts.fileSearch2): text describing # keyboard shortcut action for source file search shortcuts.fileSearch2=Перейти к файлу # LOCALIZATION NOTE (shortcuts.gotoLine): text describing # keyboard shortcut for jumping to a specific line shortcuts.gotoLine=Перейти к строке # LOCALIZATION NOTE (shortcuts.projectSearch): text describing # keyboard shortcut action for full project search shortcuts.projectSearch=Поиск по всему проекту # LOCALIZATION NOTE (shortcuts.projectSearch2): text describing # keyboard shortcut action for full project search shortcuts.projectSearch2=Найти в файлах # LOCALIZATION NOTE (shortcuts.functionSearch): text describing # keyboard shortcut action for function search shortcuts.functionSearch=Поиск функции # LOCALIZATION NOTE (shortcuts.functionSearch2): text describing # keyboard shortcut action for function search shortcuts.functionSearch2=Найти функцию # LOCALIZATION NOTE (shortcuts.buttonName): text describing # keyboard shortcut button text shortcuts.buttonName=Сочетания клавиш # LOCALIZATION NOTE (variablesSeparatorLabel): The text that is displayed # in the variables list as a separator between the name and value. variablesSeparatorLabel=: variablesViewOptimizedOut=(оптимизировано) variablesViewUninitialized=(неинициализировано) variablesViewMissingArgs=(недоступно) # LOCALIZATION NOTE (variablesDomNodeValueTooltip): The text that is displayed # in a tooltip on the "open in inspector" button in the the variables list for a # DOMNode item. variablesDomNodeValueTooltip=Щёлкните, чтобы выбрать узел в инспекторе # LOCALIZATION NOTE (variablesEditButtonTooltip): The text that is displayed # in the variables list on a getter or setter which can be edited. variablesEditButtonTooltip=Щёлкните для установки значения # LOCALIZATION NOTE (variablesViewErrorStacktrace): This is the text that is # shown before the stack trace in an error. variablesViewErrorStacktrace=Стек вызовов: # LOCALIZATION NOTE (variablesViewMoreObjects): the text that is displayed # when you have an object preview that does not show all of the elements. At the end of the list # you see "N more..." in the web console output. # This is a semi-colon list of plural forms. # See: http://developer.mozilla.org/en/docs/Localization_and_Plurals # #1 number of remaining items in the object # example: 3 more… variablesViewMoreObjects=ещё #1…;ещё #1…;ещё #1… # LOCALIZATION NOTE (variablesEditableNameTooltip): The text that is displayed # in the variables list on an item with an editable name. variablesEditableNameTooltip=Двойной щелчок для изменения # LOCALIZATION NOTE (variablesEditableValueTooltip): The text that is displayed # in the variables list on an item with an editable value. variablesEditableValueTooltip=Щёлкните для изменения значения # LOCALIZATION NOTE (variablesCloseButtonTooltip): The text that is displayed # in the variables list on an item which can be removed. variablesCloseButtonTooltip=Щёлкните для удаления # LOCALIZATION NOTE (configurable|...|Tooltip): The text that is displayed # in the variables list on certain variables or properties as tooltips. # Explanations of what these represent can be found at the following links: # https://developer.mozilla.org/docs/Web/JavaScript/Reference/Global_Objects/Object/defineProperty # https://developer.mozilla.org/docs/Web/JavaScript/Reference/Global_Objects/Object/isExtensible # https://developer.mozilla.org/docs/Web/JavaScript/Reference/Global_Objects/Object/isFrozen # https://developer.mozilla.org/docs/Web/JavaScript/Reference/Global_Objects/Object/isSealed # It's probably best to keep these in English. configurableTooltip=конфигурируемое enumerableTooltip=перечисляемое writableTooltip=записываемое frozenTooltip=замороженное sealedTooltip=запечатанное extensibleTooltip=расширяемое overriddenTooltip=переопределяемое WebIDLTooltip=WebIDL # LOCALIZATION NOTE (serviceWorkerInfo.parsed): State displayed for a service # worker that has been parsed. serviceWorkerInfo.parsed=обработано # LOCALIZATION NOTE (serviceWorkerInfo.installing): State displayed for a # service worker that is being installed. serviceWorkerInfo.installing=устанавливается # LOCALIZATION NOTE (serviceWorkerInfo.installed): State displayed for a # service worker that has finished being installed. serviceWorkerInfo.installed=установлен # LOCALIZATION NOTE (serviceWorkerInfo.activating): State displayed for a # service worker that is being activated. serviceWorkerInfo.activating=активируется # LOCALIZATION NOTE (serviceWorkerInfo.activated): State displayed for a # service worker that has finished being activated. serviceWorkerInfo.activated=активирован # LOCALIZATION NOTE (serviceWorkerInfo.redundant): State displayed for a # service worker that is redundant. serviceWorkerInfo.redundant=избыточен # LOCALIZATION NOTE (serviceWorkerInfo.unknown): State displayed for a # service worker that is in an unknown state. serviceWorkerInfo.unknown=неизвестно