# This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public # License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this # file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. installpermissionstext=You can specify which web sites are allowed to install extensions and updates. Type the exact address of the site you want to allow and then click Allow. installpermissionstitle=İzin verilen siteler - Uygulamalar installpermissionshelp=advanced_pref_installation popuppermissionstext=You can specify which web sites are allowed to open popup windows. Type the exact address of the site you want to allow and then click Allow. popuppermissionstitle=Allowed Sites - Popups popuppermissionshelp=pop_up_blocking imagepermissionstext=Hangi sitelerin resim dosyalarının yükleneceğini kendiniz belirleyebilirsiniz. Sitenin tam adresini girin ve sonra "İzin ver" veya "Engelle" düğmesine basın. imagepermissionstitle=Ayrıcalıklar imagepermissionshelp=images-help-managing can=İzin ver canSession=Oturum boyunca izin ver cannot=Engelle alertInvalidTitle=Invalid Web Site Entered alertInvalid=The web site %S is invalid.