# This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public # License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this # file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. # addon description: extensions.{e2fda1a4-762b-4020-b5ad-a41df1933103}.name=Chaqmoq extensions.{e2fda1a4-762b-4020-b5ad-a41df1933103}.creator=Mozilla taqvim loyihasi # Lightning branding brandShortName=Lightning # Task mode title taskModeApplicationTitle=Vazifalar # Tab titles tabTitleCalendar=Taqvim tabTitleTasks=Vazifalar # Html event display in message imipHtml.header=Tadbir taklifi imipHtml.summary=Sarlavha: imipHtml.location=Manzili: imipHtml.when=Qachon: imipHtml.organizer=Tashkilotchi: imipHtml.description=Ta’rifi: # LOCALIZATION_NOTE(imipHtml.attachments): This is a label for one or more (additional) links to # documents or websites attached to this event. imipHtml.comment=Izoh: imipHtml.attendees=Ishtirokchilar: # LOCALIZATION_NOTE(imipHtml.url): This is a label for a reference to an (alternate) online # representation of the event (either directly human readable or not). imipHtml.canceledOccurrences=Bekor qilingan hodisalar: imipHtml.modifiedOccurrences=O‘zgartirilgan hodisalar: imipHtml.newLocation=Yangi manzil: %1$S # LOCALIZATION_NOTE(imipHtml.attendeeDelegatedFrom): this is appended behind an attendee name in the # email invitation preview - don't add leading/trailing whitespaces here # %1$S - a single delegator or a comma separated list of delegators # LOCALIZATION_NOTE(imipHtml.attendeeDelegatedTo): this is appended behind an attendee name in the # email invitation preview - don't add leading/trailing whitespaces here # %1$S - a single delegatee or a comma separated list of delegatees # LOCALIZATION_NOTE(imipHtml.attendee.combined): tooltip for itip icon in email invitation preview. # Given an attendee loungeexample.org of type room is a mandatory participant and has accepted the # invitation, the tooltip would be: # lounge@example.org (room) is a required participant. lounge@example.org has confirmed attendance. # %1$S - value of imipHtml.attendeeRole2.* # %2$S - value of imipHtml.attendeePartStat2.* # LOCALIZATION_NOTE(imipHtml.attendeeRole2.CHAIR): used to compose # imipHtml.attendee.combined # %1$S - value of imipHtml.attendeeUserType2.* # LOCALIZATION_NOTE(imipHtml.attendeeRole2.NON-PARTICIPANT): used to compose # imipHtml.attendee.combined # %1$S - value of imipHtml.attendeeUserType2.* # LOCALIZATION_NOTE(imipHtml.attendeeRole2.OPT-PARTICIPANT): used to compose # imipHtml.attendee.combined # %1$S - value of imipHtml.attendeeUserType2.* # LOCALIZATION_NOTE(imipHtml.attendeeRole2.REQ-PARTICIPANT): used to compose # imipHtml.attendee.combined # %1$S - value of imipHtml.attendeeUserType2.* # LOCALIZATION_NOTE(imipHtml.attendeePartStat2.ACCEPTED): used to compose # imipHtml.attendee.combined # %1$S - common name or email address of the attendee # LOCALIZATION_NOTE(imipHtml.attendeePartStat2.DECLINED): used to compose # imipHtml.attendee.combined # %1$S - common name or email address of the attendee # LOCALIZATION_NOTE(imipHtml.attendeePartStat2.DELEGATED): used to compose # imipHtml.attendee.combined # %1$S - common name or email address of the attendee # %2$S - single delegatee or comma separated list of delegatees # delegation is different from invitation forwarding - in case of the former the original attendee # is replaced, while on the latter the receiver may take part additionally # LOCALIZATION_NOTE(imipHtml.attendeePartStat2.NEEDS-ACTION): used to compose # imipHtml.attendee.combined # %1$S - common name or email address of the attendee # LOCALIZATION_NOTE(imipHtml.attendeePartStat2.TENTATIVE): used to compose # imipHtml.attendee.combined # %1$S - common name or email address of the attendee # LOCALIZATION_NOTE(imipHtml.attendeeUserType2.INDIVIDUAL): used to compose # imipHtml.attendeeRole2.* # %1$S - email address or common name representing an individual attendee # LOCALIZATION_NOTE(imipHtml.attendeeUserType2.GROUP): used to compose # imipHtml.attendeeRole2.* # %1$S - email address or common name representing a group (e.g. a distribution list) # LOCALIZATION_NOTE(imipHtml.attendeeUserType2.RESOURCE): used to compose # imipHtml.attendeeRole2.* # %1$S - email address or common name representing a resource (e.g. projector) # LOCALIZATION_NOTE(imipHtml.attendeeUserType2.ROOM): used to compose # imipHtml.attendeeRole2.* # %1$S - email address or common name representing a room # LOCALIZATION_NOTE(imipHtml.attendeeUserType2.UNKNOWN): used to compose # imipHtml.attendeeRole2.* # %1$S - email address or common name representing an attendee of unknown type imipBarCancelText=Ushbu xabarda tadbirni bekor qilish haqida ma’lumot bor. imipBarRefreshText=Ushbu xabarda tadbirni yangilash so‘ralmoqda. imipBarPublishText=Ushbu xabarda tadbir bor. imipBarRequestText=Ushbu xabarda tadbirga taklif bor. imipBarUpdateText=Ushbu xabarda mavjud tadbirga yangilash mavjud. imipBarAlreadyProcessedText=Ushbu xabarda allaqachon o‘tib ketgan tadbir bor. imipBarProcessedNeedsAction=Xabarda siz haligacha javob qaytarmagan tadbir bor. imipBarReplyText=Ushbu xabarda taklifga javob bor. # LOCALIZATION_NOTE(imipBarReplyToRecentlyRemovedItem): # %1$S - datetime of deletion imipBarUnsupportedText=Ushbu xabarda Lightning dasturining ushbu versiyasi ko‘rsata olmaydigan tadbir bor. imipBarProcessingFailed=Xabarni qayta ishlab bo‘lmadi. Holati: %1$S. imipBarNotWritable=Yozib bo‘lmaydigan taqvimlar takliflar uchun moslangan, taqvim xossalarini tekrishib ko‘ring. imipSendMail.title=E-pochta eslatmalari imipSendMail.text=E-pochtaga eslatmalarni hozir jo‘natishni xohlaysizmi? imipSendMail.Outlook2000CompatMode.text=Outlook 2000 and Outlook 2002/XP bilan ishlay oladi imipNoIdentity=Yo‘q itipReplySubject=Tadbirga taklifga javob: %1$S itipReplyBodyAccept=Sizning tadbirga taklifingizni %1$S qabul qildi. itipReplyBodyDecline=Sizning tadbirga taklifingizni %1$S rad qildi. itipReplySubjectAccept=Tadbirga taklifga javob: (Qabul qilindi): %1$S itipReplySubjectDecline=Tadbirga taklifga javob: (Rad qilindi): %1$S itipReplySubjectTentative=Tadbir taklifiga javob: (Noaniq): %1$S itipRequestSubject=Tadbir taklifi: %1$S itipRequestUpdatedSubject=Tadbirga taklif yangilandi: %1$S itipRequestBody=%1$S sizni %2$S tadbiriga taklif qilgan itipCancelSubject=Tadbir bekor qilindi: %1$S confirmProcessInvitation=Siz yaqinda ushbu bandni o‘chirgansiz, ushbu taklifni amalga oshirishni rostdan xohlaysizmi? confirmProcessInvitationTitle=Taklif amalga oshirilsinmi? invitationsLink.label=Takliflar: %1$S # LOCALIZATION_NOTE(binaryComponentKnown): This is shown when Lightning is # missing the binary component and knows how to calculate the expected version # number. To test, remove the binary component from the components/ # subdirectory and start Lightning, or force install into a different # Thunderbird version. In the last part of the sentence it should be made clear # that the user can install e.g. 3.7, 3.7.1 or anything other 3.7.x version # %1$S - The Lightning brand name, from the brandShortName string above. # %2$S - The current Lightning version # %3$S - The expected Lightning version # LOCALIZATION_NOTE(binaryComponentUnknown): This is shown when Lightning is # missing the binary component but can't calculate the expected version. This # happens in the rare case that Lightning is installed into something other # than Thunderbird or Seamonkey. You may link to a different page if you can # commit to keeping it up to date, I'd recommend staying with the English page. # %1$S - The Lightning brand name, from the brandShortName string above. # %2$S - The application brand name, e.g. Postbox # %3$S - The application version # %3$S - The current Lightning version # LOCALIZATION_NOTE(binaryComponentTitle): The title for the dialog that # notifies about a version mismatch. # %1$S - The Lightning brand name, from the brandShortName string above. # LOCALIZATION_NOTE(integrationLabel): Used by the notification bar shown when # Lightning is installed from the distribution folder. To trigger it, start a # new profile without Lightning in a previous Thunderbird version, then upgrade # to a Thunderbird that has Lightning packaged. See bug 1130852 for details. integrationLearnMoreButton=Ko‘proq o‘rganish integrationLearnMoreAccessKey=m integrationOptOutButton=O‘chirib qo‘yish integrationOptOutAccessKey=D integrationKeepItButton=Saqlash integrationKeepItAccessKey=K # LOCALIZATION_NOTE(integrationRestartLabel): At the current time its not yet # clear if we will be completely uninstalling Lightning or disabling it. Please # translate this string in a general manner, so that it makes sense for both # options. integrationRestartLabel=Keyingi safar %2$S qayta ishga tushirilganda %1$S olib tashlanadi. Qo‘shimcha dasturlar menejeri orqali xohlagan vaqingizda uni yana qo‘shishingiz mumkin. integrationRestartButton=Hozir qayta ishga tushirish integrationRestartAccessKey=R integrationUndoButton=Qaytarish integrationUndoAccessKey=U