# This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public # License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this # file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. # # The following are used by the imap code to display progress/status/error messages # #LOCALIZATION NOTE(imapAlertDialogTile): Do not translate the word "%S" # below. Place the word %S where the account name should appear. imapAlertDialogTitle=%S hisobi uchun signal # Status - opening folder imapStatusSelectingMailbox=%S jildi ochilmoqda… # Status - create folder imapStatusCreatingMailbox=Jild yaratilmoqda… # Status - deleting a folder # LOCALIZATION NOTE (imapStatusDeletingMailbox): The "%S" below should not be translated. # Instead, insert "%S" in your translation where you wish to display the name # of the folder being deleted. imapStatusDeletingMailbox=%S jildi o‘chirilmoqda… # Status - renaming mailbox # LOCALIZATION NOTE (imapStatusRenamingMailbox): The "%S" below should not be translated. # Instead, insert "%S" in your translation where you wish to display the name # of the folder being renamed. imapStatusRenamingMailbox=%S jildi qayta nomlanmoqda… # Status - looking for mailboxes imapStatusLookingForMailbox=Jidlar qidirilmoqda… # Status - subscribing to mailbox # LOCALIZATION NOTE (imapStatusSubscribeToMailbox): The "%S" below should not be translated. # Instead, insert "%S" in your translation where you wish to display the name # of the folder being subscribed to. imapStatusSubscribeToMailbox=%S jildiga obuna bo‘linmoqda… # Status - unsubscribing from mailbox # LOCALIZATION NOTE (imapStatusUnsubscribeMailbox): The "%S" below should not be translated. # Instead, insert "%S" in your translation where you wish to display the name # of the folder being unsubscribed from. imapStatusUnsubscribeMailbox=%S jildidan obuna bekor qilinmoqda… # Status - searching imap folder imapStatusSearchMailbox=Jild qidirilmoqda… # Status - closing a folder imapStatusCloseMailbox=Jild yopilmoqda… # Status - compacting a folder imapStatusExpungingMailbox=Jild zichlanmoqda… # Status - logging out imapStatusLoggingOut=Chiqmoqda… # Status - checking server capabilities imapStatusCheckCompat=Pochta serveri imkoniyatlari tekshirilmoqda… # Status - logging on imapStatusSendingLogin=Kirish uchun maʼlumot joʻnatilmoqda… # Status - auth logon imapStatusSendingAuthLogin=Kirish uchun maʼlumot joʻnatilmoqda… imapDownloadingMessage=Xabar yuklab olinmoqda… # LOCALIZATION NOTE (imapGettingACLForFolder): Do not translate the word "ACL" below. imapGettingACLForFolder=ACL jildi olinmoqda… imapGettingServerInfo=Serverni moslash ma’lumoti olinmoqda… imapGettingMailboxInfo=Pochta qutisini sozlash ma’lumoti olinmoqda… imapEmptyMimePart=Bu asosiy qism talab bo‘lganda yuklab olinadi. # LOCALIZATION NOTE (imapReceivingMessageHeaders3): Do not translate the words "%1$S", "%2$S", and "%3$S" below. # Place the word %1$S in your translation where the number of the header being downloaded should appear. # Place the word %2$S in your translation where the total number of headers to be downloaded should appear. # Place the word %3$S in your translation where the name of the folder being processed should appear. # Note: The account name and separators (e.g. colon, space) are automatically added to the status message. # Example: "Joe's Account: Downloading message header 100 of 1000 in Drafts…" imapReceivingMessageHeaders3=%1$S/%2$S ta xabardan %3$S jildiga nusxa ko‘chirilmoqda… # LOCALIZATION NOTE (imapReceivingMessageFlags3): Do not translate the words "%1$S", "%2$S", and "%3$S" below. # Place the word %1$S in your translation where the number of the flag being downloaded should appear. # Place the word %2$S in your translation where the total number of flags to be downloaded should appear. # Place the word %3$S in your translation where the name of the folder being processed should appear. # Note: The account name and separators (e.g. colon, space) are automatically added to the status message. # Example: "Jim's Account: Downloading message flag 100 of 1000 in INBOX…" imapReceivingMessageFlags3=%1$S/%2$S ta xabardan %3$S jildiga nusxa ko‘chirilmoqda… imapDeletingMessages=Xabarlar o‘chirilmoqda… imapDeletingMessage=Xabar o‘chirilmoqda… # LOCALIZATION NOTE (imapMovingMessages): Do not translate the word "%S" below. # Place the word %S in your translation where the name of the folder should appear. imapMovingMessages=Xabarlar %S jildiga ko‘chirilmoqda… # LOCALIZATION NOTE (imapMovingMessage): Do not translate the word "%S" below. # Place the word %S in your translation where the name of the folder should appear. imapMovingMessage=Xabar %S jildiga ko‘chirilmoqda… # LOCALIZATION NOTE (imapCopyingMessages): Do not translate the word "%S" below. # Place the word %S in your translation where the name of the folder should appear. imapCopyingMessages=Xabarlardan %S jildiga nusxa ko‘chirilmoqda… # LOCALIZATION NOTE (imapCopyingMessage): Do not translate the word "%S" below. # Place the word %S in your translation where the name of the folder should appear. imapCopyingMessage=Xabardan %S jildiga nusxa ko‘chirilmoqda… # LOCALIZATION NOTE (imapFolderReceivingMessageOf3): Do not translate the words "%1$S", "%2$S", and "%3$S" below. # Place the word %1$S in your translation where the number of the message being downloaded should appear. # Place the word %2$S in your translation where the total number of messages to be downloaded should appear. # Place the word %3$S in your translation where the name of the folder being processed should appear. # Note: The account name and separators (e.g. colon, space) are automatically added to the status message. # Example: "Juan's Account: Downloading message 100 of 1000 in Sent…" imapFolderReceivingMessageOf3=%1$S/%2$S ta xabardan %3$S jildiga nusxa ko‘chirilmoqda… # LOCALIZATION NOTE (imapDiscoveringMailbox): Do not translate the word "%S" below. # Place the word %S in your translation where the name of the folder should appear. imapDiscoveringMailbox=Topilgan jild: %S # LOCALIZATION NOTE (imapEnterServerPasswordPrompt): Do not translate the words %1$S and %2$S below. # Place the word %1$S in your translation where the username should appear. # Place the word %2$S in your translation where the servername should appear. imapEnterServerPasswordPrompt=%2$S serveridagi %1$S foydalanuvchi uchun parolingizni kiriting: # LOCALIZATION NOTE (imapServerNotImap4): Do not translate the word "IMAP4" below. imapServerNotImap4=%S pochta serveri IMAP4 pochta serveri emas. # This is intentionally left blank. imapDone= imapUnknownHostError=%S serveriga ulana olmadi. imapConnectionRefusedError=%S pochta serveriga ulana olmadi, chunki ulanish rad etildi. imapNetTimeoutError=%S serveriga ulanish vaqti o‘tib ketdi. # Status - no messages to download imapNoNewMessages=Serverda hech qanday xabar yo‘q. imapDefaultAccountName=%S uchun xat imapPersonalSharedFolderTypeName=Shaxsiy jild imapPublicFolderTypeName=Ommaviy jild imapOtherUsersFolderTypeName=Boshqa foydalanuvchilarning jildi imapPersonalFolderTypeDescription=Bu shaxsiy xatlar jildi. U bo‘lishilmagan. imapPersonalSharedFolderTypeDescription=Bu shaxsiy xatlar jildi. U bo‘lishilgan. imapPublicFolderTypeDescription=Bu ommaviy jild. imapOtherUsersFolderTypeDescription=Bu xatlar jildi "%S" nomli foydalanuvchi tomonidan bo‘lishilgan. imapAclFullRights=To‘liq boshqaruv imapAclLookupRight=Izlash imapAclReadRight=O‘qish imapAclSeenRight=O‘qilgan/O‘qilmagan deb ko‘rsatish imapAclWriteRight=Yozish imapAclInsertRight=Kiritish (Ichiga nuxsa ko‘chirish) imapAclPostRight=Post imapAclCreateRight=Yangi ichki jild yaratish imapAclDeleteRight=Xabarlarni o‘chirish imapAclAdministerRight=Administrator jildi imapServerDoesntSupportAcl=Server bo‘lishilgan jildlar bilan ishlay olmaydi. imapAclExpungeRight=O‘chirib tashlash imapServerDisconnected= %S serveri bilan aloqa uzildi. Server o‘chirilgan bo‘lishi yoki tarmoqda muammo yuz bergan bo‘lishi mumkin. # LOCALIZATION NOTE (autoSubscribeText): %1$S is the imap folder. imapSubscribePrompt=%1$S’a obuna bo‘lishni xohlaysizmi? imapServerDroppedConnection=IMAP serverga ulana olmadi. Serverga maksimal ulanish cheklovini sarflab bo‘lganga o‘xshaysiz. Agar shunday bo‘lsa, qo‘shimcha IMAP serveri sozlamalari oynasidan kechlangan miqdorni kamaytirish uchun foydalaning. imapQuotaStatusFolderNotOpen=Kvota ma’lumoti mavjud emas, chunki jild ochiq emas. imapQuotaStatusNotSupported=Bu server kvotalarni qo‘llab-quvvatlamaydi. # Out of memory imapOutOfMemory=Ilova dastur hajmi juda katta. # LOCALIZATION NOTE (imapCopyingMessageOf2): Do not translate the word "%S" below. # Place the word %3$S in your translation where the name of the destination folder should appear. # Place the word %1$S where the currently copying message should appear. # Place the word %2$S where the total number of messages should appear. imapCopyingMessageOf2=%1$S/%2$S ta xabardan %3$S jildiga nusxa ko‘chirilmoqda… # LOCALIZATION NOTE (imapMoveFolderToTrash): Do not translate the word %S below. # "%S" is the the name of the folder. imapMoveFolderToTrash="%S" jildini o‘chirmoqchi ekanligingizga ishonchingiz komilmi? # LOCALIZATION NOTE (imapDeleteNoTrash): Do not translate the word %S below. # "%S" is the the name of the folder. imapDeleteNoTrash=Bu jildni o‘chirsangiz, undagi barcha xabarlar va jildlar o‘chib ketadi. Ularni tiklab bo‘lmaydi. Siz hali ham "%S" jildini o‘chirishni xohlaysizmi? imapDeleteFolderDialogTitle=Jildni o‘chirish imapDeleteFolderButtonLabel=Jildni o‘chirish # LOCALIZATION NOTE (imapAuthChangeEncryptToPlainSSL): %S is the server hostname imapAuthChangeEncryptToPlainSSL=%S IMAP serveri shifrlangan parollarni qo‘llab-quvvatlamaydiganga o‘xshaydi. Agar hozirgina bu hisobni sozlagan bo‘lsangiz, uni "Hisob sozlamalari" | "Server sozlamalari" ichidan "Haqiqiylikni tasdiqlash uslubi"da "Odatiy parol"ga o‘zgartiring. Agar u ish uchun foydalanilgan bo‘lsa va hozir kutilmaganda ishlamay qolsa, e-pochta administratori yoki ta’minotchisi bilan bog‘laning. # LOCALIZATION NOTE (imapAuthChangePlainToEncrypt): %S is the server hostname imapAuthChangePlainToEncrypt=%S IMAP serveri ochiq matnli parollarga ruxsat bermaydi. "Hisob sozlamalari" | "Server sozlamalari" ichidan "Haqiqiylikni tasdiqlash uslubi"dan "Shifrlangan parol"ga o‘zgartiring. # LOCALIZATION NOTE (imapAuthChangeEncryptToPlainNoSSL): %S is the server hostname imapAuthChangeEncryptToPlainNoSSL=%S IMAP serveri shifrlangan parollarni qo‘llab-quvvatlamaydiganga o‘xshaydi. Agar hozirgina bu hisobni sozlagan bo‘lsangiz, uni "Hisob sozlamalari" | "Server sozlamalari" ichidan "Haqiqiylikni tasdiqlash usulbubi"dan "Parol, xavfli o‘tkazish"ga o‘zgartiring. Agar u ish uchun foydalanilgan bo‘lsa va hozir kutilmaganda ishlamay qolgan bo‘lsa, kimdir parolingizni o‘g‘irlashga urinayotgan bo‘lishi mumkin. # LOCALIZATION NOTE (imapAuthMechNotSupported): %S is the server hostname imapAuthMechNotSupported=%S IMAP serveri tanlangan haqiqiylikni tasdiqlash uslubini qo‘llab-quvvatlamaydi. "Hisob sozlamalari" | "Server sozlamalari" ichidan "Haqiqiylikni tasdiqlash uslubi"ni o‘zgartiring. # LOCALIZATION NOTE (imapAuthGssapiFailed): %S is the server hostname imapAuthGssapiFailed=Kerberos/GSSAPI biletini %S IMAP serveri orqali qabul qilib bo‘lmaydi. Kerberos/GSSAPI hududiga kirganligingizni tekshirib ko‘ring. # LOCALIZATION NOTE (imapServerCommandFailed): # Place the word %1$S in your translation where the name of the account name should appear. # Place the word %2$S in your translation where the server response should appear. imapServerCommandFailed=Joriy buyruq amalga oshmadi. %1$S hisobi uchun pochta serveri javobi: %2$S\u0020 # LOCALIZATION NOTE (imapFolderCommandFailed): Do not translate the word %S below. # Place the word %1$S in your translation where the name of the account should appear. # Place the word %2$S in your translation where the name of the folder should appear. # Place the word %3$S in your translation where the server response should appear. imapFolderCommandFailed="%2$S" jildi ustida olib borilgan joriy jarayon amalga oshmadi. %1$S hisobi uchun pochta serveri javobi: %3$S # LOCALIZATION NOTE (imapServerAlert): # Place the word %1$S in your translation where the name of the account should appear. # Place the word %2$S in your translation where the alert from the server should appear. imapServerAlert=%1$S hisobidan ogohlantirish: %2$S