# This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public # License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this # file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. pane-compose-title = Yozish category-compose = .tooltiptext = Yozish pane-chat-title = Chat category-chat = .tooltiptext = Chat pane-calendar-title = Taqvim category-calendar = .tooltiptext = Taqvim ## OS Authentication dialog ## General Tab focus-search-shortcut = .key = f focus-search-shortcut-alt = .key = k general-legend = { -brand-short-name } bosh sahifasi start-page-label = .label = { -brand-short-name } ishga tushganda, xabar hududida bosh sahifa ko‘rsatilsin .accesskey = i location-label = .value = Joylashuvi: .accesskey = o restore-default-label = .label = Standart holatni tiklash .accesskey = t default-search-engine = Asosiy qidiruv tizimi new-message-arrival = Yangi xabar kelganda: mail-play-button = .label = Ijro etish .accesskey = I change-dock-icon = Ilova dastur nishonchasi uchun parametrlarni o‘zgartirish app-icon-options = .label = Ilova dastur nishonchasi tanlamalari… .accesskey = n animated-alert-label = .label = Ogohlantirish signalini ko‘rsatish .accesskey = k customize-alert-label = .label = Qulaylashtirish… .accesskey = Q mail-custom-sound-label = .label = Quyidagi tovush faylidan foydalanilsin .accesskey = f mail-browse-sound-button = .label = Ko‘rish… .accesskey = r enable-gloda-search-label = .label = Global izlash va indekslashni yoqib qo‘yish .accesskey = q allow-hw-accel = .label = Mavjud bo‘lganda qurilmani tezlatishdan foydalanilsin .accesskey = q store-type-label = .value = Yangi hisoblar uchun xabarlarni saqlash turi: .accesskey = t mbox-store-label = .label = Har bir jilddagi fayl (mbox) maildir-store-label = .label = Har bir xabardagi fayl (maildir) scrolling-legend = Siljitish autoscroll-label = .label = Avtosiljitishdan foydalanish .accesskey = f smooth-scrolling-label = .label = Bir tekisda siljitishdan foydalanish .accesskey = e system-integration-legend = Tizimni integratsiyalash always-check-default = .label = Ishga tushirilganda doimo { -brand-short-name } standart e-pochta mijozi ekanligi tekshirilsin .accesskey = A check-default-button = .label = Hozir tekshirish… .accesskey = H # Note: This is the search engine name for all the different platforms. # Platforms that don't support it should be left blank. search-engine-name = { PLATFORM() -> [macos] Spotlight [windows] Windows qidiruvi *[other] { "" } } search-integration-label = .label = Xabarlarni qidirishda { search-engine-name }ga ruxsat berilsin .accesskey = s config-editor-button = .label = Tahrirlagichni moslash… .accesskey = T return-receipts-description = { -brand-short-name } qabul qilinganlik haqidagi xabarlar bilan qanday ishlashini aniqlash return-receipts-button = .label = Qabul qilinganligi haqida xabar berish… .accesskey = Q automatic-updates-label = .label = Yangilanishlarni avtomatik o‘rnatish (tavsiya qilinadi: yaxshilangan xavfsizlik) .accesskey = a check-updates-label = .label = Yangilanishlar uchun tekshirilsin, ammo menga tanlab o‘rnatish imkoni berilsin .accesskey = t update-history-button = .label = Yangilash tarixini ko‘rsatish .accesskey = a use-service = .label = Yangilanishlarni o‘rnatish uchun orqa fonda yangilash xizmatidan foydalaning .accesskey = o networking-legend = Ulanish proxy-config-description = { -brand-short-name } dasturini internetga ulanishini moslash network-settings-button = .label = Sozlamalar… .accesskey = S offline-legend = Oflayn offline-settings = Oflayn sozlamalarini to‘g‘rilash offline-settings-button = .label = Oflayn… .accesskey = O diskspace-legend = Diskdagi joy offline-compact-folder = .label = Barcha jildlar saqlanganda ularni yig‘ish .accesskey = a compact-folder-size = .value = Jami: MB ## Note: The entities use-cache-before and use-cache-after appear on a single ## line in preferences as follows: ## use-cache-before [ textbox for cache size in MB ] use-cache-after use-cache-before = .value = Kesh uchun .accesskey = U use-cache-after = MB joydan foydalaning ## clear-cache-button = .label = Hozir tozalash .accesskey = t fonts-legend = Shriftlar va ranglar default-font-label = .value = Asosiy shrift .accesskey = A default-size-label = .value = Hajmi: .accesskey = H font-options-button = .label = Qo‘shimcha… .accesskey = Q color-options-button = .label = Ranglar… .accesskey = R display-width-legend = Oddiy matn xabarlari # Note : convert-emoticons-label 'Emoticons' are also known as 'Smileys', e.g. :-) convert-emoticons-label = .label = Hissiyotlarni grafika kabi ko‘rsatish .accesskey = H display-text-label = Oddiy matn xabarlari qo‘shtirnoq ichida ko‘rsatilganda: style-label = .value = Uslub: .accesskey = l regular-style-item = .label = Muntazam bold-style-item = .label = Qalin italic-style-item = .label = Qiya bold-italic-style-item = .label = Qalin qiya size-label = .value = Hajmi: .accesskey = H regular-size-item = .label = Muntazam bigger-size-item = .label = Kattaroq smaller-size-item = .label = Kichikroq quoted-text-color = .label = Rangi: .accesskey = R save-to-label = .label = Fayllarni saqlash .accesskey = s choose-folder-label = .label = { PLATFORM() -> [macos] Tanlash… *[other] Ko‘rish… } .accesskey = { PLATFORM() -> [macos] T *[other] r } always-ask-label = .label = Fayllarni saqlash joy doimo mendan so‘ralsin .accesskey = d display-tags-text = Teglar xabarlaringizni turkumlarga va muhimligi bo‘yicha ajratishda foydalaniladi. delete-tag-button = .label = O‘chirish .accesskey = O auto-mark-as-read = .label = Xabarlarni avtomatik tarzda o‘qilgan deb belgilash .accesskey = a mark-read-no-delay = .label = Tezda ekranda .accesskey = e ## Note: This will concatenate to "After displaying for [___] seconds", ## using (mark-read-delay) and a number (seconds-label). mark-read-delay = .label = Ko‘rsatilsin – .accesskey = d seconds-label = soniyadan so‘ng ## open-msg-label = .value = Xabarlar open-msg-tab = .label = yangi ichi oynada ochilsin .accesskey = i open-msg-window = .label = yangi xabar oynasida ochilsin .accesskey = y open-msg-ex-window = .label = Mavjud xabar oynasida ochilsin .accesskey = M close-move-delete = .label = Xabar oynasi/ichki oynasi ko‘chirilganda yoki o‘chirilganda yopilsin .accesskey = y condensed-addresses-label = .label = Faqat manzillar kitobimdagi odamlarni nomi ko‘rsatilsin .accesskey = k ## Compose Tab forward-label = .value = Xabarlarni boshqalarga yuborish: .accesskey = X inline-label = .label = Ichki as-attachment-label = .label = Biriktirma sifatida extension-label = .label = kengaytmani fayl nomiga qo‘shish .accesskey = k ## Note: This will concatenate to "Auto Save every [___] minutes", ## using (auto-save-label) and a number (auto-save-end). auto-save-label = .label = Avto saqlash – .accesskey = A auto-save-end = har daqiqada ## warn-on-send-accel-key = .label = Xabar jo‘natishda tayyot tugmalardan foydalanishni tasdiqlash .accesskey = t spellcheck-label = .label = Jo‘natishdan oldin imlo xatolarini tekshirish .accesskey = t spellcheck-inline-label = .label = Yozayotganda imlo xatolarini tekshirishni yoqib qo‘yish .accesskey = E language-popup-label = .value = Til: .accesskey = T download-dictionaries-link = Boshqa lug‘atlarni yuklab olish font-label = .value = Shrift: .accesskey = S font-color-label = .value = Matn rangi: .accesskey = M bg-color-label = .value = Orqa fon rangi: .accesskey = O restore-html-label = .label = Asosiy sozlamalarni tiklash .accesskey = t default-format-label = .label = Asosiy matn o‘rniga Paragraf formatidan foydalaning .accesskey = P autocomplete-description = Xabarlar manzilga yo‘naltirilayotganda, kiritilganlar mosligini tekshirish: ab-label = .label = Mahalliy manzil kitobi .accesskey = M directories-label = .label = Direktoriya serveri .accesskey = D directories-none-label = .none = Yo‘q edit-directories-label = .label = Direktoriyalarni tahrirlash… .accesskey = t email-picker-label = .label = Xat yuborilayotgan manzillar avtomatik tarzda qo‘shilsin: .accesskey = a attachment-label = .label = Biriktirmalar qolib ketmasligi uchun tekshirish .accesskey = q attachment-options-label = .label = Kalit so‘zlar… .accesskey = K enable-cloud-share = .label = Ushbudan kattaroq fayllarni bo‘lishish taklif qilinsin cloud-share-size = .value = MB remove-cloud-account = .label = Olib tashlash .accesskey = O cloud-account-description = Yangi Filelink ombori xizmatini qo‘shish ## Privacy Tab mail-content = Xatdagi sayt remote-content-label = .label = Xabarlarda masofadagi saytga ruxsat berish .accesskey = m exceptions-button = .label = Istisnolar... .accesskey = I remote-content-info = .value = Masofadagi sayt maxfiylik muammolari haqida batafsil ma’lumot web-content = Veb sayt history-label = .label = Men kirgan sayt va havolalar eslab qolinsin .accesskey = e cookies-label = .label = Saytlardan kukilarga rozi bo‘lish .accesskey = r third-party-label = .value = Begona taraf kukilariga ruxsat berish: .accesskey = r third-party-always = .label = Doimo third-party-never = .label = Hech qachon third-party-visited = .label = Kirilganlardan keep-label = .value = Saqlansin: .accesskey = S keep-expire = .label = ular eskirguncha keep-close = .label = Men { -brand-short-name }ni yopaman keep-ask = .label = doimo mendan so‘ralsin cookies-button = .label = Kukilarni ko‘rsatish… .accesskey = k passwords-description = { -brand-short-name } barcha hisoblaringiz uchun parollaringizni eslab qoladi. passwords-button = .label = Saqlangan parollar… .accesskey = S junk-description = Asosiy spam sozlamalarini o‘rnating. Hisobda ko‘rsatilgan xatlarni spamga qo‘shish sozlamalarini Hisob sozlamalarida moslash mumkin. junk-label = .label = Xabarlar spam sifatida belgilanganda: .accesskey = b junk-move-label = .label = Ular hisobning "Spam" jildiga jo‘natilsin .accesskey = o junk-delete-label = .label = Ular o‘chirilsin .accesskey = o junk-read-label = .label = Spam sifatida aniqlangan xabarlarni o‘qilgan sifatida belgilash .accesskey = b junk-log-label = .label = Moslashuvchan spam filter kiritishlarini yoqish .accesskey = y junk-log-button = .label = Jurnalni ko‘rsatish .accesskey = k reset-junk-button = .label = O‘rganish ma’lumotlarini tiklash .accesskey = t phishing-description = { -brand-short-name } siz foydalanadigan qurilma umumiy texnikasi izlash funksiyasi orqali e-pochta qallobliklari xabarlarini aniqlay oladi. phishing-label = .label = Men o‘qiyotganimda e-pochta qallobliklari sifatida aniqlangan xabar bo‘lsa menga aytilsin .accesskey = a antivirus-description = Kiruvchi xatlarni kompyuterga saqlashdan oldin antivirus dasturlari tekshirishini { -brand-short-name } osonlashtiradi. antivirus-label = .label = Individual kiruvchi xabarlarni karantinda saqlash uchun antivirus mijozlariga ruxsat berilsin .accesskey = r certificate-description = Server shaxsiy sertifikatimni so‘raganida: certificate-auto = .label = Avtomatik tarzda bittasini tanlash .accesskey = S certificate-ask = .label = Har safar mendan so‘ralsin .accesskey = A ocsp-label = .label = OCSP javob berish serverlari sertifikatlarining joriy yaroqliligini tasdiqlash uchun so‘rov jo‘natish .accesskey = s ## Chat Tab startup-label = .value = { -brand-short-name } ishga tushganda: .accesskey = i offline-label = .label = Chat hisoblarim oflayn saqlansin auto-connect-label = .label = Chat hisoblarimga avtomatik tarzda ulansin ## Note: idle-label is displayed first, then there's a field where the user ## can enter a number, and itemTime is displayed at the end of the line. ## The translations of the idle-label and idle-time-label parts don't have ## to mean the exact same thing as in English; please try instead to ## translate the whole sentence. idle-label = .label = Kompyuterga bir necha daqiqadan so‘ng .accesskey = K idle-time-label = qaytganimdan so‘ng kontaktlarimni bilishga imkon berilsin ## away-message-label = .label = va holatimga Ushbu xabar bilan tashqarida xabari o‘rnatilsin: .accesskey = t send-typing-label = .label = Suhbatlarda yozish bildirishnomalarini jo‘natish .accesskey = y notification-label = Xabar siz uchun yo‘naltirilganda: show-notification-label = .label = Bildirishnomani ko‘rsatish: .accesskey = B notification-all = .label = jo‘natuvchining ismi va xabar ko‘rinishi bilan notification-name = .label = faqat jo‘natuvchining ismi bilan notification-empty = .label = hech qanday ma’lumotsiz chat-play-sound-label = .label = Tovushni eshitib ko‘rish .accesskey = n chat-play-button = .label = Eshitib ko‘rish .accesskey = E chat-system-sound-label = .label = Yangi xat uchun asosiy tizim tovushi .accesskey = a chat-custom-sound-label = .label = Quyidagi tovush faylidan foydalanilsin .accesskey = f chat-browse-sound-button = .label = Ko‘rish… .accesskey = r ## Preferences UI Search Results ## Settings UI Search Results