# This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public # License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this # file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. account-settings-title = 验证设置 account-channel-title = 默认频道 chat-autologin = .label = 启动时登录 chat-encryption-generic = 常规 chat-encryption-log = .label = 在对话日志中包含端到端加密消息 chat-encryption-label = 原生端到端加密 chat-encryption-description = { $protocol } 为聊天消息提供端到端加密保护,如此便可防止第三方窃听对话内容。要使加密功能正常启用,可能需在下方进行更多设置。 chat-encryption-status = 加密状态 chat-encryption-placeholder = 加密机制尚未初始化。 chat-encryption-sessions = 会话 chat-encryption-sessions-description = 要使端到端加密功能正常工作,您必须信任当前登录您账户的其他会话。需与其他客户端进行交互以验证会话,验证会话后,可能导致 { -brand-short-name } 信任在该会话中信任的所有会话。 chat-encryption-session-verify = 验证 .title = 验证此会话中的身份 chat-encryption-session-trusted = 受信任 .title = 已验证此会话中的身份