# # This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public # License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this # file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. CertPasswordPrompt=請輸入 PKCS#11 token %S 的密碼。 CertPasswordPromptDefault=請輸入您的主控密碼。 # The following strings have special requirements: they must fit in a 32 or 64 # bytes buffer after being encoded to UTF-8. # # It's possible to verify the length of a translation using the Browser Console # in Firefox and evaluating the following code: # # (new TextEncoder('utf-8').encode('YOURSTRING')).length # # Simply replace YOURSTRING with your translation. # # If it's not possible to produce an understandable translation within these # limits, keeping the English text is an acceptable workaround. # LOCALIZATION NOTE (RootCertModuleName): string limit is 64 bytes after # conversion to UTF-8. # length_limit = 64 bytes RootCertModuleName=內建根模組 # LOCALIZATION NOTE (ManufacturerID): string limit is 32 bytes after conversion # to UTF-8. # length_limit = 32 bytes ManufacturerID=Mozilla.org # LOCALIZATION NOTE (LibraryDescription): string limit is 32 bytes after # conversion to UTF-8. # length_limit = 32 bytes LibraryDescription=PSM 內部密碼服務 # LOCALIZATION NOTE (TokenDescription): string limit is 32 bytes after # conversion to UTF-8. # length_limit = 32 bytes TokenDescription=通用密碼服務 # LOCALIZATION NOTE (PrivateTokenDescription): string limit is 32 bytes after # conversion to UTF-8. # length_limit = 32 bytes PrivateTokenDescription=軟體安全裝置 # LOCALIZATION NOTE (SlotDescription): string limit is 64 bytes after conversion # to UTF-8. # length_limit = 64 bytes SlotDescription=PSM 內部密碼服務 # LOCALIZATION NOTE (PrivateSlotDescription): string limit is 64 bytes after # conversion to UTF-8. # length_limit = 64 bytes PrivateSlotDescription=PSM 私密金鑰 # LOCALIZATION NOTE (Fips140TokenDescription): string limit is 32 bytes after # conversion to UTF-8. # length_limit = 32 bytes Fips140TokenDescription=軟體安全裝置 (FIPS) # LOCALIZATION NOTE (Fips140SlotDescription): string limit is 64 bytes after # conversion to UTF-8. # length_limit = 64 bytes Fips140SlotDescription=FIPS 140 密碼編譯、金鑰及憑證服務 # LOCALIZATION NOTE (nick_template): $1s is the common name from a cert (e.g. "Mozilla"), $2s is the CA name (e.g. VeriSign) nick_template=%1$s 的 %2$s ID CertDumpKUSign=簽署 CertDumpKUNonRep=無可否認服務 CertDumpKUEnc=加密金鑰 CertDumpKUDEnc=資料加密 CertDumpKUKA=同意金鑰 CertDumpKUCertSign=憑證簽署者 CertDumpKUCRLSigner=廢止清冊簽署者 PSMERR_SSL_Disabled=無法安全連線,因為 SSL 通訊協定已停用。 PSMERR_SSL2_Disabled=無法安全連線,因為該網站使用舊版、不安全的 SSL 通訊協定。 PSMERR_HostReusedIssuerSerial=您收到無效的憑證,請與伺服器管理員或郵件聯絡人聯絡,並提供下列資訊:\n\n您的憑證內含與其他憑證機構所簽發憑證相同的序號,請用不同的序號產生新的憑證。 # LOCALIZATION NOTE (SSLConnectionErrorPrefix2): %1$S is the host string, %2$S is more detailed information (localized as well). SSLConnectionErrorPrefix2=連線到 %1$S 時發生錯誤。%2$S\n certErrorIntro=%S 用了無效的安全憑證。 certErrorTrust_SelfSigned=該憑證未受信任,因為憑證是自己簽署的憑證。 certErrorTrust_UnknownIssuer=該憑證未受信任,因為簽發者憑證未知。 certErrorTrust_UnknownIssuer2=此伺服器可能沒有送出適當的中介憑證。 certErrorTrust_UnknownIssuer3=可能需要另外匯入根憑證。 certErrorTrust_CaInvalid=該憑證未受信任,因為是由無效憑證機構的憑證簽發的。 certErrorTrust_Issuer=該憑證未受信任,因為簽發者的憑證未被信任。 certErrorTrust_SignatureAlgorithmDisabled=由於未經安全的簽章演算法進行簽署,無法信任此憑證。 certErrorTrust_ExpiredIssuer=該憑證未受信任,因為簽發者的憑證已過期。 certErrorTrust_Untrusted=憑證不是來自受信任的來源。 certErrorTrust_MitM=您的連線正被 TLS 代理伺服器攔截。可以的話請移除該代理伺服器,或讓您的裝置信任其根憑證。 certErrorMismatch=憑證對於名稱 %S 無效。 # LOCALIZATION NOTE (certErrorMismatchSinglePrefix): %S is replaced by the domain for which the certificate is valid certErrorMismatchSinglePrefix=該憑證只對 %S 有效。 certErrorMismatchMultiple=該憑證只對下列名稱有效: # LOCALIZATION NOTE (certErrorExpiredNow): Do not translate %1$S (date+time of expired certificate) or %2$S (current date+time) certErrorExpiredNow=憑證已於 %1$S 過期。目前的時間是 %2$S。 # LOCALIZATION NOTE (certErrorNotYetValidNow): Do not translate %1$S (date+time certificate will become valid) or %2$S (current date+time) certErrorNotYetValidNow=憑證僅於 %1$S 後有效。目前的時間是 %2$S。 certErrorMitM=網站會透過憑證機構簽發的憑證來驗明正身。 # LOCALIZATION NOTE (certErrorMitM2): %S is brandShortName certErrorMitM2=%S 是由非營利的 Mozilla 所提供支援的。Mozilla 管理一組完全開放的憑證機構(CA)儲存空間。該儲存空間可確保憑證機構遵循最佳的作業方式,以確保使用者的安全。 # LOCALIZATION NOTE (certErrorMitM3): %S is brandShortName certErrorMitM3=%S 使用 Mozilla 的憑證機構儲存空間來檢查連線是否安全,而不使用使用者作業系統上的內建憑證。所以如果您的防毒軟體或網路使用不在 Mozilla 憑證機構清單當中的機構所簽發的憑證來攔截網路流量,連線就會被視為不安全。 certErrorSymantecDistrustAdministrator=您可通知網站管理員這個問題。 # LOCALIZATION NOTE (certErrorCodePrefix3): %S is replaced by the error code. certErrorCodePrefix3=錯誤碼: %S P12DefaultNickname=已匯入憑證 CertUnknown=未知 CertNoEmailAddress=(無 Email 地址) CaCertExists=此憑證已安裝為憑證機構。 NotACACert=這不是憑證機構的憑證,無法匯入到憑證機構清冊。 UserCertIgnoredNoPrivateKey=因為缺少憑證申請時產生的私密金鑰,無法安裝這張個人憑證。 UserCertImported=您的個人憑證已安裝,並請備份好您的憑證。 CertOrgUnknown=(未知) CertNotStored=(未儲存) CertExceptionPermanent=永久 CertExceptionTemporary=暫時