/* -*- Mode: C++; tab-width: 8; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 2 -*- */ /* vim: set ts=8 sts=2 et sw=2 tw=80: */ /* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this * file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. */ #include "TextOverflow.h" #include // Please maintain alphabetical order below #include "gfxContext.h" #include "nsBlockFrame.h" #include "nsCaret.h" #include "nsContentUtils.h" #include "nsCSSAnonBoxes.h" #include "nsFontMetrics.h" #include "nsGfxScrollFrame.h" #include "nsIScrollableFrame.h" #include "nsLayoutUtils.h" #include "nsPresContext.h" #include "nsRect.h" #include "nsTextFrame.h" #include "nsIFrameInlines.h" #include "mozilla/ArrayUtils.h" #include "mozilla/Likely.h" #include "mozilla/PresShell.h" #include "mozilla/dom/Selection.h" #include "TextDrawTarget.h" using mozilla::layout::TextDrawTarget; namespace mozilla { namespace css { class LazyReferenceRenderingDrawTargetGetterFromFrame final : public gfxFontGroup::LazyReferenceDrawTargetGetter { public: typedef mozilla::gfx::DrawTarget DrawTarget; explicit LazyReferenceRenderingDrawTargetGetterFromFrame(nsIFrame* aFrame) : mFrame(aFrame) {} virtual already_AddRefed GetRefDrawTarget() override { RefPtr ctx = mFrame->PresShell()->CreateReferenceRenderingContext(); RefPtr dt = ctx->GetDrawTarget(); return dt.forget(); } private: nsIFrame* mFrame; }; static gfxTextRun* GetEllipsisTextRun(nsIFrame* aFrame) { RefPtr fm = nsLayoutUtils::GetInflatedFontMetricsForFrame(aFrame); LazyReferenceRenderingDrawTargetGetterFromFrame lazyRefDrawTargetGetter( aFrame); return fm->GetThebesFontGroup()->GetEllipsisTextRun( aFrame->PresContext()->AppUnitsPerDevPixel(), nsLayoutUtils::GetTextRunOrientFlagsForStyle(aFrame->Style()), lazyRefDrawTargetGetter); } static nsIFrame* GetSelfOrNearestBlock(nsIFrame* aFrame) { MOZ_ASSERT(aFrame); return aFrame->IsBlockFrameOrSubclass() ? aFrame : nsLayoutUtils::FindNearestBlockAncestor(aFrame); } // Return true if the frame is an atomic inline-level element. // It's not supposed to be called for block frames since we never // process block descendants for text-overflow. static bool IsAtomicElement(nsIFrame* aFrame, LayoutFrameType aFrameType) { MOZ_ASSERT(!aFrame->IsBlockFrameOrSubclass() || !aFrame->IsBlockOutside(), "unexpected block frame"); MOZ_ASSERT(aFrameType != LayoutFrameType::Placeholder, "unexpected placeholder frame"); return !aFrame->IsFrameOfType(nsIFrame::eLineParticipant); } static bool IsFullyClipped(nsTextFrame* aFrame, nscoord aLeft, nscoord aRight, nscoord* aSnappedLeft, nscoord* aSnappedRight) { *aSnappedLeft = aLeft; *aSnappedRight = aRight; if (aLeft <= 0 && aRight <= 0) { return false; } return !aFrame->MeasureCharClippedText(aLeft, aRight, aSnappedLeft, aSnappedRight); } static bool IsInlineAxisOverflowVisible(nsIFrame* aFrame) { MOZ_ASSERT(aFrame && aFrame->IsBlockFrameOrSubclass(), "expected a block frame"); nsIFrame* f = aFrame; while (f && f->Style()->IsAnonBox() && !f->IsScrollFrame()) { f = f->GetParent(); } if (!f) { return true; } auto overflow = aFrame->GetWritingMode().IsVertical() ? f->StyleDisplay()->mOverflowY : f->StyleDisplay()->mOverflowX; return overflow == StyleOverflow::Visible; } static void ClipMarker(const nsRect& aContentArea, const nsRect& aMarkerRect, DisplayListClipState::AutoSaveRestore& aClipState) { nscoord rightOverflow = aMarkerRect.XMost() - aContentArea.XMost(); nsRect markerRect = aMarkerRect; if (rightOverflow > 0) { // Marker overflows on the right side (content width < marker width). markerRect.width -= rightOverflow; aClipState.ClipContentDescendants(markerRect); } else { nscoord leftOverflow = aContentArea.x - aMarkerRect.x; if (leftOverflow > 0) { // Marker overflows on the left side markerRect.width -= leftOverflow; markerRect.x += leftOverflow; aClipState.ClipContentDescendants(markerRect); } } } static void InflateIStart(WritingMode aWM, LogicalRect* aRect, nscoord aDelta) { nscoord iend = aRect->IEnd(aWM); aRect->IStart(aWM) -= aDelta; aRect->ISize(aWM) = std::max(iend - aRect->IStart(aWM), 0); } static void InflateIEnd(WritingMode aWM, LogicalRect* aRect, nscoord aDelta) { aRect->ISize(aWM) = std::max(aRect->ISize(aWM) + aDelta, 0); } static bool IsFrameDescendantOfAny( nsIFrame* aChild, const TextOverflow::FrameHashtable& aSetOfFrames, nsIFrame* aCommonAncestor) { for (nsIFrame* f = aChild; f && f != aCommonAncestor; f = nsLayoutUtils::GetCrossDocParentFrameInProcess(f)) { if (aSetOfFrames.Contains(f)) { return true; } } return false; } class nsDisplayTextOverflowMarker final : public nsPaintedDisplayItem { public: nsDisplayTextOverflowMarker(nsDisplayListBuilder* aBuilder, nsIFrame* aFrame, const nsRect& aRect, nscoord aAscent, const StyleTextOverflowSide& aStyle) : nsPaintedDisplayItem(aBuilder, aFrame), mRect(aRect), mStyle(aStyle), mAscent(aAscent) { MOZ_COUNT_CTOR(nsDisplayTextOverflowMarker); } MOZ_COUNTED_DTOR_OVERRIDE(nsDisplayTextOverflowMarker) virtual nsRect GetBounds(nsDisplayListBuilder* aBuilder, bool* aSnap) const override { *aSnap = false; nsRect shadowRect = nsLayoutUtils::GetTextShadowRectsUnion(mRect, mFrame); return mRect.Union(shadowRect); } virtual nsRect GetComponentAlphaBounds( nsDisplayListBuilder* aBuilder) const override { if (gfxPlatform::GetPlatform()->RespectsFontStyleSmoothing()) { // On OS X, web authors can turn off subpixel text rendering using the // CSS property -moz-osx-font-smoothing. If they do that, we don't need // to use component alpha layers for the affected text. if (mFrame->StyleFont()->mFont.smoothing == NS_FONT_SMOOTHING_GRAYSCALE) { return nsRect(); } } bool snap; return GetBounds(aBuilder, &snap); } virtual void Paint(nsDisplayListBuilder* aBuilder, gfxContext* aCtx) override; void PaintTextToContext(gfxContext* aCtx, nsPoint aOffsetFromRect); virtual bool CreateWebRenderCommands( mozilla::wr::DisplayListBuilder& aBuilder, mozilla::wr::IpcResourceUpdateQueue& aResources, const StackingContextHelper& aSc, layers::RenderRootStateManager* aManager, nsDisplayListBuilder* aDisplayListBuilder) override; NS_DISPLAY_DECL_NAME("TextOverflow", TYPE_TEXT_OVERFLOW) private: nsRect mRect; // in reference frame coordinates const StyleTextOverflowSide mStyle; nscoord mAscent; // baseline for the marker text in mRect }; static void PaintTextShadowCallback(gfxContext* aCtx, nsPoint aShadowOffset, const nscolor& aShadowColor, void* aData) { reinterpret_cast(aData)->PaintTextToContext( aCtx, aShadowOffset); } void nsDisplayTextOverflowMarker::Paint(nsDisplayListBuilder* aBuilder, gfxContext* aCtx) { nscolor foregroundColor = nsLayoutUtils::GetColor(mFrame, &nsStyleText::mWebkitTextFillColor); // Paint the text-shadows for the overflow marker nsLayoutUtils::PaintTextShadow(mFrame, aCtx, mRect, GetPaintRect(aBuilder, aCtx), foregroundColor, PaintTextShadowCallback, (void*)this); aCtx->SetColor(gfx::sRGBColor::FromABGR(foregroundColor)); PaintTextToContext(aCtx, nsPoint(0, 0)); } void nsDisplayTextOverflowMarker::PaintTextToContext(gfxContext* aCtx, nsPoint aOffsetFromRect) { WritingMode wm = mFrame->GetWritingMode(); nsPoint pt(mRect.x, mRect.y); if (wm.IsVertical()) { if (wm.IsVerticalLR()) { pt.x = NSToCoordFloor( nsLayoutUtils::GetSnappedBaselineX(mFrame, aCtx, pt.x, mAscent)); } else { pt.x = NSToCoordFloor(nsLayoutUtils::GetSnappedBaselineX( mFrame, aCtx, pt.x + mRect.width, -mAscent)); } } else { pt.y = NSToCoordFloor( nsLayoutUtils::GetSnappedBaselineY(mFrame, aCtx, pt.y, mAscent)); } pt += aOffsetFromRect; if (mStyle.IsEllipsis()) { gfxTextRun* textRun = GetEllipsisTextRun(mFrame); if (textRun) { NS_ASSERTION(!textRun->IsRightToLeft(), "Ellipsis textruns should always be LTR!"); gfx::Point gfxPt(pt.x, pt.y); textRun->Draw(gfxTextRun::Range(textRun), gfxPt, gfxTextRun::DrawParams(aCtx)); } } else { RefPtr fm = nsLayoutUtils::GetInflatedFontMetricsForFrame(mFrame); NS_ConvertUTF8toUTF16 str16{mStyle.AsString().AsString()}; nsLayoutUtils::DrawString(mFrame, *fm, aCtx, str16.get(), str16.Length(), pt); } } bool nsDisplayTextOverflowMarker::CreateWebRenderCommands( mozilla::wr::DisplayListBuilder& aBuilder, mozilla::wr::IpcResourceUpdateQueue& aResources, const StackingContextHelper& aSc, layers::RenderRootStateManager* aManager, nsDisplayListBuilder* aDisplayListBuilder) { bool snap; nsRect bounds = GetBounds(aDisplayListBuilder, &snap); if (bounds.IsEmpty()) { return true; } // Run the rendering algorithm to capture the glyphs and shadows RefPtr textDrawer = new TextDrawTarget(aBuilder, aResources, aSc, aManager, this, bounds); RefPtr captureCtx = gfxContext::CreateOrNull(textDrawer); Paint(aDisplayListBuilder, captureCtx); textDrawer->TerminateShadows(); return textDrawer->Finish(); } TextOverflow::TextOverflow(nsDisplayListBuilder* aBuilder, nsBlockFrame* aBlockFrame) : mContentArea(aBlockFrame->GetWritingMode(), aBlockFrame->GetContentRectRelativeToSelf(), aBlockFrame->GetSize()), mBuilder(aBuilder), mBlock(aBlockFrame), mScrollableFrame(nsLayoutUtils::GetScrollableFrameFor(aBlockFrame)), mMarkerList(aBuilder), mBlockSize(aBlockFrame->GetSize()), mBlockWM(aBlockFrame->GetWritingMode()), mCanHaveInlineAxisScrollbar(false), mInLineClampContext(aBlockFrame->IsInLineClampContext()), mAdjustForPixelSnapping(false) { if (mScrollableFrame) { auto scrollbarStyle = mBlockWM.IsVertical() ? mScrollableFrame->GetScrollStyles().mVertical : mScrollableFrame->GetScrollStyles().mHorizontal; mCanHaveInlineAxisScrollbar = scrollbarStyle != StyleOverflow::Hidden; if (!mAdjustForPixelSnapping) { // Scrolling to the end position can leave some text still overflowing due // to pixel snapping behaviour in our scrolling code. mAdjustForPixelSnapping = mCanHaveInlineAxisScrollbar; } // Use a null containerSize to convert a vector from logical to physical. const nsSize nullContainerSize; mContentArea.MoveBy( mBlockWM, LogicalPoint(mBlockWM, mScrollableFrame->GetScrollPosition(), nullContainerSize)); } StyleDirection direction = aBlockFrame->StyleVisibility()->mDirection; const nsStyleTextReset* style = aBlockFrame->StyleTextReset(); const auto& textOverflow = style->mTextOverflow; bool shouldToggleDirection = textOverflow.sides_are_logical && (direction == StyleDirection::Rtl); const auto& leftSide = shouldToggleDirection ? textOverflow.second : textOverflow.first; const auto& rightSide = shouldToggleDirection ? textOverflow.first : textOverflow.second; if (mBlockWM.IsBidiLTR()) { mIStart.Init(leftSide); mIEnd.Init(rightSide); } else { mIStart.Init(rightSide); mIEnd.Init(leftSide); } // The left/right marker string is setup in ExamineLineFrames when a line // has overflow on that side. } /* static */ Maybe TextOverflow::WillProcessLines( nsDisplayListBuilder* aBuilder, nsBlockFrame* aBlockFrame) { // Ignore text-overflow and -webkit-line-clamp for event and frame visibility // processing. if (aBuilder->IsForEventDelivery() || aBuilder->IsForFrameVisibility() || !CanHaveOverflowMarkers(aBlockFrame)) { return Nothing(); } nsIScrollableFrame* scrollableFrame = nsLayoutUtils::GetScrollableFrameFor(aBlockFrame); if (scrollableFrame && scrollableFrame->IsTransformingByAPZ()) { // If the APZ is actively scrolling this, don't bother with markers. return Nothing(); } return Some(TextOverflow(aBuilder, aBlockFrame)); } void TextOverflow::ExamineFrameSubtree(nsIFrame* aFrame, const LogicalRect& aContentArea, const LogicalRect& aInsideMarkersArea, FrameHashtable* aFramesToHide, AlignmentEdges* aAlignmentEdges, bool* aFoundVisibleTextOrAtomic, InnerClipEdges* aClippedMarkerEdges) { const LayoutFrameType frameType = aFrame->Type(); if (frameType == LayoutFrameType::Br || frameType == LayoutFrameType::Placeholder) { return; } const bool isAtomic = IsAtomicElement(aFrame, frameType); if (aFrame->StyleVisibility()->IsVisible()) { LogicalRect childRect = GetLogicalScrollableOverflowRectRelativeToBlock(aFrame); bool overflowIStart = childRect.IStart(mBlockWM) < aContentArea.IStart(mBlockWM); bool overflowIEnd = childRect.IEnd(mBlockWM) > aContentArea.IEnd(mBlockWM); if (overflowIStart) { mIStart.mHasOverflow = true; } if (overflowIEnd) { mIEnd.mHasOverflow = true; } if (isAtomic && ((mIStart.mActive && overflowIStart) || (mIEnd.mActive && overflowIEnd))) { aFramesToHide->Insert(aFrame); } else if (isAtomic || frameType == LayoutFrameType::Text) { AnalyzeMarkerEdges(aFrame, frameType, aInsideMarkersArea, aFramesToHide, aAlignmentEdges, aFoundVisibleTextOrAtomic, aClippedMarkerEdges); } } if (isAtomic) { return; } for (nsIFrame* child : aFrame->PrincipalChildList()) { ExamineFrameSubtree(child, aContentArea, aInsideMarkersArea, aFramesToHide, aAlignmentEdges, aFoundVisibleTextOrAtomic, aClippedMarkerEdges); } } void TextOverflow::AnalyzeMarkerEdges(nsIFrame* aFrame, LayoutFrameType aFrameType, const LogicalRect& aInsideMarkersArea, FrameHashtable* aFramesToHide, AlignmentEdges* aAlignmentEdges, bool* aFoundVisibleTextOrAtomic, InnerClipEdges* aClippedMarkerEdges) { MOZ_ASSERT(aFrameType == LayoutFrameType::Text || IsAtomicElement(aFrame, aFrameType)); LogicalRect borderRect(mBlockWM, nsRect(aFrame->GetOffsetTo(mBlock), aFrame->GetSize()), mBlockSize); nscoord istartOverlap = std::max( aInsideMarkersArea.IStart(mBlockWM) - borderRect.IStart(mBlockWM), 0); nscoord iendOverlap = std::max( borderRect.IEnd(mBlockWM) - aInsideMarkersArea.IEnd(mBlockWM), 0); bool insideIStartEdge = aInsideMarkersArea.IStart(mBlockWM) <= borderRect.IEnd(mBlockWM); bool insideIEndEdge = borderRect.IStart(mBlockWM) <= aInsideMarkersArea.IEnd(mBlockWM); if (istartOverlap > 0) { aClippedMarkerEdges->AccumulateIStart(mBlockWM, borderRect); if (!mIStart.mActive) { istartOverlap = 0; } } if (iendOverlap > 0) { aClippedMarkerEdges->AccumulateIEnd(mBlockWM, borderRect); if (!mIEnd.mActive) { iendOverlap = 0; } } if ((istartOverlap > 0 && insideIStartEdge) || (iendOverlap > 0 && insideIEndEdge)) { if (aFrameType == LayoutFrameType::Text) { auto textFrame = static_cast(aFrame); if ((aInsideMarkersArea.IStart(mBlockWM) < aInsideMarkersArea.IEnd(mBlockWM)) && textFrame->HasNonSuppressedText()) { // a clipped text frame and there is some room between the markers nscoord snappedIStart, snappedIEnd; bool isFullyClipped = mBlockWM.IsBidiLTR() ? IsFullyClipped(textFrame, istartOverlap, iendOverlap, &snappedIStart, &snappedIEnd) : IsFullyClipped(textFrame, iendOverlap, istartOverlap, &snappedIEnd, &snappedIStart); if (!isFullyClipped) { LogicalRect snappedRect = borderRect; if (istartOverlap > 0) { snappedRect.IStart(mBlockWM) += snappedIStart; snappedRect.ISize(mBlockWM) -= snappedIStart; } if (iendOverlap > 0) { snappedRect.ISize(mBlockWM) -= snappedIEnd; } aAlignmentEdges->AccumulateInner(mBlockWM, snappedRect); *aFoundVisibleTextOrAtomic = true; } } } else { aFramesToHide->Insert(aFrame); } } else if (!insideIStartEdge || !insideIEndEdge) { // frame is outside if (!insideIStartEdge) { aAlignmentEdges->AccumulateOuter(mBlockWM, borderRect); } if (IsAtomicElement(aFrame, aFrameType)) { aFramesToHide->Insert(aFrame); } } else { // frame is inside aAlignmentEdges->AccumulateInner(mBlockWM, borderRect); if (aFrameType == LayoutFrameType::Text) { auto textFrame = static_cast(aFrame); if (textFrame->HasNonSuppressedText()) { *aFoundVisibleTextOrAtomic = true; } } else { *aFoundVisibleTextOrAtomic = true; } } } LogicalRect TextOverflow::ExamineLineFrames(nsLineBox* aLine, FrameHashtable* aFramesToHide, AlignmentEdges* aAlignmentEdges) { // No ellipsing for 'clip' style. bool suppressIStart = mIStart.IsSuppressed(mInLineClampContext); bool suppressIEnd = mIEnd.IsSuppressed(mInLineClampContext); if (mCanHaveInlineAxisScrollbar) { LogicalPoint pos(mBlockWM, mScrollableFrame->GetScrollPosition(), mBlockSize); LogicalRect scrollRange(mBlockWM, mScrollableFrame->GetScrollRange(), mBlockSize); // No ellipsing when nothing to scroll to on that side (this includes // overflow:auto that doesn't trigger a horizontal scrollbar). if (pos.I(mBlockWM) <= scrollRange.IStart(mBlockWM)) { suppressIStart = true; } if (pos.I(mBlockWM) >= scrollRange.IEnd(mBlockWM)) { // Except that we always want to display a -webkit-line-clamp ellipsis. if (!mIEnd.mHasBlockEllipsis) { suppressIEnd = true; } } } LogicalRect contentArea = mContentArea; bool snapStart = true, snapEnd = true; nscoord startEdge, endEdge; if (aLine->GetFloatEdges(&startEdge, &endEdge)) { // Narrow the |contentArea| to account for any floats on this line, and // don't bother with the snapping quirk on whichever side(s) we narrow. nscoord delta = endEdge - contentArea.IEnd(mBlockWM); if (delta < 0) { nscoord newSize = contentArea.ISize(mBlockWM) + delta; contentArea.ISize(mBlockWM) = std::max(nscoord(0), newSize); snapEnd = false; } delta = startEdge - contentArea.IStart(mBlockWM); if (delta > 0) { contentArea.IStart(mBlockWM) = startEdge; nscoord newSize = contentArea.ISize(mBlockWM) - delta; contentArea.ISize(mBlockWM) = std::max(nscoord(0), newSize); snapStart = false; } } // Save the non-snapped area since that's what we want to use when placing // the markers (our return value). The snapped area is only for analysis. LogicalRect nonSnappedContentArea = contentArea; if (mAdjustForPixelSnapping) { const nscoord scrollAdjust = mBlock->PresContext()->AppUnitsPerDevPixel(); if (snapStart) { InflateIStart(mBlockWM, &contentArea, scrollAdjust); } if (snapEnd) { InflateIEnd(mBlockWM, &contentArea, scrollAdjust); } } LogicalRect lineRect(mBlockWM, aLine->ScrollableOverflowRect(), mBlockSize); const bool istartWantsMarker = !suppressIStart && lineRect.IStart(mBlockWM) < contentArea.IStart(mBlockWM); const bool iendWantsTextOverflowMarker = !suppressIEnd && lineRect.IEnd(mBlockWM) > contentArea.IEnd(mBlockWM); const bool iendWantsBlockEllipsisMarker = !suppressIEnd && mIEnd.mHasBlockEllipsis; const bool iendWantsMarker = iendWantsTextOverflowMarker || iendWantsBlockEllipsisMarker; if (!istartWantsMarker && !iendWantsMarker) { // We don't need any markers on this line. return nonSnappedContentArea; } int pass = 0; bool retryEmptyLine = true; bool guessIStart = istartWantsMarker; bool guessIEnd = iendWantsMarker; mIStart.mActive = istartWantsMarker; mIEnd.mActive = iendWantsMarker; mIStart.mEdgeAligned = mCanHaveInlineAxisScrollbar && istartWantsMarker; mIEnd.mEdgeAligned = mCanHaveInlineAxisScrollbar && iendWantsTextOverflowMarker; bool clippedIStartMarker = false; bool clippedIEndMarker = false; do { // Setup marker strings as needed. if (guessIStart) { mIStart.SetupString(mBlock); } if (guessIEnd) { mIEnd.SetupString(mBlock); } // If there is insufficient space for both markers then keep the one on the // end side per the block's 'direction'. nscoord istartMarkerISize = mIStart.mActive ? mIStart.mISize : 0; nscoord iendMarkerISize = mIEnd.mActive ? mIEnd.mISize : 0; if (istartMarkerISize && iendMarkerISize && istartMarkerISize + iendMarkerISize > contentArea.ISize(mBlockWM)) { istartMarkerISize = 0; } // Calculate the area between the potential markers aligned at the // block's edge. LogicalRect insideMarkersArea = nonSnappedContentArea; if (guessIStart) { InflateIStart(mBlockWM, &insideMarkersArea, -istartMarkerISize); } if (guessIEnd) { InflateIEnd(mBlockWM, &insideMarkersArea, -iendMarkerISize); } // Analyze the frames on aLine for the overflow situation at the content // edges and at the edges of the area between the markers. bool foundVisibleTextOrAtomic = false; int32_t n = aLine->GetChildCount(); nsIFrame* child = aLine->mFirstChild; InnerClipEdges clippedMarkerEdges; for (; n-- > 0; child = child->GetNextSibling()) { ExamineFrameSubtree(child, contentArea, insideMarkersArea, aFramesToHide, aAlignmentEdges, &foundVisibleTextOrAtomic, &clippedMarkerEdges); } if (!foundVisibleTextOrAtomic && retryEmptyLine) { aAlignmentEdges->mAssignedInner = false; aAlignmentEdges->mIEndOuter = 0; aFramesToHide->Clear(); pass = -1; if (mIStart.IsNeeded() && mIStart.mActive && !clippedIStartMarker) { if (clippedMarkerEdges.mAssignedIStart && clippedMarkerEdges.mIStart > nonSnappedContentArea.IStart(mBlockWM)) { mIStart.mISize = clippedMarkerEdges.mIStart - nonSnappedContentArea.IStart(mBlockWM); NS_ASSERTION(mIStart.mISize < mIStart.mIntrinsicISize, "clipping a marker should make it strictly smaller"); clippedIStartMarker = true; } else { mIStart.mActive = guessIStart = false; } continue; } if (mIEnd.IsNeeded() && mIEnd.mActive && !clippedIEndMarker) { if (clippedMarkerEdges.mAssignedIEnd && nonSnappedContentArea.IEnd(mBlockWM) > clippedMarkerEdges.mIEnd) { mIEnd.mISize = nonSnappedContentArea.IEnd(mBlockWM) - clippedMarkerEdges.mIEnd; NS_ASSERTION(mIEnd.mISize < mIEnd.mIntrinsicISize, "clipping a marker should make it strictly smaller"); clippedIEndMarker = true; } else { mIEnd.mActive = guessIEnd = false; } continue; } // The line simply has no visible content even without markers, // so examine the line again without suppressing markers. retryEmptyLine = false; mIStart.mISize = mIStart.mIntrinsicISize; mIStart.mActive = guessIStart = istartWantsMarker; mIEnd.mISize = mIEnd.mIntrinsicISize; mIEnd.mActive = guessIEnd = iendWantsMarker; // If we wanted to place a block ellipsis but didn't, due to not having // any visible content to align to or the line's content being scrolled // out of view, then clip the ellipsis so that it looks like it is aligned // with the out of view content. if (mIEnd.IsNeeded() && mIEnd.mActive && mIEnd.mHasBlockEllipsis) { NS_ASSERTION(nonSnappedContentArea.IStart(mBlockWM) > aAlignmentEdges->mIEndOuter, "Expected the alignment edge for the out of view content " "to be before the start of the content area"); mIEnd.mISize = std::max( mIEnd.mIntrinsicISize - (nonSnappedContentArea.IStart(mBlockWM) - aAlignmentEdges->mIEndOuter), 0); } continue; } if (guessIStart == (mIStart.mActive && mIStart.IsNeeded()) && guessIEnd == (mIEnd.mActive && mIEnd.IsNeeded())) { break; } else { guessIStart = mIStart.mActive && mIStart.IsNeeded(); guessIEnd = mIEnd.mActive && mIEnd.IsNeeded(); mIStart.Reset(); mIEnd.Reset(); aFramesToHide->Clear(); } NS_ASSERTION(pass == 0, "2nd pass should never guess wrong"); } while (++pass != 2); if (!istartWantsMarker || !mIStart.mActive) { mIStart.Reset(); } if (!iendWantsMarker || !mIEnd.mActive) { mIEnd.Reset(); } return nonSnappedContentArea; } void TextOverflow::ProcessLine(const nsDisplayListSet& aLists, nsLineBox* aLine, uint32_t aLineNumber) { if (mIStart.mStyle->IsClip() && mIEnd.mStyle->IsClip() && !aLine->HasLineClampEllipsis()) { return; } mIStart.Reset(); mIStart.mActive = !mIStart.mStyle->IsClip(); mIEnd.Reset(); mIEnd.mHasBlockEllipsis = aLine->HasLineClampEllipsis(); mIEnd.mActive = !mIEnd.IsSuppressed(mInLineClampContext); FrameHashtable framesToHide(64); AlignmentEdges alignmentEdges; const LogicalRect contentArea = ExamineLineFrames(aLine, &framesToHide, &alignmentEdges); bool needIStart = mIStart.IsNeeded(); bool needIEnd = mIEnd.IsNeeded(); if (!needIStart && !needIEnd) { return; } NS_ASSERTION(!mIStart.IsSuppressed(mInLineClampContext) || !needIStart, "left marker when not needed"); NS_ASSERTION(!mIEnd.IsSuppressed(mInLineClampContext) || !needIEnd, "right marker when not needed"); // If there is insufficient space for both markers then keep the one on the // end side per the block's 'direction'. if (needIStart && needIEnd && mIStart.mISize + mIEnd.mISize > contentArea.ISize(mBlockWM)) { needIStart = false; } LogicalRect insideMarkersArea = contentArea; if (needIStart) { InflateIStart(mBlockWM, &insideMarkersArea, -mIStart.mISize); } if (needIEnd) { InflateIEnd(mBlockWM, &insideMarkersArea, -mIEnd.mISize); } if (alignmentEdges.mAssignedInner) { if (mIStart.mEdgeAligned) { alignmentEdges.mIStart = insideMarkersArea.IStart(mBlockWM); } if (mIEnd.mEdgeAligned) { alignmentEdges.mIEnd = insideMarkersArea.IEnd(mBlockWM); } LogicalRect alignmentRect(mBlockWM, alignmentEdges.mIStart, insideMarkersArea.BStart(mBlockWM), alignmentEdges.ISize(), 1); insideMarkersArea.IntersectRect(insideMarkersArea, alignmentRect); } else { // There was no content on the line that was visible at the current scolled // position. If we wanted to place a block ellipsis but failed due to // having no visible content to align it to, we still need to ensure it // is displayed. It goes at the start of the line, even though it's an // IEnd marker, since that is the side of the line that the content has // been scrolled past. We set the insideMarkersArea to a zero-sized // rectangle placed next to the scrolled-out-of-view content. if (mIEnd.mHasBlockEllipsis) { insideMarkersArea = LogicalRect(mBlockWM, alignmentEdges.mIEndOuter, insideMarkersArea.BStart(mBlockWM), 0, 1); } } // Clip and remove display items as needed at the final marker edges. nsDisplayList* lists[] = {aLists.Content(), aLists.PositionedDescendants()}; for (uint32_t i = 0; i < ArrayLength(lists); ++i) { PruneDisplayListContents(lists[i], framesToHide, insideMarkersArea); } CreateMarkers(aLine, needIStart, needIEnd, insideMarkersArea, contentArea, aLineNumber); } void TextOverflow::PruneDisplayListContents( nsDisplayList* aList, const FrameHashtable& aFramesToHide, const LogicalRect& aInsideMarkersArea) { for (nsDisplayItem* item : aList->TakeItems()) { nsIFrame* itemFrame = item->Frame(); if (IsFrameDescendantOfAny(itemFrame, aFramesToHide, mBlock)) { item->Destroy(mBuilder); continue; } nsDisplayList* wrapper = item->GetSameCoordinateSystemChildren(); if (wrapper) { if (!itemFrame || GetSelfOrNearestBlock(itemFrame) == mBlock) { PruneDisplayListContents(wrapper, aFramesToHide, aInsideMarkersArea); } } nsDisplayText* textItem = itemFrame ? nsDisplayText::CheckCast(item) : nullptr; if (textItem && GetSelfOrNearestBlock(itemFrame) == mBlock) { LogicalRect rect = GetLogicalScrollableOverflowRectRelativeToBlock(itemFrame); if (mIStart.IsNeeded()) { nscoord istart = aInsideMarkersArea.IStart(mBlockWM) - rect.IStart(mBlockWM); if (istart > 0) { (mBlockWM.IsBidiLTR() ? textItem->VisIStartEdge() : textItem->VisIEndEdge()) = istart; } } if (mIEnd.IsNeeded()) { nscoord iend = rect.IEnd(mBlockWM) - aInsideMarkersArea.IEnd(mBlockWM); if (iend > 0) { (mBlockWM.IsBidiLTR() ? textItem->VisIEndEdge() : textItem->VisIStartEdge()) = iend; } } } aList->AppendToTop(item); } } /* static */ bool TextOverflow::HasClippedTextOverflow(nsIFrame* aBlockFrame) { const nsStyleTextReset* style = aBlockFrame->StyleTextReset(); return style->mTextOverflow.first.IsClip() && style->mTextOverflow.second.IsClip(); } /* static */ bool TextOverflow::HasBlockEllipsis(nsIFrame* aBlockFrame) { nsBlockFrame* f = do_QueryFrame(aBlockFrame); return f && f->HasAnyStateBits(NS_BLOCK_HAS_LINE_CLAMP_ELLIPSIS); } static bool BlockCanHaveLineClampEllipsis(nsBlockFrame* aBlockFrame, bool aBeforeReflow) { if (aBeforeReflow) { return aBlockFrame->IsInLineClampContext(); } return aBlockFrame->HasAnyStateBits(NS_BLOCK_HAS_LINE_CLAMP_ELLIPSIS); } /* static */ bool TextOverflow::CanHaveOverflowMarkers(nsBlockFrame* aBlockFrame, BeforeReflow aBeforeReflow) { if (BlockCanHaveLineClampEllipsis(aBlockFrame, aBeforeReflow == BeforeReflow::Yes)) { return true; } // Nothing to do for text-overflow:clip or if 'overflow-x/y:visible'. if (HasClippedTextOverflow(aBlockFrame) || IsInlineAxisOverflowVisible(aBlockFrame)) { return false; } // Skip ComboboxControlFrame because it would clip the drop-down arrow. // Its anon block inherits 'text-overflow' and does what is expected. if (aBlockFrame->IsComboboxControlFrame()) { return false; } // Inhibit the markers if a descendant content owns the caret. RefPtr caret = aBlockFrame->PresShell()->GetCaret(); if (caret && caret->IsVisible()) { RefPtr domSelection = caret->GetSelection(); if (domSelection) { nsCOMPtr content = nsIContent::FromNodeOrNull(domSelection->GetFocusNode()); if (content && content->IsInclusiveDescendantOf(aBlockFrame->GetContent())) { return false; } } } return true; } void TextOverflow::CreateMarkers(const nsLineBox* aLine, bool aCreateIStart, bool aCreateIEnd, const LogicalRect& aInsideMarkersArea, const LogicalRect& aContentArea, uint32_t aLineNumber) { if (!mBlock->IsVisibleForPainting()) { return; } if (aCreateIStart) { DisplayListClipState::AutoSaveRestore clipState(mBuilder); LogicalRect markerLogicalRect( mBlockWM, aInsideMarkersArea.IStart(mBlockWM) - mIStart.mIntrinsicISize, aLine->BStart(), mIStart.mIntrinsicISize, aLine->BSize()); nsPoint offset = mBuilder->ToReferenceFrame(mBlock); nsRect markerRect = markerLogicalRect.GetPhysicalRect(mBlockWM, mBlockSize) + offset; ClipMarker(aContentArea.GetPhysicalRect(mBlockWM, mBlockSize) + offset, markerRect, clipState); mMarkerList.AppendNewToTopWithIndex( mBuilder, mBlock, /* aIndex = */ (aLineNumber << 1) + 0, markerRect, aLine->GetLogicalAscent(), *mIStart.mStyle); } if (aCreateIEnd) { DisplayListClipState::AutoSaveRestore clipState(mBuilder); LogicalRect markerLogicalRect(mBlockWM, aInsideMarkersArea.IEnd(mBlockWM), aLine->BStart(), mIEnd.mIntrinsicISize, aLine->BSize()); nsPoint offset = mBuilder->ToReferenceFrame(mBlock); nsRect markerRect = markerLogicalRect.GetPhysicalRect(mBlockWM, mBlockSize) + offset; ClipMarker(aContentArea.GetPhysicalRect(mBlockWM, mBlockSize) + offset, markerRect, clipState); mMarkerList.AppendNewToTopWithIndex( mBuilder, mBlock, /* aIndex = */ (aLineNumber << 1) + 1, markerRect, aLine->GetLogicalAscent(), mIEnd.mHasBlockEllipsis ? StyleTextOverflowSide::Ellipsis() : *mIEnd.mStyle); } } void TextOverflow::Marker::SetupString(nsIFrame* aFrame) { if (mInitialized) { return; } // A limitation here is that at the IEnd of a line, we only ever render one of // a text-overflow marker and a -webkit-line-clamp block ellipsis. Since we // don't track the block ellipsis string and the text-overflow marker string // separately, if both apply to the element, we will always use "…" as the // string for text-overflow. if (HasBlockEllipsis(aFrame) || mStyle->IsEllipsis()) { gfxTextRun* textRun = GetEllipsisTextRun(aFrame); if (textRun) { mISize = textRun->GetAdvanceWidth(); } else { mISize = 0; } } else { RefPtr rc = aFrame->PresShell()->CreateReferenceRenderingContext(); RefPtr fm = nsLayoutUtils::GetInflatedFontMetricsForFrame(aFrame); mISize = nsLayoutUtils::AppUnitWidthOfStringBidi( NS_ConvertUTF8toUTF16(mStyle->AsString().AsString()), aFrame, *fm, *rc); } mIntrinsicISize = mISize; mInitialized = true; } } // namespace css } // namespace mozilla