/* -*- Mode: C++; tab-width: 8; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 2 -*- */ /* vim: set ts=8 sts=2 et sw=2 tw=80: */ /* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this * file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. */ #include "CounterStyleManager.h" #include #include "mozilla/ArenaObjectID.h" #include "mozilla/ArrayUtils.h" #include "mozilla/CheckedInt.h" #include "mozilla/MathAlgorithms.h" #include "mozilla/PresShell.h" #include "mozilla/Types.h" #include "mozilla/WritingModes.h" #include "nsPresContext.h" #include "nsPresContextInlines.h" #include "nsString.h" #include "nsTArray.h" #include "nsTHashtable.h" #include "nsUnicodeProperties.h" #include "mozilla/ServoBindings.h" #include "mozilla/ServoStyleSet.h" namespace mozilla { using AdditiveSymbol = StyleAdditiveSymbol; struct NegativeType { nsString before, after; }; struct PadType { int32_t width; nsString symbol; }; // This limitation will be applied to some systems, and pad descriptor. // Any initial representation generated by symbolic or additive which is // longer than this limitation will be dropped. If any pad is longer // than this, the whole counter text will be dropped as well. // The spec requires user agents to support at least 60 Unicode code- // points for counter text. However, this constant only limits the // length in 16-bit units. So it has to be at least 120, since code- // points outside the BMP will need 2 16-bit units. #define LENGTH_LIMIT 150 static bool GetCyclicCounterText(CounterValue aOrdinal, nsAString& aResult, Span aSymbols) { MOZ_ASSERT(aSymbols.Length() >= 1, "No symbol available for cyclic counter."); auto n = aSymbols.Length(); CounterValue index = (aOrdinal - 1) % n; aResult = aSymbols[index >= 0 ? index : index + n]; return true; } static bool GetFixedCounterText(CounterValue aOrdinal, nsAString& aResult, CounterValue aStart, Span aSymbols) { CounterValue index = aOrdinal - aStart; if (index >= 0 && index < CounterValue(aSymbols.Length())) { aResult = aSymbols[index]; return true; } else { return false; } } static bool GetSymbolicCounterText(CounterValue aOrdinal, nsAString& aResult, Span aSymbols) { MOZ_ASSERT(aSymbols.Length() >= 1, "No symbol available for symbolic counter."); MOZ_ASSERT(aOrdinal >= 0, "Invalid ordinal."); if (aOrdinal == 0) { return false; } aResult.Truncate(); auto n = aSymbols.Length(); const nsString& symbol = aSymbols[(aOrdinal - 1) % n]; size_t len = (aOrdinal + n - 1) / n; auto symbolLength = symbol.Length(); if (symbolLength > 0) { if (len > LENGTH_LIMIT || symbolLength > LENGTH_LIMIT || len * symbolLength > LENGTH_LIMIT) { return false; } for (size_t i = 0; i < len; ++i) { aResult.Append(symbol); } } return true; } static bool GetAlphabeticCounterText(CounterValue aOrdinal, nsAString& aResult, Span aSymbols) { MOZ_ASSERT(aSymbols.Length() >= 2, "Too few symbols for alphabetic counter."); MOZ_ASSERT(aOrdinal >= 0, "Invalid ordinal."); if (aOrdinal == 0) { return false; } auto n = aSymbols.Length(); // The precise length of this array should be // ceil(log((double) aOrdinal / n * (n - 1) + 1) / log(n)). // The max length is slightly smaller than which defined below. AutoTArray::digits> indexes; while (aOrdinal > 0) { --aOrdinal; indexes.AppendElement(aOrdinal % n); aOrdinal /= n; } aResult.Truncate(); for (auto i = indexes.Length(); i > 0; --i) { aResult.Append(aSymbols[indexes[i - 1]]); } return true; } static bool GetNumericCounterText(CounterValue aOrdinal, nsAString& aResult, Span aSymbols) { MOZ_ASSERT(aSymbols.Length() >= 2, "Too few symbols for numeric counter."); MOZ_ASSERT(aOrdinal >= 0, "Invalid ordinal."); if (aOrdinal == 0) { aResult = aSymbols[0]; return true; } auto n = aSymbols.Length(); AutoTArray::digits> indexes; while (aOrdinal > 0) { indexes.AppendElement(aOrdinal % n); aOrdinal /= n; } aResult.Truncate(); for (auto i = indexes.Length(); i > 0; --i) { aResult.Append(aSymbols[indexes[i - 1]]); } return true; } static bool GetAdditiveCounterText(CounterValue aOrdinal, nsAString& aResult, Span aSymbols) { MOZ_ASSERT(aOrdinal >= 0, "Invalid ordinal."); if (aOrdinal == 0) { const AdditiveSymbol& last = aSymbols[aSymbols.Length() - 1]; if (last.weight == 0) { aResult = last.symbol; return true; } return false; } aResult.Truncate(); size_t length = 0; for (size_t i = 0, iEnd = aSymbols.Length(); i < iEnd; ++i) { const AdditiveSymbol& symbol = aSymbols[i]; if (symbol.weight == 0) { break; } CounterValue times = aOrdinal / symbol.weight; if (times > 0) { auto symbolLength = symbol.symbol.Length(); if (symbolLength > 0) { length += times * symbolLength; if (times > LENGTH_LIMIT || symbolLength > LENGTH_LIMIT || length > LENGTH_LIMIT) { return false; } for (CounterValue j = 0; j < times; ++j) { aResult.Append(symbol.symbol); } } aOrdinal -= times * symbol.weight; } } return aOrdinal == 0; } static bool DecimalToText(CounterValue aOrdinal, nsAString& aResult) { aResult.AppendInt(aOrdinal); return true; } // We know cjk-ideographic need 31 characters to display 99,999,999,999,999,999 // georgian needs 6 at most // armenian needs 12 at most // hebrew may need more... #define NUM_BUF_SIZE 34 enum CJKIdeographicLang { CHINESE, KOREAN, JAPANESE }; struct CJKIdeographicData { char16_t digit[10]; char16_t unit[3]; char16_t unit10K[2]; uint8_t lang; bool informal; }; static const CJKIdeographicData gDataJapaneseInformal = { {0x3007, 0x4e00, 0x4e8c, 0x4e09, 0x56db, 0x4e94, 0x516d, 0x4e03, 0x516b, 0x4e5d}, // digit {0x5341, 0x767e, 0x5343}, // unit {0x4e07, 0x5104}, // unit10K JAPANESE, // lang true // informal }; static const CJKIdeographicData gDataJapaneseFormal = { {0x96f6, 0x58f1, 0x5f10, 0x53c2, 0x56db, 0x4f0d, 0x516d, 0x4e03, 0x516b, 0x4e5d}, // digit {0x62fe, 0x767e, 0x9621}, // unit {0x842c, 0x5104}, // unit10K JAPANESE, // lang false // informal }; static const CJKIdeographicData gDataKoreanHangulFormal = { {0xc601, 0xc77c, 0xc774, 0xc0bc, 0xc0ac, 0xc624, 0xc721, 0xce60, 0xd314, 0xad6c}, // digit {0xc2ed, 0xbc31, 0xcc9c}, // unit {0xb9cc, 0xc5b5}, // unit10K KOREAN, // lang false // informal }; static const CJKIdeographicData gDataKoreanHanjaInformal = { {0x96f6, 0x4e00, 0x4e8c, 0x4e09, 0x56db, 0x4e94, 0x516d, 0x4e03, 0x516b, 0x4e5d}, // digit {0x5341, 0x767e, 0x5343}, // unit {0x842c, 0x5104}, // unit10K KOREAN, // lang true // informal }; static const CJKIdeographicData gDataKoreanHanjaFormal = { {0x96f6, 0x58f9, 0x8cb3, 0x53c3, 0x56db, 0x4e94, 0x516d, 0x4e03, 0x516b, 0x4e5d}, // digit {0x62fe, 0x767e, 0x4edf}, // unit {0x842c, 0x5104}, // unit10K KOREAN, // lang false // informal }; static const CJKIdeographicData gDataSimpChineseInformal = { {0x96f6, 0x4e00, 0x4e8c, 0x4e09, 0x56db, 0x4e94, 0x516d, 0x4e03, 0x516b, 0x4e5d}, // digit {0x5341, 0x767e, 0x5343}, // unit {0x4e07, 0x4ebf}, // unit10K CHINESE, // lang true // informal }; static const CJKIdeographicData gDataSimpChineseFormal = { {0x96f6, 0x58f9, 0x8d30, 0x53c1, 0x8086, 0x4f0d, 0x9646, 0x67d2, 0x634c, 0x7396}, // digit {0x62fe, 0x4f70, 0x4edf}, // unit {0x4e07, 0x4ebf}, // unit10K CHINESE, // lang false // informal }; static const CJKIdeographicData gDataTradChineseInformal = { {0x96f6, 0x4e00, 0x4e8c, 0x4e09, 0x56db, 0x4e94, 0x516d, 0x4e03, 0x516b, 0x4e5d}, // digit {0x5341, 0x767e, 0x5343}, // unit {0x842c, 0x5104}, // unit10K CHINESE, // lang true // informal }; static const CJKIdeographicData gDataTradChineseFormal = { {0x96f6, 0x58f9, 0x8cb3, 0x53c3, 0x8086, 0x4f0d, 0x9678, 0x67d2, 0x634c, 0x7396}, // digit {0x62fe, 0x4f70, 0x4edf}, // unit {0x842c, 0x5104}, // unit10K CHINESE, // lang false // informal }; static bool CJKIdeographicToText(CounterValue aOrdinal, nsAString& aResult, const CJKIdeographicData& data) { NS_ASSERTION(aOrdinal >= 0, "Only accept non-negative ordinal"); char16_t buf[NUM_BUF_SIZE]; int32_t idx = NUM_BUF_SIZE; int32_t pos = 0; bool needZero = (aOrdinal == 0); int32_t unitidx = 0, unit10Kidx = 0; do { unitidx = pos % 4; if (unitidx == 0) { unit10Kidx = pos / 4; } auto cur = static_cast>(aOrdinal) % 10; if (cur == 0) { if (needZero) { needZero = false; buf[--idx] = data.digit[0]; } } else { if (data.lang == CHINESE) { needZero = true; } if (unit10Kidx != 0) { if (data.lang == KOREAN && idx != NUM_BUF_SIZE) { buf[--idx] = ' '; } buf[--idx] = data.unit10K[unit10Kidx - 1]; } if (unitidx != 0) { buf[--idx] = data.unit[unitidx - 1]; } if (cur != 1) { buf[--idx] = data.digit[cur]; } else { bool needOne = true; if (data.informal) { switch (data.lang) { case CHINESE: if (unitidx == 1 && (aOrdinal == 1 || (pos > 4 && aOrdinal % 1000 == 1))) { needOne = false; } break; case JAPANESE: if (unitidx > 0 && (unitidx != 3 || (pos == 3 && aOrdinal == 1))) { needOne = false; } break; case KOREAN: if (unitidx > 0 || (pos == 4 && (aOrdinal % 1000) == 1)) { needOne = false; } break; } } if (needOne) { buf[--idx] = data.digit[1]; } } unit10Kidx = 0; } aOrdinal /= 10; pos++; } while (aOrdinal > 0); aResult.Assign(buf + idx, NUM_BUF_SIZE - idx); return true; } #define HEBREW_GERESH 0x05F3 static const char16_t gHebrewDigit[22] = { // 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0x05D0, 0x05D1, 0x05D2, 0x05D3, 0x05D4, 0x05D5, 0x05D6, 0x05D7, 0x05D8, // 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 0x05D9, 0x05DB, 0x05DC, 0x05DE, 0x05E0, 0x05E1, 0x05E2, 0x05E4, 0x05E6, // 100 200 300 400 0x05E7, 0x05E8, 0x05E9, 0x05EA}; static bool HebrewToText(CounterValue aOrdinal, nsAString& aResult) { if (aOrdinal < 1 || aOrdinal > 999999) { return false; } bool outputSep = false; nsAutoString allText, thousandsGroup; do { thousandsGroup.Truncate(); int32_t n3 = aOrdinal % 1000; // Process digit for 100 - 900 for (int32_t n1 = 400; n1 > 0;) { if (n3 >= n1) { n3 -= n1; thousandsGroup.Append(gHebrewDigit[(n1 / 100) - 1 + 18]); } else { n1 -= 100; } // if } // for // Process digit for 10 - 90 int32_t n2; if (n3 >= 10) { // Special process for 15 and 16 if ((15 == n3) || (16 == n3)) { // Special rule for religious reason... // 15 is represented by 9 and 6, not 10 and 5 // 16 is represented by 9 and 7, not 10 and 6 n2 = 9; thousandsGroup.Append(gHebrewDigit[n2 - 1]); } else { n2 = n3 - (n3 % 10); thousandsGroup.Append(gHebrewDigit[(n2 / 10) - 1 + 9]); } // if n3 -= n2; } // if // Process digit for 1 - 9 if (n3 > 0) thousandsGroup.Append(gHebrewDigit[n3 - 1]); if (outputSep) thousandsGroup.Append((char16_t)HEBREW_GERESH); if (allText.IsEmpty()) allText = thousandsGroup; else allText = thousandsGroup + allText; aOrdinal /= 1000; outputSep = true; } while (aOrdinal >= 1); aResult = allText; return true; } // Convert ordinal to Ethiopic numeric representation. // The detail is available at http://www.ethiopic.org/Numerals/ // The algorithm used here is based on the pseudo-code put up there by // Daniel Yacob . // Another reference is Unicode 3.0 standard section 11.1. #define ETHIOPIC_ONE 0x1369 #define ETHIOPIC_TEN 0x1372 #define ETHIOPIC_HUNDRED 0x137B #define ETHIOPIC_TEN_THOUSAND 0x137C static bool EthiopicToText(CounterValue aOrdinal, nsAString& aResult) { if (aOrdinal < 1) { return false; } nsAutoString asciiNumberString; // decimal string representation of ordinal DecimalToText(aOrdinal, asciiNumberString); uint8_t asciiStringLength = asciiNumberString.Length(); // If number length is odd, add a leading "0" // the leading "0" preconditions the string to always have the // leading tens place populated, this avoids a check within the loop. // If we didn't add the leading "0", decrement asciiStringLength so // it will be equivalent to a zero-based index in both cases. if (asciiStringLength & 1) { asciiNumberString.InsertLiteral(u"0", 0); } else { asciiStringLength--; } aResult.Truncate(); // Iterate from the highest digits to lowest // indexFromLeft indexes digits (0 = most significant) // groupIndexFromRight indexes pairs of digits (0 = least significant) for (uint8_t indexFromLeft = 0, groupIndexFromRight = asciiStringLength >> 1; indexFromLeft <= asciiStringLength; indexFromLeft += 2, groupIndexFromRight--) { uint8_t tensValue = asciiNumberString.CharAt(indexFromLeft) & 0x0F; uint8_t unitsValue = asciiNumberString.CharAt(indexFromLeft + 1) & 0x0F; uint8_t groupValue = tensValue * 10 + unitsValue; bool oddGroup = (groupIndexFromRight & 1); // we want to clear ETHIOPIC_ONE when it is superfluous if (aOrdinal > 1 && groupValue == 1 && // one without a leading ten (oddGroup || indexFromLeft == 0)) { // preceding (100) or leading the sequence unitsValue = 0; } // put it all together... if (tensValue) { // map onto Ethiopic "tens": aResult.Append((char16_t)(tensValue + ETHIOPIC_TEN - 1)); } if (unitsValue) { // map onto Ethiopic "units": aResult.Append((char16_t)(unitsValue + ETHIOPIC_ONE - 1)); } // Add a separator for all even groups except the last, // and for odd groups with non-zero value. if (oddGroup) { if (groupValue) { aResult.Append((char16_t)ETHIOPIC_HUNDRED); } } else { if (groupIndexFromRight) { aResult.Append((char16_t)ETHIOPIC_TEN_THOUSAND); } } } return true; } static SpeakAs GetDefaultSpeakAsForSystem(StyleCounterSystem aSystem) { MOZ_ASSERT(aSystem != StyleCounterSystem::Extends, "Extends system does not have static default speak-as"); switch (aSystem) { case StyleCounterSystem::Alphabetic: return SpeakAs::Spellout; case StyleCounterSystem::Cyclic: return SpeakAs::Bullets; default: return SpeakAs::Numbers; } } static bool SystemUsesNegativeSign(StyleCounterSystem aSystem) { MOZ_ASSERT(aSystem != StyleCounterSystem::Extends, "Cannot check this for extending style"); switch (aSystem) { case StyleCounterSystem::Symbolic: case StyleCounterSystem::Alphabetic: case StyleCounterSystem::Numeric: case StyleCounterSystem::Additive: return true; default: return false; } } class BuiltinCounterStyle : public CounterStyle { public: constexpr BuiltinCounterStyle(ListStyle aStyle, nsStaticAtom* aName) : CounterStyle(aStyle), mName(aName) {} nsStaticAtom* GetStyleName() const { return mName; } virtual void GetPrefix(nsAString& aResult) override; virtual void GetSuffix(nsAString& aResult) override; virtual void GetSpokenCounterText(CounterValue aOrdinal, WritingMode aWritingMode, nsAString& aResult, bool& aIsBullet) override; virtual bool IsBullet() override; virtual void GetNegative(NegativeType& aResult) override; virtual bool IsOrdinalInRange(CounterValue aOrdinal) override; virtual bool IsOrdinalInAutoRange(CounterValue aOrdinal) override; virtual void GetPad(PadType& aResult) override; virtual CounterStyle* GetFallback() override; virtual SpeakAs GetSpeakAs() override; virtual bool UseNegativeSign() override; virtual bool GetInitialCounterText(CounterValue aOrdinal, WritingMode aWritingMode, nsAString& aResult, bool& aIsRTL) override; protected: constexpr BuiltinCounterStyle(const BuiltinCounterStyle& aOther) : CounterStyle(aOther.mStyle), mName(aOther.mName) {} private: nsStaticAtom* mName; }; /* virtual */ void BuiltinCounterStyle::GetPrefix(nsAString& aResult) { aResult.Truncate(); } /* virtual */ void BuiltinCounterStyle::GetSuffix(nsAString& aResult) { switch (mStyle) { case ListStyle::None: aResult.Truncate(); break; case ListStyle::Disc: case ListStyle::Circle: case ListStyle::Square: case ListStyle::DisclosureClosed: case ListStyle::DisclosureOpen: case ListStyle::EthiopicNumeric: aResult = ' '; break; case ListStyle::TradChineseInformal: case ListStyle::TradChineseFormal: case ListStyle::SimpChineseInformal: case ListStyle::SimpChineseFormal: case ListStyle::JapaneseInformal: case ListStyle::JapaneseFormal: aResult = 0x3001; break; case ListStyle::KoreanHangulFormal: case ListStyle::KoreanHanjaInformal: case ListStyle::KoreanHanjaFormal: aResult.AssignLiteral(u", "); break; default: aResult.AssignLiteral(u". "); break; } } static const char16_t kDiscCharacter = 0x2022; static const char16_t kCircleCharacter = 0x25e6; static const char16_t kSquareCharacter = 0x25aa; static const char16_t kRightPointingCharacter = 0x25b8; static const char16_t kLeftPointingCharacter = 0x25c2; static const char16_t kDownPointingCharacter = 0x25be; /* virtual */ void BuiltinCounterStyle::GetSpokenCounterText(CounterValue aOrdinal, WritingMode aWritingMode, nsAString& aResult, bool& aIsBullet) { switch (mStyle) { case ListStyle::None: case ListStyle::Disc: case ListStyle::Circle: case ListStyle::Square: case ListStyle::DisclosureClosed: case ListStyle::DisclosureOpen: { // Same as the initial representation bool isRTL; GetInitialCounterText(aOrdinal, aWritingMode, aResult, isRTL); aIsBullet = true; break; } default: CounterStyle::GetSpokenCounterText(aOrdinal, aWritingMode, aResult, aIsBullet); break; } } /* virtual */ bool BuiltinCounterStyle::IsBullet() { switch (mStyle) { case ListStyle::Disc: case ListStyle::Circle: case ListStyle::Square: case ListStyle::DisclosureClosed: case ListStyle::DisclosureOpen: return true; default: return false; } } static const char16_t gJapaneseNegative[] = {0x30de, 0x30a4, 0x30ca, 0x30b9, 0x0000}; static const char16_t gKoreanNegative[] = {0xb9c8, 0xc774, 0xb108, 0xc2a4, 0x0020, 0x0000}; static const char16_t gSimpChineseNegative[] = {0x8d1f, 0x0000}; static const char16_t gTradChineseNegative[] = {0x8ca0, 0x0000}; /* virtual */ void BuiltinCounterStyle::GetNegative(NegativeType& aResult) { switch (mStyle) { case ListStyle::JapaneseFormal: case ListStyle::JapaneseInformal: aResult.before = gJapaneseNegative; break; case ListStyle::KoreanHangulFormal: case ListStyle::KoreanHanjaInformal: case ListStyle::KoreanHanjaFormal: aResult.before = gKoreanNegative; break; case ListStyle::SimpChineseFormal: case ListStyle::SimpChineseInformal: aResult.before = gSimpChineseNegative; break; case ListStyle::TradChineseFormal: case ListStyle::TradChineseInformal: aResult.before = gTradChineseNegative; break; default: aResult.before.AssignLiteral(u"-"); } aResult.after.Truncate(); } /* virtual */ bool BuiltinCounterStyle::IsOrdinalInRange(CounterValue aOrdinal) { switch (mStyle) { default: // cyclic case ListStyle::None: case ListStyle::Disc: case ListStyle::Circle: case ListStyle::Square: case ListStyle::DisclosureClosed: case ListStyle::DisclosureOpen: // use DecimalToText case ListStyle::Decimal: // use CJKIdeographicToText case ListStyle::JapaneseFormal: case ListStyle::JapaneseInformal: case ListStyle::KoreanHanjaFormal: case ListStyle::KoreanHanjaInformal: case ListStyle::KoreanHangulFormal: case ListStyle::TradChineseFormal: case ListStyle::TradChineseInformal: case ListStyle::SimpChineseFormal: case ListStyle::SimpChineseInformal: return true; // use EthiopicToText case ListStyle::EthiopicNumeric: return aOrdinal >= 1; // use HebrewToText case ListStyle::Hebrew: return aOrdinal >= 1 && aOrdinal <= 999999; } } /* virtual */ bool BuiltinCounterStyle::IsOrdinalInAutoRange(CounterValue aOrdinal) { switch (mStyle) { // cyclic: case ListStyle::None: case ListStyle::Disc: case ListStyle::Circle: case ListStyle::Square: case ListStyle::DisclosureClosed: case ListStyle::DisclosureOpen: // numeric: case ListStyle::Decimal: return true; // additive: case ListStyle::Hebrew: return aOrdinal >= 0; // complex predefined: case ListStyle::JapaneseFormal: case ListStyle::JapaneseInformal: case ListStyle::KoreanHanjaFormal: case ListStyle::KoreanHanjaInformal: case ListStyle::KoreanHangulFormal: case ListStyle::TradChineseFormal: case ListStyle::TradChineseInformal: case ListStyle::SimpChineseFormal: case ListStyle::SimpChineseInformal: case ListStyle::EthiopicNumeric: return IsOrdinalInRange(aOrdinal); default: MOZ_ASSERT_UNREACHABLE("Unknown counter style"); return false; } } /* virtual */ void BuiltinCounterStyle::GetPad(PadType& aResult) { aResult.width = 0; aResult.symbol.Truncate(); } /* virtual */ CounterStyle* BuiltinCounterStyle::GetFallback() { // Fallback of dependent builtin counter styles are handled in class // DependentBuiltinCounterStyle. return CounterStyleManager::GetDecimalStyle(); } /* virtual */ SpeakAs BuiltinCounterStyle::GetSpeakAs() { switch (mStyle) { case ListStyle::None: case ListStyle::Disc: case ListStyle::Circle: case ListStyle::Square: case ListStyle::DisclosureClosed: case ListStyle::DisclosureOpen: return SpeakAs::Bullets; default: return SpeakAs::Numbers; } } /* virtual */ bool BuiltinCounterStyle::UseNegativeSign() { switch (mStyle) { case ListStyle::None: case ListStyle::Disc: case ListStyle::Circle: case ListStyle::Square: case ListStyle::DisclosureClosed: case ListStyle::DisclosureOpen: return false; default: return true; } } /* virtual */ bool BuiltinCounterStyle::GetInitialCounterText(CounterValue aOrdinal, WritingMode aWritingMode, nsAString& aResult, bool& aIsRTL) { aIsRTL = false; switch (mStyle) { // used by counters & extends counter-style code only // XXX We really need to do this the same way we do list bullets. case ListStyle::None: aResult.Truncate(); return true; case ListStyle::Disc: aResult.Assign(kDiscCharacter); return true; case ListStyle::Circle: aResult.Assign(kCircleCharacter); return true; case ListStyle::Square: aResult.Assign(kSquareCharacter); return true; case ListStyle::DisclosureClosed: if (aWritingMode.IsVertical()) { aResult.Assign(kDownPointingCharacter); } else if (aWritingMode.IsBidiLTR()) { aResult.Assign(kRightPointingCharacter); } else { aResult.Assign(kLeftPointingCharacter); } return true; case ListStyle::DisclosureOpen: if (!aWritingMode.IsVertical()) { aResult.Assign(kDownPointingCharacter); } else if (aWritingMode.IsVerticalLR()) { aResult.Assign(kRightPointingCharacter); } else { aResult.Assign(kLeftPointingCharacter); } return true; case ListStyle::Decimal: return DecimalToText(aOrdinal, aResult); case ListStyle::TradChineseInformal: return CJKIdeographicToText(aOrdinal, aResult, gDataTradChineseInformal); case ListStyle::TradChineseFormal: return CJKIdeographicToText(aOrdinal, aResult, gDataTradChineseFormal); case ListStyle::SimpChineseInformal: return CJKIdeographicToText(aOrdinal, aResult, gDataSimpChineseInformal); case ListStyle::SimpChineseFormal: return CJKIdeographicToText(aOrdinal, aResult, gDataSimpChineseFormal); case ListStyle::JapaneseInformal: return CJKIdeographicToText(aOrdinal, aResult, gDataJapaneseInformal); case ListStyle::JapaneseFormal: return CJKIdeographicToText(aOrdinal, aResult, gDataJapaneseFormal); case ListStyle::KoreanHangulFormal: return CJKIdeographicToText(aOrdinal, aResult, gDataKoreanHangulFormal); case ListStyle::KoreanHanjaInformal: return CJKIdeographicToText(aOrdinal, aResult, gDataKoreanHanjaInformal); case ListStyle::KoreanHanjaFormal: return CJKIdeographicToText(aOrdinal, aResult, gDataKoreanHanjaFormal); case ListStyle::Hebrew: aIsRTL = true; return HebrewToText(aOrdinal, aResult); case ListStyle::EthiopicNumeric: return EthiopicToText(aOrdinal, aResult); default: MOZ_ASSERT_UNREACHABLE("Unknown builtin counter style"); return false; } } static constexpr BuiltinCounterStyle gBuiltinStyleTable[] = { #define BUILTIN_COUNTER_STYLE(value_, atom_) \ {ListStyle::value_, nsGkAtoms::atom_}, #include "BuiltinCounterStyleList.h" #undef BUILTIN_COUNTER_STYLE }; #define BUILTIN_COUNTER_STYLE(value_, atom_) \ static_assert( \ gBuiltinStyleTable[static_cast(ListStyle::value_)].GetStyle() == \ ListStyle::value_, \ "Builtin counter style " #atom_ " has unmatched index and value."); #include "BuiltinCounterStyleList.h" #undef BUILTIN_COUNTER_STYLE class DependentBuiltinCounterStyle final : public BuiltinCounterStyle { public: DependentBuiltinCounterStyle(ListStyle aStyle, CounterStyleManager* aManager) : BuiltinCounterStyle(gBuiltinStyleTable[static_cast(aStyle)]), mManager(aManager) { NS_ASSERTION(IsDependentStyle(), "Not a dependent builtin style"); MOZ_ASSERT(!IsCustomStyle(), "Not a builtin style"); } virtual CounterStyle* GetFallback() override; void* operator new(size_t sz, nsPresContext* aPresContext) { return aPresContext->PresShell()->AllocateByObjectID( eArenaObjectID_DependentBuiltinCounterStyle, sz); } void Destroy() { PresShell* presShell = mManager->PresContext()->PresShell(); this->~DependentBuiltinCounterStyle(); presShell->FreeByObjectID(eArenaObjectID_DependentBuiltinCounterStyle, this); } private: ~DependentBuiltinCounterStyle() = default; CounterStyleManager* mManager; }; /* virtual */ CounterStyle* DependentBuiltinCounterStyle::GetFallback() { switch (GetStyle()) { case ListStyle::JapaneseInformal: case ListStyle::JapaneseFormal: case ListStyle::KoreanHangulFormal: case ListStyle::KoreanHanjaInformal: case ListStyle::KoreanHanjaFormal: case ListStyle::SimpChineseInformal: case ListStyle::SimpChineseFormal: case ListStyle::TradChineseInformal: case ListStyle::TradChineseFormal: // These styles all have a larger range than cjk-decimal, so the // only case fallback is accessed is that they are extended. // Since extending styles will cache the data themselves, we need // not cache it here. return mManager->ResolveCounterStyle(nsGkAtoms::cjk_decimal); default: MOZ_ASSERT_UNREACHABLE("Not a valid dependent builtin style"); return BuiltinCounterStyle::GetFallback(); } } class CustomCounterStyle final : public CounterStyle { public: CustomCounterStyle(CounterStyleManager* aManager, const RawServoCounterStyleRule* aRule) : CounterStyle(ListStyle::Custom), mManager(aManager), mRule(aRule), mRuleGeneration(Servo_CounterStyleRule_GetGeneration(aRule)), mSystem(Servo_CounterStyleRule_GetSystem(aRule)), mFlags(0), mFallback(nullptr), mSpeakAsCounter(nullptr), mExtends(nullptr), mExtendsRoot(nullptr) {} // This method will clear all cached data in the style and update the // generation number of the rule. It should be called when the rule of // this style is changed. void ResetCachedData(); // This method will reset all cached data which may depend on other // counter style. It will reset all pointers to other counter styles. // For counter style extends other, in addition, all fields will be // reset to uninitialized state. This method should be called when any // other counter style is added, removed, or changed. void ResetDependentData(); const RawServoCounterStyleRule* GetRule() const { return mRule; } uint32_t GetRuleGeneration() const { return mRuleGeneration; } virtual void GetPrefix(nsAString& aResult) override; virtual void GetSuffix(nsAString& aResult) override; virtual void GetSpokenCounterText(CounterValue aOrdinal, WritingMode aWritingMode, nsAString& aResult, bool& aIsBullet) override; virtual bool IsBullet() override; virtual void GetNegative(NegativeType& aResult) override; virtual bool IsOrdinalInRange(CounterValue aOrdinal) override; virtual bool IsOrdinalInAutoRange(CounterValue aOrdinal) override; virtual void GetPad(PadType& aResult) override; virtual CounterStyle* GetFallback() override; virtual SpeakAs GetSpeakAs() override; virtual bool UseNegativeSign() override; virtual void CallFallbackStyle(CounterValue aOrdinal, WritingMode aWritingMode, nsAString& aResult, bool& aIsRTL) override; virtual bool GetInitialCounterText(CounterValue aOrdinal, WritingMode aWritingMode, nsAString& aResult, bool& aIsRTL) override; bool IsExtendsSystem() { return mSystem == StyleCounterSystem::Extends; } void* operator new(size_t sz, nsPresContext* aPresContext) { return aPresContext->PresShell()->AllocateByObjectID( eArenaObjectID_CustomCounterStyle, sz); } void Destroy() { PresShell* presShell = mManager->PresContext()->PresShell(); this->~CustomCounterStyle(); presShell->FreeByObjectID(eArenaObjectID_CustomCounterStyle, this); } private: ~CustomCounterStyle() = default; Span GetSymbols(); Span GetAdditiveSymbols(); // The speak-as values of counter styles may form a loop, and the // loops may have complex interaction with the loop formed by // extending. To solve this problem, the computation of speak-as is // divided into two phases: // 1. figure out the raw value, by ComputeRawSpeakAs, and // 2. eliminate loop, by ComputeSpeakAs. // See comments before the definitions of these methods for details. SpeakAs GetSpeakAsAutoValue(); void ComputeRawSpeakAs(SpeakAs& aSpeakAs, CounterStyle*& aSpeakAsCounter); CounterStyle* ComputeSpeakAs(); CounterStyle* ComputeExtends(); CounterStyle* GetExtends(); CounterStyle* GetExtendsRoot(); // CounterStyleManager should always overlive any CounterStyle as it // is owned by nsPresContext, and will be released after all nodes and // frames are released. CounterStyleManager* mManager; RefPtr mRule; uint32_t mRuleGeneration; StyleCounterSystem mSystem; // GetSpeakAs will ensure that private member mSpeakAs is initialized before // used MOZ_INIT_OUTSIDE_CTOR SpeakAs mSpeakAs; enum { // loop detection FLAG_EXTENDS_VISITED = 1 << 0, FLAG_EXTENDS_LOOP = 1 << 1, FLAG_SPEAKAS_VISITED = 1 << 2, FLAG_SPEAKAS_LOOP = 1 << 3, // field status FLAG_NEGATIVE_INITED = 1 << 4, FLAG_PREFIX_INITED = 1 << 5, FLAG_SUFFIX_INITED = 1 << 6, FLAG_PAD_INITED = 1 << 7, FLAG_SPEAKAS_INITED = 1 << 8, }; uint16_t mFlags; // Fields below will be initialized when necessary. StyleOwnedSlice mSymbols; StyleOwnedSlice mAdditiveSymbols; NegativeType mNegative; nsString mPrefix, mSuffix; PadType mPad; // CounterStyleManager will guarantee that none of the pointers below // refers to a freed CounterStyle. There are two possible cases where // the manager will release its reference to a CounterStyle: 1. the // manager itself is released, 2. a rule is invalidated. In the first // case, all counter style are removed from the manager, and should // also have been dereferenced from other objects. All styles will be // released all together. In the second case, CounterStyleManager:: // NotifyRuleChanged will guarantee that all pointers will be reset // before any CounterStyle is released. CounterStyle* mFallback; // This field refers to the last counter in a speak-as chain. // That counter must not speak as another counter. CounterStyle* mSpeakAsCounter; CounterStyle* mExtends; // This field refers to the last counter in the extends chain. The // counter must be either a builtin style or a style whose system is // not 'extends'. CounterStyle* mExtendsRoot; }; void CustomCounterStyle::ResetCachedData() { mSymbols.Clear(); mAdditiveSymbols.Clear(); mFlags &= ~(FLAG_NEGATIVE_INITED | FLAG_PREFIX_INITED | FLAG_SUFFIX_INITED | FLAG_PAD_INITED | FLAG_SPEAKAS_INITED); mFallback = nullptr; mSpeakAsCounter = nullptr; mExtends = nullptr; mExtendsRoot = nullptr; mRuleGeneration = Servo_CounterStyleRule_GetGeneration(mRule); } void CustomCounterStyle::ResetDependentData() { mFlags &= ~FLAG_SPEAKAS_INITED; mSpeakAsCounter = nullptr; mFallback = nullptr; mExtends = nullptr; mExtendsRoot = nullptr; if (IsExtendsSystem()) { mFlags &= ~(FLAG_NEGATIVE_INITED | FLAG_PREFIX_INITED | FLAG_SUFFIX_INITED | FLAG_PAD_INITED); } } /* virtual */ void CustomCounterStyle::GetPrefix(nsAString& aResult) { if (!(mFlags & FLAG_PREFIX_INITED)) { mFlags |= FLAG_PREFIX_INITED; if (!Servo_CounterStyleRule_GetPrefix(mRule, &mPrefix)) { if (IsExtendsSystem()) { GetExtends()->GetPrefix(mPrefix); } else { mPrefix.Truncate(); } } } aResult = mPrefix; } /* virtual */ void CustomCounterStyle::GetSuffix(nsAString& aResult) { if (!(mFlags & FLAG_SUFFIX_INITED)) { mFlags |= FLAG_SUFFIX_INITED; if (!Servo_CounterStyleRule_GetSuffix(mRule, &mSuffix)) { if (IsExtendsSystem()) { GetExtends()->GetSuffix(mSuffix); } else { mSuffix.AssignLiteral(u". "); } } } aResult = mSuffix; } /* virtual */ void CustomCounterStyle::GetSpokenCounterText(CounterValue aOrdinal, WritingMode aWritingMode, nsAString& aResult, bool& aIsBullet) { if (GetSpeakAs() != SpeakAs::Other) { CounterStyle::GetSpokenCounterText(aOrdinal, aWritingMode, aResult, aIsBullet); } else { MOZ_ASSERT(mSpeakAsCounter, "mSpeakAsCounter should have been initialized."); mSpeakAsCounter->GetSpokenCounterText(aOrdinal, aWritingMode, aResult, aIsBullet); } } /* virtual */ bool CustomCounterStyle::IsBullet() { switch (mSystem) { case StyleCounterSystem::Cyclic: // Only use ::-moz-list-bullet for cyclic system return true; case StyleCounterSystem::Extends: return GetExtendsRoot()->IsBullet(); default: return false; } } /* virtual */ void CustomCounterStyle::GetNegative(NegativeType& aResult) { if (!(mFlags & FLAG_NEGATIVE_INITED)) { mFlags |= FLAG_NEGATIVE_INITED; if (!Servo_CounterStyleRule_GetNegative(mRule, &mNegative.before, &mNegative.after)) { if (IsExtendsSystem()) { GetExtends()->GetNegative(mNegative); } else { mNegative.before.AssignLiteral(u"-"); mNegative.after.Truncate(); } } } aResult = mNegative; } /* virtual */ bool CustomCounterStyle::IsOrdinalInRange(CounterValue aOrdinal) { auto inRange = Servo_CounterStyleRule_IsInRange(mRule, aOrdinal); switch (inRange) { case StyleIsOrdinalInRange::InRange: return true; case StyleIsOrdinalInRange::NotInRange: return false; case StyleIsOrdinalInRange::NoOrdinalSpecified: if (IsExtendsSystem()) { return GetExtends()->IsOrdinalInRange(aOrdinal); } break; case StyleIsOrdinalInRange::Auto: break; default: MOZ_ASSERT_UNREACHABLE("Unkown result from IsInRange?"); } return IsOrdinalInAutoRange(aOrdinal); } /* virtual */ bool CustomCounterStyle::IsOrdinalInAutoRange(CounterValue aOrdinal) { switch (mSystem) { case StyleCounterSystem::Cyclic: case StyleCounterSystem::Numeric: case StyleCounterSystem::Fixed: return true; case StyleCounterSystem::Alphabetic: case StyleCounterSystem::Symbolic: return aOrdinal >= 1; case StyleCounterSystem::Additive: return aOrdinal >= 0; case StyleCounterSystem::Extends: return GetExtendsRoot()->IsOrdinalInAutoRange(aOrdinal); default: MOZ_ASSERT_UNREACHABLE("Invalid system for computing auto value."); return false; } } /* virtual */ void CustomCounterStyle::GetPad(PadType& aResult) { if (!(mFlags & FLAG_PAD_INITED)) { mFlags |= FLAG_PAD_INITED; if (!Servo_CounterStyleRule_GetPad(mRule, &mPad.width, &mPad.symbol)) { if (IsExtendsSystem()) { GetExtends()->GetPad(mPad); } else { mPad.width = 0; mPad.symbol.Truncate(); } } } aResult = mPad; } /* virtual */ CounterStyle* CustomCounterStyle::GetFallback() { if (!mFallback) { mFallback = CounterStyleManager::GetDecimalStyle(); if (nsAtom* fallback = Servo_CounterStyleRule_GetFallback(mRule)) { mFallback = mManager->ResolveCounterStyle(fallback); } else if (IsExtendsSystem()) { mFallback = GetExtends()->GetFallback(); } } return mFallback; } /* virtual */ SpeakAs CustomCounterStyle::GetSpeakAs() { if (!(mFlags & FLAG_SPEAKAS_INITED)) { ComputeSpeakAs(); } return mSpeakAs; } /* virtual */ bool CustomCounterStyle::UseNegativeSign() { if (mSystem == StyleCounterSystem::Extends) { return GetExtendsRoot()->UseNegativeSign(); } return SystemUsesNegativeSign(mSystem); } /* virtual */ void CustomCounterStyle::CallFallbackStyle(CounterValue aOrdinal, WritingMode aWritingMode, nsAString& aResult, bool& aIsRTL) { CounterStyle* fallback = GetFallback(); // If it recursively falls back to this counter style again, // it will then fallback to decimal to break the loop. mFallback = CounterStyleManager::GetDecimalStyle(); fallback->GetCounterText(aOrdinal, aWritingMode, aResult, aIsRTL); mFallback = fallback; } /* virtual */ bool CustomCounterStyle::GetInitialCounterText(CounterValue aOrdinal, WritingMode aWritingMode, nsAString& aResult, bool& aIsRTL) { switch (mSystem) { case StyleCounterSystem::Cyclic: return GetCyclicCounterText(aOrdinal, aResult, GetSymbols()); case StyleCounterSystem::Fixed: { int32_t start = Servo_CounterStyleRule_GetFixedFirstValue(mRule); return GetFixedCounterText(aOrdinal, aResult, start, GetSymbols()); } case StyleCounterSystem::Symbolic: return GetSymbolicCounterText(aOrdinal, aResult, GetSymbols()); case StyleCounterSystem::Alphabetic: return GetAlphabeticCounterText(aOrdinal, aResult, GetSymbols()); case StyleCounterSystem::Numeric: return GetNumericCounterText(aOrdinal, aResult, GetSymbols()); case StyleCounterSystem::Additive: return GetAdditiveCounterText(aOrdinal, aResult, GetAdditiveSymbols()); case StyleCounterSystem::Extends: return GetExtendsRoot()->GetInitialCounterText(aOrdinal, aWritingMode, aResult, aIsRTL); default: MOZ_ASSERT_UNREACHABLE("Invalid system."); return false; } } Span CustomCounterStyle::GetSymbols() { if (mSymbols.IsEmpty()) { Servo_CounterStyleRule_GetSymbols(mRule, &mSymbols); } return mSymbols.AsSpan(); } Span CustomCounterStyle::GetAdditiveSymbols() { if (mAdditiveSymbols.IsEmpty()) { Servo_CounterStyleRule_GetAdditiveSymbols(mRule, &mAdditiveSymbols); } return mAdditiveSymbols.AsSpan(); } // This method is used to provide the computed value for 'auto'. SpeakAs CustomCounterStyle::GetSpeakAsAutoValue() { auto system = mSystem; if (IsExtendsSystem()) { CounterStyle* root = GetExtendsRoot(); if (!root->IsCustomStyle()) { // It is safe to call GetSpeakAs on non-custom style. return root->GetSpeakAs(); } system = static_cast(root)->mSystem; } return GetDefaultSpeakAsForSystem(system); } // This method corresponds to the first stage of computation of the // value of speak-as. It will extract the value from the rule and // possibly recursively call itself on the extended style to figure // out the raw value. To keep things clear, this method is designed to // have no side effects (but functions it calls may still affect other // fields in the style.) void CustomCounterStyle::ComputeRawSpeakAs(SpeakAs& aSpeakAs, CounterStyle*& aSpeakAsCounter) { NS_ASSERTION(!(mFlags & FLAG_SPEAKAS_INITED), "ComputeRawSpeakAs is called with speak-as inited."); auto speakAs = StyleCounterSpeakAs::None(); Servo_CounterStyleRule_GetSpeakAs(mRule, &speakAs); switch (speakAs.tag) { case StyleCounterSpeakAs::Tag::Auto: aSpeakAs = GetSpeakAsAutoValue(); break; case StyleCounterSpeakAs::Tag::Bullets: aSpeakAs = SpeakAs::Bullets; break; case StyleCounterSpeakAs::Tag::Numbers: aSpeakAs = SpeakAs::Numbers; break; case StyleCounterSpeakAs::Tag::Words: aSpeakAs = SpeakAs::Words; break; case StyleCounterSpeakAs::Tag::Ident: aSpeakAs = SpeakAs::Other; aSpeakAsCounter = mManager->ResolveCounterStyle(speakAs.AsIdent()); break; case StyleCounterSpeakAs::Tag::None: { if (!IsExtendsSystem()) { aSpeakAs = GetSpeakAsAutoValue(); } else { CounterStyle* extended = GetExtends(); if (!extended->IsCustomStyle()) { // It is safe to call GetSpeakAs on non-custom style. aSpeakAs = extended->GetSpeakAs(); } else { CustomCounterStyle* custom = static_cast(extended); if (!(custom->mFlags & FLAG_SPEAKAS_INITED)) { custom->ComputeRawSpeakAs(aSpeakAs, aSpeakAsCounter); } else { aSpeakAs = custom->mSpeakAs; aSpeakAsCounter = custom->mSpeakAsCounter; } } } break; } default: MOZ_ASSERT_UNREACHABLE("Invalid speak-as value"); } } // This method corresponds to the second stage of getting speak-as // related values. It will recursively figure out the final value of // mSpeakAs and mSpeakAsCounter. This method returns nullptr if the // caller is in a loop, and the root counter style in the chain // otherwise. It use the same loop detection algorithm as // CustomCounterStyle::ComputeExtends, see comments before that // method for more details. CounterStyle* CustomCounterStyle::ComputeSpeakAs() { if (mFlags & FLAG_SPEAKAS_INITED) { if (mSpeakAs == SpeakAs::Other) { return mSpeakAsCounter; } return this; } if (mFlags & FLAG_SPEAKAS_VISITED) { // loop detected mFlags |= FLAG_SPEAKAS_LOOP; return nullptr; } CounterStyle* speakAsCounter; ComputeRawSpeakAs(mSpeakAs, speakAsCounter); bool inLoop = false; if (mSpeakAs != SpeakAs::Other) { mSpeakAsCounter = nullptr; } else if (!speakAsCounter->IsCustomStyle()) { mSpeakAsCounter = speakAsCounter; } else { mFlags |= FLAG_SPEAKAS_VISITED; CounterStyle* target = static_cast(speakAsCounter)->ComputeSpeakAs(); mFlags &= ~FLAG_SPEAKAS_VISITED; if (target) { NS_ASSERTION(!(mFlags & FLAG_SPEAKAS_LOOP), "Invalid state for speak-as loop detecting"); mSpeakAsCounter = target; } else { mSpeakAs = GetSpeakAsAutoValue(); mSpeakAsCounter = nullptr; if (mFlags & FLAG_SPEAKAS_LOOP) { mFlags &= ~FLAG_SPEAKAS_LOOP; } else { inLoop = true; } } } mFlags |= FLAG_SPEAKAS_INITED; if (inLoop) { return nullptr; } return mSpeakAsCounter ? mSpeakAsCounter : this; } // This method will recursively figure out mExtends in the whole chain. // It will return nullptr if the caller is in a loop, and return this // otherwise. To detect the loop, this method marks the style VISITED // before the recursive call. When a VISITED style is reached again, the // loop is detected, and flag LOOP will be marked on the first style in // loop. mExtends of all counter styles in loop will be set to decimal // according to the spec. CounterStyle* CustomCounterStyle::ComputeExtends() { if (!IsExtendsSystem() || mExtends) { return this; } if (mFlags & FLAG_EXTENDS_VISITED) { // loop detected mFlags |= FLAG_EXTENDS_LOOP; return nullptr; } nsAtom* extended = Servo_CounterStyleRule_GetExtended(mRule); CounterStyle* nextCounter = mManager->ResolveCounterStyle(extended); CounterStyle* target = nextCounter; if (nextCounter->IsCustomStyle()) { mFlags |= FLAG_EXTENDS_VISITED; target = static_cast(nextCounter)->ComputeExtends(); mFlags &= ~FLAG_EXTENDS_VISITED; } if (target) { NS_ASSERTION(!(mFlags & FLAG_EXTENDS_LOOP), "Invalid state for extends loop detecting"); mExtends = nextCounter; return this; } else { mExtends = CounterStyleManager::GetDecimalStyle(); if (mFlags & FLAG_EXTENDS_LOOP) { mFlags &= ~FLAG_EXTENDS_LOOP; return this; } else { return nullptr; } } } CounterStyle* CustomCounterStyle::GetExtends() { if (!mExtends) { // Any extends loop will be eliminated in the method below. ComputeExtends(); } return mExtends; } CounterStyle* CustomCounterStyle::GetExtendsRoot() { if (!mExtendsRoot) { CounterStyle* extended = GetExtends(); mExtendsRoot = extended; if (extended->IsCustomStyle()) { CustomCounterStyle* custom = static_cast(extended); if (custom->IsExtendsSystem()) { // This will make mExtendsRoot in the whole extends chain be // set recursively, which could save work when part of a chain // is shared by multiple counter styles. mExtendsRoot = custom->GetExtendsRoot(); } } } return mExtendsRoot; } AnonymousCounterStyle::AnonymousCounterStyle(const nsAString& aContent) : CounterStyle(ListStyle::Custom), mSingleString(true), mSymbolsType(StyleSymbolsType::Cyclic) { mSymbols.SetCapacity(1); mSymbols.AppendElement(aContent); } AnonymousCounterStyle::AnonymousCounterStyle(StyleSymbolsType aType, nsTArray aSymbols) : CounterStyle(ListStyle::Custom), mSingleString(false), mSymbolsType(aType), mSymbols(std::move(aSymbols)) {} /* virtual */ void AnonymousCounterStyle::GetPrefix(nsAString& aResult) { aResult.Truncate(); } /* virtual */ void AnonymousCounterStyle::GetSuffix(nsAString& aResult) { if (IsSingleString()) { aResult.Truncate(); } else { aResult = ' '; } } /* virtual */ bool AnonymousCounterStyle::IsBullet() { // Only use ::-moz-list-bullet for cyclic system return mSymbolsType == StyleSymbolsType::Cyclic; } /* virtual */ void AnonymousCounterStyle::GetNegative(NegativeType& aResult) { aResult.before.AssignLiteral(u"-"); aResult.after.Truncate(); } /* virtual */ bool AnonymousCounterStyle::IsOrdinalInRange(CounterValue aOrdinal) { switch (mSymbolsType) { case StyleSymbolsType::Cyclic: case StyleSymbolsType::Numeric: case StyleSymbolsType::Fixed: return true; case StyleSymbolsType::Alphabetic: case StyleSymbolsType::Symbolic: return aOrdinal >= 1; default: MOZ_ASSERT_UNREACHABLE("Invalid system."); return false; } } /* virtual */ bool AnonymousCounterStyle::IsOrdinalInAutoRange(CounterValue aOrdinal) { return AnonymousCounterStyle::IsOrdinalInRange(aOrdinal); } /* virtual */ void AnonymousCounterStyle::GetPad(PadType& aResult) { aResult.width = 0; aResult.symbol.Truncate(); } /* virtual */ CounterStyle* AnonymousCounterStyle::GetFallback() { return CounterStyleManager::GetDecimalStyle(); } StyleCounterSystem AnonymousCounterStyle::GetSystem() const { switch (mSymbolsType) { case StyleSymbolsType::Cyclic: return StyleCounterSystem::Cyclic; case StyleSymbolsType::Numeric: return StyleCounterSystem::Numeric; case StyleSymbolsType::Fixed: return StyleCounterSystem::Fixed; case StyleSymbolsType::Alphabetic: return StyleCounterSystem::Alphabetic; case StyleSymbolsType::Symbolic: return StyleCounterSystem::Symbolic; } MOZ_ASSERT_UNREACHABLE("Unknown symbols() type"); return StyleCounterSystem::Cyclic; } /* virtual */ SpeakAs AnonymousCounterStyle::GetSpeakAs() { return GetDefaultSpeakAsForSystem(GetSystem()); } /* virtual */ bool AnonymousCounterStyle::UseNegativeSign() { return SystemUsesNegativeSign(GetSystem()); } /* virtual */ bool AnonymousCounterStyle::GetInitialCounterText(CounterValue aOrdinal, WritingMode aWritingMode, nsAString& aResult, bool& aIsRTL) { switch (mSymbolsType) { case StyleSymbolsType::Cyclic: return GetCyclicCounterText(aOrdinal, aResult, mSymbols); case StyleSymbolsType::Numeric: return GetNumericCounterText(aOrdinal, aResult, mSymbols); case StyleSymbolsType::Fixed: return GetFixedCounterText(aOrdinal, aResult, 1, mSymbols); case StyleSymbolsType::Alphabetic: return GetAlphabeticCounterText(aOrdinal, aResult, mSymbols); case StyleSymbolsType::Symbolic: return GetSymbolicCounterText(aOrdinal, aResult, mSymbols); } MOZ_ASSERT_UNREACHABLE("Invalid system."); return false; } bool CounterStyle::IsDependentStyle() const { switch (mStyle) { // CustomCounterStyle case ListStyle::Custom: // DependentBuiltinCounterStyle case ListStyle::JapaneseInformal: case ListStyle::JapaneseFormal: case ListStyle::KoreanHangulFormal: case ListStyle::KoreanHanjaInformal: case ListStyle::KoreanHanjaFormal: case ListStyle::SimpChineseInformal: case ListStyle::SimpChineseFormal: case ListStyle::TradChineseInformal: case ListStyle::TradChineseFormal: return true; // BuiltinCounterStyle default: return false; } } void CounterStyle::GetCounterText(CounterValue aOrdinal, WritingMode aWritingMode, nsAString& aResult, bool& aIsRTL) { bool success = IsOrdinalInRange(aOrdinal); aIsRTL = false; if (success) { // generate initial representation bool useNegativeSign = UseNegativeSign(); nsAutoString initialText; CounterValue ordinal; if (!useNegativeSign) { ordinal = aOrdinal; } else { CheckedInt absolute(Abs(aOrdinal)); ordinal = absolute.isValid() ? absolute.value() : std::numeric_limits::max(); } success = GetInitialCounterText(ordinal, aWritingMode, initialText, aIsRTL); // add pad & negative, build the final result if (success) { aResult.Truncate(); if (useNegativeSign && aOrdinal < 0) { NegativeType negative; GetNegative(negative); aResult.Append(negative.before); // There is nothing between the suffix part of negative and initial // representation, so we append it directly here. initialText.Append(negative.after); } PadType pad; GetPad(pad); int32_t diff = pad.width - narrow_cast(unicode::CountGraphemeClusters(initialText) + unicode::CountGraphemeClusters(aResult)); if (diff > 0) { auto length = pad.symbol.Length(); if (diff > LENGTH_LIMIT || length > LENGTH_LIMIT || diff * length > LENGTH_LIMIT) { success = false; } else if (length > 0) { for (int32_t i = 0; i < diff; ++i) { aResult.Append(pad.symbol); } } } if (success) { aResult.Append(initialText); } } } if (!success) { CallFallbackStyle(aOrdinal, aWritingMode, aResult, aIsRTL); } } /* virtual */ void CounterStyle::GetSpokenCounterText(CounterValue aOrdinal, WritingMode aWritingMode, nsAString& aResult, bool& aIsBullet) { bool isRTL; // we don't care about direction for spoken text aIsBullet = false; switch (GetSpeakAs()) { case SpeakAs::Bullets: aResult.Assign(kDiscCharacter); aIsBullet = true; break; case SpeakAs::Numbers: DecimalToText(aOrdinal, aResult); break; case SpeakAs::Spellout: // we currently do not actually support 'spell-out', // so 'words' is used instead. case SpeakAs::Words: GetCounterText(aOrdinal, WritingMode(), aResult, isRTL); break; case SpeakAs::Other: // This should be processed by CustomCounterStyle MOZ_ASSERT_UNREACHABLE("Invalid speak-as value"); break; default: MOZ_ASSERT_UNREACHABLE("Unknown speak-as value"); break; } } /* virtual */ void CounterStyle::CallFallbackStyle(CounterValue aOrdinal, WritingMode aWritingMode, nsAString& aResult, bool& aIsRTL) { GetFallback()->GetCounterText(aOrdinal, aWritingMode, aResult, aIsRTL); } CounterStyleManager::CounterStyleManager(nsPresContext* aPresContext) : mPresContext(aPresContext) { // Insert the static styles into cache table mStyles.InsertOrUpdate(nsGkAtoms::none, GetNoneStyle()); mStyles.InsertOrUpdate(nsGkAtoms::decimal, GetDecimalStyle()); mStyles.InsertOrUpdate(nsGkAtoms::disc, GetDiscStyle()); } CounterStyleManager::~CounterStyleManager() { MOZ_ASSERT(!mPresContext, "Disconnect should have been called"); } void CounterStyleManager::DestroyCounterStyle(CounterStyle* aCounterStyle) { if (aCounterStyle->IsCustomStyle()) { MOZ_ASSERT(!aCounterStyle->AsAnonymous(), "Anonymous counter styles " "are not managed by CounterStyleManager"); static_cast(aCounterStyle)->Destroy(); } else if (aCounterStyle->IsDependentStyle()) { static_cast(aCounterStyle)->Destroy(); } else { MOZ_ASSERT_UNREACHABLE("Builtin counter styles should not be destroyed"); } } void CounterStyleManager::Disconnect() { CleanRetiredStyles(); for (CounterStyle* style : mStyles.Values()) { if (style->IsDependentStyle()) { DestroyCounterStyle(style); } } mStyles.Clear(); mPresContext = nullptr; } CounterStyle* CounterStyleManager::ResolveCounterStyle(nsAtom* aName) { MOZ_ASSERT(NS_IsMainThread()); CounterStyle* data = GetCounterStyle(aName); if (data) { return data; } // Names are compared case-sensitively here. Predefined names should // have been lowercased by the parser. ServoStyleSet* styleSet = mPresContext->StyleSet(); auto* rule = styleSet->CounterStyleRuleForName(aName); if (rule) { MOZ_ASSERT(Servo_CounterStyleRule_GetName(rule) == aName); data = new (mPresContext) CustomCounterStyle(this, rule); } else { for (const BuiltinCounterStyle& item : gBuiltinStyleTable) { if (item.GetStyleName() == aName) { const auto style = item.GetStyle(); data = item.IsDependentStyle() ? new (mPresContext) DependentBuiltinCounterStyle(style, this) : GetBuiltinStyle(style); break; } } } if (!data) { data = GetDecimalStyle(); } mStyles.InsertOrUpdate(aName, data); return data; } /* static */ CounterStyle* CounterStyleManager::GetBuiltinStyle(ListStyle aStyle) { MOZ_ASSERT(size_t(aStyle) < ArrayLength(gBuiltinStyleTable), "Require a valid builtin style constant"); MOZ_ASSERT(!gBuiltinStyleTable[size_t(aStyle)].IsDependentStyle(), "Cannot get dependent builtin style"); // No method of BuiltinCounterStyle mutates the struct itself, so it // should be fine to cast const away. return const_cast(&gBuiltinStyleTable[size_t(aStyle)]); } bool CounterStyleManager::NotifyRuleChanged() { bool changed = false; for (auto iter = mStyles.Iter(); !iter.Done(); iter.Next()) { CounterStyle* style = iter.Data(); bool toBeUpdated = false; bool toBeRemoved = false; ServoStyleSet* styleSet = mPresContext->StyleSet(); auto* newRule = styleSet->CounterStyleRuleForName(iter.Key()); if (!newRule) { if (style->IsCustomStyle()) { toBeRemoved = true; } } else { if (!style->IsCustomStyle()) { toBeRemoved = true; } else { auto custom = static_cast(style); if (custom->GetRule() != newRule) { toBeRemoved = true; } else { auto generation = Servo_CounterStyleRule_GetGeneration(newRule); if (custom->GetRuleGeneration() != generation) { toBeUpdated = true; custom->ResetCachedData(); } } } } changed = changed || toBeUpdated || toBeRemoved; if (toBeRemoved) { if (style->IsDependentStyle()) { // Add object to retired list so we can clean them up later. mRetiredStyles.AppendElement(style); } iter.Remove(); } } if (changed) { for (CounterStyle* style : mStyles.Values()) { if (style->IsCustomStyle()) { CustomCounterStyle* custom = static_cast(style); custom->ResetDependentData(); } // There is no dependent data cached in DependentBuiltinCounterStyle // instances, so we don't need to reset their data. } } return changed; } void CounterStyleManager::CleanRetiredStyles() { nsTArray list(std::move(mRetiredStyles)); for (CounterStyle* style : list) { DestroyCounterStyle(style); } } } // namespace mozilla