/* -*- Mode: C++; tab-width: 8; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 2 -*- */ /* vim: set ts=8 sts=2 et sw=2 tw=80: */ /* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this * file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. */ #include "nsXULTooltipListener.h" #include "XULButtonElement.h" #include "nsXULElement.h" #include "mozilla/dom/Document.h" #include "nsGkAtoms.h" #include "nsMenuPopupFrame.h" #include "nsIDragService.h" #include "nsIDragSession.h" #include "nsITreeView.h" #include "nsIScriptContext.h" #include "nsPIDOMWindow.h" #include "nsXULPopupManager.h" #include "nsIPopupContainer.h" #include "nsServiceManagerUtils.h" #include "nsTreeColumns.h" #include "nsContentUtils.h" #include "mozilla/ErrorResult.h" #include "mozilla/LookAndFeel.h" #include "mozilla/Preferences.h" #include "mozilla/PresShell.h" #include "mozilla/ScopeExit.h" #include "mozilla/dom/Element.h" #include "mozilla/dom/Event.h" // for Event #include "mozilla/dom/MouseEvent.h" #include "mozilla/dom/TreeColumnBinding.h" #include "mozilla/dom/XULTreeElementBinding.h" #include "mozilla/TextEvents.h" using namespace mozilla; using namespace mozilla::dom; nsXULTooltipListener* nsXULTooltipListener::sInstance = nullptr; ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //// nsISupports nsXULTooltipListener::nsXULTooltipListener() : mTooltipShownOnce(false), mIsSourceTree(false), mNeedTitletip(false), mLastTreeRow(-1) { // FIXME(emilio): This can be faster, this should use static prefs. // // register the callback so we get notified of updates Preferences::RegisterCallback(ToolbarTipsPrefChanged, "browser.chrome.toolbar_tips"); // Call the pref callback to initialize our state. ToolbarTipsPrefChanged("browser.chrome.toolbar_tips", nullptr); } nsXULTooltipListener::~nsXULTooltipListener() { MOZ_ASSERT(sInstance == this); sInstance = nullptr; HideTooltip(); // Unregister our pref observer Preferences::UnregisterCallback(ToolbarTipsPrefChanged, "browser.chrome.toolbar_tips"); } NS_IMPL_ISUPPORTS(nsXULTooltipListener, nsIDOMEventListener) void nsXULTooltipListener::MouseOut(Event* aEvent) { // reset flag so that tooltip will display on the next MouseMove mTooltipShownOnce = false; mPreviousMouseMoveTarget = nullptr; // if the timer is running and no tooltip is shown, we // have to cancel the timer here so that it doesn't // show the tooltip if we move the mouse out of the window nsCOMPtr currentTooltip = do_QueryReferent(mCurrentTooltip); if (mTooltipTimer && !currentTooltip) { mTooltipTimer->Cancel(); mTooltipTimer = nullptr; return; } #ifdef DEBUG_crap if (mNeedTitletip) return; #endif // check to see if the mouse left the targetNode, and if so, // hide the tooltip if (currentTooltip) { // which node did the mouse leave? EventTarget* eventTarget = aEvent->GetComposedTarget(); nsCOMPtr targetNode = nsINode::FromEventTargetOrNull(eventTarget); if (targetNode && targetNode->IsContent() && !targetNode->AsContent()->GetContainingShadow()) { eventTarget = aEvent->GetTarget(); } nsXULPopupManager* pm = nsXULPopupManager::GetInstance(); if (pm) { nsCOMPtr tooltipNode = pm->GetLastTriggerTooltipNode(currentTooltip->GetComposedDoc()); // If the target node is the current tooltip target node, the mouse // left the node the tooltip appeared on, so close the tooltip. However, // don't do this if the mouse moved onto the tooltip in case the // tooltip appears positioned near the mouse. nsCOMPtr relatedTarget = aEvent->AsMouseEvent()->GetRelatedTarget(); nsIContent* relatedContent = nsIContent::FromEventTargetOrNull(relatedTarget); if (tooltipNode == targetNode && relatedContent != currentTooltip) { HideTooltip(); // reset special tree tracking if (mIsSourceTree) { mLastTreeRow = -1; mLastTreeCol = nullptr; } } } } } void nsXULTooltipListener::MouseMove(Event* aEvent) { if (!sShowTooltips) return; // stash the coordinates of the event so that we can still get back to it from // within the timer callback. On win32, we'll get a MouseMove event even when // a popup goes away -- even when the mouse doesn't change position! To get // around this, we make sure the mouse has really moved before proceeding. MouseEvent* mouseEvent = aEvent->AsMouseEvent(); if (!mouseEvent) { return; } auto newMouseScreenPoint = mouseEvent->ScreenPointLayoutDevicePix(); // filter out false win32 MouseMove event if (mMouseScreenPoint == newMouseScreenPoint) { return; } nsCOMPtr currentTooltip = do_QueryReferent(mCurrentTooltip); nsCOMPtr eventTarget = aEvent->GetComposedTarget(); nsIContent* content = nsIContent::FromEventTargetOrNull(eventTarget); bool isSameTarget = true; nsCOMPtr tempContent = do_QueryReferent(mPreviousMouseMoveTarget); if (tempContent && tempContent != content) { isSameTarget = false; } // filter out minor movements due to crappy optical mice and shaky hands // to prevent tooltips from hiding prematurely. Do not filter out movements // if we are changing targets, as they may register new tooltips. if (currentTooltip && isSameTarget && abs(mMouseScreenPoint.x - newMouseScreenPoint.x) <= kTooltipMouseMoveTolerance && abs(mMouseScreenPoint.y - newMouseScreenPoint.y) <= kTooltipMouseMoveTolerance) { return; } mMouseScreenPoint = newMouseScreenPoint; mPreviousMouseMoveTarget = do_GetWeakReference(content); nsCOMPtr sourceContent = do_QueryInterface(aEvent->GetCurrentTarget()); mSourceNode = do_GetWeakReference(sourceContent); mIsSourceTree = sourceContent->IsXULElement(nsGkAtoms::treechildren); if (mIsSourceTree) CheckTreeBodyMove(mouseEvent); // as the mouse moves, we want to make sure we reset the timer to show it, // so that the delay is from when the mouse stops moving, not when it enters // the node. KillTooltipTimer(); // Hide the current tooltip if we change target nodes. If the new target // has the same tooltip, we will open it again. We cannot compare // the targets' tooltips because popupshowing events can set the tooltip. if (!isSameTarget) { HideTooltip(); mTooltipShownOnce = false; } // If the mouse moves while the tooltip is up, hide it. If nothing is // showing and the tooltip hasn't been displayed since the mouse entered // the node, then start the timer to show the tooltip. // If we have moved to a different target, we need to display the new tooltip, // as the previous target's tooltip will have just been hidden. if ((!currentTooltip && !mTooltipShownOnce) || !isSameTarget) { // don't show tooltips attached to elements outside of a menu popup // when hovering over an element inside it. The popupsinherittooltip // attribute may be used to disable this behaviour, which is useful for // large menu hierarchies such as bookmarks. if (!sourceContent->IsElement() || !sourceContent->AsElement()->AttrValueIs( kNameSpaceID_None, nsGkAtoms::popupsinherittooltip, nsGkAtoms::_true, eCaseMatters)) { for (nsIContent* targetContent = nsIContent::FromEventTargetOrNull(eventTarget); targetContent && targetContent != sourceContent; targetContent = targetContent->GetParent()) { if (targetContent->IsAnyOfXULElements( nsGkAtoms::menupopup, nsGkAtoms::panel, nsGkAtoms::tooltip)) { mSourceNode = nullptr; return; } } } mTargetNode = do_GetWeakReference(eventTarget); if (mTargetNode) { nsresult rv = NS_NewTimerWithFuncCallback( getter_AddRefs(mTooltipTimer), sTooltipCallback, this, LookAndFeel::GetInt(LookAndFeel::IntID::TooltipDelay, 500), nsITimer::TYPE_ONE_SHOT, "sTooltipCallback", sourceContent->OwnerDoc()->EventTargetFor(TaskCategory::Other)); if (NS_FAILED(rv)) { mTargetNode = nullptr; mSourceNode = nullptr; } } return; } if (mIsSourceTree) return; // Hide the tooltip if it is currently showing. if (currentTooltip) { HideTooltip(); // set a flag so that the tooltip is only displayed once until the mouse // leaves the node mTooltipShownOnce = true; } } NS_IMETHODIMP nsXULTooltipListener::HandleEvent(Event* aEvent) { nsAutoString type; aEvent->GetType(type); if (type.EqualsLiteral("wheel") || type.EqualsLiteral("mousedown") || type.EqualsLiteral("mouseup") || type.EqualsLiteral("dragstart")) { HideTooltip(); return NS_OK; } if (type.EqualsLiteral("keydown")) { // Hide the tooltip if a non-modifier key is pressed. WidgetKeyboardEvent* keyEvent = aEvent->WidgetEventPtr()->AsKeyboardEvent(); if (!keyEvent->IsModifierKeyEvent()) { HideTooltip(); } return NS_OK; } if (type.EqualsLiteral("popuphiding")) { DestroyTooltip(); return NS_OK; } // Note that mousemove, mouseover and mouseout might be // fired even during dragging due to widget's bug. nsCOMPtr dragService = do_GetService("@mozilla.org/widget/dragservice;1"); NS_ENSURE_TRUE(dragService, NS_OK); nsCOMPtr dragSession; dragService->GetCurrentSession(getter_AddRefs(dragSession)); if (dragSession) { return NS_OK; } // Not dragging. if (type.EqualsLiteral("mousemove")) { MouseMove(aEvent); return NS_OK; } if (type.EqualsLiteral("mouseout")) { MouseOut(aEvent); return NS_OK; } return NS_OK; } ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //// nsXULTooltipListener // static void nsXULTooltipListener::ToolbarTipsPrefChanged(const char* aPref, void* aClosure) { sShowTooltips = Preferences::GetBool("browser.chrome.toolbar_tips", sShowTooltips); } ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //// nsXULTooltipListener bool nsXULTooltipListener::sShowTooltips = false; void nsXULTooltipListener::AddTooltipSupport(nsIContent* aNode) { MOZ_ASSERT(aNode); MOZ_ASSERT(this == sInstance); aNode->AddSystemEventListener(u"mouseout"_ns, this, false, false); aNode->AddSystemEventListener(u"mousemove"_ns, this, false, false); aNode->AddSystemEventListener(u"mousedown"_ns, this, false, false); aNode->AddSystemEventListener(u"mouseup"_ns, this, false, false); aNode->AddSystemEventListener(u"dragstart"_ns, this, true, false); } void nsXULTooltipListener::RemoveTooltipSupport(nsIContent* aNode) { MOZ_ASSERT(aNode); MOZ_ASSERT(this == sInstance); // The last reference to us can go after some of these calls. RefPtr instance = this; aNode->RemoveSystemEventListener(u"mouseout"_ns, this, false); aNode->RemoveSystemEventListener(u"mousemove"_ns, this, false); aNode->RemoveSystemEventListener(u"mousedown"_ns, this, false); aNode->RemoveSystemEventListener(u"mouseup"_ns, this, false); aNode->RemoveSystemEventListener(u"dragstart"_ns, this, true); } void nsXULTooltipListener::CheckTreeBodyMove(MouseEvent* aMouseEvent) { nsCOMPtr sourceNode = do_QueryReferent(mSourceNode); if (!sourceNode) return; // get the documentElement of the document the tree is in Document* doc = sourceNode->GetComposedDoc(); RefPtr tree = GetSourceTree(); Element* root = doc ? doc->GetRootElement() : nullptr; if (root && root->GetPrimaryFrame() && tree) { CSSIntPoint pos = aMouseEvent->ScreenPoint(CallerType::System); // subtract off the documentElement's position // XXX Isn't this just converting to client points? CSSIntRect rect = root->GetPrimaryFrame()->GetScreenRect(); pos -= rect.TopLeft(); ErrorResult rv; TreeCellInfo cellInfo; tree->GetCellAt(pos.x, pos.y, cellInfo, rv); int32_t row = cellInfo.mRow; RefPtr col = cellInfo.mCol; // determine if we are going to need a titletip // XXX check the disabletitletips attribute on the tree content mNeedTitletip = false; if (row >= 0 && cellInfo.mChildElt.EqualsLiteral("text")) { mNeedTitletip = tree->IsCellCropped(row, col, rv); } nsCOMPtr currentTooltip = do_QueryReferent(mCurrentTooltip); if (currentTooltip && (row != mLastTreeRow || col != mLastTreeCol)) { HideTooltip(); } mLastTreeRow = row; mLastTreeCol = col; } } nsresult nsXULTooltipListener::ShowTooltip() { nsCOMPtr sourceNode = do_QueryReferent(mSourceNode); // get the tooltip content designated for the target node nsCOMPtr tooltipNode; GetTooltipFor(sourceNode, getter_AddRefs(tooltipNode)); if (!tooltipNode || sourceNode == tooltipNode) return NS_ERROR_FAILURE; // the target node doesn't need a tooltip // set the node in the document that triggered the tooltip and show it if (tooltipNode->GetComposedDoc() && nsContentUtils::IsChromeDoc(tooltipNode->GetComposedDoc())) { // Make sure the target node is still attached to some document. // It might have been deleted. if (sourceNode->IsInComposedDoc()) { if (!mIsSourceTree) { mLastTreeRow = -1; mLastTreeCol = nullptr; } mCurrentTooltip = do_GetWeakReference(tooltipNode); LaunchTooltip(); mTargetNode = nullptr; nsCOMPtr currentTooltip = do_QueryReferent(mCurrentTooltip); if (!currentTooltip) return NS_OK; // listen for popuphidden on the tooltip node, so that we can // be sure DestroyPopup is called even if someone else closes the tooltip currentTooltip->AddSystemEventListener(u"popuphiding"_ns, this, false, false); // listen for mousedown, mouseup, keydown, and mouse events at // document level Document* doc = sourceNode->GetComposedDoc(); if (doc) { // Probably, we should listen to untrusted events for hiding tooltips // on content since tooltips might disturb something of web // applications. If we don't specify the aWantsUntrusted of // AddSystemEventListener(), the event target sets it to TRUE if the // target is in content. doc->AddSystemEventListener(u"wheel"_ns, this, true); doc->AddSystemEventListener(u"mousedown"_ns, this, true); doc->AddSystemEventListener(u"mouseup"_ns, this, true); #ifndef XP_WIN // On Windows, key events don't close tooltips. doc->AddSystemEventListener(u"keydown"_ns, this, true); #endif } mSourceNode = nullptr; } } return NS_OK; } static void SetTitletipLabel(XULTreeElement* aTree, Element* aTooltip, int32_t aRow, nsTreeColumn* aCol) { nsCOMPtr view = aTree->GetView(); if (view) { nsAutoString label; #ifdef DEBUG nsresult rv = #endif view->GetCellText(aRow, aCol, label); NS_WARNING_ASSERTION(NS_SUCCEEDED(rv), "Couldn't get the cell text!"); aTooltip->SetAttr(kNameSpaceID_None, nsGkAtoms::label, label, true); } } void nsXULTooltipListener::LaunchTooltip() { RefPtr currentTooltip = do_QueryReferent(mCurrentTooltip); if (!currentTooltip) { return; } if (mIsSourceTree && mNeedTitletip) { RefPtr tree = GetSourceTree(); SetTitletipLabel(tree, currentTooltip, mLastTreeRow, mLastTreeCol); if (!(currentTooltip = do_QueryReferent(mCurrentTooltip))) { // Because of mutation events, currentTooltip can be null. return; } currentTooltip->SetAttr(kNameSpaceID_None, nsGkAtoms::titletip, u"true"_ns, true); } else { currentTooltip->UnsetAttr(kNameSpaceID_None, nsGkAtoms::titletip, true); } if (!(currentTooltip = do_QueryReferent(mCurrentTooltip))) { // Because of mutation events, currentTooltip can be null. return; } nsXULPopupManager* pm = nsXULPopupManager::GetInstance(); if (!pm) { return; } auto cleanup = MakeScopeExit([&] { // Clear the current tooltip if the popup was not opened successfully. if (!pm->IsPopupOpen(currentTooltip)) { mCurrentTooltip = nullptr; } }); RefPtr target = do_QueryReferent(mTargetNode); if (!target) { return; } pm->ShowTooltipAtScreen(currentTooltip, target, mMouseScreenPoint); } nsresult nsXULTooltipListener::HideTooltip() { if (nsCOMPtr currentTooltip = do_QueryReferent(mCurrentTooltip)) { if (nsXULPopupManager* pm = nsXULPopupManager::GetInstance()) { pm->HidePopup(currentTooltip, false, false, false, false); } } DestroyTooltip(); return NS_OK; } static void GetImmediateChild(nsIContent* aContent, nsAtom* aTag, nsIContent** aResult) { *aResult = nullptr; for (nsCOMPtr childContent = aContent->GetFirstChild(); childContent; childContent = childContent->GetNextSibling()) { if (childContent->IsXULElement(aTag)) { childContent.forget(aResult); return; } } } nsresult nsXULTooltipListener::FindTooltip(nsIContent* aTarget, nsIContent** aTooltip) { if (!aTarget) return NS_ERROR_NULL_POINTER; // before we go on, make sure that target node still has a window Document* document = aTarget->GetComposedDoc(); if (!document) { NS_WARNING("Unable to retrieve the tooltip node document."); return NS_ERROR_FAILURE; } nsPIDOMWindowOuter* window = document->GetWindow(); if (!window) { return NS_OK; } if (window->Closed()) { return NS_OK; } // non-XUL elements should just use the default tooltip if (!aTarget->IsXULElement()) { nsIPopupContainer* popupContainer = nsIPopupContainer::GetPopupContainer(document->GetPresShell()); NS_ENSURE_STATE(popupContainer); if (RefPtr tooltip = popupContainer->GetDefaultTooltip()) { tooltip.forget(aTooltip); return NS_OK; } return NS_ERROR_FAILURE; } // On Windows, the OS shows the tooltip, so we don't want Gecko to do it #ifdef XP_WIN if (nsIFrame* f = aTarget->GetPrimaryFrame()) { if (f->StyleDisplay()->GetWindowButtonType()) { return NS_OK; } } #endif nsAutoString tooltipText; aTarget->AsElement()->GetAttr(kNameSpaceID_None, nsGkAtoms::tooltiptext, tooltipText); if (!tooltipText.IsEmpty()) { // specifying tooltiptext means we will always use the default tooltip nsIPopupContainer* popupContainer = nsIPopupContainer::GetPopupContainer(document->GetPresShell()); NS_ENSURE_STATE(popupContainer); if (RefPtr tooltip = popupContainer->GetDefaultTooltip()) { tooltip->SetAttr(kNameSpaceID_None, nsGkAtoms::label, tooltipText, true); tooltip.forget(aTooltip); } return NS_OK; } nsAutoString tooltipId; aTarget->AsElement()->GetAttr(kNameSpaceID_None, nsGkAtoms::tooltip, tooltipId); // if tooltip == _child, look for first child if (tooltipId.EqualsLiteral("_child")) { GetImmediateChild(aTarget, nsGkAtoms::tooltip, aTooltip); return NS_OK; } if (!tooltipId.IsEmpty()) { DocumentOrShadowRoot* documentOrShadowRoot = aTarget->GetUncomposedDocOrConnectedShadowRoot(); // tooltip must be an id, use getElementById to find it if (documentOrShadowRoot) { nsCOMPtr tooltipEl = documentOrShadowRoot->GetElementById(tooltipId); if (tooltipEl) { mNeedTitletip = false; tooltipEl.forget(aTooltip); return NS_OK; } } } // titletips should just use the default tooltip if (mIsSourceTree && mNeedTitletip) { nsIPopupContainer* popupContainer = nsIPopupContainer::GetPopupContainer(document->GetPresShell()); NS_ENSURE_STATE(popupContainer); NS_IF_ADDREF(*aTooltip = popupContainer->GetDefaultTooltip()); } return NS_OK; } nsresult nsXULTooltipListener::GetTooltipFor(nsIContent* aTarget, nsIContent** aTooltip) { *aTooltip = nullptr; nsCOMPtr tooltip; nsresult rv = FindTooltip(aTarget, getter_AddRefs(tooltip)); if (NS_FAILED(rv) || !tooltip) { return rv; } // Submenus can't be used as tooltips, see bug 288763. if (nsIContent* parent = tooltip->GetParent()) { if (auto* button = XULButtonElement::FromNode(parent)) { if (button->IsMenu()) { NS_WARNING("Menu cannot be used as a tooltip"); return NS_ERROR_FAILURE; } } } tooltip.swap(*aTooltip); return rv; } nsresult nsXULTooltipListener::DestroyTooltip() { nsCOMPtr kungFuDeathGrip(this); nsCOMPtr currentTooltip = do_QueryReferent(mCurrentTooltip); if (currentTooltip) { // release tooltip before removing listener to prevent our destructor from // being called recursively (bug 120863) mCurrentTooltip = nullptr; // clear out the tooltip node on the document nsCOMPtr doc = currentTooltip->GetComposedDoc(); if (doc) { // remove the mousedown and keydown listener from document doc->RemoveSystemEventListener(u"wheel"_ns, this, true); doc->RemoveSystemEventListener(u"mousedown"_ns, this, true); doc->RemoveSystemEventListener(u"mouseup"_ns, this, true); #ifndef XP_WIN doc->RemoveSystemEventListener(u"keydown"_ns, this, true); #endif } // remove the popuphidden listener from tooltip currentTooltip->RemoveSystemEventListener(u"popuphiding"_ns, this, false); } // kill any ongoing timers KillTooltipTimer(); mSourceNode = nullptr; mLastTreeCol = nullptr; return NS_OK; } void nsXULTooltipListener::KillTooltipTimer() { if (mTooltipTimer) { mTooltipTimer->Cancel(); mTooltipTimer = nullptr; mTargetNode = nullptr; } } void nsXULTooltipListener::sTooltipCallback(nsITimer* aTimer, void* aListener) { RefPtr instance = sInstance; if (instance) instance->ShowTooltip(); } XULTreeElement* nsXULTooltipListener::GetSourceTree() { nsCOMPtr sourceNode = do_QueryReferent(mSourceNode); if (mIsSourceTree && sourceNode) { RefPtr xulEl = XULTreeElement::FromNodeOrNull(sourceNode->GetParent()); return xulEl; } return nullptr; }