/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
* License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
* file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. */
const { GeckoViewActorChild } = ChromeUtils.importESModule(
const lazy = {};
ChromeUtils.defineESModuleGetters(lazy, {
LayoutUtils: "resource://gre/modules/LayoutUtils.sys.mjs",
const EXPORTED_SYMBOLS = ["SelectionActionDelegateChild"];
const MAGNIFIER_PREF = "layout.accessiblecaret.magnifier.enabled";
const ACCESSIBLECARET_HEIGHT_PREF = "layout.accessiblecaret.height";
// Dispatches GeckoView:ShowSelectionAction and GeckoView:HideSelectionAction to
// the GeckoSession on accessible caret changes.
class SelectionActionDelegateChild extends GeckoViewActorChild {
constructor(aModuleName, aMessageManager) {
super(aModuleName, aMessageManager);
this._actionCallback = () => {};
this._isActive = false;
this._previousMessage = "";
// Bug 1570744 - JSWindowActorChild's cannot be used as nsIObserver's
// directly, so we create a new function here instead to act as our
// nsIObserver, which forwards the notification to the observe method.
this._observerFunction = (subject, topic, data) => {
this.observe(subject, topic, data);
for (const pref of PREFS) {
Services.prefs.addObserver(pref, this._observerFunction);
this._magnifierEnabled = Services.prefs.getBoolPref(MAGNIFIER_PREF);
this._accessiblecaretHeight = parseFloat(
Services.prefs.getCharPref(ACCESSIBLECARET_HEIGHT_PREF, "0")
didDestroy() {
for (const pref of PREFS) {
Services.prefs.removeObserver(pref, this._observerFunction);
_actions = [
id: "org.mozilla.geckoview.HIDE",
predicate: _ => true,
perform: _ => this.handleEvent({ type: "pagehide" }),
id: "org.mozilla.geckoview.CUT",
predicate: e =>
!e.collapsed && e.selectionEditable && !this._isPasswordField(e),
perform: _ => this.docShell.doCommand("cmd_cut"),
id: "org.mozilla.geckoview.COPY",
predicate: e => !e.collapsed && !this._isPasswordField(e),
perform: _ => this.docShell.doCommand("cmd_copy"),
id: "org.mozilla.geckoview.PASTE",
predicate: e =>
e.selectionEditable &&
perform: _ => this._performPaste(),
id: "org.mozilla.geckoview.PASTE_AS_PLAIN_TEXT",
predicate: e =>
this._isContentHtmlEditable(e) &&
perform: _ => this._performPasteAsPlainText(),
id: "org.mozilla.geckoview.DELETE",
predicate: e => !e.collapsed && e.selectionEditable,
perform: _ => this.docShell.doCommand("cmd_delete"),
id: "org.mozilla.geckoview.COLLAPSE_TO_START",
predicate: e => !e.collapsed && e.selectionEditable,
perform: e => this.docShell.doCommand("cmd_moveLeft"),
id: "org.mozilla.geckoview.COLLAPSE_TO_END",
predicate: e => !e.collapsed && e.selectionEditable,
perform: e => this.docShell.doCommand("cmd_moveRight"),
id: "org.mozilla.geckoview.UNSELECT",
predicate: e => !e.collapsed && !e.selectionEditable,
perform: e => this.docShell.doCommand("cmd_selectNone"),
id: "org.mozilla.geckoview.SELECT_ALL",
predicate: e => {
if (e.reason === "longpressonemptycontent") {
return false;
// When on design mode, focusedElement will be null.
const element =
Services.focus.focusedElement || e.target?.activeElement;
if (e.selectionEditable && e.target && element) {
let value = "";
if (element.value) {
value = element.value;
} else if (
element.isContentEditable ||
e.target.designMode === "on"
) {
value = element.innerText;
// Do not show SELECT_ALL if the editable is empty
// or all the editable text is already selected.
return value !== "" && value !== e.selectedTextContent;
return true;
perform: e => this.docShell.doCommand("cmd_selectAll"),
receiveMessage({ name, data }) {
debug`receiveMessage ${name}`;
switch (name) {
case "ExecuteSelectionAction": {
_performPaste() {
this.handleEvent({ type: "pagehide" });
_performPasteAsPlainText() {
this.handleEvent({ type: "pagehide" });
_isPasswordField(aEvent) {
if (!aEvent.selectionEditable) {
return false;
const win = aEvent.target.defaultView;
const focus = aEvent.target.activeElement;
return (
win &&
win.HTMLInputElement &&
win.HTMLInputElement.isInstance(focus) &&
!focus.mozIsTextField(/* excludePassword */ true)
_isContentHtmlEditable(aEvent) {
if (!aEvent.selectionEditable) {
return false;
if (aEvent.target.designMode == "on") {
return true;
// focused element isn't nor