/* -*- Mode: C++; tab-width: 4; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 4 -*- */ /* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this * file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. */ #include "ProxyAutoConfigChild.h" #include "mozilla/ipc/Endpoint.h" #include "mozilla/net/SocketProcessChild.h" #include "mozilla/SpinEventLoopUntil.h" #include "nsIObserver.h" #include "nsIObserverService.h" #include "nsThreadUtils.h" #include "ProxyAutoConfig.h" namespace mozilla::net { static bool sThreadLocalSetup = false; static uint32_t sThreadLocalIndex = 0xdeadbeef; StaticRefPtr ProxyAutoConfigChild::sPACThread; bool ProxyAutoConfigChild::sShutdownObserverRegistered = false; static StaticRefPtr sActor; namespace { class ShutdownObserver final : public nsIObserver { public: ShutdownObserver() = default; NS_DECL_ISUPPORTS NS_DECL_NSIOBSERVER private: ~ShutdownObserver() = default; }; NS_IMPL_ISUPPORTS(ShutdownObserver, nsIObserver) NS_IMETHODIMP ShutdownObserver::Observe(nsISupports* aSubject, const char* aTopic, const char16_t* aData) { ProxyAutoConfigChild::ShutdownPACThread(); return NS_OK; } } // namespace // static void ProxyAutoConfigChild::BindProxyAutoConfigChild( RefPtr&& aActor, Endpoint&& aEndpoint) { // We only allow one ProxyAutoConfigChild at a time, so we need to // wait until the old one to be destroyed. if (sActor) { NS_DispatchToCurrentThread(NS_NewRunnableFunction( "BindProxyAutoConfigChild", [actor = std::move(aActor), endpoint = std::move(aEndpoint)]() mutable { ProxyAutoConfigChild::BindProxyAutoConfigChild(std::move(actor), std::move(endpoint)); })); return; } if (aEndpoint.Bind(aActor)) { sActor = aActor; } } // static bool ProxyAutoConfigChild::Create(Endpoint&& aEndpoint) { if (!sPACThread && !CreatePACThread()) { NS_WARNING("Failed to create pac thread!"); return false; } if (!sShutdownObserverRegistered) { nsCOMPtr obs = services::GetObserverService(); if (NS_WARN_IF(!obs)) { return false; } nsCOMPtr observer = new ShutdownObserver(); nsresult rv = obs->AddObserver(observer, "xpcom-shutdown-threads", false); if (NS_WARN_IF(NS_FAILED(rv))) { return false; } sShutdownObserverRegistered = true; } RefPtr actor = new ProxyAutoConfigChild(); if (NS_FAILED(sPACThread->Dispatch(NS_NewRunnableFunction( "ProxyAutoConfigChild::ProxyAutoConfigChild", [actor = std::move(actor), endpoint = std::move(aEndpoint)]() mutable { MOZ_ASSERT(endpoint.IsValid()); ProxyAutoConfigChild::BindProxyAutoConfigChild(std::move(actor), std::move(endpoint)); })))) { NS_WARNING("Failed to dispatch runnable!"); return false; } return true; } // static bool ProxyAutoConfigChild::CreatePACThread() { MOZ_ASSERT(NS_IsMainThread()); if (SocketProcessChild::GetSingleton()->IsShuttingDown()) { NS_WARNING("Trying to create pac thread after shutdown has already begun!"); return false; } nsCOMPtr thread; if (NS_FAILED(NS_NewNamedThread("ProxyResolution", getter_AddRefs(thread)))) { NS_WARNING("NS_NewNamedThread failed!"); return false; } sPACThread = thread.forget(); return true; } // static void ProxyAutoConfigChild::ShutdownPACThread() { MOZ_ASSERT(NS_IsMainThread()); if (sPACThread) { // Wait until all actos are released. SpinEventLoopUntil("ProxyAutoConfigChild::ShutdownPACThread"_ns, [&]() { return !sActor; }); nsCOMPtr thread = sPACThread.get(); sPACThread = nullptr; MOZ_ALWAYS_SUCCEEDS(thread->Shutdown()); } } ProxyAutoConfigChild::ProxyAutoConfigChild() : mPAC(MakeUnique()) { if (!sThreadLocalSetup) { sThreadLocalSetup = true; PR_NewThreadPrivateIndex(&sThreadLocalIndex, nullptr); } mPAC->SetThreadLocalIndex(sThreadLocalIndex); } ProxyAutoConfigChild::~ProxyAutoConfigChild() = default; mozilla::ipc::IPCResult ProxyAutoConfigChild::RecvConfigurePAC( const nsACString& aPACURI, const nsACString& aPACScriptData, const bool& aIncludePath, const uint32_t& aExtraHeapSize) { mPAC->ConfigurePAC(aPACURI, aPACScriptData, aIncludePath, aExtraHeapSize, GetMainThreadSerialEventTarget()); mPACLoaded = true; NS_DispatchToCurrentThread( NewRunnableMethod("ProxyAutoConfigChild::ProcessPendingQ", this, &ProxyAutoConfigChild::ProcessPendingQ)); return IPC_OK(); } void ProxyAutoConfigChild::PendingQuery::Resolve(nsresult aStatus, const nsACString& aResult) { mResolver(Tuple(aStatus, aResult)); } mozilla::ipc::IPCResult ProxyAutoConfigChild::RecvGetProxyForURI( const nsACString& aTestURI, const nsACString& aTestHost, GetProxyForURIResolver&& aResolver) { mPendingQ.insertBack( new PendingQuery(aTestURI, aTestHost, std::move(aResolver))); ProcessPendingQ(); return IPC_OK(); } void ProxyAutoConfigChild::ProcessPendingQ() { while (ProcessPending()) { ; } if (mShutdown) { mPAC->Shutdown(); } else { // do GC while the thread has nothing pending mPAC->GC(); } } bool ProxyAutoConfigChild::ProcessPending() { if (mPendingQ.isEmpty()) { return false; } if (mInProgress || !mPACLoaded) { return false; } if (mShutdown) { return true; } mInProgress = true; RefPtr query = mPendingQ.popFirst(); nsCString result; nsresult rv = mPAC->GetProxyForURI(query->URI(), query->Host(), result); query->Resolve(rv, result); mInProgress = false; return true; } void ProxyAutoConfigChild::ActorDestroy(ActorDestroyReason aWhy) { mPendingQ.clear(); mShutdown = true; mPAC->Shutdown(); // To avoid racing with the main thread, we need to dispatch // ProxyAutoConfigChild::Destroy again. MOZ_ALWAYS_SUCCEEDS(NS_DispatchToCurrentThread(NewNonOwningRunnableMethod( "ProxyAutoConfigChild::Destroy", this, &ProxyAutoConfigChild::Destroy))); } void ProxyAutoConfigChild::Destroy() { sActor = nullptr; } } // namespace mozilla::net