"use strict"; const { TelemetryTestUtils } = ChromeUtils.importESModule( "resource://testing-common/TelemetryTestUtils.sys.mjs" ); Services.prefs.setCharPref("dom.securecontext.allowlist", "example.com"); var kTest103 = "http://example.com/browser/netwerk/test/browser/103_preload.html"; var kTestNo103 = "http://example.com/browser/netwerk/test/browser/no_103_preload.html"; var kTest404 = "http://example.com/browser/netwerk/test/browser/103_preload_and_404.html"; add_task(async function() { let hist_hints = TelemetryTestUtils.getAndClearHistogram( "EH_NUM_OF_HINTS_PER_PAGE" ); let hist_final = TelemetryTestUtils.getAndClearHistogram("EH_FINAL_RESPONSE"); let hist_time = TelemetryTestUtils.getAndClearHistogram( "EH_TIME_TO_FINAL_RESPONSE" ); await BrowserTestUtils.openNewForegroundTab(gBrowser, kTest103, true); // This is a 200 response with 103: // EH_NUM_OF_HINTS_PER_PAGE should record 1. // EH_FINAL_RESPONSE should record 1 on position 0 (R2xx). // EH_TIME_TO_FINAL_RESPONSE should have a new value // (we cannot determine what the timing will be therefore we only check that // the histogram sum is > 0). TelemetryTestUtils.assertHistogram(hist_hints, 1, 1); TelemetryTestUtils.assertHistogram(hist_final, 0, 1); const snapshot = hist_time.snapshot(); let found = false; for (let [val] of Object.entries(snapshot.values)) { if (val > 0) { found = true; } } Assert.ok(found); gBrowser.removeCurrentTab(); }); add_task(async function() { let hist_hints = TelemetryTestUtils.getAndClearHistogram( "EH_NUM_OF_HINTS_PER_PAGE" ); let hist_final = TelemetryTestUtils.getAndClearHistogram("EH_FINAL_RESPONSE"); let hist_time = TelemetryTestUtils.getAndClearHistogram( "EH_TIME_TO_FINAL_RESPONSE" ); await BrowserTestUtils.openNewForegroundTab(gBrowser, kTestNo103, true); // This is a 200 response without 103: // EH_NUM_OF_HINTS_PER_PAGE should record 0. // EH_FINAL_RESPONSE andd EH_TIME_TO_FINAL_RESPONSE should not be recorded. TelemetryTestUtils.assertHistogram(hist_hints, 0, 1); const snapshot_final = hist_final.snapshot(); Assert.equal(snapshot_final.sum, 0); const snapshot_time = hist_time.snapshot(); let found = false; for (let [val] of Object.entries(snapshot_time.values)) { if (val > 0) { found = true; } } Assert.ok(!found); gBrowser.removeCurrentTab(); }); add_task(async function() { let hist_hints = TelemetryTestUtils.getAndClearHistogram( "EH_NUM_OF_HINTS_PER_PAGE" ); let hist_final = TelemetryTestUtils.getAndClearHistogram("EH_FINAL_RESPONSE"); let hist_time = TelemetryTestUtils.getAndClearHistogram( "EH_TIME_TO_FINAL_RESPONSE" ); await BrowserTestUtils.openNewForegroundTab(gBrowser, kTest404, true); // This is a 404 response with 103: // EH_NUM_OF_HINTS_PER_PAGE and EH_TIME_TO_FINAL_RESPONSE should not be recorded. // EH_FINAL_RESPONSE should record 1 on index 2 (R4xx). const snapshot_hints = hist_hints.snapshot(); Assert.equal(snapshot_hints.sum, 0); TelemetryTestUtils.assertHistogram(hist_final, 2, 1); const snapshot_time = hist_time.snapshot(); let found = false; for (let [val] of Object.entries(snapshot_time.values)) { if (val > 0) { found = true; } } Assert.ok(!found); gBrowser.removeCurrentTab(); }); add_task(async function cleanup() { Services.prefs.clearUserPref("dom.securecontext.allowlist"); });