/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this * file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. */ "use strict"; /* import-globals-from head_cache.js */ /* import-globals-from head_cookies.js */ /* import-globals-from head_channels.js */ /* import-globals-from head_trr.js */ /* globals require, __dirname, global, Buffer, process */ class BaseNodeHTTPServerCode { static globalHandler(req, resp) { let path = new URL(req.url, "http://example.com").pathname; let handler = global.path_handlers[path]; if (handler) { return handler(req, resp); } // Didn't find a handler for this path. let response = `<h1> 404 Path not found: ${path}</h1>`; resp.setHeader("Content-Type", "text/html"); resp.setHeader("Content-Length", response.length); resp.writeHead(404); resp.end(response); return undefined; } } class ADB { static async stopForwarding(port) { // return this.forwardPort(port, true); } static async forwardPort(port, remove = false) { if (!process.env.MOZ_ANDROID_DATA_DIR) { // Not android, or we don't know how to do the forwarding return; } // When creating a server on Android we must make sure that the port // is forwarded from the host machine to the emulator. let adb_path = "adb"; if (process.env.MOZ_FETCHES_DIR) { adb_path = `${process.env.MOZ_FETCHES_DIR}/android-sdk-linux/platform-tools/adb`; } let command = `${adb_path} reverse tcp:${port} tcp:${port}`; if (remove) { command = `${adb_path} reverse --remove tcp:${port}`; } await new Promise(resolve => { const { exec } = require("child_process"); exec(command, (error, stdout, stderr) => { if (error) { console.log(`error: ${error.message}`); return; } if (stderr) { console.log(`stderr: ${stderr}`); } // console.log(`stdout: ${stdout}`); resolve(); }); }); } } class BaseNodeServer { protocol() { return this._protocol; } origin() { return `${this.protocol()}://localhost:${this.port()}`; } port() { return this._port; } /// Stops the server async stop() { if (this.processId) { await this.execute(`ADB.stopForwarding(${this.port()})`); await NodeServer.kill(this.processId); this.processId = undefined; } } /// Executes a command in the context of the node server async execute(command) { return NodeServer.execute(this.processId, command); } /// @path : string - the path on the server that we're handling. ex: /path /// @handler : function(req, resp, url) - function that processes request and /// emits a response. async registerPathHandler(path, handler) { return this.execute( `global.path_handlers["${path}"] = ${handler.toString()}` ); } } // HTTP class NodeHTTPServerCode extends BaseNodeHTTPServerCode { static async startServer(port) { const http = require("http"); global.server = http.createServer(BaseNodeHTTPServerCode.globalHandler); await global.server.listen(port); let serverPort = global.server.address().port; await ADB.forwardPort(serverPort); return serverPort; } } class NodeHTTPServer extends BaseNodeServer { _protocol = "http"; /// Starts the server /// @port - default 0 /// when provided, will attempt to listen on that port. async start(port = 0) { this.processId = await NodeServer.fork(); await this.execute(BaseNodeHTTPServerCode); await this.execute(NodeHTTPServerCode); await this.execute(ADB); this._port = await this.execute(`NodeHTTPServerCode.startServer(${port})`); await this.execute(`global.path_handlers = {};`); } } // HTTPS class NodeHTTPSServerCode extends BaseNodeHTTPServerCode { static async startServer(port) { const fs = require("fs"); const options = { key: fs.readFileSync(__dirname + "/http2-cert.key"), cert: fs.readFileSync(__dirname + "/http2-cert.pem"), }; const https = require("https"); global.server = https.createServer( options, BaseNodeHTTPServerCode.globalHandler ); await global.server.listen(port); let serverPort = global.server.address().port; await ADB.forwardPort(serverPort); return serverPort; } } class NodeHTTPSServer extends BaseNodeServer { _protocol = "https"; /// Starts the server /// @port - default 0 /// when provided, will attempt to listen on that port. async start(port = 0) { this.processId = await NodeServer.fork(); await this.execute(BaseNodeHTTPServerCode); await this.execute(NodeHTTPSServerCode); await this.execute(ADB); this._port = await this.execute(`NodeHTTPSServerCode.startServer(${port})`); await this.execute(`global.path_handlers = {};`); } } // HTTP2 class NodeHTTP2ServerCode extends BaseNodeHTTPServerCode { static async startServer(port) { const fs = require("fs"); const options = { key: fs.readFileSync(__dirname + "/http2-cert.key"), cert: fs.readFileSync(__dirname + "/http2-cert.pem"), }; const http2 = require("http2"); global.server = http2.createSecureServer( options, BaseNodeHTTPServerCode.globalHandler ); await global.server.listen(port); let serverPort = global.server.address().port; await ADB.forwardPort(serverPort); return serverPort; } } class NodeHTTP2Server extends BaseNodeServer { _protocol = "https"; /// Starts the server /// @port - default 0 /// when provided, will attempt to listen on that port. async start(port = 0) { this.processId = await NodeServer.fork(); await this.execute(BaseNodeHTTPServerCode); await this.execute(NodeHTTP2ServerCode); await this.execute(ADB); this._port = await this.execute(`NodeHTTP2ServerCode.startServer(${port})`); await this.execute(`global.path_handlers = {};`); } } // Base HTTP proxy class BaseProxyCode { static proxyHandler(req, res) { if (req.url.startsWith("/")) { res.writeHead(405); res.end(); return; } let url = new URL(req.url); const http = require("http"); let preq = http .request( { method: req.method, path: url.pathname, port: url.port, host: url.hostname, protocol: url.protocol, }, proxyresp => { res.writeHead( proxyresp.statusCode, proxyresp.statusMessage, proxyresp.headers ); proxyresp.on("data", chunk => { if (!res.writableEnded) { res.write(chunk); } }); proxyresp.on("end", () => { res.end(); }); } ) .on("error", e => { console.log(`sock err: ${e}`); }); if (req.method != "POST") { preq.end(); } else { req.on("data", chunk => { if (!preq.writableEnded) { preq.write(chunk); } }); req.on("end", () => preq.end()); } } static onConnect(req, clientSocket, head) { if (global.connect_handler) { global.connect_handler(req, clientSocket, head); return; } const net = require("net"); // Connect to an origin server const { port, hostname } = new URL(`https://${req.url}`); const serverSocket = net .connect(port || 443, hostname, () => { clientSocket.write( "HTTP/1.1 200 Connection Established\r\n" + "Proxy-agent: Node.js-Proxy\r\n" + "\r\n" ); serverSocket.write(head); serverSocket.pipe(clientSocket); clientSocket.pipe(serverSocket); }) .on("error", e => { // The socket will error out when we kill the connection // just ignore it. }); clientSocket.on("error", e => { // Sometimes we got ECONNRESET error on windows platform. // Ignore it for now. }); } } class BaseHTTPProxy extends BaseNodeServer { registerFilter() { const pps = Cc[ "@mozilla.org/network/protocol-proxy-service;1" ].getService(); this.filter = new NodeProxyFilter( this.protocol(), "localhost", this.port(), 0 ); pps.registerFilter(this.filter, 10); registerCleanupFunction(() => { this.unregisterFilter(); }); } unregisterFilter() { const pps = Cc[ "@mozilla.org/network/protocol-proxy-service;1" ].getService(); if (this.filter) { pps.unregisterFilter(this.filter); this.filter = undefined; } } /// Stops the server async stop() { this.unregisterFilter(); await super.stop(); } async registerConnectHandler(handler) { return this.execute(`global.connect_handler = ${handler.toString()}`); } } // HTTP1 Proxy class NodeProxyFilter { constructor(type, host, port, flags) { this._type = type; this._host = host; this._port = port; this._flags = flags; this.QueryInterface = ChromeUtils.generateQI(["nsIProtocolProxyFilter"]); } applyFilter(uri, pi, cb) { if ( uri.pathQueryRef.startsWith("/execute") || uri.pathQueryRef.startsWith("/fork") || uri.pathQueryRef.startsWith("/kill") ) { // So we allow NodeServer.execute to work cb.onProxyFilterResult(pi); return; } const pps = Cc[ "@mozilla.org/network/protocol-proxy-service;1" ].getService(); cb.onProxyFilterResult( pps.newProxyInfo( this._type, this._host, this._port, "", "", this._flags, 1000, null ) ); } } class HTTPProxyCode { static async startServer(port) { const http = require("http"); global.proxy = http.createServer(BaseProxyCode.proxyHandler); global.proxy.on("connect", BaseProxyCode.onConnect); await global.proxy.listen(port); let proxyPort = global.proxy.address().port; await ADB.forwardPort(proxyPort); return proxyPort; } } class NodeHTTPProxyServer extends BaseHTTPProxy { _protocol = "http"; /// Starts the server /// @port - default 0 /// when provided, will attempt to listen on that port. async start(port = 0) { this.processId = await NodeServer.fork(); await this.execute(BaseProxyCode); await this.execute(HTTPProxyCode); await this.execute(ADB); await this.execute(`global.connect_handler = null;`); this._port = await this.execute(`HTTPProxyCode.startServer(${port})`); this.registerFilter(); } } // HTTPS proxy class HTTPSProxyCode { static async startServer(port) { const fs = require("fs"); const options = { key: fs.readFileSync(__dirname + "/proxy-cert.key"), cert: fs.readFileSync(__dirname + "/proxy-cert.pem"), }; const https = require("https"); global.proxy = https.createServer(options, BaseProxyCode.proxyHandler); global.proxy.on("connect", BaseProxyCode.onConnect); await global.proxy.listen(port); let proxyPort = global.proxy.address().port; await ADB.forwardPort(proxyPort); return proxyPort; } } class NodeHTTPSProxyServer extends BaseHTTPProxy { _protocol = "https"; /// Starts the server /// @port - default 0 /// when provided, will attempt to listen on that port. async start(port = 0) { this.processId = await NodeServer.fork(); await this.execute(BaseProxyCode); await this.execute(HTTPSProxyCode); await this.execute(ADB); await this.execute(`global.connect_handler = null;`); this._port = await this.execute(`HTTPSProxyCode.startServer(${port})`); this.registerFilter(); } } // HTTP2 proxy class HTTP2ProxyCode { static async startServer(port) { const fs = require("fs"); const options = { key: fs.readFileSync(__dirname + "/proxy-cert.key"), cert: fs.readFileSync(__dirname + "/proxy-cert.pem"), }; const http2 = require("http2"); global.proxy = http2.createSecureServer(options); global.socketCounts = {}; this.setupProxy(); await global.proxy.listen(port); let proxyPort = global.proxy.address().port; await ADB.forwardPort(proxyPort); return proxyPort; } static setupProxy() { if (!global.proxy) { throw new Error("proxy is null"); } global.proxy.on("stream", (stream, headers) => { if (headers[":scheme"] === "http") { const http = require("http"); let url = new URL( `${headers[":scheme"]}://${headers[":authority"]}${headers[":path"]}` ); let req = http .request( { method: headers[":method"], path: headers[":path"], port: url.port, host: url.hostname, protocol: url.protocol, }, proxyresp => { let proxyheaders = Object.assign({}, proxyresp.headers); // Filter out some prohibited headers. ["connection", "transfer-encoding", "keep-alive"].forEach( prop => { delete proxyheaders[prop]; } ); try { stream.respond( Object.assign( { ":status": proxyresp.statusCode }, proxyheaders ) ); } catch (e) { // The channel may have been closed already. if (e.message != "The stream has been destroyed") { throw e; } } proxyresp.on("data", chunk => { if (stream.writable) { stream.write(chunk); } }); proxyresp.on("end", () => { stream.end(); }); } ) .on("error", e => { console.log(`sock err: ${e}`); }); if (headers[":method"] != "POST") { req.end(); } else { stream.on("data", chunk => { if (!req.writableEnded) { req.write(chunk); } }); stream.on("end", () => req.end()); } return; } if (headers[":method"] !== "CONNECT") { // Only accept CONNECT requests stream.respond({ ":status": 405 }); stream.end(); return; } const target = headers[":authority"]; const { port } = new URL(`https://${target}`); const net = require("net"); const socket = net.connect(port, "", () => { try { global.socketCounts[socket.remotePort] = (global.socketCounts[socket.remotePort] || 0) + 1; stream.respond({ ":status": 200 }); socket.pipe(stream); stream.pipe(socket); } catch (exception) { console.log(exception); stream.close(); } }); const http2 = require("http2"); socket.on("error", error => { const status = error.errno == "ENOTFOUND" ? 404 : 502; try { // If we already sent headers when the socket connected // then sending the status again would throw. if (!stream.sentHeaders) { stream.respond({ ":status": status }); } stream.end(); } catch (exception) { stream.close(http2.constants.NGHTTP2_CONNECT_ERROR); } }); stream.on("close", () => { socket.end(); }); socket.on("close", () => { stream.close(); }); stream.on("end", () => { socket.end(); }); stream.on("aborted", () => { socket.end(); }); stream.on("error", error => { console.log("RESPONSE STREAM ERROR", error); }); }); } static socketCount(port) { return global.socketCounts[port]; } } class NodeHTTP2ProxyServer extends BaseHTTPProxy { _protocol = "https"; /// Starts the server /// @port - default 0 /// when provided, will attempt to listen on that port. async start(port = 0) { this.processId = await NodeServer.fork(); await this.execute(BaseProxyCode); await this.execute(HTTP2ProxyCode); await this.execute(ADB); await this.execute(`global.connect_handler = null;`); this._port = await this.execute(`HTTP2ProxyCode.startServer(${port})`); this.registerFilter(); } async socketCount(port) { let count = this.execute(`HTTP2ProxyCode.socketCount(${port})`); return count; } } // websocket server class NodeWebSocketServerCode extends BaseNodeHTTPServerCode { static messageHandler(data, ws) { if (global.wsInputHandler) { global.wsInputHandler(data, ws); return; } ws.send("test"); } static async startServer(port) { const fs = require("fs"); const options = { key: fs.readFileSync(__dirname + "/http2-cert.key"), cert: fs.readFileSync(__dirname + "/http2-cert.pem"), }; const https = require("https"); global.server = https.createServer( options, BaseNodeHTTPServerCode.globalHandler ); let node_ws_root = `${__dirname}/../node-ws`; const WebSocket = require(`${node_ws_root}/lib/websocket`); WebSocket.Server = require(`${node_ws_root}/lib/websocket-server`); global.webSocketServer = new WebSocket.Server({ server: global.server }); global.webSocketServer.on("connection", function connection(ws) { ws.on("message", data => NodeWebSocketServerCode.messageHandler(data, ws) ); }); await global.server.listen(port); let serverPort = global.server.address().port; await ADB.forwardPort(serverPort); return serverPort; } } class NodeWebSocketServer extends BaseNodeServer { _protocol = "wss"; /// Starts the server /// @port - default 0 /// when provided, will attempt to listen on that port. async start(port = 0) { this.processId = await NodeServer.fork(); await this.execute(BaseNodeHTTPServerCode); await this.execute(NodeWebSocketServerCode); await this.execute(ADB); this._port = await this.execute( `NodeWebSocketServerCode.startServer(${port})` ); await this.execute(`global.path_handlers = {};`); await this.execute(`global.wsInputHandler = null;`); } async registerMessageHandler(handler) { return this.execute(`global.wsInputHandler = ${handler.toString()}`); } } // websocket http2 server // This code is inspired by // https://github.com/szmarczak/http2-wrapper/blob/master/examples/ws/server.js class NodeWebSocketHttp2ServerCode extends BaseNodeHTTPServerCode { static async startServer(port) { const fs = require("fs"); const options = { key: fs.readFileSync(__dirname + "/http2-cert.key"), cert: fs.readFileSync(__dirname + "/http2-cert.pem"), settings: { enableConnectProtocol: true, }, }; const http2 = require("http2"); global.h2Server = http2.createSecureServer(options); let node_ws_root = `${__dirname}/../node-ws`; const WebSocket = require(`${node_ws_root}/lib/websocket`); global.h2Server.on("stream", (stream, headers) => { if (headers[":method"] === "CONNECT") { stream.respond(); const ws = new WebSocket(null); stream.setNoDelay = () => {}; ws.setSocket(stream, Buffer.from(""), 100 * 1024 * 1024); ws.on("message", data => { if (global.wsInputHandler) { global.wsInputHandler(data, ws); return; } ws.send("test"); }); } else { stream.respond(); stream.end("ok"); } }); await global.h2Server.listen(port); let serverPort = global.h2Server.address().port; await ADB.forwardPort(serverPort); return serverPort; } } class NodeWebSocketHttp2Server extends BaseNodeServer { _protocol = "h2ws"; /// Starts the server /// @port - default 0 /// when provided, will attempt to listen on that port. async start(port = 0) { this.processId = await NodeServer.fork(); await this.execute(BaseNodeHTTPServerCode); await this.execute(NodeWebSocketHttp2ServerCode); await this.execute(ADB); this._port = await this.execute( `NodeWebSocketHttp2ServerCode.startServer(${port})` ); await this.execute(`global.path_handlers = {};`); await this.execute(`global.wsInputHandler = null;`); } async registerMessageHandler(handler) { return this.execute(`global.wsInputHandler = ${handler.toString()}`); } } // Helper functions async function with_node_servers(arrayOfClasses, asyncClosure) { for (let s of arrayOfClasses) { let server = new s(); await server.start(); registerCleanupFunction(async () => { await server.stop(); }); await asyncClosure(server); await server.stop(); } } // nsITLSServerSocket needs a certificate with a corresponding private key // available. xpcshell tests can import the test file "client-cert.p12" using // the password "password", resulting in a certificate with the common name // "Test End-entity" being available with a corresponding private key. function getTestServerCertificate() { const certDB = Cc["@mozilla.org/security/x509certdb;1"].getService( Ci.nsIX509CertDB ); const certFile = do_get_file("client-cert.p12"); certDB.importPKCS12File(certFile, "password"); for (const cert of certDB.getCerts()) { if (cert.commonName == "Test End-entity") { return cert; } } return null; } class WebSocketConnection { constructor() { this._openPromise = new Promise(resolve => { this._openCallback = resolve; }); this._stopPromise = new Promise(resolve => { this._stopCallback = resolve; }); this._msgPromise = new Promise(resolve => { this._msgCallback = resolve; }); this._proxyAvailablePromise = new Promise(resolve => { this._proxyAvailCallback = resolve; }); this._messages = []; this._ws = null; } get QueryInterface() { return ChromeUtils.generateQI([ "nsIWebSocketListener", "nsIProtocolProxyCallback", ]); } onAcknowledge(aContext, aSize) {} onBinaryMessageAvailable(aContext, aMsg) { this._messages.push(aMsg); this._msgCallback(); } onMessageAvailable(aContext, aMsg) {} onServerClose(aContext, aCode, aReason) {} onWebSocketListenerStart(aContext) {} onStart(aContext) { this._openCallback(); } onStop(aContext, aStatusCode) { this._stopCallback({ status: aStatusCode }); this._ws = null; } onProxyAvailable(req, chan, proxyInfo, status) { if (proxyInfo) { this._proxyAvailCallback({ type: proxyInfo.type }); } else { this._proxyAvailCallback({}); } } static makeWebSocketChan() { let chan = Cc["@mozilla.org/network/protocol;1?name=wss"].createInstance( Ci.nsIWebSocketChannel ); chan.initLoadInfo( null, // aLoadingNode Services.scriptSecurityManager.getSystemPrincipal(), null, // aTriggeringPrincipal Ci.nsILoadInfo.SEC_ALLOW_CROSS_ORIGIN_SEC_CONTEXT_IS_NULL, Ci.nsIContentPolicy.TYPE_WEBSOCKET ); return chan; } // Returns a promise that resolves when the websocket channel is opened. open(url) { this._ws = WebSocketConnection.makeWebSocketChan(); let uri = Services.io.newURI(url); this._ws.asyncOpen(uri, url, {}, 0, this, null); return this._openPromise; } // Closes the inner websocket. code and reason arguments are optional. close(code, reason) { this._ws.close(code || Ci.nsIWebSocketChannel.CLOSE_NORMAL, reason || ""); } // Sends a message to the server. send(msg) { this._ws.sendMsg(msg); } // Returns a promise that resolves when the channel's onStop is called. // Promise resolves with an `{status}` object, where status is the // result passed to onStop. finished() { return this._stopPromise; } getProxyInfo() { return this._proxyAvailablePromise; } // Returned promise resolves with an array of received messages // If messages have been received in the the past before calling // receiveMessages, the promise will immediately resolve. Otherwise // it will resolve when the first message is received. async receiveMessages() { await this._msgPromise; this._msgPromise = new Promise(resolve => { this._msgCallback = resolve; }); let messages = this._messages; this._messages = []; return messages; } }