"use strict"; const { HttpServer } = ChromeUtils.import("resource://testing-common/httpd.js"); var httpserver = new HttpServer(); httpserver.start(-1); var cache = null; var base_url = "http://localhost:" + httpserver.identity.primaryPort; var resource_age_100 = "/resource_age_100"; var resource_age_100_url = base_url + resource_age_100; var resource_stale_100 = "/resource_stale_100"; var resource_stale_100_url = base_url + resource_stale_100; var resource_fresh_100 = "/resource_fresh_100"; var resource_fresh_100_url = base_url + resource_fresh_100; // Test flags var hit_server = false; function make_channel(url, cache_control) { // Reset test global status hit_server = false; var req = NetUtil.newChannel({ uri: url, loadUsingSystemPrincipal: true }); req.QueryInterface(Ci.nsIHttpChannel); if (cache_control) { req.setRequestHeader("Cache-control", cache_control, false); } return req; } function make_uri(url) { return Services.io.newURI(url); } function resource_age_100_handler(metadata, response) { hit_server = true; response.setStatusLine(metadata.httpVersion, 200, "OK"); response.setHeader("Content-Type", "text/plain", false); response.setHeader("Age", "100", false); response.setHeader("Last-Modified", date_string_from_now(-100), false); response.setHeader("Expires", date_string_from_now(+9999), false); const body = "data1"; response.bodyOutputStream.write(body, body.length); } function resource_stale_100_handler(metadata, response) { hit_server = true; response.setStatusLine(metadata.httpVersion, 200, "OK"); response.setHeader("Content-Type", "text/plain", false); response.setHeader("Date", date_string_from_now(-200), false); response.setHeader("Last-Modified", date_string_from_now(-200), false); response.setHeader("Cache-Control", "max-age=100", false); response.setHeader("Expires", date_string_from_now(-100), false); const body = "data2"; response.bodyOutputStream.write(body, body.length); } function resource_fresh_100_handler(metadata, response) { hit_server = true; response.setStatusLine(metadata.httpVersion, 200, "OK"); response.setHeader("Content-Type", "text/plain", false); response.setHeader("Last-Modified", date_string_from_now(0), false); response.setHeader("Cache-Control", "max-age=100", false); response.setHeader("Expires", date_string_from_now(+100), false); const body = "data3"; response.bodyOutputStream.write(body, body.length); } function run_test() { do_get_profile(); do_test_pending(); Services.prefs.setBoolPref("network.http.rcwn.enabled", false); httpserver.registerPathHandler(resource_age_100, resource_age_100_handler); httpserver.registerPathHandler( resource_stale_100, resource_stale_100_handler ); httpserver.registerPathHandler( resource_fresh_100, resource_fresh_100_handler ); cache = getCacheStorage("disk"); wait_for_cache_index(run_next_test); } // Here starts the list of tests // ============================================================================ // Cache-Control: no-store add_test(() => { // Must not create a cache entry var ch = make_channel(resource_age_100_url, "no-store"); ch.asyncOpen( new ChannelListener(function(request, data) { Assert.ok(hit_server); Assert.ok(!cache.exists(make_uri(resource_age_100_url), "")); run_next_test(); }, null) ); }); add_test(() => { // Prepare state only, cache the entry var ch = make_channel(resource_age_100_url); ch.asyncOpen( new ChannelListener(function(request, data) { Assert.ok(hit_server); Assert.ok(cache.exists(make_uri(resource_age_100_url), "")); run_next_test(); }, null) ); }); add_test(() => { // Check the prepared cache entry is used when no special directives are added var ch = make_channel(resource_age_100_url); ch.asyncOpen( new ChannelListener(function(request, data) { Assert.ok(!hit_server); Assert.ok(cache.exists(make_uri(resource_age_100_url), "")); run_next_test(); }, null) ); }); add_test(() => { // Try again, while we already keep a cache entry, // the channel must not use it, entry should stay in the cache var ch = make_channel(resource_age_100_url, "no-store"); ch.asyncOpen( new ChannelListener(function(request, data) { Assert.ok(hit_server); Assert.ok(cache.exists(make_uri(resource_age_100_url), "")); run_next_test(); }, null) ); }); // ============================================================================ // Cache-Control: no-cache add_test(() => { // Check the prepared cache entry is used when no special directives are added var ch = make_channel(resource_age_100_url); ch.asyncOpen( new ChannelListener(function(request, data) { Assert.ok(!hit_server); Assert.ok(cache.exists(make_uri(resource_age_100_url), "")); run_next_test(); }, null) ); }); add_test(() => { // The existing entry should be revalidated (we expect a server hit) var ch = make_channel(resource_age_100_url, "no-cache"); ch.asyncOpen( new ChannelListener(function(request, data) { Assert.ok(hit_server); Assert.ok(cache.exists(make_uri(resource_age_100_url), "")); run_next_test(); }, null) ); }); // ============================================================================ // Cache-Control: max-age add_test(() => { // Check the prepared cache entry is used when no special directives are added var ch = make_channel(resource_age_100_url); ch.asyncOpen( new ChannelListener(function(request, data) { Assert.ok(!hit_server); Assert.ok(cache.exists(make_uri(resource_age_100_url), "")); run_next_test(); }, null) ); }); add_test(() => { // The existing entry's age is greater than the maximum requested, // should hit server var ch = make_channel(resource_age_100_url, "max-age=10"); ch.asyncOpen( new ChannelListener(function(request, data) { Assert.ok(hit_server); Assert.ok(cache.exists(make_uri(resource_age_100_url), "")); run_next_test(); }, null) ); }); add_test(() => { // The existing entry's age is greater than the maximum requested, // but the max-stale directive says to use it when it's fresh enough var ch = make_channel(resource_age_100_url, "max-age=10, max-stale=99999"); ch.asyncOpen( new ChannelListener(function(request, data) { Assert.ok(!hit_server); Assert.ok(cache.exists(make_uri(resource_age_100_url), "")); run_next_test(); }, null) ); }); add_test(() => { // The existing entry's age is lesser than the maximum requested, // should go from cache var ch = make_channel(resource_age_100_url, "max-age=1000"); ch.asyncOpen( new ChannelListener(function(request, data) { Assert.ok(!hit_server); Assert.ok(cache.exists(make_uri(resource_age_100_url), "")); run_next_test(); }, null) ); }); // ============================================================================ // Cache-Control: max-stale add_test(() => { // Preprate the entry first var ch = make_channel(resource_stale_100_url); ch.asyncOpen( new ChannelListener(function(request, data) { Assert.ok(hit_server); Assert.ok(cache.exists(make_uri(resource_stale_100_url), "")); // Must shift the expiration time set on the entry to |now| be in the past do_timeout(1500, run_next_test); }, null) ); }); add_test(() => { // Check it's not reused (as it's stale) when no special directives // are provided var ch = make_channel(resource_stale_100_url); ch.asyncOpen( new ChannelListener(function(request, data) { Assert.ok(hit_server); Assert.ok(cache.exists(make_uri(resource_stale_100_url), "")); do_timeout(1500, run_next_test); }, null) ); }); add_test(() => { // Accept cached responses of any stale time var ch = make_channel(resource_stale_100_url, "max-stale"); ch.asyncOpen( new ChannelListener(function(request, data) { Assert.ok(!hit_server); Assert.ok(cache.exists(make_uri(resource_stale_100_url), "")); do_timeout(1500, run_next_test); }, null) ); }); add_test(() => { // The entry is stale only by 100 seconds, accept it var ch = make_channel(resource_stale_100_url, "max-stale=1000"); ch.asyncOpen( new ChannelListener(function(request, data) { Assert.ok(!hit_server); Assert.ok(cache.exists(make_uri(resource_stale_100_url), "")); do_timeout(1500, run_next_test); }, null) ); }); add_test(() => { // The entry is stale by 100 seconds but we only accept a 10 seconds stale // entry, go from server var ch = make_channel(resource_stale_100_url, "max-stale=10"); ch.asyncOpen( new ChannelListener(function(request, data) { Assert.ok(hit_server); Assert.ok(cache.exists(make_uri(resource_stale_100_url), "")); run_next_test(); }, null) ); }); // ============================================================================ // Cache-Control: min-fresh add_test(() => { // Preprate the entry first var ch = make_channel(resource_fresh_100_url); ch.asyncOpen( new ChannelListener(function(request, data) { Assert.ok(hit_server); Assert.ok(cache.exists(make_uri(resource_fresh_100_url), "")); run_next_test(); }, null) ); }); add_test(() => { // Check it's reused when no special directives are provided var ch = make_channel(resource_fresh_100_url); ch.asyncOpen( new ChannelListener(function(request, data) { Assert.ok(!hit_server); Assert.ok(cache.exists(make_uri(resource_fresh_100_url), "")); run_next_test(); }, null) ); }); add_test(() => { // Entry fresh enough to be served from the cache var ch = make_channel(resource_fresh_100_url, "min-fresh=10"); ch.asyncOpen( new ChannelListener(function(request, data) { Assert.ok(!hit_server); Assert.ok(cache.exists(make_uri(resource_fresh_100_url), "")); run_next_test(); }, null) ); }); add_test(() => { // The entry is not fresh enough var ch = make_channel(resource_fresh_100_url, "min-fresh=1000"); ch.asyncOpen( new ChannelListener(function(request, data) { Assert.ok(hit_server); Assert.ok(cache.exists(make_uri(resource_fresh_100_url), "")); run_next_test(); }, null) ); }); // ============================================================================ // Parser test, if the Cache-Control header would not parse correctly, the entry // doesn't load from the server. add_test(() => { var ch = make_channel( resource_fresh_100_url, 'unknown1,unknown2 = "a,b", min-fresh = 1000 ' ); ch.asyncOpen( new ChannelListener(function(request, data) { Assert.ok(hit_server); Assert.ok(cache.exists(make_uri(resource_fresh_100_url), "")); run_next_test(); }, null) ); }); add_test(() => { var ch = make_channel(resource_fresh_100_url, "no-cache = , min-fresh = 10"); ch.asyncOpen( new ChannelListener(function(request, data) { Assert.ok(hit_server); Assert.ok(cache.exists(make_uri(resource_fresh_100_url), "")); run_next_test(); }, null) ); }); // ============================================================================ // Done add_test(() => { run_next_test(); httpserver.stop(do_test_finished); }); // ============================================================================ // Helpers function date_string_from_now(delta_secs) { var months = [ "Jan", "Feb", "Mar", "Apr", "May", "Jun", "Jul", "Aug", "Sep", "Oct", "Nov", "Dec", ]; var days = ["Sun", "Mon", "Tue", "Wed", "Thu", "Fri", "Sat"]; var d = new Date(); d.setTime(d.getTime() + delta_secs * 1000); return ( days[d.getUTCDay()] + ", " + d.getUTCDate() + " " + months[d.getUTCMonth()] + " " + d.getUTCFullYear() + " " + d.getUTCHours() + ":" + d.getUTCMinutes() + ":" + d.getUTCSeconds() + " UTC" ); }