/** * Test for nsICacheStorage.asyncDoomURI(). * It tests dooming * - an existent inactive entry * - a non-existent inactive entry * - an existent active entry */ "use strict"; function doom(url, callback) { Services.cache2 .diskCacheStorage(Services.loadContextInfo.default) .asyncDoomURI(createURI(url), "", { onCacheEntryDoomed(result) { callback(result); }, }); } function write_and_check(str, data, len) { var written = str.write(data, len); if (written != len) { do_throw( "str.write has not written all data!\n" + " Expected: " + len + "\n" + " Actual: " + written + "\n" ); } } function write_entry() { asyncOpenCacheEntry( "http://testentry/", "disk", Ci.nsICacheStorage.OPEN_TRUNCATE, null, function(status, entry) { write_entry_cont(entry, entry.openOutputStream(0, -1)); } ); } function write_entry_cont(entry, ostream) { var data = "testdata"; write_and_check(ostream, data, data.length); ostream.close(); entry.close(); doom("http://testentry/", check_doom1); } function check_doom1(status) { Assert.equal(status, Cr.NS_OK); doom("http://nonexistententry/", check_doom2); } function check_doom2(status) { Assert.equal(status, Cr.NS_ERROR_NOT_AVAILABLE); asyncOpenCacheEntry( "http://testentry/", "disk", Ci.nsICacheStorage.OPEN_TRUNCATE, null, function(status, entry) { write_entry2(entry, entry.openOutputStream(0, -1)); } ); } var gEntry; var gOstream; function write_entry2(entry, ostream) { // write some data and doom the entry while it is active var data = "testdata"; write_and_check(ostream, data, data.length); gEntry = entry; gOstream = ostream; doom("http://testentry/", check_doom3); } function check_doom3(status) { Assert.equal(status, Cr.NS_OK); // entry was doomed but writing should still succeed var data = "testdata"; write_and_check(gOstream, data, data.length); gOstream.close(); gEntry.close(); // dooming the same entry again should fail doom("http://testentry/", check_doom4); } function check_doom4(status) { Assert.equal(status, Cr.NS_ERROR_NOT_AVAILABLE); do_test_finished(); } function run_test() { do_get_profile(); // clear the cache evict_cache_entries(); write_entry(); do_test_pending(); }