/* Any copyright is dedicated to the Public Domain. * http://creativecommons.org/publicdomain/zero/1.0/ */ "use strict"; const { INHIBIT_CACHING, LOAD_BYPASS_CACHE, LOAD_NORMAL } = Ci.nsIRequest; const TEST_PAGE = "https://example.com/browser/remote/cdp/test/browser/network/doc_empty.html"; add_task(async function cacheEnabledAfterDisabled({ client }) { const { Network } = client; await Network.setCacheDisabled({ cacheDisabled: true }); await Network.setCacheDisabled({ cacheDisabled: false }); await watchLoadFlags(LOAD_NORMAL, TEST_PAGE); await loadURL(TEST_PAGE); await waitForLoadFlags(); }); add_task(async function cacheEnabledByDefault({ Network }) { await watchLoadFlags(LOAD_NORMAL, TEST_PAGE); await loadURL(TEST_PAGE); await waitForLoadFlags(); }); add_task(async function cacheDisabled({ client }) { const { Network } = client; await Network.setCacheDisabled({ cacheDisabled: true }); await watchLoadFlags(LOAD_BYPASS_CACHE | INHIBIT_CACHING, TEST_PAGE); await loadURL(TEST_PAGE); await waitForLoadFlags(); }); // This helper will resolve when the content-process progressListener is started // and ready to monitor requests. // The promise itself will resolve when the progressListener will detect the // expected flags for the provided url. function watchLoadFlags(flags, url) { return ContentTask.spawn( gBrowser.selectedBrowser, { flags, url }, async (options = {}) => { const { flags, url } = options; // an nsIWebProgressListener that checks all requests made by the docShell // have the flags we expect. var RequestWatcher = { init(docShell, expectedLoadFlags, url, callback) { this.callback = callback; this.docShell = docShell; this.expectedLoadFlags = expectedLoadFlags; this.url = url; this.requestCount = 0; const { NOTIFY_STATE_DOCUMENT, NOTIFY_STATE_REQUEST, } = Ci.nsIWebProgress; this.docShell .QueryInterface(Ci.nsIInterfaceRequestor) .getInterface(Ci.nsIWebProgress) .addProgressListener( this, NOTIFY_STATE_DOCUMENT | NOTIFY_STATE_REQUEST ); }, onStateChange(webProgress, request, flags, status) { // We are checking requests - if there isn't one, ignore it. if (!request) { return; } // We will usually see requests for 'about:document-onload-blocker' not // have the flag, so we just ignore them. // We also see, eg, resource://gre-resources/loading-image.png, so // skip resource:// URLs too. // We may also see, eg, chrome://global/skin/icons/chevron.svg, so // skip chrome:// URLs too. if ( request.name.startsWith("about:") || request.name.startsWith("resource:") || request.name.startsWith("chrome:") ) { return; } is( request.loadFlags & this.expectedLoadFlags, this.expectedLoadFlags, "request " + request.name + " has the expected flags" ); this.requestCount += 1; var stopFlags = Ci.nsIWebProgressListener.STATE_STOP | Ci.nsIWebProgressListener.STATE_IS_DOCUMENT; if (request.name == this.url && (flags & stopFlags) == stopFlags) { this.docShell.removeProgressListener(this); ok( this.requestCount > 1, this.url + " saw " + this.requestCount + " requests" ); this.callback(); } }, QueryInterface: ChromeUtils.generateQI([ "nsIWebProgressListener", "nsISupportsWeakReference", ]), }; // Store the promise that should be awaited for on the current window. content.resolveCheckLoadFlags = new Promise(resolve => { RequestWatcher.init(docShell, flags, url, resolve); }); } ); } // Wait for the latest promise created in-content by watchLoadFlags to resolve. function waitForLoadFlags() { return ContentTask.spawn(gBrowser.selectedBrowser, {}, async () => { await content.resolveCheckLoadFlags; delete content.resolveCheckLoadFlags; }); }