/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this file, * You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. */ const lazy = {}; ChromeUtils.defineESModuleGetters(lazy, { assert: "chrome://remote/content/shared/webdriver/Assert.sys.mjs", error: "chrome://remote/content/shared/webdriver/Errors.sys.mjs", pprint: "chrome://remote/content/shared/Format.sys.mjs", }); const IPV4_PORT_EXPR = /:\d+$/; const SAMESITE_MAP = new Map([ ["None", Ci.nsICookie.SAMESITE_NONE], ["Lax", Ci.nsICookie.SAMESITE_LAX], ["Strict", Ci.nsICookie.SAMESITE_STRICT], ]); /** @namespace */ export const cookie = { manager: Services.cookies, }; /** * @name Cookie * * @return {Object. */ /** * Unmarshal a JSON Object to a cookie representation. * * Effectively this will run validation checks on ``json``, which * will produce the errors expected by WebDriver if the input is * not valid. * * @param {Object.} json * Cookie to be deserialised. ``name`` and ``value`` are required * fields which must be strings. The ``path`` and ``domain`` fields * are optional, but must be a string if provided. The ``secure``, * and ``httpOnly`` are similarly optional, but must be booleans. * Likewise, the ``expiry`` field is optional but must be * unsigned integer. * * @return {Cookie} * Valid cookie object. * * @throws {InvalidArgumentError} * If any of the properties are invalid. */ cookie.fromJSON = function(json) { let newCookie = {}; lazy.assert.object(json, lazy.pprint`Expected cookie object, got ${json}`); newCookie.name = lazy.assert.string(json.name, "Cookie name must be string"); newCookie.value = lazy.assert.string( json.value, "Cookie value must be string" ); if (typeof json.path != "undefined") { newCookie.path = lazy.assert.string( json.path, "Cookie path must be string" ); } if (typeof json.domain != "undefined") { newCookie.domain = lazy.assert.string( json.domain, "Cookie domain must be string" ); } if (typeof json.secure != "undefined") { newCookie.secure = lazy.assert.boolean( json.secure, "Cookie secure flag must be boolean" ); } if (typeof json.httpOnly != "undefined") { newCookie.httpOnly = lazy.assert.boolean( json.httpOnly, "Cookie httpOnly flag must be boolean" ); } if (typeof json.expiry != "undefined") { newCookie.expiry = lazy.assert.positiveInteger( json.expiry, "Cookie expiry must be a positive integer" ); } if (typeof json.sameSite != "undefined") { newCookie.sameSite = lazy.assert.in( json.sameSite, Array.from(SAMESITE_MAP.keys()), "Cookie SameSite flag must be one of None, Lax, or Strict" ); } return newCookie; }; /** * Insert cookie to the cookie store. * * @param {Cookie} newCookie * Cookie to add. * @param {string=} restrictToHost * Perform test that ``newCookie``'s domain matches this. * @param {string=} protocol * The protocol of the caller. It can be `http:` or `https:`. * * @throws {TypeError} * If ``name``, ``value``, or ``domain`` are not present and * of the correct type. * @throws {InvalidCookieDomainError} * If ``restrictToHost`` is set and ``newCookie``'s domain does * not match. * @throws {UnableToSetCookieError} * If an error occurred while trying to save the cookie. */ cookie.add = function( newCookie, { restrictToHost = null, protocol = null } = {} ) { lazy.assert.string(newCookie.name, "Cookie name must be string"); lazy.assert.string(newCookie.value, "Cookie value must be string"); if (typeof newCookie.path == "undefined") { newCookie.path = "/"; } let hostOnly = false; if (typeof newCookie.domain == "undefined") { hostOnly = true; newCookie.domain = restrictToHost; } lazy.assert.string(newCookie.domain, "Cookie domain must be string"); if (newCookie.domain.substring(0, 1) === ".") { newCookie.domain = newCookie.domain.substring(1); } if (typeof newCookie.secure == "undefined") { newCookie.secure = false; } if (typeof newCookie.httpOnly == "undefined") { newCookie.httpOnly = false; } if (typeof newCookie.expiry == "undefined") { // The XPCOM interface requires the expiry field even for session cookies. newCookie.expiry = Number.MAX_SAFE_INTEGER; newCookie.session = true; } else { newCookie.session = false; } newCookie.sameSite = SAMESITE_MAP.get(newCookie.sameSite || "None"); let isIpAddress = false; try { Services.eTLD.getPublicSuffixFromHost(newCookie.domain); } catch (e) { switch (e.result) { case Cr.NS_ERROR_HOST_IS_IP_ADDRESS: isIpAddress = true; break; default: throw new lazy.error.InvalidCookieDomainError(newCookie.domain); } } if (!hostOnly && !isIpAddress) { // only store this as a domain cookie if the domain was specified in the // request and it wasn't an IP address. newCookie.domain = "." + newCookie.domain; } if (restrictToHost) { if ( !restrictToHost.endsWith(newCookie.domain) && "." + restrictToHost !== newCookie.domain && restrictToHost !== newCookie.domain ) { throw new lazy.error.InvalidCookieDomainError( `Cookies may only be set ` + `for the current domain (${restrictToHost})` ); } } let schemeType = Ci.nsICookie.SCHEME_UNSET; switch (protocol) { case "http:": schemeType = Ci.nsICookie.SCHEME_HTTP; break; case "https:": schemeType = Ci.nsICookie.SCHEME_HTTPS; break; default: // Any other protocol that is supported by the cookie service. break; } // remove port from domain, if present. // unfortunately this catches IPv6 addresses by mistake // TODO: Bug 814416 newCookie.domain = newCookie.domain.replace(IPV4_PORT_EXPR, ""); try { cookie.manager.add( newCookie.domain, newCookie.path, newCookie.name, newCookie.value, newCookie.secure, newCookie.httpOnly, newCookie.session, newCookie.expiry, {} /* origin attributes */, newCookie.sameSite, schemeType ); } catch (e) { throw new lazy.error.UnableToSetCookieError(e); } }; /** * Remove cookie from the cookie store. * * @param {Cookie} toDelete * Cookie to remove. */ cookie.remove = function(toDelete) { cookie.manager.remove( toDelete.domain, toDelete.name, toDelete.path, {} /* originAttributes */ ); }; /** * Iterates over the cookies for the current ``host``. You may * optionally filter for specific paths on that ``host`` by specifying * a path in ``currentPath``. * * @param {string} host * Hostname to retrieve cookies for. * @param {string=} [currentPath="/"] currentPath * Optionally filter the cookies for ``host`` for the specific path. * Defaults to ``/``, meaning all cookies for ``host`` are included. * * @return {Iterable.} * Iterator. */ cookie.iter = function*(host, currentPath = "/") { lazy.assert.string(host, "host must be string"); lazy.assert.string(currentPath, "currentPath must be string"); const isForCurrentPath = path => currentPath.includes(path); let cookies = cookie.manager.getCookiesFromHost(host, {}); for (let cookie of cookies) { // take the hostname and progressively shorten let hostname = host; do { if ( (cookie.host == "." + hostname || cookie.host == hostname) && isForCurrentPath(cookie.path) ) { let data = { name: cookie.name, value: cookie.value, path: cookie.path, domain: cookie.host, secure: cookie.isSecure, httpOnly: cookie.isHttpOnly, }; if (!cookie.isSession) { data.expiry = cookie.expiry; } data.sameSite = [...SAMESITE_MAP].find( ([, value]) => cookie.sameSite === value )[0]; yield data; } hostname = hostname.replace(/^.*?\./, ""); } while (hostname.includes(".")); } };