/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this * file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. */ /* eslint-disable no-restricted-globals */ import { XPCOMUtils } from "resource://gre/modules/XPCOMUtils.sys.mjs"; const lazy = {}; ChromeUtils.defineESModuleGetters(lazy, { keyData: "chrome://remote/content/shared/webdriver/KeyData.sys.mjs", }); /** Provides functionality for creating and sending DOM events. */ export const event = {}; XPCOMUtils.defineLazyGetter(lazy, "dblclickTimer", () => { return Cc["@mozilla.org/timer;1"].createInstance(Ci.nsITimer); }); const _eventUtils = new WeakMap(); function _getEventUtils(win) { if (!_eventUtils.has(win)) { const eventUtilsObject = { window: win, parent: win, _EU_Ci: Ci, _EU_Cc: Cc, }; Services.scriptloader.loadSubScript( "chrome://remote/content/external/EventUtils.js", eventUtilsObject ); _eventUtils.set(win, eventUtilsObject); } return _eventUtils.get(win); } // Max interval between two clicks that should result in a dblclick (in ms) const DBLCLICK_INTERVAL = 640; event.MouseEvents = { click: 0, dblclick: 1, mousedown: 2, mouseup: 3, mouseover: 4, mouseout: 5, }; event.Modifiers = { shiftKey: 0, ctrlKey: 1, altKey: 2, metaKey: 3, }; event.MouseButton = { isPrimary(button) { return button === 0; }, isAuxiliary(button) { return button === 1; }, isSecondary(button) { return button === 2; }, }; event.DoubleClickTracker = { firstClick: false, isClicked() { return event.DoubleClickTracker.firstClick; }, setClick() { if (!event.DoubleClickTracker.firstClick) { event.DoubleClickTracker.firstClick = true; event.DoubleClickTracker.startTimer(); } }, resetClick() { event.DoubleClickTracker.firstClick = false; event.DoubleClickTracker.cancelTimer(); }, startTimer() { lazy.dblclickTimer.initWithCallback( event.DoubleClickTracker.resetClick, DBLCLICK_INTERVAL, Ci.nsITimer.TYPE_ONE_SHOT ); }, cancelTimer() { lazy.dblclickTimer.cancel(); }, }; // Only used by legacyactions.js event.parseModifiers_ = function(modifiers, win) { return _getEventUtils(win)._parseModifiers(modifiers); }; /** * Synthesise a mouse event at a point. * * If the type is specified in opts, an mouse event of that type is * fired. Otherwise, a mousedown followed by a mouseup is performed. * * @param {number} left * Offset from viewport left, in CSS pixels * @param {number} top * Offset from viewport top, in CSS pixels * @param {Object} opts * Object which may contain the properties "shiftKey", "ctrlKey", * "altKey", "metaKey", "accessKey", "clickCount", "button", and * "type". * @param {Window} win * Window object. * * @return {boolean} defaultPrevented */ event.synthesizeMouseAtPoint = function(left, top, opts, win) { return _getEventUtils(win).synthesizeMouseAtPoint(left, top, opts, win); }; /** * Synthesise a touch event at a point. * * If the type is specified in opts, a touch event of that type is * fired. Otherwise, a touchstart followed by a touchend is performed. * * @param {number} left * Offset from viewport left, in CSS pixels * @param {number} top * Offset from viewport top, in CSS pixels * @param {Object} opts * Object which may contain the properties "id", "rx", "ry", "angle", * "force", "shiftKey", "ctrlKey", "altKey", "metaKey", "accessKey", * "type". * @param {Window} win * Window object. * * @return {boolean} defaultPrevented */ event.synthesizeTouchAtPoint = function(left, top, opts, win) { return _getEventUtils(win).synthesizeTouchAtPoint(left, top, opts, win); }; /** * Synthesise a wheel scroll event at a point. * * @param {number} left * Offset from viewport left, in CSS pixels * @param {number} top * Offset from viewport top, in CSS pixels * @param {Object} opts * Object which may contain the properties "shiftKey", "ctrlKey", * "altKey", "metaKey", "accessKey", "deltaX", "deltaY", "deltaZ", * "deltaMode", "lineOrPageDeltaX", "lineOrPageDeltaY", "isMomentum", * "isNoLineOrPageDelta", "isCustomizedByPrefs", "expectedOverflowDeltaX", * "expectedOverflowDeltaY" * @param {Window} win * Window object. */ event.synthesizeWheelAtPoint = function(left, top, opts, win) { return _getEventUtils(win).synthesizeWheelAtPoint(left, top, opts, win); }; event.synthesizeMultiTouch = function(opts, win) { const modifiers = _getEventUtils(win)._parseModifiers(opts); win.windowUtils.sendTouchEvent( opts.type, opts.id, opts.x, opts.y, opts.rx, opts.ry, opts.angle, opts.force, opts.tiltx, opts.tilty, opts.twist, modifiers ); }; /** * Synthesize a keydown event for a single key. * * @param {Object} key * Key data as returned by keyData.getData * @param {Window} win * Window object. */ event.sendKeyDown = function(key, win) { event.sendSingleKey(key, win, "keydown"); }; /** * Synthesize a keyup event for a single key. * * @param {Object} key * Key data as returned by keyData.getData * @param {Window} win * Window object. */ event.sendKeyUp = function(key, win) { event.sendSingleKey(key, win, "keyup"); }; /** * Synthesize a key event for a single key. * * @param {Object} key * Key data as returned by keyData.getData * @param {Window} win * Window object. * @param {string=} type * Event to emit. By default the full keydown/keypressed/keyup event * sequence is emitted. */ event.sendSingleKey = function(key, win, type = null) { let keyValue = key.key; if (!key.printable) { keyValue = `KEY_${keyValue}`; } const event = { code: key.code, location: key.location, altKey: key.altKey ?? false, shiftKey: key.shiftKey ?? false, ctrlKey: key.ctrlKey ?? false, metaKey: key.metaKey ?? false, repeat: key.repeat ?? false, }; if (type) { event.type = type; } _getEventUtils(win).synthesizeKey(keyValue, event, win); }; /** * Send a string as a series of keypresses. * * @param {string} keyString * Sequence of characters to send as key presses * @param {Window} win * Window object */ event.sendKeys = function(keyString, win) { const modifiers = {}; for (let modifier in event.Modifiers) { modifiers[modifier] = false; } for (let i = 0; i < keyString.length; i++) { let keyValue = keyString.charAt(i); if (modifiers.shiftKey) { keyValue = lazy.keyData.getShiftedKey(keyValue); } const data = lazy.keyData.getData(keyValue); const key = { ...data, ...modifiers }; if (data.modifier) { modifiers[data.modifier] = true; } event.sendSingleKey(key, win); } }; event.sendEvent = function(eventType, el, modifiers = {}, opts = {}) { opts.canBubble = opts.canBubble || true; let doc = el.ownerDocument || el.document; let ev = doc.createEvent("Event"); ev.shiftKey = modifiers.shift; ev.metaKey = modifiers.meta; ev.altKey = modifiers.alt; ev.ctrlKey = modifiers.ctrl; ev.initEvent(eventType, opts.canBubble, true); el.dispatchEvent(ev); }; event.mouseover = function(el, modifiers = {}, opts = {}) { return event.sendEvent("mouseover", el, modifiers, opts); }; event.mousemove = function(el, modifiers = {}, opts = {}) { return event.sendEvent("mousemove", el, modifiers, opts); }; event.mousedown = function(el, modifiers = {}, opts = {}) { return event.sendEvent("mousedown", el, modifiers, opts); }; event.mouseup = function(el, modifiers = {}, opts = {}) { return event.sendEvent("mouseup", el, modifiers, opts); }; event.click = function(el, modifiers = {}, opts = {}) { return event.sendEvent("click", el, modifiers, opts); }; event.change = function(el, modifiers = {}, opts = {}) { return event.sendEvent("change", el, modifiers, opts); }; event.input = function(el, modifiers = {}, opts = {}) { return event.sendEvent("input", el, modifiers, opts); };