/* -*- tab-width: 2; indent-tabs-mode: nil; js-indent-level: 2 -*- * * This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this * file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. */ /* import-globals-from pippki.js */ "use strict"; const { asn1js } = ChromeUtils.import( "chrome://global/content/certviewer/asn1js_bundle.jsm" ); const { pkijs } = ChromeUtils.import( "chrome://global/content/certviewer/pkijs_bundle.jsm" ); const { pvutils } = ChromeUtils.import( "chrome://global/content/certviewer/pvutils_bundle.jsm" ); const { Integer, fromBER } = asn1js.asn1js; const { Certificate } = pkijs.pkijs; const { fromBase64, stringToArrayBuffer } = pvutils.pvutils; const { certDecoderInitializer } = ChromeUtils.import( "chrome://global/content/certviewer/certDecoder.jsm" ); const { parse, pemToDER } = certDecoderInitializer( Integer, fromBER, Certificate, fromBase64, stringToArrayBuffer, crypto ); /** * @file Implements the functionality of clientauthask.xhtml: a dialog that allows * a user pick a client certificate for TLS client authentication. * @param {string} window.arguments.0 * The hostname of the server requesting client authentication. * @param {string} window.arguments.1 * The Organization of the server cert. * @param {string} window.arguments.2 * The Organization of the issuer of the server cert. * @param {number} window.arguments.3 * The port of the server. * @param {nsISupports} window.arguments.4 * List of certificates the user can choose from, queryable to * nsIArray. * @param {nsISupports} window.arguments.5 * Object to set the return values of calling the dialog on, queryable * to the underlying type of ClientAuthAskReturnValues. */ /** * @typedef ClientAuthAskReturnValues * @type {nsIWritablePropertyBag2} * @property {boolean} certChosen * Set to true if the user chose a cert and accepted the dialog, false * otherwise. * @property {boolean} rememberSelection * Set to true if the user wanted their cert selection to be * remembered, false otherwise. * @property {number} selectedIndex * The index the chosen cert is at for the given cert list. Undefined * value if |certChosen| is not true. */ /** * The pippki element. * * @type {stringbundle} * @see {@link toolkit/content/widgets/stringbundle.js} */ var bundle; /** * The array of certs the user can choose from. * * @type {nsIArray} */ var certArray; /** * The checkbox storing whether the user wants to remember the selected cert. * * @type {HTMLInputElement} Element checkbox, has to have |checked| property. */ var rememberBox; async function onLoad() { bundle = document.getElementById("pippki_bundle"); let rememberSetting = Services.prefs.getBoolPref( "security.remember_cert_checkbox_default_setting" ); rememberBox = document.getElementById("rememberBox"); rememberBox.label = bundle.getString("clientAuthRemember"); rememberBox.checked = rememberSetting; let hostname = window.arguments[0]; let org = window.arguments[1]; let issuerOrg = window.arguments[2]; let port = window.arguments[3]; let formattedOrg = bundle.getFormattedString("clientAuthMessage1", [org]); let formattedIssuerOrg = bundle.getFormattedString("clientAuthMessage2", [ issuerOrg, ]); let formattedHostnameAndPort = bundle.getFormattedString( "clientAuthHostnameAndPort", [hostname, port.toString()] ); setText("hostname", formattedHostnameAndPort); setText("organization", formattedOrg); setText("issuer", formattedIssuerOrg); let selectElement = document.getElementById("nicknames"); certArray = window.arguments[4].QueryInterface(Ci.nsIArray); for (let i = 0; i < certArray.length; i++) { let menuItemNode = document.createXULElement("menuitem"); let cert = certArray.queryElementAt(i, Ci.nsIX509Cert); let nickAndSerial = bundle.getFormattedString("clientAuthNickAndSerial", [ cert.displayName, cert.serialNumber, ]); menuItemNode.setAttribute("value", i); menuItemNode.setAttribute("label", nickAndSerial); // This is displayed. selectElement.menupopup.appendChild(menuItemNode); if (i == 0) { selectElement.selectedItem = menuItemNode; } } await setDetails(); document.addEventListener("dialogaccept", doOK); document.addEventListener("dialogcancel", doCancel); Services.obs.notifyObservers( document.getElementById("certAuthAsk"), "cert-dialog-loaded" ); } /** * Populates the details section with information concerning the selected cert. */ async function setDetails() { let index = parseInt(document.getElementById("nicknames").value); let cert = certArray.queryElementAt(index, Ci.nsIX509Cert); const formatter = new Intl.DateTimeFormat(undefined, { dateStyle: "medium", timeStyle: "long", }); let detailLines = [ bundle.getFormattedString("clientAuthIssuedTo", [cert.subjectName]), bundle.getFormattedString("clientAuthSerial", [cert.serialNumber]), bundle.getFormattedString("clientAuthValidityPeriod", [ formatter.format(new Date(cert.validity.notBefore / 1000)), formatter.format(new Date(cert.validity.notAfter / 1000)), ]), ]; let parsedCert = await parse(pemToDER(cert.getBase64DERString())); let keyUsages = parsedCert.ext.keyUsages; if (keyUsages && keyUsages.purposes.length) { detailLines.push( bundle.getFormattedString("clientAuthKeyUsages", [keyUsages.purposes]) ); } let emailAddresses = cert.getEmailAddresses(); if (emailAddresses.length) { let joinedAddresses = emailAddresses.join(", "); detailLines.push( bundle.getFormattedString("clientAuthEmailAddresses", [joinedAddresses]) ); } detailLines.push( bundle.getFormattedString("clientAuthIssuedBy", [cert.issuerName]) ); detailLines.push( bundle.getFormattedString("clientAuthStoredOn", [cert.tokenName]) ); document.getElementById("details").value = detailLines.join("\n"); } async function onCertSelected() { await setDetails(); } function doOK() { let retVals = window.arguments[5].QueryInterface(Ci.nsIWritablePropertyBag2); retVals.setPropertyAsBool("certChosen", true); let index = parseInt(document.getElementById("nicknames").value); retVals.setPropertyAsUint32("selectedIndex", index); retVals.setPropertyAsBool("rememberSelection", rememberBox.checked); } function doCancel() { let retVals = window.arguments[5].QueryInterface(Ci.nsIWritablePropertyBag2); retVals.setPropertyAsBool("certChosen", false); retVals.setPropertyAsBool("rememberSelection", rememberBox.checked); }