// -*- indent-tabs-mode: nil; js-indent-level: 2 -*- // This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public // License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this // file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. "use strict"; // Checks that RSA certs with key sizes below 1024 bits are rejected. // Checks that ECC certs using curves other than the NIST P-256, P-384 or P-521 // curves are rejected. do_get_profile(); // must be called before getting nsIX509CertDB const certdb = Cc["@mozilla.org/security/x509certdb;1"].getService( Ci.nsIX509CertDB ); /** * Tests a cert chain. * * @param {string} rootKeyType * The key type of the root certificate, or the name of an elliptic * curve, as output by the 'openssl ecparam -list_curves' command. * @param {number} rootKeySize * @param {string} intKeyType * @param {number} intKeySize * @param {string} eeKeyType * @param {number} eeKeySize * @param {PRErrorCode} eeExpectedError * @returns {Promise} a promise that will resolve when the verification has * completed */ function checkChain( rootKeyType, rootKeySize, intKeyType, intKeySize, eeKeyType, eeKeySize, eeExpectedError ) { let rootName = "root_" + rootKeyType + "_" + rootKeySize; let intName = "int_" + intKeyType + "_" + intKeySize; let eeName = "ee_" + eeKeyType + "_" + eeKeySize; let intFullName = intName + "-" + rootName; let eeFullName = eeName + "-" + intName + "-" + rootName; addCertFromFile(certdb, `test_keysize/${rootName}.pem`, "CTu,CTu,CTu"); addCertFromFile(certdb, `test_keysize/${intFullName}.pem`, ",,"); let eeCert = constructCertFromFile(`test_keysize/${eeFullName}.pem`); info("cert o=" + eeCert.organization); info("cert issuer o=" + eeCert.issuerOrganization); return checkCertErrorGeneric( certdb, eeCert, eeExpectedError, certificateUsageSSLServer ); } /** * Tests various RSA chains. * * @param {number} inadequateKeySize * @param {number} adequateKeySize */ async function checkRSAChains(inadequateKeySize, adequateKeySize) { // Chain with certs that have adequate sizes for DV await checkChain( "rsa", adequateKeySize, "rsa", adequateKeySize, "rsa", adequateKeySize, PRErrorCodeSuccess ); // Chain with a root cert that has an inadequate size for DV await checkChain( "rsa", inadequateKeySize, "rsa", adequateKeySize, "rsa", adequateKeySize, MOZILLA_PKIX_ERROR_INADEQUATE_KEY_SIZE ); // Chain with an intermediate cert that has an inadequate size for DV await checkChain( "rsa", adequateKeySize, "rsa", inadequateKeySize, "rsa", adequateKeySize, MOZILLA_PKIX_ERROR_INADEQUATE_KEY_SIZE ); // Chain with an end entity cert that has an inadequate size for DV await checkChain( "rsa", adequateKeySize, "rsa", adequateKeySize, "rsa", inadequateKeySize, MOZILLA_PKIX_ERROR_INADEQUATE_KEY_SIZE ); } async function checkECCChains() { await checkChain( "secp256r1", 256, "secp384r1", 384, "secp521r1", 521, PRErrorCodeSuccess ); await checkChain( "secp256r1", 256, "secp224r1", 224, "secp256r1", 256, SEC_ERROR_UNSUPPORTED_ELLIPTIC_CURVE ); await checkChain( "secp256r1", 256, "secp256r1", 256, "secp224r1", 224, SEC_ERROR_UNSUPPORTED_ELLIPTIC_CURVE ); await checkChain( "secp224r1", 224, "secp256r1", 256, "secp256r1", 256, SEC_ERROR_UNSUPPORTED_ELLIPTIC_CURVE ); await checkChain( "secp256r1", 256, "secp256r1", 256, "secp256k1", 256, SEC_ERROR_UNSUPPORTED_ELLIPTIC_CURVE ); await checkChain( "secp256k1", 256, "secp256r1", 256, "secp256r1", 256, SEC_ERROR_UNSUPPORTED_ELLIPTIC_CURVE ); } async function checkCombinationChains() { await checkChain( "rsa", 2048, "secp256r1", 256, "secp384r1", 384, PRErrorCodeSuccess ); await checkChain( "rsa", 2048, "secp256r1", 256, "secp224r1", 224, SEC_ERROR_UNSUPPORTED_ELLIPTIC_CURVE ); await checkChain( "secp256r1", 256, "rsa", 1016, "secp256r1", 256, MOZILLA_PKIX_ERROR_INADEQUATE_KEY_SIZE ); } add_task(async function() { await checkRSAChains(1016, 1024); await checkECCChains(); await checkCombinationChains(); });