// -*- indent-tabs-mode: nil; js-indent-level: 2 -*- // Any copyright is dedicated to the Public Domain. // http://creativecommons.org/publicdomain/zero/1.0/ "use strict"; // Tests that chains containing an end-entity cert with an overly long validity // period are rejected. do_get_profile(); // Must be called before getting nsIX509CertDB const certDB = Cc["@mozilla.org/security/x509certdb;1"].getService( Ci.nsIX509CertDB ); const SERVER_PORT = 8888; function getOCSPResponder(expectedCertNames) { let expectedPaths = expectedCertNames.slice(); return startOCSPResponder( SERVER_PORT, "www.example.com", "test_validity", expectedCertNames, expectedPaths ); } function certFromFile(filename) { return constructCertFromFile(`test_validity/${filename}`); } function loadCert(certFilename, trustString) { addCertFromFile(certDB, `test_validity/${certFilename}`, trustString); } /** * Asynchronously runs a single EV test. * * @param {Array} expectedNamesForOCSP * An array of nicknames of the certs to be responded to. * @param {string} rootCertFileName * The file name of the root cert. Can begin with ".." to reference * certs in folders other than "test_validity/". * @param {Array} intCertFileNames * An array of file names of any intermediate certificates. * @param {string} endEntityCertFileName * The file name of the end entity cert. * @param {boolean} expectedResult * Whether the chain is expected to validate as EV. */ async function doEVTest( expectedNamesForOCSP, rootCertFileName, intCertFileNames, endEntityCertFileName, expectedResult ) { clearOCSPCache(); let ocspResponder = getOCSPResponder(expectedNamesForOCSP); loadCert(`${rootCertFileName}.pem`, "CTu,CTu,CTu"); for (let intCertFileName of intCertFileNames) { loadCert(`${intCertFileName}.pem`, ",,"); } await checkEVStatus( certDB, certFromFile(`${endEntityCertFileName}.pem`), certificateUsageSSLServer, expectedResult ); await stopOCSPResponder(ocspResponder); } async function checkEVChains() { // Chain with an end entity cert with a validity period that is acceptable // for EV. const intFullName = "ev_int_60_months-evroot"; let eeFullName = `ev_ee_27_months-${intFullName}`; let expectedNamesForOCSP = [eeFullName]; await doEVTest( expectedNamesForOCSP, "../test_ev_certs/evroot", [intFullName], eeFullName, gEVExpected ); // Chain with an end entity cert with a validity period that is too long // for EV. eeFullName = `ev_ee_28_months-${intFullName}`; expectedNamesForOCSP = [eeFullName]; await doEVTest( expectedNamesForOCSP, "../test_ev_certs/evroot", [intFullName], eeFullName, false ); } add_task(async function() { Services.prefs.setCharPref("network.dns.localDomains", "www.example.com"); Services.prefs.setIntPref("security.OCSP.enabled", 1); await checkEVChains(); });