/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this * file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. */ "use strict"; /* * This module is used in automation to connect the browser to * a specific FxA account and trigger FX Sync. * * To use it, you can call this sequence: * * initConfig("https://accounts.stage.mozaws.net"); * await Authentication.signIn(username, password); * await Sync.triggerSync(); * await Authentication.signOut(); * * * Where username is your FxA e-mail. it will connect your browser * to that account and trigger a Sync (on stage servers.) * * You can also use the convenience function that does everything: * * await triggerSync(username, password, "https://accounts.stage.mozaws.net"); * */ var EXPORTED_SYMBOLS = ["Sync", "Authentication", "initConfig", "triggerSync"]; const { XPCOMUtils } = ChromeUtils.importESModule( "resource://gre/modules/XPCOMUtils.sys.mjs" ); const lazy = {}; ChromeUtils.defineESModuleGetters(lazy, { Log: "resource://gre/modules/Log.sys.mjs", clearTimeout: "resource://gre/modules/Timer.sys.mjs", setTimeout: "resource://gre/modules/Timer.sys.mjs", }); XPCOMUtils.defineLazyModuleGetters(lazy, { Weave: "resource://services-sync/main.js", Svc: "resource://services-sync/util.js", FxAccountsClient: "resource://gre/modules/FxAccountsClient.jsm", FxAccountsConfig: "resource://gre/modules/FxAccountsConfig.jsm", OS: "resource://gre/modules/osfile.jsm", }); XPCOMUtils.defineLazyGetter(lazy, "fxAccounts", () => { return ChromeUtils.import( "resource://gre/modules/FxAccounts.jsm" ).getFxAccountsSingleton(); }); const AUTOCONFIG_PREF = "identity.fxaccounts.autoconfig.uri"; /* * Log helpers. */ var _LOG = []; function LOG(msg, error) { console.debug(msg); _LOG.push(msg); if (error) { console.debug(JSON.stringify(error)); _LOG.push(JSON.stringify(error)); } } function dumpLogs() { let res = _LOG.join("\n"); _LOG = []; return res; } function promiseObserver(aEventName) { LOG("wait for " + aEventName); return new Promise(resolve => { let handler = () => { lazy.Svc.Obs.remove(aEventName, handler); resolve(); }; let handlerTimeout = () => { lazy.Svc.Obs.remove(aEventName, handler); LOG("handler timed out " + aEventName); resolve(); }; lazy.Svc.Obs.add(aEventName, handler); lazy.setTimeout(handlerTimeout, 3000); }); } /* * Authentication * * Used to sign in an FxA account, takes care of * the e-mail verification flow. * * Usage: * * await Authentication.signIn(username, password); */ var Authentication = { async isLoggedIn() { return !!(await this.getSignedInUser()); }, async isReady() { let user = await this.getSignedInUser(); if (user) { LOG("current user " + JSON.stringify(user)); } return user && user.verified; }, async getSignedInUser() { try { return await lazy.fxAccounts.getSignedInUser(); } catch (error) { LOG("getSignedInUser() failed", error); throw error; } }, async shortWaitForVerification(ms) { LOG("shortWaitForVerification"); let userData = await this.getSignedInUser(); let timeoutID; LOG("set a timeout"); let timeoutPromise = new Promise(resolve => { timeoutID = lazy.setTimeout(() => { LOG(`Warning: no verification after ${ms}ms.`); resolve(); }, ms); }); LOG("set a fxAccounts.whenVerified"); await Promise.race([ lazy.fxAccounts .whenVerified(userData) .finally(() => lazy.clearTimeout(timeoutID)), timeoutPromise, ]); LOG("done"); return this.isReady(); }, async _confirmUser(uri) { LOG("Open new tab and load verification page"); let mainWindow = Services.wm.getMostRecentWindow("navigator:browser"); let newtab = mainWindow.gBrowser.addWebTab(uri); let win = mainWindow.gBrowser.getBrowserForTab(newtab); win.addEventListener("load", function(e) { LOG("load"); }); win.addEventListener("loadstart", function(e) { LOG("loadstart"); }); win.addEventListener("error", function(msg, url, lineNo, columnNo, error) { var string = msg.toLowerCase(); var substring = "script error"; if (string.indexOf(substring) > -1) { LOG("Script Error: See Browser Console for Detail"); } else { var message = [ "Message: " + msg, "URL: " + url, "Line: " + lineNo, "Column: " + columnNo, "Error object: " + JSON.stringify(error), ].join(" - "); LOG(message); } }); LOG("wait for page to load"); await new Promise(resolve => { let handlerTimeout = () => { LOG("timed out "); resolve(); }; var timer = lazy.setTimeout(handlerTimeout, 10000); win.addEventListener("loadend", function() { resolve(); lazy.clearTimeout(timer); }); }); LOG("Page Loaded"); let didVerify = await this.shortWaitForVerification(10000); LOG("remove tab"); mainWindow.gBrowser.removeTab(newtab); return didVerify; }, /* * This whole verification process may be bypassed if the * account is allow-listed. */ async _completeVerification(username) { LOG("Fetching mail (from restmail) for user " + username); let restmailURI = `https://www.restmail.net/mail/${encodeURIComponent( username )}`; let triedAlready = new Set(); const tries = 10; const normalWait = 4000; for (let i = 0; i < tries; ++i) { let resp = await fetch(restmailURI); let messages = await resp.json(); // Sort so that the most recent emails are first. messages.sort((a, b) => new Date(b.receivedAt) - new Date(a.receivedAt)); for (let m of messages) { // We look for a link that has a x-link that we haven't yet tried. if (!m.headers["x-link"] || triedAlready.has(m.headers["x-link"])) { continue; } if (!m.headers["x-verify-code"]) { continue; } let confirmLink = m.headers["x-link"]; triedAlready.add(confirmLink); LOG("Trying confirmation link " + confirmLink); try { if (await this._confirmUser(confirmLink)) { LOG("confirmation done"); return true; } LOG("confirmation failed"); } catch (e) { LOG( "Warning: Failed to follow confirmation link: " + lazy.Log.exceptionStr(e) ); } } if (i === 0) { // first time through after failing we'll do this. LOG("resendVerificationEmail"); await lazy.fxAccounts.resendVerificationEmail(); } if (await this.shortWaitForVerification(normalWait)) { return true; } } // One last try. return this.shortWaitForVerification(normalWait); }, async signIn(username, password) { LOG("Login user: " + username); try { // Required here since we don't go through the real login page LOG("Calling FxAccountsConfig.ensureConfigured"); await lazy.FxAccountsConfig.ensureConfigured(); let client = new lazy.FxAccountsClient(); LOG("Signing in"); let credentials = await client.signIn(username, password, true); LOG("Signed in, setting up the signed user in fxAccounts"); await lazy.fxAccounts._internal.setSignedInUser(credentials); // If the account is not allow-listed for tests, we need to verify it if (!credentials.verified) { LOG("We need to verify the account"); await this._completeVerification(username); } else { LOG("Credentials already verified"); } return true; } catch (error) { LOG("signIn() failed", error); throw error; } }, async signOut() { if (await Authentication.isLoggedIn()) { // Note: This will clean up the device ID. await lazy.fxAccounts.signOut(); } }, }; /* * Sync * * Used to trigger sync. * * usage: * * await Sync.triggerSync(); */ var Sync = { getSyncLogsDirectory() { return lazy.OS.Path.join( lazy.OS.Constants.Path.profileDir, ...["weave", "logs"] ); }, async init() { lazy.Svc.Obs.add("weave:service:sync:error", this); lazy.Svc.Obs.add("weave:service:setup-complete", this); lazy.Svc.Obs.add("weave:service:tracking-started", this); // Delay the automatic sync operations, so we can trigger it manually lazy.Weave.Svc.Prefs.set("scheduler.immediateInterval", 7200); lazy.Weave.Svc.Prefs.set("scheduler.idleInterval", 7200); lazy.Weave.Svc.Prefs.set("scheduler.activeInterval", 7200); lazy.Weave.Svc.Prefs.set("syncThreshold", 10000000); // Wipe all the logs await this.wipeLogs(); }, observe(subject, topic, data) { LOG("Event received " + topic); }, async configureSync() { // todo, enable all sync engines here // the addon engine requires kinto creds... LOG("configuring sync"); console.assert(await Authentication.isReady(), "You are not connected"); await lazy.Weave.Service.configure(); if (!lazy.Weave.Status.ready) { await promiseObserver("weave:service:ready"); } if (lazy.Weave.Service.locked) { await promiseObserver("weave:service:resyncs-finished"); } }, /* * triggerSync() runs the whole process of Syncing. * * returns 1 on success, 0 on failure. */ async triggerSync() { if (!(await Authentication.isLoggedIn())) { LOG("Not connected"); return 1; } await this.init(); let result = 1; try { await this.configureSync(); LOG("Triggering a sync"); await lazy.Weave.Service.sync(); // wait a second for things to settle... await new Promise(resolve => lazy.setTimeout(resolve, 1000)); LOG("Sync done"); result = 0; } catch (error) { LOG("triggerSync() failed", error); } return result; }, async wipeLogs() { let outputDirectory = this.getSyncLogsDirectory(); if (!(await lazy.OS.File.exists(outputDirectory))) { return; } LOG("Wiping existing Sync logs"); try { let iterator = new lazy.OS.File.DirectoryIterator(outputDirectory); await iterator.forEach(async entry => { try { await lazy.OS.File.remove(entry.path); } catch (error) { LOG("wipeLogs() could not remove " + entry.path, error); } }); } catch (error) { LOG("wipeLogs() failed", error); } }, async getLogs() { let outputDirectory = this.getSyncLogsDirectory(); let entries = []; if (await lazy.OS.File.exists(outputDirectory)) { // Iterate through the directory let iterator = new lazy.OS.File.DirectoryIterator(outputDirectory); await iterator.forEach(async entry => { let info = await lazy.OS.File.stat(entry.path); entries.push({ path: entry.path, name: entry.name, lastModificationDate: info.lastModificationDate, }); }); entries.sort(function(a, b) { return b.lastModificationDate - a.lastModificationDate; }); } const promises = entries.map(async entry => { let content = await lazy.OS.File.read(entry.path, { encoding: "utf-8", }); return { name: entry.name, content, }; }); return Promise.all(promises); }, }; function initConfig(autoconfig) { Services.prefs.setCharPref(AUTOCONFIG_PREF, autoconfig); } async function triggerSync(username, password, autoconfig) { initConfig(autoconfig); await Authentication.signIn(username, password); var result = await Sync.triggerSync(); await Authentication.signOut(); var logs = { sync: await Sync.getLogs(), condprof: [ { name: "console.txt", content: dumpLogs(), }, ], }; return { result, logs, }; }