// This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public // License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this // file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. "use strict"; const { log, PREF_REMOTE_PAIRING_URI, COMMAND_PAIR_SUPP_METADATA, COMMAND_PAIR_AUTHORIZE, COMMAND_PAIR_DECLINE, COMMAND_PAIR_HEARTBEAT, COMMAND_PAIR_COMPLETE, } = ChromeUtils.import("resource://gre/modules/FxAccountsCommon.js"); const { getFxAccountsSingleton, FxAccounts } = ChromeUtils.import( "resource://gre/modules/FxAccounts.jsm" ); const fxAccounts = getFxAccountsSingleton(); const { setTimeout, clearTimeout } = ChromeUtils.importESModule( "resource://gre/modules/Timer.sys.mjs" ); ChromeUtils.import("resource://services-common/utils.js"); const lazy = {}; ChromeUtils.defineModuleGetter( lazy, "Weave", "resource://services-sync/main.js" ); ChromeUtils.defineModuleGetter( lazy, "jwcrypto", "resource://services-crypto/jwcrypto.jsm" ); ChromeUtils.defineModuleGetter( lazy, "FxAccountsPairingChannel", "resource://gre/modules/FxAccountsPairingChannel.js" ); const PAIRING_REDIRECT_URI = "urn:ietf:wg:oauth:2.0:oob:pair-auth-webchannel"; // A pairing flow is not tied to a specific browser window, can also finish in // various ways and subsequently might leak a Web Socket, so just in case we // time out and free-up the resources after a specified amount of time. const FLOW_TIMEOUT_MS = 15 * 60 * 1000; // 15 minutes. class PairingStateMachine { constructor(emitter) { this._emitter = emitter; this._transition(SuppConnectionPending); } get currentState() { return this._currentState; } _transition(StateCtor, ...args) { const state = new StateCtor(this, ...args); this._currentState = state; } assertState(RequiredStates, messagePrefix = null) { if (!(RequiredStates instanceof Array)) { RequiredStates = [RequiredStates]; } if ( !RequiredStates.some( RequiredState => this._currentState instanceof RequiredState ) ) { const msg = `${ messagePrefix ? `${messagePrefix}. ` : "" }Valid expected states: ${RequiredStates.map(({ name }) => name).join( ", " )}. Current state: ${this._currentState.label}.`; throw new Error(msg); } } } /** * The pairing flow can be modeled by a finite state machine: * We start by connecting to a WebSocket channel (SuppConnectionPending). * Then the other party connects and requests some metadata from us (PendingConfirmations). * A confirmation happens locally first (PendingRemoteConfirmation) * or the oppposite (PendingLocalConfirmation). * Any side can decline this confirmation (Aborted). * Once both sides have confirmed, the pairing flow is finished (Completed). * During this flow errors can happen and should be handled (Errored). */ class State { constructor(stateMachine, ...args) { this._transition = (...args) => stateMachine._transition(...args); this._notify = (...args) => stateMachine._emitter.emit(...args); this.init(...args); } init() { /* Does nothing by default but can be re-implemented. */ } get label() { return this.constructor.name; } hasErrored(error) { this._notify("view:Error", error); this._transition(Errored, error); } hasAborted() { this._transition(Aborted); } } class SuppConnectionPending extends State { suppConnected(sender, oauthOptions) { this._transition(PendingConfirmations, sender, oauthOptions); } } class PendingConfirmationsState extends State { localConfirmed() { throw new Error("Subclasses must implement this method."); } remoteConfirmed() { throw new Error("Subclasses must implement this method."); } } class PendingConfirmations extends PendingConfirmationsState { init(sender, oauthOptions) { this.sender = sender; this.oauthOptions = oauthOptions; } localConfirmed() { this._transition(PendingRemoteConfirmation); } remoteConfirmed() { this._transition(PendingLocalConfirmation, this.sender, this.oauthOptions); } } class PendingLocalConfirmation extends PendingConfirmationsState { init(sender, oauthOptions) { this.sender = sender; this.oauthOptions = oauthOptions; } localConfirmed() { this._transition(Completed); } remoteConfirmed() { throw new Error( "Insane state! Remote has already been confirmed at this point." ); } } class PendingRemoteConfirmation extends PendingConfirmationsState { localConfirmed() { throw new Error( "Insane state! Local has already been confirmed at this point." ); } remoteConfirmed() { this._transition(Completed); } } class Completed extends State {} class Aborted extends State {} class Errored extends State { init(error) { this.error = error; } } const flows = new Map(); class FxAccountsPairingFlow { static get(channelId) { return flows.get(channelId); } static finalizeAll() { for (const flow of flows) { flow.finalize(); } } static async start(options) { const { emitter } = options; const fxaConfig = options.fxaConfig || FxAccounts.config; const fxa = options.fxAccounts || fxAccounts; const weave = options.weave || lazy.Weave; const flowTimeout = options.flowTimeout || FLOW_TIMEOUT_MS; const contentPairingURI = await fxaConfig.promisePairingURI(); const wsUri = Services.urlFormatter.formatURLPref(PREF_REMOTE_PAIRING_URI); const pairingChannel = options.pairingChannel || (await lazy.FxAccountsPairingChannel.create(wsUri)); const { channelId, channelKey } = pairingChannel; const channelKeyB64 = ChromeUtils.base64URLEncode(channelKey, { pad: false, }); const pairingFlow = new FxAccountsPairingFlow({ channelId, pairingChannel, emitter, fxa, fxaConfig, flowTimeout, weave, }); flows.set(channelId, pairingFlow); return `${contentPairingURI}#channel_id=${channelId}&channel_key=${channelKeyB64}`; } constructor(options) { this._channelId = options.channelId; this._pairingChannel = options.pairingChannel; this._emitter = options.emitter; this._fxa = options.fxa; this._fxai = options.fxai || this._fxa._internal; this._fxaConfig = options.fxaConfig; this._weave = options.weave; this._stateMachine = new PairingStateMachine(this._emitter); this._setupListeners(); this._flowTimeoutId = setTimeout( () => this._onFlowTimeout(), options.flowTimeout ); } _onFlowTimeout() { log.warn(`The pairing flow ${this._channelId} timed out.`); this._onError(new Error("Timeout")); this.finalize(); } _closeChannel() { if (!this._closed && !this._pairingChannel.closed) { this._pairingChannel.close(); this._closed = true; } } finalize() { this._closeChannel(); clearTimeout(this._flowTimeoutId); // Free up resources and let the GC do its thing. flows.delete(this._channelId); } _setupListeners() { this._pairingChannel.addEventListener( "message", ({ detail: { sender, data } }) => this.onPairingChannelMessage(sender, data) ); this._pairingChannel.addEventListener("error", event => this._onPairingChannelError(event.detail.error) ); this._emitter.on("view:Closed", () => this.onPrefViewClosed()); } _onAbort() { this._stateMachine.currentState.hasAborted(); this.finalize(); } _onError(error) { this._stateMachine.currentState.hasErrored(error); this._closeChannel(); } _onPairingChannelError(error) { log.error("Pairing channel error", error); this._onError(error); } // Any non-falsy returned value is sent back through WebChannel. async onWebChannelMessage(command) { const stateMachine = this._stateMachine; const curState = stateMachine.currentState; try { switch (command) { case COMMAND_PAIR_SUPP_METADATA: stateMachine.assertState( [PendingConfirmations, PendingLocalConfirmation], `Wrong state for ${command}` ); const { ua, city, region, country, remote: ipAddress, } = curState.sender; return { ua, city, region, country, ipAddress }; case COMMAND_PAIR_AUTHORIZE: stateMachine.assertState( [PendingConfirmations, PendingLocalConfirmation], `Wrong state for ${command}` ); const { client_id, state, scope, code_challenge, code_challenge_method, keys_jwk, } = curState.oauthOptions; const authorizeParams = { client_id, access_type: "offline", state, scope, code_challenge, code_challenge_method, keys_jwk, }; const codeAndState = await this._authorizeOAuthCode(authorizeParams); if (codeAndState.state != state) { throw new Error(`OAuth state mismatch`); } await this._pairingChannel.send({ message: "pair:auth:authorize", data: { ...codeAndState, }, }); curState.localConfirmed(); break; case COMMAND_PAIR_DECLINE: this._onAbort(); break; case COMMAND_PAIR_HEARTBEAT: if (curState instanceof Errored || this._pairingChannel.closed) { return { err: curState.error.message || "Pairing channel closed" }; } const suppAuthorized = !( curState instanceof PendingConfirmations || curState instanceof PendingRemoteConfirmation ); return { suppAuthorized }; case COMMAND_PAIR_COMPLETE: this.finalize(); break; default: throw new Error(`Received unknown WebChannel command: ${command}`); } } catch (e) { log.error(e); curState.hasErrored(e); } return {}; } async onPairingChannelMessage(sender, payload) { const { message } = payload; const stateMachine = this._stateMachine; const curState = stateMachine.currentState; try { switch (message) { case "pair:supp:request": stateMachine.assertState( SuppConnectionPending, `Wrong state for ${message}` ); const oauthUri = await this._fxaConfig.promiseOAuthURI(); const { uid, email, avatar, displayName, } = await this._fxa.getSignedInUser(); const deviceName = this._weave.Service.clientsEngine.localName; await this._pairingChannel.send({ message: "pair:auth:metadata", data: { email, avatar, displayName, deviceName, }, }); const { client_id, state, scope, code_challenge, code_challenge_method, keys_jwk, } = payload.data; const url = new URL(oauthUri); url.searchParams.append("client_id", client_id); url.searchParams.append("scope", scope); url.searchParams.append("email", email); url.searchParams.append("uid", uid); url.searchParams.append("channel_id", this._channelId); url.searchParams.append("redirect_uri", PAIRING_REDIRECT_URI); this._emitter.emit("view:SwitchToWebContent", url.href); curState.suppConnected(sender, { client_id, state, scope, code_challenge, code_challenge_method, keys_jwk, }); break; case "pair:supp:authorize": stateMachine.assertState( [PendingConfirmations, PendingRemoteConfirmation], `Wrong state for ${message}` ); curState.remoteConfirmed(); break; default: throw new Error( `Received unknown Pairing Channel message: ${message}` ); } } catch (e) { log.error(e); curState.hasErrored(e); } } onPrefViewClosed() { const curState = this._stateMachine.currentState; // We don't want to stop the pairing process in the later stages. if ( curState instanceof SuppConnectionPending || curState instanceof Aborted || curState instanceof Errored ) { this.finalize(); } } /** * Grant an OAuth authorization code for the connecting client. * * @param {Object} options * @param options.client_id * @param options.state * @param options.scope * @param options.access_type * @param options.code_challenge_method * @param options.code_challenge * @param [options.keys_jwe] * @returns {Promise} Object containing "code" and "state" properties. */ _authorizeOAuthCode(options) { return this._fxa._withVerifiedAccountState(async state => { const { sessionToken } = await state.getUserAccountData(["sessionToken"]); const params = { ...options }; if (params.keys_jwk) { const jwk = JSON.parse( new TextDecoder().decode( ChromeUtils.base64URLDecode(params.keys_jwk, { padding: "reject" }) ) ); params.keys_jwe = await this._createKeysJWE( sessionToken, params.client_id, params.scope, jwk ); delete params.keys_jwk; } try { return await this._fxai.fxAccountsClient.oauthAuthorize( sessionToken, params ); } catch (err) { throw this._fxai._errorToErrorClass(err); } }); } /** * Create a JWE to deliver keys to another client via the OAuth scoped-keys flow. * * This method is used to transfer key material to another client, by providing * an appropriately-encrypted value for the `keys_jwe` OAuth response parameter. * Since we're transferring keys from one client to another, two things must be * true: * * * This client must actually have the key. * * The other client must be allowed to request that key. * * @param {String} sessionToken the sessionToken to use when fetching key metadata * @param {String} clientId the client requesting access to our keys * @param {String} scopes Space separated requested scopes being requested * @param {Object} jwk Ephemeral JWK provided by the client for secure key transfer */ async _createKeysJWE(sessionToken, clientId, scopes, jwk) { // This checks with the FxA server about what scopes the client is allowed. // Note that we pass the requesting client_id here, not our own client_id. const clientKeyData = await this._fxai.fxAccountsClient.getScopedKeyData( sessionToken, clientId, scopes ); const scopedKeys = {}; for (const scope of Object.keys(clientKeyData)) { const key = await this._fxai.keys.getKeyForScope(scope); if (!key) { throw new Error(`Key not available for scope "${scope}"`); } scopedKeys[scope] = key; } return lazy.jwcrypto.generateJWE( jwk, new TextEncoder().encode(JSON.stringify(scopedKeys)) ); } } const EXPORTED_SYMBOLS = ["FxAccountsPairingFlow"];