/* Any copyright is dedicated to the Public Domain. * http://creativecommons.org/publicdomain/zero/1.0/ */ "use strict"; const { getFxAccountsSingleton } = ChromeUtils.import( "resource://gre/modules/FxAccounts.jsm" ); const fxAccounts = getFxAccountsSingleton(); const { PREF_ACCOUNT_ROOT } = ChromeUtils.import( "resource://gre/modules/FxAccountsCommon.js" ); _("Misc tests for FxAccounts.device"); fxAccounts.device._checkRemoteCommandsUpdateNeeded = async () => false; add_test(function test_default_device_name() { // Note that head_helpers overrides getDefaultLocalName - this test is // really just to ensure the actual implementation is sane - we can't // really check the value it uses is correct. // We are just hoping to avoid a repeat of bug 1369285. let def = fxAccounts.device.getDefaultLocalName(); // make sure it doesn't throw. _("default value is " + def); ok(!!def.length); // This is obviously tied to the implementation, but we want early warning // if any of these things fail. // We really want one of these 2 to provide a value. let hostname = Services.sysinfo.get("device") || Services.dns.myHostName; _("hostname is " + hostname); ok(!!hostname.length); // the hostname should be in the default. ok(def.includes(hostname)); // We expect the following to work as a fallback to the above. let fallback = Cc["@mozilla.org/network/protocol;1?name=http"].getService( Ci.nsIHttpProtocolHandler ).oscpu; _("UA fallback is " + fallback); ok(!!fallback.length); // the fallback should not be in the default ok(!def.includes(fallback)); run_next_test(); }); add_test(function test_migration() { Services.prefs.clearUserPref("identity.fxaccounts.account.device.name"); Services.prefs.setStringPref("services.sync.client.name", "my client name"); // calling getLocalName() should move the name to the new pref and reset the old. equal(fxAccounts.device.getLocalName(), "my client name"); equal( Services.prefs.getStringPref("identity.fxaccounts.account.device.name"), "my client name" ); ok(!Services.prefs.prefHasUserValue("services.sync.client.name")); run_next_test(); }); add_test(function test_migration_set_before_get() { Services.prefs.setStringPref("services.sync.client.name", "old client name"); fxAccounts.device.setLocalName("new client name"); equal(fxAccounts.device.getLocalName(), "new client name"); run_next_test(); }); add_task(async function test_reset() { // We don't test the client name specifically here because the client name // is set as part of signing the user in via the attempt to register the // device. const testPref = PREF_ACCOUNT_ROOT + "test-pref"; Services.prefs.setStringPref(testPref, "whatever"); let credentials = { email: "foo@example.com", uid: "1234@lcip.org", sessionToken: "dead", verified: true, ...MOCK_ACCOUNT_KEYS, }; // FxA will try to register its device record in the background after signin. const registerDevice = sinon .stub(fxAccounts._internal.fxAccountsClient, "registerDevice") .callsFake(async () => { return { id: "foo" }; }); await fxAccounts._internal.setSignedInUser(credentials); ok(!Services.prefs.prefHasUserValue(testPref)); // signing the user out should reset the name pref. const namePref = PREF_ACCOUNT_ROOT + "device.name"; ok(Services.prefs.prefHasUserValue(namePref)); await fxAccounts.signOut(/* localOnly = */ true); ok(!Services.prefs.prefHasUserValue(namePref)); registerDevice.restore(); }); add_task(async function test_name_sanitization() { fxAccounts.device.setLocalName("emoji is valid \u2665"); Assert.equal(fxAccounts.device.getLocalName(), "emoji is valid \u2665"); let invalid = "x\uFFFD\n\r\t" + "x".repeat(255); let sanitized = "x\uFFFD\uFFFD\uFFFD\uFFFD" + "x".repeat(250); // 255 total. // If the pref already has the invalid value we still get the valid one back. Services.prefs.setStringPref( "identity.fxaccounts.account.device.name", invalid ); Assert.equal(fxAccounts.device.getLocalName(), sanitized); // But if we explicitly set it to an invalid name, the sanitized value ends // up in the pref. fxAccounts.device.setLocalName(invalid); Assert.equal(fxAccounts.device.getLocalName(), sanitized); Assert.equal( Services.prefs.getStringPref("identity.fxaccounts.account.device.name"), sanitized ); });