/* Any copyright is dedicated to the Public Domain. * http://creativecommons.org/publicdomain/zero/1.0/ */ "use strict"; const { ON_PROFILE_CHANGE_NOTIFICATION, log } = ChromeUtils.import( "resource://gre/modules/FxAccountsCommon.js" ); const { FxAccountsProfileClient } = ChromeUtils.import( "resource://gre/modules/FxAccountsProfileClient.jsm" ); const { FxAccountsProfile } = ChromeUtils.import( "resource://gre/modules/FxAccountsProfile.jsm" ); const { PromiseUtils } = ChromeUtils.importESModule( "resource://gre/modules/PromiseUtils.sys.mjs" ); const { setTimeout } = ChromeUtils.importESModule( "resource://gre/modules/Timer.sys.mjs" ); let mockClient = function(fxa) { let options = { serverURL: "", fxa, }; return new FxAccountsProfileClient(options); }; const ACCOUNT_UID = "abc123"; const ACCOUNT_EMAIL = "foo@bar.com"; const ACCOUNT_DATA = { uid: ACCOUNT_UID, email: ACCOUNT_EMAIL, }; let mockFxa = function() { let fxa = { // helpers to make the tests using this mock less verbose... set _testProfileCache(profileCache) { this._internal.currentAccountState._data.profileCache = profileCache; }, get _testProfileCache() { return this._internal.currentAccountState._data.profileCache; }, }; fxa._internal = Object.assign( {}, { currentAccountState: Object.assign( {}, { _data: Object.assign({}, ACCOUNT_DATA), get isCurrent() { return true; }, async getUserAccountData() { return this._data; }, async updateUserAccountData(data) { this._data = Object.assign(this._data, data); }, } ), withCurrentAccountState(cb) { return cb(this.currentAccountState); }, async _handleTokenError(err) { // handleTokenError always rethrows. throw err; }, } ); return fxa; }; function CreateFxAccountsProfile(fxa = null, client = null) { if (!fxa) { fxa = mockFxa(); } let options = { fxai: fxa._internal, profileServerUrl: "", }; if (client) { options.profileClient = client; } return new FxAccountsProfile(options); } add_test(function cacheProfile_change() { let setProfileCacheCalled = false; let fxa = mockFxa(); fxa._internal.currentAccountState.updateUserAccountData = data => { setProfileCacheCalled = true; Assert.equal(data.profileCache.profile.avatar, "myurl"); Assert.equal(data.profileCache.etag, "bogusetag"); return Promise.resolve(); }; let profile = CreateFxAccountsProfile(fxa); makeObserver(ON_PROFILE_CHANGE_NOTIFICATION, function(subject, topic, data) { Assert.equal(data, ACCOUNT_DATA.uid); Assert.ok(setProfileCacheCalled); run_next_test(); }); return profile._cacheProfile({ body: { uid: ACCOUNT_UID, email: ACCOUNT_EMAIL, avatar: "myurl" }, etag: "bogusetag", }); }); add_test(function fetchAndCacheProfile_ok() { let client = mockClient(mockFxa()); client.fetchProfile = function() { return Promise.resolve({ body: { uid: ACCOUNT_UID, avatar: "myimg" } }); }; let profile = CreateFxAccountsProfile(null, client); profile._cachedAt = 12345; profile._cacheProfile = function(toCache) { Assert.equal(toCache.body.avatar, "myimg"); return Promise.resolve(toCache.body); }; return profile._fetchAndCacheProfile().then(result => { Assert.equal(result.avatar, "myimg"); Assert.notEqual(profile._cachedAt, 12345, "cachedAt has been bumped"); run_next_test(); }); }); add_test(function fetchAndCacheProfile_always_bumps_cachedAt() { let client = mockClient(mockFxa()); client.fetchProfile = function() { return Promise.reject(new Error("oops")); }; let profile = CreateFxAccountsProfile(null, client); profile._cachedAt = 12345; return profile._fetchAndCacheProfile().then( result => { do_throw("Should not succeed"); }, err => { Assert.notEqual(profile._cachedAt, 12345, "cachedAt has been bumped"); run_next_test(); } ); }); add_test(function fetchAndCacheProfile_sendsETag() { let fxa = mockFxa(); fxa._testProfileCache = { profile: {}, etag: "bogusETag" }; let client = mockClient(fxa); client.fetchProfile = function(etag) { Assert.equal(etag, "bogusETag"); return Promise.resolve({ body: { uid: ACCOUNT_UID, email: ACCOUNT_EMAIL, avatar: "myimg" }, }); }; let profile = CreateFxAccountsProfile(fxa, client); return profile._fetchAndCacheProfile().then(result => { run_next_test(); }); }); // Check that a second profile request when one is already in-flight reuses // the in-flight one. add_task(async function fetchAndCacheProfileOnce() { // A promise that remains unresolved while we fire off 2 requests for // a profile. let resolveProfile; let promiseProfile = new Promise(resolve => { resolveProfile = resolve; }); let numFetches = 0; let client = mockClient(mockFxa()); client.fetchProfile = function() { numFetches += 1; return promiseProfile; }; let fxa = mockFxa(); let profile = CreateFxAccountsProfile(fxa, client); let request1 = profile._fetchAndCacheProfile(); profile._fetchAndCacheProfile(); await new Promise(res => setTimeout(res, 0)); // Yield so fetchProfile() is called (promise) // should be one request made to fetch the profile (but the promise returned // by it remains unresolved) Assert.equal(numFetches, 1); // resolve the promise. resolveProfile({ body: { uid: ACCOUNT_UID, email: ACCOUNT_EMAIL, avatar: "myimg" }, }); // both requests should complete with the same data. let got1 = await request1; Assert.equal(got1.avatar, "myimg"); let got2 = await request1; Assert.equal(got2.avatar, "myimg"); // and still only 1 request was made. Assert.equal(numFetches, 1); }); // Check that sharing a single fetch promise works correctly when the promise // is rejected. add_task(async function fetchAndCacheProfileOnce() { // A promise that remains unresolved while we fire off 2 requests for // a profile. let rejectProfile; let promiseProfile = new Promise((resolve, reject) => { rejectProfile = reject; }); let numFetches = 0; let client = mockClient(mockFxa()); client.fetchProfile = function() { numFetches += 1; return promiseProfile; }; let fxa = mockFxa(); let profile = CreateFxAccountsProfile(fxa, client); let request1 = profile._fetchAndCacheProfile(); let request2 = profile._fetchAndCacheProfile(); await new Promise(res => setTimeout(res, 0)); // Yield so fetchProfile() is called (promise) // should be one request made to fetch the profile (but the promise returned // by it remains unresolved) Assert.equal(numFetches, 1); // reject the promise. rejectProfile("oh noes"); // both requests should reject. try { await request1; throw new Error("should have rejected"); } catch (ex) { if (ex != "oh noes") { throw ex; } } try { await request2; throw new Error("should have rejected"); } catch (ex) { if (ex != "oh noes") { throw ex; } } // but a new request should works. client.fetchProfile = function() { return Promise.resolve({ body: { uid: ACCOUNT_UID, email: ACCOUNT_EMAIL, avatar: "myimg" }, }); }; let got = await profile._fetchAndCacheProfile(); Assert.equal(got.avatar, "myimg"); }); add_test(function fetchAndCacheProfile_alreadyCached() { let cachedUrl = "cachedurl"; let fxa = mockFxa(); fxa._testProfileCache = { profile: { uid: ACCOUNT_UID, avatar: cachedUrl }, etag: "bogusETag", }; let client = mockClient(fxa); client.fetchProfile = function(etag) { Assert.equal(etag, "bogusETag"); return Promise.resolve(null); }; let profile = CreateFxAccountsProfile(fxa, client); profile._cacheProfile = function(toCache) { do_throw("This method should not be called."); }; return profile._fetchAndCacheProfile().then(result => { Assert.equal(result, null); Assert.equal(fxa._testProfileCache.profile.avatar, cachedUrl); run_next_test(); }); }); // Check that a new profile request within PROFILE_FRESHNESS_THRESHOLD of the // last one doesn't kick off a new request to check the cached copy is fresh. add_task(async function fetchAndCacheProfileAfterThreshold() { /* * This test was observed to cause a timeout for... any timer precision reduction. * Even 1 us. Exact reason is still undiagnosed. */ Services.prefs.setBoolPref("privacy.reduceTimerPrecision", false); registerCleanupFunction(async () => { Services.prefs.clearUserPref("privacy.reduceTimerPrecision"); }); let numFetches = 0; let client = mockClient(mockFxa()); client.fetchProfile = async function() { numFetches += 1; return { body: { uid: ACCOUNT_UID, email: ACCOUNT_EMAIL, avatar: "myimg" }, }; }; let profile = CreateFxAccountsProfile(null, client); profile.PROFILE_FRESHNESS_THRESHOLD = 1000; // first fetch should return null as we don't have data. let p = await profile.getProfile(); Assert.equal(p, null); // ensure we kicked off a fetch. Assert.notEqual(profile._currentFetchPromise, null); // wait for that fetch to finish await profile._currentFetchPromise; Assert.equal(numFetches, 1); Assert.equal(profile._currentFetchPromise, null); await profile.getProfile(); Assert.equal(numFetches, 1); Assert.equal(profile._currentFetchPromise, null); await new Promise(resolve => { do_timeout(1000, resolve); }); let origFetchAndCatch = profile._fetchAndCacheProfile; let backgroundFetchDone = PromiseUtils.defer(); profile._fetchAndCacheProfile = async () => { await origFetchAndCatch.call(profile); backgroundFetchDone.resolve(); }; await profile.getProfile(); await backgroundFetchDone.promise; Assert.equal(numFetches, 2); }); add_task(async function test_ensureProfile() { let client = new FxAccountsProfileClient({ serverURL: "", fxa: mockFxa(), }); let profile = CreateFxAccountsProfile(null, client); const testCases = [ // profile retrieval when there is no cached profile info { threshold: 1000, expectsCachedProfileReturned: false, cachedProfile: null, fetchedProfile: { uid: ACCOUNT_UID, email: ACCOUNT_EMAIL, avatar: "myimg", }, }, // profile retrieval when the cached profile is recent { // Note: The threshold for this test case is being set to an arbitrary value that will // be greater than Date.now() so the retrieved cached profile will be deemed recent. threshold: Date.now() + 5000, expectsCachedProfileReturned: true, cachedProfile: { uid: `${ACCOUNT_UID}2`, email: `${ACCOUNT_EMAIL}2`, avatar: "myimg2", }, }, // profile retrieval when the cached profile is old and a new profile is fetched { threshold: 1000, expectsCachedProfileReturned: false, cachedProfile: { uid: `${ACCOUNT_UID}3`, email: `${ACCOUNT_EMAIL}3`, avatar: "myimg3", }, fetchAndCacheProfileResolves: true, fetchedProfile: { uid: `${ACCOUNT_UID}4`, email: `${ACCOUNT_EMAIL}4`, avatar: "myimg4", }, }, // profile retrieval when the cached profile is old and a null profile is fetched { threshold: 1000, expectsCachedProfileReturned: false, cachedProfile: { uid: `${ACCOUNT_UID}5`, email: `${ACCOUNT_EMAIL}5`, avatar: "myimg5", }, fetchAndCacheProfileResolves: true, fetchedProfile: null, }, // profile retrieval when the cached profile is old and fetching a new profile errors { threshold: 1000, expectsCachedProfileReturned: false, cachedProfile: { uid: `${ACCOUNT_UID}6`, email: `${ACCOUNT_EMAIL}6`, avatar: "myimg6", }, fetchAndCacheProfileResolves: false, }, // profile retrieval when we've cached a failure to fetch profile data { // Note: The threshold for this test case is being set to an arbitrary value that will // be greater than Date.now() so the retrieved cached profile will be deemed recent. threshold: Date.now() + 5000, expectsCachedProfileReturned: false, cachedProfile: null, fetchedProfile: { uid: `${ACCOUNT_UID}7`, email: `${ACCOUNT_EMAIL}7`, avatar: "myimg7", }, fetchAndCacheProfileResolves: true, }, // profile retrieval when the cached profile is old but staleOk is true. { threshold: 1000, expectsCachedProfileReturned: true, cachedProfile: { uid: `${ACCOUNT_UID}8`, email: `${ACCOUNT_EMAIL}8`, avatar: "myimg8", }, fetchAndCacheProfileResolves: false, options: { staleOk: true }, }, // staleOk but no cached profile { threshold: 1000, expectsCachedProfileReturned: false, cachedProfile: null, fetchedProfile: { uid: `${ACCOUNT_UID}9`, email: `${ACCOUNT_EMAIL}9`, avatar: "myimg9", }, options: { staleOk: true }, }, // fresh profile but forceFresh = true { // Note: The threshold for this test case is being set to an arbitrary value that will // be greater than Date.now() so the retrieved cached profile will be deemed recent. threshold: Date.now() + 5000, expectsCachedProfileReturned: false, fetchedProfile: { uid: `${ACCOUNT_UID}10`, email: `${ACCOUNT_EMAIL}10`, avatar: "myimg10", }, options: { forceFresh: true }, }, ]; for (const tc of testCases) { print(`test case: ${JSON.stringify(tc)}`); let mockProfile = sinon.mock(profile); mockProfile .expects("_getProfileCache") .once() .returns( tc.cachedProfile ? { profile: tc.cachedProfile, } : null ); profile.PROFILE_FRESHNESS_THRESHOLD = tc.threshold; let options = tc.options || {}; if (tc.expectsCachedProfileReturned) { mockProfile.expects("_fetchAndCacheProfile").never(); let actualProfile = await profile.ensureProfile(options); mockProfile.verify(); Assert.equal(actualProfile, tc.cachedProfile); } else if (tc.fetchAndCacheProfileResolves) { mockProfile .expects("_fetchAndCacheProfile") .once() .resolves(tc.fetchedProfile); let actualProfile = await profile.ensureProfile(options); let expectedProfile = tc.fetchedProfile ? tc.fetchedProfile : tc.cachedProfile; mockProfile.verify(); Assert.equal(actualProfile, expectedProfile); } else { mockProfile .expects("_fetchAndCacheProfile") .once() .rejects(); let actualProfile = await profile.ensureProfile(options); mockProfile.verify(); Assert.equal(actualProfile, tc.cachedProfile); } } }); // Check that a new profile request within PROFILE_FRESHNESS_THRESHOLD of the // last one *does* kick off a new request if ON_PROFILE_CHANGE_NOTIFICATION // is sent. add_task(async function fetchAndCacheProfileBeforeThresholdOnNotification() { let numFetches = 0; let client = mockClient(mockFxa()); client.fetchProfile = async function() { numFetches += 1; return { body: { uid: ACCOUNT_UID, email: ACCOUNT_EMAIL, avatar: "myimg" }, }; }; let profile = CreateFxAccountsProfile(null, client); profile.PROFILE_FRESHNESS_THRESHOLD = 1000; // first fetch should return null as we don't have data. let p = await profile.getProfile(); Assert.equal(p, null); // ensure we kicked off a fetch. Assert.notEqual(profile._currentFetchPromise, null); // wait for that fetch to finish await profile._currentFetchPromise; Assert.equal(numFetches, 1); Assert.equal(profile._currentFetchPromise, null); Services.obs.notifyObservers(null, ON_PROFILE_CHANGE_NOTIFICATION); let origFetchAndCatch = profile._fetchAndCacheProfile; let backgroundFetchDone = PromiseUtils.defer(); profile._fetchAndCacheProfile = async () => { await origFetchAndCatch.call(profile); backgroundFetchDone.resolve(); }; await profile.getProfile(); await backgroundFetchDone.promise; Assert.equal(numFetches, 2); }); add_test(function tearDown_ok() { let profile = CreateFxAccountsProfile(); Assert.ok(!!profile.client); Assert.ok(!!profile.fxai); profile.tearDown(); Assert.equal(null, profile.fxai); Assert.equal(null, profile.client); run_next_test(); }); add_task(async function getProfile_ok() { let cachedUrl = "myurl"; let didFetch = false; let fxa = mockFxa(); fxa._testProfileCache = { profile: { uid: ACCOUNT_UID, avatar: cachedUrl } }; let profile = CreateFxAccountsProfile(fxa); profile._fetchAndCacheProfile = function() { didFetch = true; return Promise.resolve(); }; let result = await profile.getProfile(); Assert.equal(result.avatar, cachedUrl); Assert.ok(didFetch); }); add_task(async function getProfile_no_cache() { let fetchedUrl = "newUrl"; let fxa = mockFxa(); let profile = CreateFxAccountsProfile(fxa); profile._fetchAndCacheProfileInternal = function() { return Promise.resolve({ uid: ACCOUNT_UID, avatar: fetchedUrl }); }; await profile.getProfile(); // returns null. let result = await profile._currentFetchPromise; Assert.equal(result.avatar, fetchedUrl); }); add_test(function getProfile_has_cached_fetch_deleted() { let cachedUrl = "myurl"; let fxa = mockFxa(); let client = mockClient(fxa); client.fetchProfile = function() { return Promise.resolve({ body: { uid: ACCOUNT_UID, email: ACCOUNT_EMAIL, avatar: null }, }); }; let profile = CreateFxAccountsProfile(fxa, client); fxa._testProfileCache = { profile: { uid: ACCOUNT_UID, email: ACCOUNT_EMAIL, avatar: cachedUrl }, }; // instead of checking this in a mocked "save" function, just check after the // observer makeObserver(ON_PROFILE_CHANGE_NOTIFICATION, function(subject, topic, data) { profile.getProfile().then(profileData => { Assert.equal(null, profileData.avatar); run_next_test(); }); }); return profile.getProfile().then(result => { Assert.equal(result.avatar, "myurl"); }); }); add_test(function getProfile_fetchAndCacheProfile_throws() { let fxa = mockFxa(); fxa._testProfileCache = { profile: { uid: ACCOUNT_UID, email: ACCOUNT_EMAIL, avatar: "myimg" }, }; let profile = CreateFxAccountsProfile(fxa); profile._fetchAndCacheProfile = () => Promise.reject(new Error()); return profile.getProfile().then(result => { Assert.equal(result.avatar, "myimg"); run_next_test(); }); }); add_test(function getProfile_email_changed() { let fxa = mockFxa(); let client = mockClient(fxa); client.fetchProfile = function() { return Promise.resolve({ body: { uid: ACCOUNT_UID, email: "newemail@bar.com" }, }); }; fxa._internal._handleEmailUpdated = email => { Assert.equal(email, "newemail@bar.com"); run_next_test(); }; let profile = CreateFxAccountsProfile(fxa, client); return profile._fetchAndCacheProfile(); }); function makeObserver(aObserveTopic, aObserveFunc) { let callback = function(aSubject, aTopic, aData) { log.debug("observed " + aTopic + " " + aData); if (aTopic == aObserveTopic) { removeMe(); aObserveFunc(aSubject, aTopic, aData); } }; function removeMe() { log.debug("removing observer for " + aObserveTopic); Services.obs.removeObserver(callback, aObserveTopic); } Services.obs.addObserver(callback, aObserveTopic); return removeMe; }