/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this * file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. */ // A doctor for our collections. She can be asked to make a consultation, and // may just diagnose an issue without attempting to cure it, may diagnose and // attempt to cure, or may decide she is overworked and underpaid. // Or something - naming is hard :) "use strict"; var EXPORTED_SYMBOLS = ["Doctor"]; const { Log } = ChromeUtils.importESModule( "resource://gre/modules/Log.sys.mjs" ); const { Async } = ChromeUtils.import("resource://services-common/async.js"); const { Observers } = ChromeUtils.import( "resource://services-common/observers.js" ); const { Service } = ChromeUtils.import("resource://services-sync/service.js"); const { Resource } = ChromeUtils.import("resource://services-sync/resource.js"); const { Svc, Utils } = ChromeUtils.import("resource://services-sync/util.js"); const log = Log.repository.getLogger("Sync.Doctor"); var Doctor = { async consult(recentlySyncedEngines) { if (!Services.telemetry.canRecordBase) { log.info("Skipping consultation: telemetry reporting is disabled"); return; } let engineInfos = this._getEnginesToValidate(recentlySyncedEngines); await this._runValidators(engineInfos); }, _getEnginesToValidate(recentlySyncedEngines) { let result = {}; for (let e of recentlySyncedEngines) { let prefPrefix = `engine.${e.name}.`; if (!Svc.Prefs.get(prefPrefix + "validation.enabled", false)) { log.info(`Skipping check of ${e.name} - disabled via preferences`); continue; } // Check the last validation time for the engine. let lastValidation = Svc.Prefs.get(prefPrefix + "validation.lastTime", 0); let validationInterval = Svc.Prefs.get( prefPrefix + "validation.interval" ); let nowSeconds = this._now(); if (nowSeconds - lastValidation < validationInterval) { log.info( `Skipping validation of ${e.name}: too recent since last validation attempt` ); continue; } // Update the time now, even if we decline to actually perform a // validation. We don't want to check the rest of these more frequently // than once a day. Svc.Prefs.set(prefPrefix + "validation.lastTime", Math.floor(nowSeconds)); // Validation only occurs a certain percentage of the time. let validationProbability = Svc.Prefs.get(prefPrefix + "validation.percentageChance", 0) / 100.0; if (validationProbability < Math.random()) { log.info( `Skipping validation of ${e.name}: Probability threshold not met` ); continue; } let maxRecords = Svc.Prefs.get(prefPrefix + "validation.maxRecords"); if (!maxRecords) { log.info(`Skipping validation of ${e.name}: No maxRecords specified`); continue; } // OK, so this is a candidate - the final decision will be based on the // number of records actually found. result[e.name] = { engine: e, maxRecords }; } return result; }, async _runValidators(engineInfos) { if (!Object.keys(engineInfos).length) { log.info("Skipping validation: no engines qualify"); return; } if (Object.values(engineInfos).filter(i => i.maxRecords != -1).length) { // at least some of the engines have maxRecord restrictions which require // us to ask the server for the counts. let countInfo = await this._fetchCollectionCounts(); for (let [engineName, recordCount] of Object.entries(countInfo)) { if (engineName in engineInfos) { engineInfos[engineName].recordCount = recordCount; } } } for (let [ engineName, { engine, maxRecords, recordCount }, ] of Object.entries(engineInfos)) { // maxRecords of -1 means "any number", so we can skip asking the server. // Used for tests. if (maxRecords >= 0 && recordCount > maxRecords) { log.debug( `Skipping validation for ${engineName} because ` + `the number of records (${recordCount}) is greater ` + `than the maximum allowed (${maxRecords}).` ); continue; } let validator = engine.getValidator(); if (!validator) { // This is probably only possible in profile downgrade cases. log.warn( `engine.getValidator returned null for ${engineName} but the pref that controls validation is enabled.` ); continue; } if (!(await validator.canValidate())) { log.debug( `Skipping validation for ${engineName} because validator.canValidate() is false` ); continue; } // Let's do it! Services.console.logStringMessage( `Sync is about to run a consistency check of ${engine.name}. This may be slow, and ` + `can be controlled using the pref "services.sync.${engine.name}.validation.enabled".\n` + `If you encounter any problems because of this, please file a bug.` ); try { log.info(`Running validator for ${engine.name}`); let result = await validator.validate(engine); let { problems, version, duration, recordCount } = result; Observers.notify( "weave:engine:validate:finish", { version, checked: recordCount, took: duration, problems: problems ? problems.getSummary(true) : null, }, engine.name ); } catch (ex) { if (Async.isShutdownException(ex)) { throw ex; } log.error(`Failed to run validation on ${engine.name}!`, ex); Observers.notify("weave:engine:validate:error", ex, engine.name); // Keep validating -- there's no reason to think that a failure for one // validator would mean the others will fail. } } }, // mainly for mocking. async _fetchCollectionCounts() { let collectionCountsURL = Service.userBaseURL + "info/collection_counts"; try { let infoResp = await Service._fetchInfo(collectionCountsURL); if (!infoResp.success) { log.error( "Can't fetch collection counts: request to info/collection_counts responded with " + infoResp.status ); return {}; } return infoResp.obj; // might throw because obj is a getter which parses json. } catch (ex) { if (Async.isShutdownException(ex)) { throw ex; } // Not running validation is totally fine, so we just write an error log and return. log.error("Caught error when fetching counts", ex); return {}; } }, // functions used so tests can mock them _now() { // We use the server time, which is SECONDS return Resource.serverTime; }, };