/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this * file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. */ var EXPORTED_SYMBOLS = ["Status"]; const { CLIENT_NOT_CONFIGURED, ENGINE_SUCCEEDED, LOGIN_FAILED, LOGIN_FAILED_NO_PASSPHRASE, LOGIN_FAILED_NO_USERNAME, LOGIN_SUCCEEDED, STATUS_OK, SYNC_FAILED, SYNC_FAILED_PARTIAL, SYNC_SUCCEEDED, } = ChromeUtils.import("resource://services-sync/constants.js"); const { Log } = ChromeUtils.importESModule( "resource://gre/modules/Log.sys.mjs" ); const { SyncAuthManager } = ChromeUtils.import( "resource://services-sync/sync_auth.js" ); var Status = { _log: Log.repository.getLogger("Sync.Status"), __authManager: null, ready: false, get _authManager() { if (this.__authManager) { return this.__authManager; } this.__authManager = new SyncAuthManager(); return this.__authManager; }, get service() { return this._service; }, set service(code) { this._log.debug( "Status.service: " + (this._service || undefined) + " => " + code ); this._service = code; }, get login() { return this._login; }, set login(code) { this._log.debug("Status.login: " + this._login + " => " + code); this._login = code; if ( code == LOGIN_FAILED_NO_USERNAME || code == LOGIN_FAILED_NO_PASSPHRASE ) { this.service = CLIENT_NOT_CONFIGURED; } else if (code != LOGIN_SUCCEEDED) { this.service = LOGIN_FAILED; } else { this.service = STATUS_OK; } }, get sync() { return this._sync; }, set sync(code) { this._log.debug("Status.sync: " + this._sync + " => " + code); this._sync = code; this.service = code == SYNC_SUCCEEDED ? STATUS_OK : SYNC_FAILED; }, get engines() { return this._engines; }, set engines([name, code]) { this._log.debug("Status for engine " + name + ": " + code); this._engines[name] = code; if (code != ENGINE_SUCCEEDED) { this.service = SYNC_FAILED_PARTIAL; } }, // Implement toString because adding a logger introduces a cyclic object // value, so we can't trivially debug-print Status as JSON. toString: function toString() { return ( "" ); }, checkSetup: function checkSetup() { if (!this._authManager.username) { Status.login = LOGIN_FAILED_NO_USERNAME; Status.service = CLIENT_NOT_CONFIGURED; } else if (Status.login == STATUS_OK) { Status.service = STATUS_OK; } return Status.service; }, resetBackoff: function resetBackoff() { this.enforceBackoff = false; this.backoffInterval = 0; this.minimumNextSync = 0; }, resetSync: function resetSync() { // Logger setup. this._log.manageLevelFromPref("services.sync.log.logger.status"); this._log.info("Resetting Status."); this.service = STATUS_OK; this._login = LOGIN_SUCCEEDED; this._sync = SYNC_SUCCEEDED; this._engines = {}; this.partial = false; }, }; // Initialize various status values. Status.resetBackoff(); Status.resetSync();