/* vim: set ts=2 sw=2 sts=2 et tw=80: */ /* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this * file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. */ const lazy = {}; ChromeUtils.defineESModuleGetters(lazy, { E10SUtils: "resource://gre/modules/E10SUtils.sys.mjs", }); class BrowserTestUtilsChildObserver { constructor() { this.currentObserverStatus = ""; this.observerItems = []; } startObservingTopics(aTopics) { for (let topic of aTopics) { Services.obs.addObserver(this, topic); this.observerItems.push({ topic }); } } stopObservingTopics(aTopics) { if (aTopics) { for (let topic of aTopics) { let index = this.observerItems.findIndex(item => item.topic == topic); if (index >= 0) { Services.obs.removeObserver(this, topic); this.observerItems.splice(index, 1); } } } else { for (let topic of this.observerItems) { Services.obs.removeObserver(this, topic); } this.observerItems = []; } if (this.currentObserverStatus) { let error = new Error(this.currentObserverStatus); this.currentObserverStatus = ""; throw error; } } observeTopic(topic, count, filterFn, callbackResolver) { // If the topic is in the list already, assume that it came from a // startObservingTopics call. If it isn't in the list already, assume // that it isn't within a start/stop set and the observer has to be // removed afterwards. let removeObserver = false; let index = this.observerItems.findIndex(item => item.topic == topic); if (index == -1) { removeObserver = true; this.startObservingTopics([topic]); } for (let item of this.observerItems) { if (item.topic == topic) { item.count = count || 1; item.filterFn = filterFn; item.promiseResolver = () => { if (removeObserver) { this.stopObservingTopics([topic]); } callbackResolver(); }; break; } } } observe(aSubject, aTopic, aData) { for (let item of this.observerItems) { if (item.topic != aTopic) { continue; } if (item.filterFn && !item.filterFn(aSubject, aTopic, aData)) { break; } if (--item.count >= 0) { if (item.count == 0 && item.promiseResolver) { item.promiseResolver(); } return; } } // Otherwise, if the observer doesn't match, fail. console.log( "Failed: Observer topic " + aTopic + " not expected in content process" ); this.currentObserverStatus += "Topic " + aTopic + " not expected in content process\n"; } } BrowserTestUtilsChildObserver.prototype.QueryInterface = ChromeUtils.generateQI( ["nsIObserver", "nsISupportsWeakReference"] ); export class BrowserTestUtilsChild extends JSWindowActorChild { actorCreated() { this._EventUtils = null; } get EventUtils() { if (!this._EventUtils) { // Set up a dummy environment so that EventUtils works. We need to be careful to // pass a window object into each EventUtils method we call rather than having // it rely on the |window| global. let win = this.contentWindow; let EventUtils = { get KeyboardEvent() { return win.KeyboardEvent; }, // EventUtils' `sendChar` function relies on the navigator to synthetize events. get navigator() { return win.navigator; }, }; EventUtils.window = {}; EventUtils.parent = EventUtils.window; EventUtils._EU_Ci = Ci; EventUtils._EU_Cc = Cc; Services.scriptloader.loadSubScript( "chrome://mochikit/content/tests/SimpleTest/EventUtils.js", EventUtils ); this._EventUtils = EventUtils; } return this._EventUtils; } receiveMessage(aMessage) { switch (aMessage.name) { case "Test:SynthesizeMouse": { return this.synthesizeMouse(aMessage.data, this.contentWindow); } case "Test:SynthesizeTouch": { return this.synthesizeTouch(aMessage.data, this.contentWindow); } case "Test:SendChar": { return this.EventUtils.sendChar(aMessage.data.char, this.contentWindow); } case "Test:SynthesizeKey": this.EventUtils.synthesizeKey( aMessage.data.key, aMessage.data.event || {}, this.contentWindow ); break; case "Test:SynthesizeComposition": { return this.EventUtils.synthesizeComposition( aMessage.data.event, this.contentWindow ); } case "Test:SynthesizeCompositionChange": this.EventUtils.synthesizeCompositionChange( aMessage.data.event, this.contentWindow ); break; case "BrowserTestUtils:StartObservingTopics": { this.observer = new BrowserTestUtilsChildObserver(); this.observer.startObservingTopics(aMessage.data.topics); break; } case "BrowserTestUtils:StopObservingTopics": { if (this.observer) { this.observer.stopObservingTopics(aMessage.data.topics); this.observer = null; } break; } case "BrowserTestUtils:ObserveTopic": { return new Promise(resolve => { let filterFn; if (aMessage.data.filterFunctionSource) { /* eslint-disable-next-line no-eval */ filterFn = eval( `(() => (${aMessage.data.filterFunctionSource}))()` ); } let observer = this.observer || new BrowserTestUtilsChildObserver(); observer.observeTopic( aMessage.data.topic, aMessage.data.count, filterFn, resolve ); }); } case "BrowserTestUtils:CrashFrame": { // This is to intentionally crash the frame. // We crash by using js-ctypes. The crash // should happen immediately // upon loading this frame script. const { ctypes } = ChromeUtils.import( "resource://gre/modules/ctypes.jsm" ); let dies = function() { dump("\nEt tu, Brute?\n"); ChromeUtils.privateNoteIntentionalCrash(); switch (aMessage.data.crashType) { case "CRASH_OOM": { let debug = Cc["@mozilla.org/xpcom/debug;1"].getService( Ci.nsIDebug2 ); debug.crashWithOOM(); break; } case "CRASH_INVALID_POINTER_DEREF": // Fallthrough default: { // Dereference a bad pointer. let zero = new ctypes.intptr_t(8); let badptr = ctypes.cast( zero, ctypes.PointerType(ctypes.int32_t) ); badptr.contents; } } }; if (aMessage.data.asyncCrash) { let { setTimeout } = ChromeUtils.importESModule( "resource://gre/modules/Timer.sys.mjs" ); // Get out of the stack. setTimeout(dies, 0); } else { dies(); } } } return undefined; } handleEvent(aEvent) { switch (aEvent.type) { case "DOMContentLoaded": case "load": { this.sendAsyncMessage(aEvent.type, { internalURL: aEvent.target.documentURI, visibleURL: aEvent.target.location ? aEvent.target.location.href : null, }); break; } } } synthesizeMouse(data, window) { let target = data.target; if (typeof target == "string") { target = this.document.querySelector(target); } else if (typeof data.targetFn == "string") { let runnablestr = ` (() => { return (${data.targetFn}); })();`; /* eslint-disable no-eval */ target = eval(runnablestr)(); /* eslint-enable no-eval */ } let left = data.x; let top = data.y; if (target) { if (target.ownerDocument !== this.document) { // Account for nodes found in iframes. let cur = target; do { // eslint-disable-next-line mozilla/use-ownerGlobal let frame = cur.ownerDocument.defaultView.frameElement; let rect = frame.getBoundingClientRect(); left += rect.left; top += rect.top; cur = frame; } while (cur && cur.ownerDocument !== this.document); // node must be in this document tree. if (!cur) { throw new Error("target must be in the main document tree"); } } let rect = target.getBoundingClientRect(); left += rect.left; top += rect.top; if (data.event.centered) { left += rect.width / 2; top += rect.height / 2; } } let result; lazy.E10SUtils.wrapHandlingUserInput(window, data.handlingUserInput, () => { if (data.event && data.event.wheel) { this.EventUtils.synthesizeWheelAtPoint(left, top, data.event, window); } else { result = this.EventUtils.synthesizeMouseAtPoint( left, top, data.event, window ); } }); return result; } synthesizeTouch(data, window) { let target = data.target; if (typeof target == "string") { target = this.document.querySelector(target); } else if (typeof data.targetFn == "string") { let runnablestr = ` (() => { return (${data.targetFn}); })();`; /* eslint-disable no-eval */ target = eval(runnablestr)(); /* eslint-enable no-eval */ } if (target) { if (target.ownerDocument !== this.document) { // Account for nodes found in iframes. let cur = target; do { cur = cur.ownerGlobal.frameElement; } while (cur && cur.ownerDocument !== this.document); // node must be in this document tree. if (!cur) { throw new Error("target must be in the main document tree"); } } } return this.EventUtils.synthesizeTouch( target, data.x, data.y, data.event, window ); } }