/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this * file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. */ /* eslint-env node */ const fs = require("fs"); const http = require("http"); const URL = "/secrets/v1/secret/project/perftest/gecko/level-"; const SECRET = "/perftest-login"; const DEFAULT_SERVER = "https://firefox-ci-tc.services.mozilla.com"; const SCM_LOGIN_SITES = ["facebook", "netflix"]; /** * This function obtains the perftest secret from Taskcluster. * * It will NOT work locally. Please see the get_logins function, you * will need to define a JSON file and set the RAPTOR_LOGINS * env variable to its path. */ async function get_tc_secrets(context) { const MOZ_AUTOMATION = process.env.MOZ_AUTOMATION; if (!MOZ_AUTOMATION) { throw Error( "Not running in CI. Set RAPTOR_LOGINS to a JSON file containing the logins." ); } let TASKCLUSTER_PROXY_URL = process.env.TASKCLUSTER_PROXY_URL ? process.env.TASKCLUSTER_PROXY_URL : DEFAULT_SERVER; let MOZ_SCM_LEVEL = process.env.MOZ_SCM_LEVEL ? process.env.MOZ_SCM_LEVEL : 1; const url = TASKCLUSTER_PROXY_URL + URL + MOZ_SCM_LEVEL + SECRET; const data = await new Promise((resolve, reject) => { context.log.info("Obtaining secrets for login..."); http.get( url, { headers: { "Content-Type": "application/json", Accept: "application/json", }, }, res => { let data = ""; context.log.info(`Secret status code: ${res.statusCode}`); res.on("data", d => { data += d.toString(); }); res.on("end", () => { resolve(data); }); res.on("error", error => { context.log.error(error); reject(error); }); } ); }); return JSON.parse(data); } /** * This function gets the login information required. * * It starts by looking for a local file whose path is defined * within RAPTOR_LOGINS. If we don't find this file, then we'll * attempt to get the login information from our Taskcluster secret. * If MOZ_AUTOMATION is undefined, then the test will fail, Taskcluster * secrets can only be obtained in CI. */ async function get_logins(context) { let logins; let RAPTOR_LOGINS = process.env.RAPTOR_LOGINS; if (RAPTOR_LOGINS) { // Get logins from a local file if (!RAPTOR_LOGINS.endsWith(".json")) { throw Error( `File given for logins does not end in '.json': ${RAPTOR_LOGINS}` ); } let logins_file = null; try { logins_file = await fs.readFileSync(RAPTOR_LOGINS, "utf8"); } catch (err) { throw Error(`Failed to read the file ${RAPTOR_LOGINS}: ${err}`); } logins = await JSON.parse(logins_file); } else { // Get logins from a perftest Taskcluster secret logins = await get_tc_secrets(context); } return logins; } /** * This function returns the type of login to do. * * This function returns "single-form" when we find a single form. If we only * find a single input field, we assume that there is one page per input * and return "multi-page". Otherwise, we return null. */ async function get_login_type(context, commands) { /* Determine if there's a password field visible with this query selector. Some sites use `tabIndex` to hide the password field behind other elements. In this case, we are searching for any password-type field that has a tabIndex of 0 or undefined and is not hidden. */ let input_length = await commands.js.run(` return document.querySelectorAll( "input[type=password][tabIndex='0']:not([type=hidden])," + "input[type=password]:not([tabIndex]):not([type=hidden])" ).length; `); if (input_length == 0) { context.log.info("Found a multi-page login"); return multi_page_login; } else if (input_length == 1) { context.log.info("Found a single-page login"); return single_page_login; } if ( (await commands.js.run( `return document.querySelectorAll("form").length;` )) >= 1 ) { context.log.info("Found a single-form login"); return single_form_login; } return null; } /** * This function sets up the login for a single form. * * The username field is defined as the field which immediately precedes * the password field. We have to do this in two steps because we need * to make sure that the event we emit from the change has the `isTrusted` * field set to `true`. Otherwise, some websites will ignore the input and * the form submission. */ async function single_page_login(login_info, context, commands, prefix = "") { // Get the first input field in the form that is not hidden and add the // username. Assumes that email/username is always the first input field. await commands.addText.bySelector( login_info.username, `${prefix}input:not([type=hidden]):not([type=password])` ); // Get the password field and ensure it's not hidden. await commands.addText.bySelector( login_info.password, `${prefix}input[type=password]:not([type=hidden])` ); return undefined; } /** * See single_page_login. */ async function single_form_login(login_info, context, commands) { return single_page_login(login_info, context, commands, "form "); } /** * Login to a website that uses multiple pages for the login. * * WARNING: Assumes that the first page is for the username. */ // TODO cleanup comments async function multi_page_login(login_info, context, commands) { const driver = context.selenium.driver; const webdriver = context.selenium.webdriver; //TODO fails here in netflix for Try... const username_field = await driver.findElement( webdriver.By.css(`input:not([type=hidden]):not([type=password])`) ); await username_field.sendKeys(login_info.username); await username_field.sendKeys(webdriver.Key.ENTER); await commands.wait.byTime(5000); let password_field; try { password_field = await driver.findElement( webdriver.By.css(`input[type=password]:not([type=hidden])`) ); } catch (err) { if (err.toString().includes("NoSuchElementError")) { // Sometimes we're suspicious (i.e. they think we're a bot/bad-actor) let name_field = await driver.findElement( webdriver.By.css(`input:not([type=hidden]):not([type=password])`) ); await name_field.sendKeys(login_info.suspicious_answer); await name_field.sendKeys(webdriver.Key.ENTER); await commands.wait.byTime(5000); // Try getting the password field again password_field = await driver.findElement( webdriver.By.css(`input[type=password]:not([type=hidden])`) ); } else { throw err; } } await password_field.sendKeys(login_info.password); return async function() { password_field.sendKeys(webdriver.Key.ENTER); await commands.wait.byTime(5000); }; } /** * This function sets up the login. * * This is done by first the login type, and then performing the * actual login setup. The return is a possible button to click * to perform the login. */ async function setup_login(login_info, context, commands) { let login_func = await get_login_type(context, commands); if (!login_func) { throw Error("Could not determine the type of login page."); } try { return await login_func(login_info, context, commands); } catch (err) { throw Error(`Could not setup login information: ${err}`); } } /** * This function performs the login. * * It does this by either clicking on a button with a type * of "sumbit", or running a final_button function that was * obtained from the setup_login function. Some pages also ask * questions about setting up 2FA or other information. Generally, * these contain the "skip" text. */ async function login(context, commands, final_button) { try { if (!final_button) { // The mouse double click emits an event with `evt.isTrusted=true` await commands.mouse.doubleClick.bySelector("button[type=submit]"); await commands.wait.byTime(10000); } else { // In some cases, it's preferable to be given a function for the final button await final_button(); } // Some pages ask to setup 2FA, skip this based on the text const XPATHS = [ "//a[contains(text(), 'skip')]", "//button[contains(text(), 'skip')]", "//input[contains(text(), 'skip')]", "//div[contains(text(), 'skip')]", ]; for (let xpath of XPATHS) { try { await commands.mouse.doubleClick.byXpath(xpath); } catch (err) { if (err.toString().includes("not double click")) { context.log.info(`Can't find a button with the text: ${xpath}`); } else { throw err; } } } } catch (err) { throw Error( `Could not login to website as we could not find the submit button/input: ${err}` ); } } /** * Grab the base URL from the browsertime url. * * This is a necessary step for getting the login values from the Taskcluster * secrets, which are hashed by the base URL. * * The first entry is the protocal, third is the top-level domain (or host) */ function get_base_URL(fullUrl) { let pathAsArray = fullUrl.split("/"); return pathAsArray[0] + "//" + pathAsArray[2]; } /** * This function attempts the login-login sequence for a live pageload test */ async function perform_live_login(context, commands) { let testUrl = context.options.browsertime.url; let logins = await get_logins(context); const baseUrl = get_base_URL(testUrl); await commands.navigate("about:blank"); let login_info = logins.secret[baseUrl]; try { await commands.navigate(login_info.login_url); } catch (err) { context.log.info("Unable to acquire login information"); throw err; } await commands.wait.byTime(10000); let final_button = await setup_login(login_info, context, commands); await login(context, commands, final_button); } module.exports = async function(context, commands) { context.log.info("Starting a browsertime pageload"); let test_url = context.options.browsertime.url; let secondary_url = context.options.browsertime.secondary_url; let page_cycles = context.options.browsertime.page_cycles; let page_cycle_delay = context.options.browsertime.page_cycle_delay; let post_startup_delay = context.options.browsertime.post_startup_delay; let chimera_mode = context.options.browsertime.chimera; let test_bytecode_cache = context.options.browsertime.test_bytecode_cache; let login_required = context.options.browsertime.loginRequired; let live_site = context.options.browsertime.liveSite; let test_name = context.options.browsertime.testName; context.log.info( "Waiting for %d ms (post_startup_delay)", post_startup_delay ); await commands.wait.byTime(post_startup_delay); let cached = false; // Login once before testing the test_url/secondary_url cycles // If the user has RAPTOR_LOGINS configured correctly, a local login pageload // test can be attempted. Otherwise if attempting it in CI, only sites with the // associated MOZ_SCM_LEVEL will be attempted (e.g. Try = 1, autoland = 3). // In addition, ensure login sequence is only attempted on live sites and for sites // that we have Taskcluster secrets for. if ( login_required == "True" && live_site == "True" && SCM_LOGIN_SITES.includes(test_name) ) { await perform_live_login(context, commands); } for (let count = 0; count < page_cycles; count++) { if (count !== 0 && secondary_url !== undefined) { context.log.info("Navigating to secondary url:" + secondary_url); await commands.navigate(secondary_url); await commands.wait.byTime(1000); await commands.js.runAndWait(` (function() { const white = document.createElement('div'); white.id = 'raptor-white'; white.style.position = 'absolute'; white.style.top = '0'; white.style.left = '0'; white.style.width = Math.max(document.documentElement.clientWidth, document.body.clientWidth) + 'px'; white.style.height = Math.max(document.documentElement.clientHeight,document.body.clientHeight) + 'px'; white.style.backgroundColor = 'white'; white.style.zIndex = '2147483647'; document.body.appendChild(white); document.body.style.display = ''; })();`); await commands.wait.byTime(1000); } else { context.log.info("Navigating to about:blank, count: " + count); await commands.navigate("about:blank"); } context.log.info("Navigating to primary url:" + test_url); context.log.info("Cycle %d, waiting for %d ms", count, page_cycle_delay); await commands.wait.byTime(page_cycle_delay); context.log.info("Cycle %d, starting the measure", count); await commands.measure.start(test_url); // Wait 20 seconds to populate bytecode cache if (test_bytecode_cache == "true" && chimera_mode == "true" && !cached) { context.log.info("Waiting 20s to populate bytecode cache..."); await commands.wait.byTime(20000); cached = true; } } context.log.info("Browsertime pageload ended."); return true; };