/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this * file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. */ /* eslint-env node */ module.exports = async function(context, commands) { context.log.info("Starting a browsertime scenario test"); let page_cycles = context.options.browsertime.page_cycles; let page_cycle_delay = context.options.browsertime.page_cycle_delay; let post_startup_delay = context.options.browsertime.post_startup_delay; let scenario_time = context.options.browsertime.scenario_time; let background_app = context.options.browsertime.background_app == "true"; let app = null; if (background_app) { if (!context.options.android) { throw new Error("Cannot background an application on desktop"); } app = context.options.firefox.android.package; } context.log.info( "Waiting for %d ms (post_startup_delay)", post_startup_delay ); await commands.wait.byTime(post_startup_delay); for (let count = 0; count < page_cycles; count++) { context.log.info("Navigating to about:blank"); await commands.navigate("about:blank"); context.log.info("Cycle %d, waiting for %d ms", count, page_cycle_delay); await commands.wait.byTime(page_cycle_delay); context.log.info("Cycle %d, starting the measure", count); if (background_app) { // Background the application and disable doze for it await commands.android.shell(`dumpsys deviceidle whitelist +${app}`); await commands.android.shell(`input keyevent 3`); await commands.wait.byTime(1000); const foreground = await commands.android.shell( "dumpsys window windows | grep mCurrentFocus" ); if (foreground.includes(app)) { throw new Error("Application was not backgrounded successfully"); } else { context.log.info("Application was backgrounded successfully"); } } // Run the test await commands.measure.start("about:blank test"); context.log.info("Waiting for %d ms for this scenario", scenario_time); await commands.wait.byTime(scenario_time); await commands.measure.stop(); if (background_app) { // Foreground the application and enable doze again await commands.android.shell(`am start --activity-single-top ${app}`); await commands.android.shell(`dumpsys deviceidle enable`); } } context.log.info("Browsertime scenario test ended."); return true; };