/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this * file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. */ import { AppConstants } from "resource://gre/modules/AppConstants.sys.mjs"; import { XPCOMUtils } from "resource://gre/modules/XPCOMUtils.sys.mjs"; const lazy = {}; ChromeUtils.defineESModuleGetters(lazy, { HiddenFrame: "resource://gre/modules/HiddenFrame.sys.mjs", SpecialPowersSandbox: "resource://specialpowers/SpecialPowersSandbox.sys.mjs", }); XPCOMUtils.defineLazyModuleGetters(lazy, { ExtensionData: "resource://gre/modules/Extension.jsm", ExtensionTestCommon: "resource://testing-common/ExtensionTestCommon.jsm", PerTestCoverageUtils: "resource://testing-common/PerTestCoverageUtils.jsm", ServiceWorkerCleanUp: "resource://gre/modules/ServiceWorkerCleanUp.jsm", }); class SpecialPowersError extends Error { get name() { return "SpecialPowersError"; } } const PREF_TYPES = { [Ci.nsIPrefBranch.PREF_INVALID]: "INVALID", [Ci.nsIPrefBranch.PREF_INT]: "INT", [Ci.nsIPrefBranch.PREF_BOOL]: "BOOL", [Ci.nsIPrefBranch.PREF_STRING]: "CHAR", number: "INT", boolean: "BOOL", string: "CHAR", }; // We share a single preference environment stack between all // SpecialPowers instances, across all processes. let prefUndoStack = []; let inPrefEnvOp = false; let permissionUndoStack = []; function doPrefEnvOp(fn) { if (inPrefEnvOp) { throw new Error( "Reentrant preference environment operations not supported" ); } inPrefEnvOp = true; try { return fn(); } finally { inPrefEnvOp = false; } } async function createWindowlessBrowser({ isPrivate = false } = {}) { const { promiseDocumentLoaded, promiseEvent, promiseObserved, } = ChromeUtils.import( "resource://gre/modules/ExtensionUtils.jsm" ).ExtensionUtils; let windowlessBrowser = Services.appShell.createWindowlessBrowser(true); if (isPrivate) { let loadContext = windowlessBrowser.docShell.QueryInterface( Ci.nsILoadContext ); loadContext.usePrivateBrowsing = true; } let chromeShell = windowlessBrowser.docShell.QueryInterface( Ci.nsIWebNavigation ); const system = Services.scriptSecurityManager.getSystemPrincipal(); chromeShell.createAboutBlankContentViewer(system, system); windowlessBrowser.browsingContext.useGlobalHistory = false; chromeShell.loadURI("chrome://extensions/content/dummy.xhtml", { triggeringPrincipal: system, }); await promiseObserved( "chrome-document-global-created", win => win.document == chromeShell.document ); let chromeDoc = await promiseDocumentLoaded(chromeShell.document); let browser = chromeDoc.createXULElement("browser"); browser.setAttribute("type", "content"); browser.setAttribute("disableglobalhistory", "true"); browser.setAttribute("remote", "true"); let promise = promiseEvent(browser, "XULFrameLoaderCreated"); chromeDoc.documentElement.appendChild(browser); await promise; return { windowlessBrowser, browser }; } // Supplies the unique IDs for tasks created by SpecialPowers.spawn(), // used to bounce assertion messages back down to the correct child. let nextTaskID = 1; // The default actor to send assertions to if a task originated in a // window without a test harness. let defaultAssertHandler; export class SpecialPowersParent extends JSWindowActorParent { constructor() { super(); this._messageManager = Services.mm; this._serviceWorkerListener = null; this._observer = this.observe.bind(this); this.didDestroy = this.uninit.bind(this); this._registerObservers = { _self: this, _topics: [], _add(topic) { if (!this._topics.includes(topic)) { this._topics.push(topic); Services.obs.addObserver(this, topic); } }, observe(aSubject, aTopic, aData) { var msg = { aData }; switch (aTopic) { case "csp-on-violate-policy": // the subject is either an nsIURI or an nsISupportsCString let subject = null; if (aSubject instanceof Ci.nsIURI) { subject = aSubject.asciiSpec; } else if (aSubject instanceof Ci.nsISupportsCString) { subject = aSubject.data; } else { throw new Error("Subject must be nsIURI or nsISupportsCString"); } msg = { subject, data: aData, }; this._self.sendAsyncMessage("specialpowers-" + aTopic, msg); return; case "xfo-on-violate-policy": let uriSpec = null; if (aSubject instanceof Ci.nsIURI) { uriSpec = aSubject.asciiSpec; } else { throw new Error("Subject must be nsIURI"); } msg = { subject: uriSpec, data: aData, }; this._self.sendAsyncMessage("specialpowers-" + aTopic, msg); return; default: this._self.sendAsyncMessage("specialpowers-" + aTopic, msg); } }, }; this.init(); this._crashDumpDir = null; this._processCrashObserversRegistered = false; this._chromeScriptListeners = []; this._extensions = new Map(); this._taskActors = new Map(); } init() { Services.obs.addObserver(this._observer, "http-on-modify-request"); // We would like to check that tests don't leave service workers around // after they finish, but that information lives in the parent process. // Ideally, we'd be able to tell the child processes whenever service // workers are registered or unregistered so they would know at all times, // but service worker lifetimes are complicated enough to make that // difficult. For the time being, let the child process know when a test // registers a service worker so it can ask, synchronously, at the end if // the service worker had unregister called on it. let swm = Cc["@mozilla.org/serviceworkers/manager;1"].getService( Ci.nsIServiceWorkerManager ); let self = this; this._serviceWorkerListener = { onRegister() { self.onRegister(); }, onUnregister() { // no-op }, }; swm.addListener(this._serviceWorkerListener); } uninit() { if (defaultAssertHandler === this) { defaultAssertHandler = null; } var obs = Services.obs; obs.removeObserver(this._observer, "http-on-modify-request"); this._registerObservers._topics.splice(0).forEach(element => { obs.removeObserver(this._registerObservers, element); }); this._removeProcessCrashObservers(); let swm = Cc["@mozilla.org/serviceworkers/manager;1"].getService( Ci.nsIServiceWorkerManager ); swm.removeListener(this._serviceWorkerListener); } observe(aSubject, aTopic, aData) { function addDumpIDToMessage(propertyName) { try { var id = aSubject.getPropertyAsAString(propertyName); } catch (ex) { id = null; } if (id) { message.dumpIDs.push({ id, extension: "dmp" }); message.dumpIDs.push({ id, extension: "extra" }); } } switch (aTopic) { case "http-on-modify-request": if (aSubject instanceof Ci.nsIChannel) { let uri = aSubject.URI.spec; this.sendAsyncMessage("specialpowers-http-notify-request", { uri }); } break; case "ipc:content-shutdown": aSubject = aSubject.QueryInterface(Ci.nsIPropertyBag2); if (!aSubject.hasKey("abnormal")) { return; // This is a normal shutdown, ignore it } var message = { type: "crash-observed", dumpIDs: [] }; addDumpIDToMessage("dumpID"); this.sendAsyncMessage("SPProcessCrashService", message); break; } } _getCrashDumpDir() { if (!this._crashDumpDir) { this._crashDumpDir = Services.dirsvc.get("ProfD", Ci.nsIFile); this._crashDumpDir.append("minidumps"); } return this._crashDumpDir; } _getPendingCrashDumpDir() { if (!this._pendingCrashDumpDir) { this._pendingCrashDumpDir = Services.dirsvc.get("UAppData", Ci.nsIFile); this._pendingCrashDumpDir.append("Crash Reports"); this._pendingCrashDumpDir.append("pending"); } return this._pendingCrashDumpDir; } _deleteCrashDumpFiles(aFilenames) { var crashDumpDir = this._getCrashDumpDir(); if (!crashDumpDir.exists()) { return false; } var success = !!aFilenames.length; aFilenames.forEach(function(crashFilename) { var file = crashDumpDir.clone(); file.append(crashFilename); if (file.exists()) { file.remove(false); } else { success = false; } }); return success; } _findCrashDumpFiles(aToIgnore) { var crashDumpDir = this._getCrashDumpDir(); var entries = crashDumpDir.exists() && crashDumpDir.directoryEntries; if (!entries) { return []; } var crashDumpFiles = []; while (entries.hasMoreElements()) { var file = entries.nextFile; var path = String(file.path); if (path.match(/\.(dmp|extra)$/) && !aToIgnore[path]) { crashDumpFiles.push(path); } } return crashDumpFiles.concat(); } _deletePendingCrashDumpFiles() { var crashDumpDir = this._getPendingCrashDumpDir(); var removed = false; if (crashDumpDir.exists()) { let entries = crashDumpDir.directoryEntries; while (entries.hasMoreElements()) { let file = entries.nextFile; if (file.isFile()) { file.remove(false); removed = true; } } } return removed; } _addProcessCrashObservers() { if (this._processCrashObserversRegistered) { return; } Services.obs.addObserver(this._observer, "ipc:content-shutdown"); this._processCrashObserversRegistered = true; } _removeProcessCrashObservers() { if (!this._processCrashObserversRegistered) { return; } Services.obs.removeObserver(this._observer, "ipc:content-shutdown"); this._processCrashObserversRegistered = false; } onRegister() { this.sendAsyncMessage("SPServiceWorkerRegistered", { registered: true }); } _getURI(url) { return Services.io.newURI(url); } _notifyCategoryAndObservers(subject, topic, data) { const serviceMarker = "service,"; // First create observers from the category manager. let observers = []; for (let { value: contractID } of Services.catMan.enumerateCategory( topic )) { let factoryFunction; if (contractID.substring(0, serviceMarker.length) == serviceMarker) { contractID = contractID.substring(serviceMarker.length); factoryFunction = "getService"; } else { factoryFunction = "createInstance"; } try { let handler = Cc[contractID][factoryFunction](); if (handler) { let observer = handler.QueryInterface(Ci.nsIObserver); observers.push(observer); } } catch (e) {} } // Next enumerate the registered observers. for (let observer of Services.obs.enumerateObservers(topic)) { if (observer instanceof Ci.nsIObserver && !observers.includes(observer)) { observers.push(observer); } } observers.forEach(function(observer) { try { observer.observe(subject, topic, data); } catch (e) {} }); } /* Iterate through one atomic set of pref actions and perform sets/clears as appropriate. All actions performed must modify the relevant pref. Returns whether we need to wait for a refresh driver tick for the pref to have effect. This is only needed for ui. and font. prefs, which affect the look and feel code and have some change-coalescing going on. */ _applyPrefs(actions) { let requiresRefresh = false; for (let pref of actions) { // This logic should match PrefRequiresRefresh in reftest.jsm requiresRefresh = requiresRefresh || pref.name == "layout.css.prefers-color-scheme.content-override" || pref.name.startsWith("ui.") || pref.name.startsWith("browser.display.") || pref.name.startsWith("font."); if (pref.action == "set") { this._setPref(pref.name, pref.type, pref.value, pref.iid); } else if (pref.action == "clear") { Services.prefs.clearUserPref(pref.name); } } return requiresRefresh; } /** * Take in a list of pref changes to make, pushes their current values * onto the restore stack, and makes the changes. When the test * finishes, these changes are reverted. * * |inPrefs| must be an object with up to two properties: "set" and "clear". * pushPrefEnv will set prefs as indicated in |inPrefs.set| and will unset * the prefs indicated in |inPrefs.clear|. * * For example, you might pass |inPrefs| as: * * inPrefs = {'set': [['foo.bar', 2], ['magic.pref', 'baz']], * 'clear': [['clear.this'], ['also.this']] }; * * Notice that |set| and |clear| are both an array of arrays. In |set|, each * of the inner arrays must have the form [pref_name, value] or [pref_name, * value, iid]. (The latter form is used for prefs with "complex" values.) * * In |clear|, each inner array should have the form [pref_name]. * * If you set the same pref more than once (or both set and clear a pref), * the behavior of this method is undefined. */ pushPrefEnv(inPrefs) { return doPrefEnvOp(() => { let pendingActions = []; let cleanupActions = []; for (let [action, prefs] of Object.entries(inPrefs)) { for (let pref of prefs) { let name = pref[0]; let value = null; let iid = null; let type = PREF_TYPES[Services.prefs.getPrefType(name)]; let originalValue = null; if (pref.length == 3) { value = pref[1]; iid = pref[2]; } else if (pref.length == 2) { value = pref[1]; } /* If pref is not found or invalid it doesn't exist. */ if (type !== "INVALID") { if ( (Services.prefs.prefHasUserValue(name) && action == "clear") || action == "set" ) { originalValue = this._getPref(name, type); } } else if (action == "set") { /* name doesn't exist, so 'clear' is pointless */ if (iid) { type = "COMPLEX"; } } if (type === "INVALID") { type = PREF_TYPES[typeof value]; } if (type === "INVALID") { throw new Error("Unexpected preference type"); } pendingActions.push({ action, type, name, value, iid }); /* Push original preference value or clear into cleanup array */ var cleanupTodo = { type, name, value: originalValue, iid }; if (originalValue == null) { cleanupTodo.action = "clear"; } else { cleanupTodo.action = "set"; } cleanupActions.push(cleanupTodo); } } prefUndoStack.push(cleanupActions); let requiresRefresh = this._applyPrefs(pendingActions); return { requiresRefresh }; }); } async popPrefEnv() { return doPrefEnvOp(() => { let env = prefUndoStack.pop(); if (env) { let requiresRefresh = this._applyPrefs(env); return { popped: true, requiresRefresh }; } return { popped: false, requiresRefresh: false }; }); } flushPrefEnv() { let requiresRefresh = false; while (prefUndoStack.length) { requiresRefresh |= this.popPrefEnv().requiresRefresh; } return { requiresRefresh }; } _setPref(name, type, value, iid) { switch (type) { case "BOOL": return Services.prefs.setBoolPref(name, value); case "INT": return Services.prefs.setIntPref(name, value); case "CHAR": return Services.prefs.setCharPref(name, value); case "COMPLEX": return Services.prefs.setComplexValue(name, iid, value); } throw new Error(`Unexpected preference type: ${type}`); } _getPref(name, type, defaultValue, iid) { switch (type) { case "BOOL": if (defaultValue !== undefined) { return Services.prefs.getBoolPref(name, defaultValue); } return Services.prefs.getBoolPref(name); case "INT": if (defaultValue !== undefined) { return Services.prefs.getIntPref(name, defaultValue); } return Services.prefs.getIntPref(name); case "CHAR": if (defaultValue !== undefined) { return Services.prefs.getCharPref(name, defaultValue); } return Services.prefs.getCharPref(name); case "COMPLEX": return Services.prefs.getComplexValue(name, iid); } throw new Error(`Unexpected preference type: ${type}`); } _toggleMuteAudio(aMuted) { let browser = this.browsingContext.top.embedderElement; if (aMuted) { browser.mute(); } else { browser.unmute(); } } _permOp(perm) { switch (perm.op) { case "add": Services.perms.addFromPrincipal( perm.principal, perm.type, perm.permission, perm.expireType, perm.expireTime ); break; case "remove": Services.perms.removeFromPrincipal(perm.principal, perm.type); break; default: throw new Error(`Unexpected permission op: ${perm.op}`); } } pushPermissions(inPermissions) { let pendingPermissions = []; let cleanupPermissions = []; for (let permission of inPermissions) { let { principal } = permission; if (principal.isSystemPrincipal) { continue; } let originalValue = Services.perms.testPermissionFromPrincipal( principal, permission.type ); let perm = permission.allow; if (typeof perm === "boolean") { perm = Ci.nsIPermissionManager[perm ? "ALLOW_ACTION" : "DENY_ACTION"]; } if (permission.remove) { perm = Ci.nsIPermissionManager.UNKNOWN_ACTION; } if (originalValue == perm) { continue; } let todo = { op: "add", type: permission.type, permission: perm, value: perm, principal, expireType: typeof permission.expireType === "number" ? permission.expireType : 0, // default: EXPIRE_NEVER expireTime: typeof permission.expireTime === "number" ? permission.expireTime : 0, }; var cleanupTodo = Object.assign({}, todo); if (permission.remove) { todo.op = "remove"; } pendingPermissions.push(todo); if (originalValue == Ci.nsIPermissionManager.UNKNOWN_ACTION) { cleanupTodo.op = "remove"; } else { cleanupTodo.value = originalValue; cleanupTodo.permission = originalValue; } cleanupPermissions.push(cleanupTodo); } permissionUndoStack.push(cleanupPermissions); for (let perm of pendingPermissions) { this._permOp(perm); } } popPermissions() { if (permissionUndoStack.length) { for (let perm of permissionUndoStack.pop()) { this._permOp(perm); } } } flushPermissions() { while (permissionUndoStack.length) { this.popPermissions(); } } _spawnChrome(task, args, caller, imports) { let sb = new lazy.SpecialPowersSandbox( null, data => { this.sendAsyncMessage("Assert", data); }, { imports } ); for (let [global, prop] of Object.entries({ windowGlobalParent: "manager", browsingContext: "browsingContext", })) { Object.defineProperty(sb.sandbox, global, { get: () => { return this[prop]; }, enumerable: true, }); } return sb.execute(task, args, caller); } /** * messageManager callback function * This will get requests from our API in the window and process them in chrome for it **/ // eslint-disable-next-line complexity async receiveMessage(aMessage) { let startTime = Cu.now(); // Try block so we can use a finally statement to add a profiler marker // despite all the return statements. try { // We explicitly return values in the below code so that this function // doesn't trigger a flurry of warnings about "does not always return // a value". switch (aMessage.name) { case "SPToggleMuteAudio": return this._toggleMuteAudio(aMessage.data.mute); case "Ping": return undefined; case "SpecialPowers.Quit": if ( !AppConstants.RELEASE_OR_BETA && !AppConstants.DEBUG && !AppConstants.MOZ_CODE_COVERAGE && !AppConstants.ASAN && !AppConstants.TSAN ) { if (Services.profiler.IsActive()) { let filename = Services.env.get("MOZ_PROFILER_SHUTDOWN"); if (filename) { await Services.profiler.dumpProfileToFileAsync(filename); await Services.profiler.StopProfiler(); } } Cu.exitIfInAutomation(); } else { Services.startup.quit(Ci.nsIAppStartup.eForceQuit); } return undefined; case "EnsureFocus": let bc = aMessage.data.browsingContext; // Send a message to the child telling it to focus the window. // If the message responds with a browsing context, then // a child browsing context in a subframe should be focused. // Iterate until nothing is returned and we get to the most // deeply nested subframe that should be focused. do { let spParent = bc.currentWindowGlobal.getActor("SpecialPowers"); if (spParent) { bc = await spParent.sendQuery("EnsureFocus", { blurSubframe: aMessage.data.blurSubframe, }); } } while (bc && !aMessage.data.blurSubframe); return undefined; case "SpecialPowers.Focus": if (this.manager.rootFrameLoader) { this.manager.rootFrameLoader.ownerElement.focus(); } return undefined; case "SpecialPowers.CreateFiles": return (async () => { let filePaths = []; if (!this._createdFiles) { this._createdFiles = []; } let createdFiles = this._createdFiles; let promises = []; aMessage.data.forEach(function(request) { const filePerms = 0o666; let testFile = Services.dirsvc.get("ProfD", Ci.nsIFile); if (request.name) { testFile.appendRelativePath(request.name); } else { testFile.createUnique(Ci.nsIFile.NORMAL_FILE_TYPE, filePerms); } let outStream = Cc[ "@mozilla.org/network/file-output-stream;1" ].createInstance(Ci.nsIFileOutputStream); outStream.init( testFile, 0x02 | 0x08 | 0x20, // PR_WRONLY | PR_CREATE_FILE | PR_TRUNCATE filePerms, 0 ); if (request.data) { outStream.write(request.data, request.data.length); } outStream.close(); promises.push( File.createFromFileName(testFile.path, request.options).then( function(file) { filePaths.push(file); } ) ); createdFiles.push(testFile); }); await Promise.all(promises); return filePaths; })().catch(e => { console.error(e); return Promise.reject(String(e)); }); case "SpecialPowers.RemoveFiles": if (this._createdFiles) { this._createdFiles.forEach(function(testFile) { try { testFile.remove(false); } catch (e) {} }); this._createdFiles = null; } return undefined; case "Wakeup": return undefined; case "EvictAllContentViewers": this.browsingContext.top.sessionHistory.evictAllContentViewers(); return undefined; case "PushPrefEnv": return this.pushPrefEnv(aMessage.data); case "PopPrefEnv": return this.popPrefEnv(); case "FlushPrefEnv": return this.flushPrefEnv(); case "PushPermissions": return this.pushPermissions(aMessage.data); case "PopPermissions": return this.popPermissions(); case "FlushPermissions": return this.flushPermissions(); case "SPPrefService": { let prefs = Services.prefs; let prefType = aMessage.json.prefType.toUpperCase(); let { prefName, prefValue, iid, defaultValue } = aMessage.json; if (aMessage.json.op == "get") { if (!prefName || !prefType) { throw new SpecialPowersError( "Invalid parameters for get in SPPrefService" ); } // return null if the pref doesn't exist if ( defaultValue === undefined && prefs.getPrefType(prefName) == prefs.PREF_INVALID ) { return null; } return this._getPref(prefName, prefType, defaultValue, iid); } else if (aMessage.json.op == "set") { if (!prefName || !prefType || prefValue === undefined) { throw new SpecialPowersError( "Invalid parameters for set in SPPrefService" ); } return this._setPref(prefName, prefType, prefValue, iid); } else if (aMessage.json.op == "clear") { if (!prefName) { throw new SpecialPowersError( "Invalid parameters for clear in SPPrefService" ); } prefs.clearUserPref(prefName); } else { throw new SpecialPowersError("Invalid operation for SPPrefService"); } return undefined; // See comment at the beginning of this function. } case "SPProcessCrashService": { switch (aMessage.json.op) { case "register-observer": this._addProcessCrashObservers(); break; case "unregister-observer": this._removeProcessCrashObservers(); break; case "delete-crash-dump-files": return this._deleteCrashDumpFiles(aMessage.json.filenames); case "find-crash-dump-files": return this._findCrashDumpFiles( aMessage.json.crashDumpFilesToIgnore ); case "delete-pending-crash-dump-files": return this._deletePendingCrashDumpFiles(); default: throw new SpecialPowersError( "Invalid operation for SPProcessCrashService" ); } return undefined; // See comment at the beginning of this function. } case "SPProcessCrashManagerWait": { let promises = aMessage.json.crashIds.map(crashId => { return Services.crashmanager.ensureCrashIsPresent(crashId); }); return Promise.all(promises); } case "SPPermissionManager": { let msg = aMessage.data; switch (msg.op) { case "add": case "remove": this._permOp(msg); break; case "has": let hasPerm = Services.perms.testPermissionFromPrincipal( msg.principal, msg.type ); return hasPerm == Ci.nsIPermissionManager.ALLOW_ACTION; case "test": let testPerm = Services.perms.testPermissionFromPrincipal( msg.principal, msg.type ); return testPerm == msg.value; default: throw new SpecialPowersError( "Invalid operation for SPPermissionManager" ); } return undefined; // See comment at the beginning of this function. } case "SPObserverService": { let topic = aMessage.json.observerTopic; switch (aMessage.json.op) { case "notify": let data = aMessage.json.observerData; Services.obs.notifyObservers(null, topic, data); break; case "add": this._registerObservers._add(topic); break; default: throw new SpecialPowersError( "Invalid operation for SPObserverervice" ); } return undefined; // See comment at the beginning of this function. } case "SPLoadChromeScript": { let id = aMessage.json.id; let scriptName; let jsScript = aMessage.json.function.body; if (aMessage.json.url) { scriptName = aMessage.json.url; } else if (aMessage.json.function) { scriptName = aMessage.json.function.name || ""; } else { throw new SpecialPowersError("SPLoadChromeScript: Invalid script"); } // Setup a chrome sandbox that has access to sendAsyncMessage // and {add,remove}MessageListener in order to communicate with // the mochitest. let sb = new lazy.SpecialPowersSandbox( scriptName, data => { this.sendAsyncMessage("Assert", data); }, aMessage.data ); Object.assign(sb.sandbox, { createWindowlessBrowser, sendAsyncMessage: (name, message) => { this.sendAsyncMessage("SPChromeScriptMessage", { id, name, message, }); }, addMessageListener: (name, listener) => { this._chromeScriptListeners.push({ id, name, listener }); }, removeMessageListener: (name, listener) => { let index = this._chromeScriptListeners.findIndex(function(obj) { return ( obj.id == id && obj.name == name && obj.listener == listener ); }); if (index >= 0) { this._chromeScriptListeners.splice(index, 1); } }, actorParent: this.manager, }); // Evaluate the chrome script try { Cu.evalInSandbox(jsScript, sb.sandbox, "1.8", scriptName, 1); } catch (e) { throw new SpecialPowersError( "Error while executing chrome script '" + scriptName + "':\n" + e + "\n" + e.fileName + ":" + e.lineNumber ); } return undefined; // See comment at the beginning of this function. } case "SPChromeScriptMessage": { let id = aMessage.json.id; let name = aMessage.json.name; let message = aMessage.json.message; let result; for (let listener of this._chromeScriptListeners) { if (listener.name == name && listener.id == id) { result = listener.listener(message); } } return result; } case "SPImportInMainProcess": { var message = { hadError: false, errorMessage: null }; try { ChromeUtils.import(aMessage.data); } catch (e) { message.hadError = true; message.errorMessage = e.toString(); } return message; } case "SPCleanUpSTSData": { let origin = aMessage.data.origin; let uri = Services.io.newURI(origin); let sss = Cc["@mozilla.org/ssservice;1"].getService( Ci.nsISiteSecurityService ); sss.resetState(uri); return undefined; } case "SPRequestDumpCoverageCounters": { return lazy.PerTestCoverageUtils.afterTest(); } case "SPRequestResetCoverageCounters": { return lazy.PerTestCoverageUtils.beforeTest(); } case "SPCheckServiceWorkers": { let swm = Cc["@mozilla.org/serviceworkers/manager;1"].getService( Ci.nsIServiceWorkerManager ); let regs = swm.getAllRegistrations(); // XXX This code is shared with specialpowers.js. let workers = new Array(regs.length); for (let i = 0; i < regs.length; ++i) { let { scope, scriptSpec } = regs.queryElementAt( i, Ci.nsIServiceWorkerRegistrationInfo ); workers[i] = { scope, scriptSpec }; } return { workers }; } case "SPLoadExtension": { let id = aMessage.data.id; let ext = aMessage.data.ext; if (AppConstants.platform === "android") { // Some extension APIs are partially implemented in Java, and the // interface between the JS and Java side (GeckoViewWebExtension) // expects extensions to be registered with the AddonManager. // // For simplicity, default to using an Addon Manager (if not null). if (ext.useAddonManager === undefined) { ext.useAddonManager = "android-only"; } } // delayedStartup is only supported in xpcshell if (ext.delayedStartup !== undefined) { throw new Error( `delayedStartup is only supported in xpcshell, use "useAddonManager".` ); } let extension = lazy.ExtensionTestCommon.generate(ext); let resultListener = (...args) => { this.sendAsyncMessage("SPExtensionMessage", { id, type: "testResult", args, }); }; let messageListener = (...args) => { args.shift(); this.sendAsyncMessage("SPExtensionMessage", { id, type: "testMessage", args, }); }; // Register pass/fail handlers. extension.on("test-result", resultListener); extension.on("test-eq", resultListener); extension.on("test-log", resultListener); extension.on("test-done", resultListener); extension.on("test-message", messageListener); this._extensions.set(id, extension); return undefined; } case "SPStartupExtension": { let id = aMessage.data.id; // This is either an Extension, or (if useAddonManager is set) a MockExtension. let extension = this._extensions.get(id); extension.on("startup", (eventName, ext) => { if (AppConstants.platform === "android") { // We need a way to notify the embedding layer that a new extension // has been installed, so that the java layer can be updated too. Services.obs.notifyObservers(null, "testing-installed-addon", id); } // ext is always the "real" Extension object, even when "extension" // is a MockExtension. this.sendAsyncMessage("SPExtensionMessage", { id, type: "extensionSetId", args: [ext.id, ext.uuid], }); }); // Make sure the extension passes the packaging checks when // they're run on a bare archive rather than a running instance, // as the add-on manager runs them. let extensionData = new lazy.ExtensionData(extension.rootURI); return extensionData .loadManifest() .then( () => { return extensionData.initAllLocales().then(() => { if (extensionData.errors.length) { return Promise.reject( "Extension contains packaging errors" ); } return undefined; }); }, () => { // loadManifest() will throw if we're loading an embedded // extension, so don't worry about locale errors in that // case. } ) .then(async () => { // browser tests do not call startup in ExtensionXPCShellUtils or MockExtension, // in that case we have an ID here and we need to set the override. if (extension.id) { await lazy.ExtensionTestCommon.setIncognitoOverride(extension); } return extension.startup().then( () => {}, e => { dump(`Extension startup failed: ${e}\n${e.stack}`); throw e; } ); }); } case "SPExtensionMessage": { let id = aMessage.data.id; let extension = this._extensions.get(id); extension.testMessage(...aMessage.data.args); return undefined; } case "SPExtensionGrantActiveTab": { let { id, tabId } = aMessage.data; let { tabManager } = this._extensions.get(id); tabManager.addActiveTabPermission(tabManager.get(tabId).nativeTab); return undefined; } case "SPUnloadExtension": { let id = aMessage.data.id; let extension = this._extensions.get(id); this._extensions.delete(id); return extension.shutdown().then(() => { return extension._uninstallPromise; }); } case "SPExtensionTerminateBackground": { let id = aMessage.data.id; let args = aMessage.data.args; let extension = this._extensions.get(id); return extension.terminateBackground(...args); } case "SPExtensionWakeupBackground": { let id = aMessage.data.id; let extension = this._extensions.get(id); return extension.wakeupBackground(); } case "SetAsDefaultAssertHandler": { defaultAssertHandler = this; return undefined; } case "Spawn": { // Use a different variable for the profiler marker start time // so that a marker isn't added when we return, but instead when // our promise resolves. let spawnStartTime = startTime; startTime = undefined; let { browsingContext, task, args, caller, hasHarness, imports, } = aMessage.data; let spParent = browsingContext.currentWindowGlobal.getActor( "SpecialPowers" ); let taskId = nextTaskID++; if (hasHarness) { spParent._taskActors.set(taskId, this); } return spParent .sendQuery("Spawn", { task, args, caller, taskId, imports }) .finally(() => { ChromeUtils.addProfilerMarker( "SpecialPowers", { startTime: spawnStartTime, category: "Test" }, aMessage.name ); return spParent._taskActors.delete(taskId); }); } case "SpawnChrome": { let { task, args, caller, imports } = aMessage.data; return this._spawnChrome(task, args, caller, imports); } case "Snapshot": { let { browsingContext, rect, background, resetScrollPosition, } = aMessage.data; return browsingContext.currentWindowGlobal .drawSnapshot(rect, 1.0, background, resetScrollPosition) .then(async image => { let hiddenFrame = new lazy.HiddenFrame(); let win = await hiddenFrame.get(); let canvas = win.document.createElement("canvas"); canvas.width = image.width; canvas.height = image.height; const ctx = canvas.getContext("2d"); ctx.drawImage(image, 0, 0); let data = ctx.getImageData(0, 0, image.width, image.height); hiddenFrame.destroy(); return data; }); } case "SecurityState": { let { browsingContext } = aMessage.data; return browsingContext.secureBrowserUI.state; } case "ProxiedAssert": { let { taskId, data } = aMessage.data; let actor = this._taskActors.get(taskId) || defaultAssertHandler; actor.sendAsyncMessage("Assert", data); return undefined; } case "SPRemoveAllServiceWorkers": { return lazy.ServiceWorkerCleanUp.removeAll(); } case "SPRemoveServiceWorkerDataForExampleDomain": { return lazy.ServiceWorkerCleanUp.removeFromHost("example.com"); } case "SPGenerateMediaControlKeyTestEvent": { // eslint-disable-next-line no-undef MediaControlService.generateMediaControlKey(aMessage.data.event); return undefined; } default: throw new SpecialPowersError( `Unrecognized Special Powers API: ${aMessage.name}` ); } // This should be unreachable. If it ever becomes reachable, ESLint // will produce an error about inconsistent return values. } finally { if (startTime) { ChromeUtils.addProfilerMarker( "SpecialPowers", { startTime, category: "Test" }, aMessage.name ); } } } }