[keypath-special-identifiers.htm] expected: if (os == "win") and not debug and (processor == "x86"): [OK, TIMEOUT] if (os == "android") and fission: [OK, TIMEOUT] [Type: String, identifier: length] expected: if (processor == "x86") and not debug: [PASS, TIMEOUT] [Type: Array, identifier: length] expected: if (processor == "x86") and not debug: [PASS, TIMEOUT] [Type: Blob, identifier: size] expected: if (processor == "x86") and not debug: [PASS, TIMEOUT] [Type: Blob, identifier: type] expected: if (processor == "x86") and not debug: [PASS, TIMEOUT] [Type: File, identifier: name] expected: if (processor == "x86") and not debug: [PASS, TIMEOUT] [Type: File, identifier: lastModified] expected: if (processor == "x86") and not debug: [PASS, TIMEOUT]