if (os == "android") and fission: [OK, TIMEOUT]
[Navigator interface: navigator must inherit property "clearClientBadge()" with the proper type]
expected: FAIL
[Navigator interface: operation clearClientBadge()]
expected: FAIL
[Navigator interface: navigator must inherit property "clearAppBadge()" with the proper type]
expected: FAIL
[Navigator interface: operation clearAppBadge()]
expected: FAIL
[Navigator interface: calling setAppBadge(optional unsigned long long) on navigator with too few arguments must throw TypeError]
expected: FAIL
[Navigator interface: operation setAppBadge(optional unsigned long long)]
expected: FAIL
[Navigator interface: calling setClientBadge(optional unsigned long long) on navigator with too few arguments must throw TypeError]
expected: FAIL
[Navigator interface: navigator must inherit property "setAppBadge(optional unsigned long long)" with the proper type]
expected: FAIL
[Navigator interface: navigator must inherit property "setClientBadge(optional unsigned long long)" with the proper type]
expected: FAIL
[Navigator interface: operation setClientBadge(optional unsigned long long)]
expected: FAIL
if (os == "android") and fission: [OK, TIMEOUT]
[WorkerNavigator interface: navigator must inherit property "clearAppBadge()" with the proper type]
expected: FAIL
[WorkerNavigator interface: operation clearAppBadge()]
expected: FAIL
[WorkerNavigator interface: navigator must inherit property "setAppBadge(optional unsigned long long)" with the proper type]
expected: FAIL
[WorkerNavigator interface: calling setAppBadge(optional unsigned long long) on navigator with too few arguments must throw TypeError]
expected: FAIL
[WorkerNavigator interface: operation setAppBadge(optional unsigned long long)]
expected: FAIL