[e.style['hanging-punctuation'\] = "allow-end last first" should set the property value]
expected: FAIL
[e.style['hanging-punctuation'\] = "force-end" should set the property value]
expected: FAIL
[e.style['hanging-punctuation'\] = "force-end last" should set the property value]
expected: FAIL
[e.style['hanging-punctuation'\] = "none" should set the property value]
expected: FAIL
[e.style['hanging-punctuation'\] = "first force-end" should set the property value]
expected: FAIL
[e.style['hanging-punctuation'\] = "allow-end" should set the property value]
expected: FAIL
[e.style['hanging-punctuation'\] = "last first force-end" should set the property value]
expected: FAIL
[e.style['hanging-punctuation'\] = "last first" should set the property value]
expected: FAIL
[e.style['hanging-punctuation'\] = "first allow-end last" should set the property value]
expected: FAIL
[e.style['hanging-punctuation'\] = "allow-end first" should set the property value]
expected: FAIL
[e.style['hanging-punctuation'\] = "last" should set the property value]
expected: FAIL
[e.style['hanging-punctuation'\] = "first" should set the property value]
expected: FAIL
[e.style['hanging-punctuation'\] = "first last force-end" should set the property value]
expected: FAIL
[e.style['hanging-punctuation'\] = "last allow-end" should set the property value]
expected: FAIL
[e.style['hanging-punctuation'\] = "last allow-end first" should set the property value]
expected: FAIL
[e.style['hanging-punctuation'\] = "first last" should set the property value]
expected: FAIL
[e.style['hanging-punctuation'\] = "force-end first last" should set the property value]
expected: FAIL