[idlharness.any.serviceworker.html] expected: if (os == "android") and fission: [OK, TIMEOUT] [Request interface: new Request('about:blank') must inherit property "isHistoryNavigation" with the proper type] expected: FAIL [Request interface: attribute keepalive] expected: FAIL [Request interface: attribute isHistoryNavigation] expected: FAIL [Request interface: new Request('about:blank') must inherit property "keepalive" with the proper type] expected: FAIL [Request interface: attribute isReloadNavigation] expected: FAIL [Request interface: new Request('about:blank') must inherit property "isReloadNavigation" with the proper type] expected: FAIL [Request interface: new Request('about:blank') must inherit property "body" with the proper type] expected: FAIL [Request interface: attribute body] expected: FAIL [Response interface: operation json(any, optional ResponseInit)] expected: FAIL [Response interface: calling json(any, optional ResponseInit) on new Response() with too few arguments must throw TypeError] expected: FAIL [Request interface: attribute duplex] expected: FAIL [Request interface: new Request('about:blank') must inherit property "duplex" with the proper type] expected: FAIL [idlharness.any.html] expected: if (os == "android") and fission: [OK, TIMEOUT] [Request interface: new Request('about:blank') must inherit property "isHistoryNavigation" with the proper type] expected: FAIL [Request interface: attribute keepalive] expected: FAIL [Request interface: attribute isHistoryNavigation] expected: FAIL [Request interface: new Request('about:blank') must inherit property "keepalive" with the proper type] expected: FAIL [Request interface: attribute isReloadNavigation] expected: FAIL [Request interface: new Request('about:blank') must inherit property "isReloadNavigation" with the proper type] expected: FAIL [Request interface: new Request('about:blank') must inherit property "body" with the proper type] expected: FAIL [Request interface: attribute body] expected: FAIL [Response interface: operation json(any, optional ResponseInit)] expected: FAIL [Response interface: calling json(any, optional ResponseInit) on new Response() with too few arguments must throw TypeError] expected: FAIL [Request interface: attribute duplex] expected: FAIL [Request interface: new Request('about:blank') must inherit property "duplex" with the proper type] expected: FAIL [idlharness.any.worker.html] expected: if (os == "android") and fission: [OK, TIMEOUT] [Request interface: new Request('about:blank') must inherit property "isHistoryNavigation" with the proper type] expected: FAIL [Request interface: attribute keepalive] expected: FAIL [Request interface: attribute isHistoryNavigation] expected: FAIL [Request interface: new Request('about:blank') must inherit property "keepalive" with the proper type] expected: FAIL [Request interface: attribute isReloadNavigation] expected: FAIL [Request interface: new Request('about:blank') must inherit property "isReloadNavigation" with the proper type] expected: FAIL [Request interface: new Request('about:blank') must inherit property "body" with the proper type] expected: FAIL [Request interface: attribute body] expected: FAIL [Response interface: operation json(any, optional ResponseInit)] expected: FAIL [Response interface: calling json(any, optional ResponseInit) on new Response() with too few arguments must throw TypeError] expected: FAIL [Request interface: attribute duplex] expected: FAIL [Request interface: new Request('about:blank') must inherit property "duplex" with the proper type] expected: FAIL [idlharness.any.sharedworker.html] expected: if (os == "android") and fission: [OK, TIMEOUT] [Request interface: new Request('about:blank') must inherit property "isHistoryNavigation" with the proper type] expected: FAIL [Request interface: attribute keepalive] expected: FAIL [Request interface: attribute isHistoryNavigation] expected: FAIL [Request interface: new Request('about:blank') must inherit property "keepalive" with the proper type] expected: FAIL [Request interface: attribute isReloadNavigation] expected: FAIL [Request interface: new Request('about:blank') must inherit property "isReloadNavigation" with the proper type] expected: FAIL [Request interface: new Request('about:blank') must inherit property "body" with the proper type] expected: FAIL [Request interface: attribute body] expected: FAIL [Response interface: operation json(any, optional ResponseInit)] expected: FAIL [Response interface: calling json(any, optional ResponseInit) on new Response() with too few arguments must throw TypeError] expected: FAIL [Request interface: attribute duplex] expected: FAIL [Request interface: new Request('about:blank') must inherit property "duplex" with the proper type] expected: FAIL