[resource-popup.https.html] expected: if (os == "linux") and not swgl and debug and not fission: [TIMEOUT, OK] if (os == "mac") and debug: [TIMEOUT, OK] if (os == "linux") and swgl: [OK, ERROR, TIMEOUT] if (os == "win") and (processor == "x86_64"): [OK, ERROR, TIMEOUT] if os == "android": [OK, ERROR, TIMEOUT] [OK, TIMEOUT] [/common/dummy.xml - parent COOP: ""; child COOP: "same-origin"] expected: if (os == "linux") and debug and fission: [FAIL, PASS, TIMEOUT] if (os == "android") and debug and not swgl: [FAIL, PASS, TIMEOUT] if (os == "android") and debug and swgl: [FAIL, PASS, TIMEOUT] if (os == "android") and not debug: [FAIL, PASS, TIMEOUT] [PASS, FAIL, TIMEOUT] [/images/red.png - parent COOP: ""; child COOP: "same-origin"] expected: if os == "android": [FAIL, PASS, TIMEOUT] [PASS, FAIL, TIMEOUT] [/media/2x2-green.mp4 - parent COOP: ""; child COOP: "same-origin"] expected: if debug and (os == "linux") and not fission and not swgl: [TIMEOUT, PASS] if debug and (os == "mac"): [TIMEOUT, PASS] [PASS, TIMEOUT] [/common/text-plain.txt - parent COOP: ""; child COOP: "same-origin"] expected: if (os == "android") and debug: [FAIL, PASS, TIMEOUT] [PASS, FAIL, TIMEOUT] [/common/text-plain.txt - parent COOP: "same-origin"; child COOP: "same-origin"] expected: if (os == "linux") and not fission: [PASS, FAIL]