[toggleevent-interface.tentative.html] expected: if (os == "android") and fission: [OK, TIMEOUT] [the event is an instance of BeforeToggleEvent] expected: FAIL [the event inherts from Event] expected: FAIL [Missing type argument] expected: FAIL [type argument is string] expected: FAIL [type argument is null] expected: FAIL [event type set to undefined] expected: FAIL [currentState has default value of empty string] expected: FAIL [currentState is readonly] expected: FAIL [newState has default value of empty string] expected: FAIL [newState is readonly] expected: FAIL [BeforeToggleEventInit argument is null] expected: FAIL [BeforeToggleEventInit argument is undefined] expected: FAIL [BeforeToggleEventInit argument is empty dictionary] expected: FAIL [currentState set to 'sample'] expected: FAIL [currentState set to undefined] expected: FAIL [currentState set to null] expected: FAIL [currentState set to false] expected: FAIL [currentState set to true] expected: FAIL [currentState set to a number] expected: FAIL [currentState set to [\]] expected: FAIL [currentState set to [1, 2, 3\]] expected: FAIL [currentState set to an object] expected: FAIL [currentState set to an object with a valueOf function] expected: FAIL [BeforeToggleEventInit properties set value] expected: FAIL [BeforeToggleEventInit properties set value 2] expected: FAIL [BeforeToggleEventInit properties set value 3] expected: FAIL [BeforeToggleEventInit properties set value 4] expected: FAIL [newState set to 'sample'] expected: FAIL [newState set to undefined] expected: FAIL [newState set to null] expected: FAIL [newState set to false] expected: FAIL [newState set to true] expected: FAIL [newState set to a number] expected: FAIL [newState set to [\]] expected: FAIL [newState set to [1, 2, 3\]] expected: FAIL [newState set to an object] expected: FAIL [newState set to an object with a valueOf function] expected: FAIL