expected: ERROR
[Magnetometer: Test that sensor can be successfully created and its states are correct.]
expected: NOTRUN
[UncalibratedMagnetometer: Test that sensor can be successfully created and its states are correct.]
expected: NOTRUN
[UncalibratedMagnetometer: Test that frequency is capped to the maximum supported frequency.]
expected: NOTRUN
[UncalibratedMagnetometer: Test that fresh reading is fetched on start().]
expected: NOTRUN
[UncalibratedMagnetometer: Test that 'onreading' is called and sensor reading is valid.]
expected: NOTRUN
[Magnetometer: throw 'TypeError' if frequency is invalid.]
expected: FAIL
[Magnetometer: frequency hint works.]
expected: NOTRUN
[Magnetometer: no exception is thrown when calling stop() on already stopped sensor.]
expected: NOTRUN
[Magnetometer: Test that frequency is capped to allowed maximum.]
expected: NOTRUN
[Magnetometer: Test that fresh reading is fetched on start().]
expected: NOTRUN
[Magnetometer: Test that frequency is capped to the maximum supported frequency.]
expected: NOTRUN
[Magnetometer: Test that onerror is send when start() call has failed.]
expected: NOTRUN
[Magnetometer: sensor reading is correct.]
expected: NOTRUN
[Magnetometer: sensor reading is correct when options.referenceFrame is 'screen'.]
expected: NOTRUN
[UncalibratedMagnetometer: throw 'TypeError' if referenceFrame is not one of enumeration values.]
expected: FAIL
[Magnetometer: Test that onerror is sent when sensor is not supported.]
expected: FAIL
[UncalibratedMagnetometer: sensor timestamp is updated when time passes.]
expected: NOTRUN
[Magnetometer: Test that 'onreading' is called and sensor reading is valid.]
expected: NOTRUN
[UncalibratedMagnetometer: sensor reading is correct.]
expected: NOTRUN
[UncalibratedMagnetometer: Test that sensor cannot be constructed within iframe disallowed to use feature policy.]
expected: NOTRUN
[UncalibratedMagnetometer: sensor reading is correct when options.referenceFrame is 'screen'.]
expected: NOTRUN
[Magnetometer: no exception is thrown when calling start() on already started sensor.]
expected: NOTRUN
[UncalibratedMagnetometer: Test that sensor can be constructed within an iframe allowed to use feature policy.]
expected: NOTRUN
[UncalibratedMagnetometer: Test that onerror is sent when permissions are not granted.]
expected: NOTRUN
[UncalibratedMagnetometer: Test that frequency is capped to allowed maximum.]
expected: NOTRUN
[Magnetometer: Test that frequency is limited to the minimum supported frequency.]
expected: NOTRUN
[UncalibratedMagnetometer: no exception is thrown when calling stop() on already stopped sensor.]
expected: NOTRUN
[Magnetometer: Test that onerror is sent when permissions are not granted.]
expected: NOTRUN
[Magnetometer: sensor timestamp is updated when time passes.]
expected: NOTRUN
[UncalibratedMagnetometer: Test that frequency is limited to the minimum supported frequency.]
expected: NOTRUN
[UncalibratedMagnetometer: Test that onerror is sent when sensor is not supported.]
expected: NOTRUN
[Magnetometer: Test that sensor can be constructed within an iframe allowed to use feature policy.]
expected: NOTRUN
[Magnetometer: Test that sensor cannot be constructed within iframe disallowed to use feature policy.]
expected: NOTRUN
[UncalibratedMagnetometer: no exception is thrown when calling start() on already started sensor.]
expected: NOTRUN
[UncalibratedMagnetometer: throw 'TypeError' if frequency is invalid.]
expected: FAIL
[UncalibratedMagnetometer: Test that onerror is send when start() call has failed.]
expected: NOTRUN
[UncalibratedMagnetometer: frequency hint works.]
expected: NOTRUN
[Magnetometer: throw 'TypeError' if referenceFrame is not one of enumeration values.]
expected: FAIL
[UncalibratedMagnetometer: Readings delivered by shared platform sensor are immediately accessible to all sensors.]
expected: NOTRUN
[Magnetometer: Readings delivered by shared platform sensor are immediately accessible to all sensors.]
expected: NOTRUN
[UncalibratedMagnetometer: Test that readings are all mapped to expectedReadings correctly.]
expected: NOTRUN
[Magnetometer: Test that readings are all mapped to expectedReadings correctly.]
expected: NOTRUN