if (os == "android") and fission: [OK, TIMEOUT]
[X The zero playbackRate should hold the sample value. Expected 0.5 but got 0.5001220703125 at the index 4097 Got false.]
expected: FAIL
[< [synthesize-verify\] 1 out of 1 assertions were failed.]
expected: FAIL
[# AUDIT TASK RUNNER FINISHED: 2 out of 2 tasks were failed.]
expected: FAIL
[< [subsample start with playback rate 0\] 2 out of 2 assertions were failed.]
expected: FAIL
[X output[0:27\]: Expected 0 for all values but found 1 unexpected values: \n\tIndex\tActual\n\t[27\]\t5]
expected: FAIL
[X output[28:\]: Expected 5 for all values but found 8164 unexpected values: \n\tIndex\tActual\n\t[0\]\t6\n\t[1\]\t7\n\t[2\]\t8\n\t[3\]\t9\n\t...and 8160 more errors.]
expected: FAIL